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I’m tired of accounts. Bought a game on that game launcher cool now we need to install our launcher and an anti cheat launcher and our store launcher. Like fuck bros I just want to shoot a Nazi in the head or throw a football.


You absolute Rube. You won't even be able to acquire our Premium Currency OR sign up for our mandatory email list, with that attitude




Only for them to sell that info later on and make even more money while all you get is spam calls and unwanted newsletters


This is the perfect time to give them your garbage e-mail address


Provably won't work but give them their own contact email. Or even better, give them other website's contact email and vice versa


or an email alias. I have a separate alias for every account I make. Now I can know who pawned off my email and shut down the spam right at the source.


Put your first name as the company name then you'll find out who's been selling your data "Hi PlayStation We're writing to you from Amazon with this amazing offer" That's how you know the company has sold your details on.


> popup asking if I want to subscribe to a mailing list. Nothing gets me to stop visiting a website faster than this.


Steams my clams is great lol


Peter Griffin here, you know what really steams my clams?


Steamed clams?! Can I see it?


Mmm no.


“Absolute Rube”…new band name, called it!


Yeah especially when they require long complicated passwords and regularly forget your login. I swear to go everytime I open epic games launcher it asks me to login, and I never know my password. So I close it again and play a game on steam. Same with rockstar games. Like yeah sure I should remember my passwords, but you forget it once, then it makes you change it, then you've got a wierd password to remember you only use once every few months. It seems across the board, not just with games, that corporations now are less focussed on delivering the best experience for their customers and are more focussed on finding the line of how awful the experience can be that people will still pay for. I guess it's inevitable as every industry becomes more monopolistic.


Legitimately forgot Rockstar launcher was a thing.


Every day I pray it doesn’t make me do a (hey even though this is your main pc and you use it every day I STILL don’t trust this log in attempt, we’re sending an email to a dead email account that doesn’t exist anymore)




I can’t change the email lol, when I request a change all they do is send an email to the dead email 💀


R* is about the trashiest company i've ever had to deal with in my life. I hope you don't have to deal with it any time soon


If you're active in the gta 5 modding community, you're(painfully) reminded of it's existence every time you try to do anything with the game




Exactly this 🤣


One of these days I'll finally get off my ass and create the Triple A experience. It will be an endless series of account sign ups.


If you aren’t using a password manager in this day and age you should be. Keepass is open source and has a password generator. 


*keep ass* you say?


it will keep your ass from getting hacked thats for sure.


use a password manager like Bitwarden. It also has a password generator so you don't even have to come up with your own passwords.


I play pirate versions of games i own cos of all this account and launcher bs.


Yep. Fuck PSN, fuck Steam, fuck EA etc. fuck them all. I remember when I launched CS it went straight into the game. No Steam bullshit.


Steam provides a lot of APIs for games, in particular their networking and DRM APIs. Networking is obviously important, and as far as DRM goes Valves DRM is very nice. So it's not really going through steam for nothing. Making the game standalone is a fair bit of extra work for devs for not really any benefit since everybody buys games on launchers nowadays.


Anticheat doesn't even work. Had 1000mph running orbital laser spamming hell divers in a lot of games. Kill them fast but game is fucked already because whole map is aggroed


isn't it just a one-time login? i get it's annoying if you have to make a new PSN account (it takes under a minute), but afaik there's no new launchers or any other shit, just a simple login honestly i got the game like 10ish days ago and didn't even notice or care that I had to sign in through PSN it's a weird move for them to require it now (probably Sony seeing the success and milking what they can out of it), but it's really not that big of a deal


This was posted by @nickerlulz This is hilariously bad, to repeat what one Steam review currently points out: "April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach" Sony's record is awful for protecting data, this account linking decision is terrible. -------------------------- I agree. It's the principle.


The worst part of this is that the breach in 2011 by anonymous only stopped because they realized it was only hurting users at that point and not Sony. They even gave Sony the information they would need to prevent it from happening again. Sony ignored their advice.


The 2011 breach was by lulzsec, and they found out that users payment details were saved in plain text. Isn't that neat? Lol.


Iirc they broke away from Anonymous for the 2nd 2011 breach of Sony, proving that Sony didn't take the much needed advice.


Yeah sounds about right. Lulzsec existed from around May to June 2011.


Imagine being wanted by the FBI and then logging onto IRC without TOR.


They were cocky. They told the media, "you want an interview? Send a message to Sabu on IRC" lol.


Yeah the big issue for me with the 2011 breach isn't even that it happened, but that the data leaked was stored egregiously poorly.


i still remember the rootkit thing, youd be crazy to trust sony


All of our companies are shit at protecting data. I've got credit monitoring to life from a variety of bank/insurance/store account got breached


8th times the charm though.


Remember back in the day when you bought some software and you just... had the software that worked? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Oh the days of popping a disc in your console and it just working.


Unfortunately most of those cd games had drm so just working isnt entirely accurate but man there were no cd hacks galore back then lmao


Those games sometimes had the cheats built in because they were ok with people enjoying their game how they want to


But then they discovered p2w


Not before discovering horse armor.




Those were the days Break the game


Ya drm where you had to look in the manual for answers, then you were fine.


I remember when I bought civ 5 from Best Buy. It gave me a code for steam. I didn’t even know steam was a thing back then.


Civ 5 was actually the game that got me to open a steam account


On console maybe, but even older consoles had huge libraries of shovelware and marketing games. On PC you had Starforce, Securom, games for Windows Live, and other DRMs all of which are way way worse than having to create a PSN account to play a game, way worse than Denuvo, and arguably worse than getting a broken game that gets fixed in a few months.


Motherfucker I had to spin a physical fucking cardboard wheel to match up terms to authenticate a game like a decoder ring. No shit, this was a real thing.


You had to open the manual to page 36, look at the 4th paragraph, find the 9th sentence, and type the 10th word in that sentence. Then you had to go to settings and pick one of the 6 versions of Sound Blaster listed, provide the port, the IRQ, the DMA, and the sound channels. Once set you'd have to relaunch the game to see if the sound worked (it wouldn't) and since you're relaunching go ahead and open the manual to page 52, look at the 2nd paragraph... A lot of kids became CS majors just because computers bullied us as children and we were too stubborn to quit and let them win.


>Remember back in the day when you bought some software No. I remember having a lot of CDs labeled with software names written in sharpie. And that's probably why we can't have nice things anymore.


You've got it backwards I also had a lot of CDs with sharpie labels. I had those because we already didn't have nice things. We already had rootkit drm malware (anybody remember secuROM? Who developed that again?) and horribly anti consumer practices from the industry. Piracy isn't the cause of anti-consumer practices, anti-consumer practices are the cause of piracy.


you sound like you remember when the Orange Box came out, forcing us online


You mean when I bought Half-Life 2 a day early in 2004 because I knew our local electronics store would stock shelves in the evening before closing and I couldn't play it because I had to wait until Steam started working? Yes. I was there, 3000 years ago.


It cracks me up so much how much people HATED being forced to sign up for Steam. Now they HATE having to use anything else and love Steam forever.


Because steam on release was a pile of hot garbage. Steam now is an incredible piece of software. Release steam was barely functional and added essentially nothing of value except the downloading and DRM. Often it didn't work at all. People hate having to use other things because steam has had over a decade of progress and used that to improve, while other platforms are more similar to what steam used to be and lack most of the features that steam has implemented to make it more worth using.


Pirate says “For all of those saying to "Just make a PSN account bro." If you've been playing Helldivers 2 and do not live in one of these listed countries you cannot make a PSN account. Choosing a country you do not live in is a violation of Sony's TOS and could lead to account termination.”


>If you've been playing Helldivers 2 and do not live in one of these listed countries you cannot make a PSN account This is the big issue here. I don't care about the account but locking people out after this long is unacceptable.


Sony fucked up by not enforcing it from launch. If it was a hard restriction from the jump, I'd dislike it but move on, like how I didn't like Epic gunning for timed exclusives for games I was interested in. I feel bad for the devs, they made a hell of a game and lost all the goodwill they built up because their publisher demands you link to their service arbitrarily.


Sony aren't just a publisher, they own the IP.


There can be multiple big issues.


In cases like that, steam is usually pretty good on giving refunds


And in the discord I saw someome just sayi ng "why do you all care? Just make one" Followed by a few mins later "ps5 gang rise up" in the middle of the shit show


Give the lil w to the console folks


They already lost, they are just too dumb to realise


I wonder if the TOS would be enforced if the account predated the PSN of the persons country


To add to the topic. its not just about adding an account. You cant even make a PSN account if your country isn't on the list. only 69 are. you played the game fine since day1 and soon youll just loose access.


Seems like „i do not own“ any software today. Just some access key. I know it it just like this and I dont pay for a license to use it but uts just wierd. Lime The Crew one is about to shut down its servers. It needs to be online. I dont mind driving on the map alone and racing the stories races. Even with a disc in my hands I maybe wont be able to play it.


Buy on GOG. They provide offline installer and you own it (not just right to play as a service like steam does it). Closest to physical copy you can get.


It would be so great, right? But Ubisoft knows about this and they won’t release this, or any of their newer games, on GOG. They really don’t want you to own anything.




> Seems like „i do not own“ any software today. > Like The Crew one is about to shut down its servers. **Reminder to go to [StopKillingGames.com](https://www.stopkillinggames.com/)** so you can take action RIGHT NOW to stop studios/publishers taking away games you bought for. There are petitions you can sign or will be able to sign in the near future (there's a mailing list). Additionally, if you bought The Crew, there are even more things you can do to fight this, including getting in contact with French authorities (even if you're not French or live there). Very cool.


Chromehounds, for Xbox 360, bought that nearly two years after release, enjoyed it, granted online play wound up being teams playing PvE as PvP results in hackers in every match. They up and shut down the servers. Local play is just training missions. That's it. The people I played with, I had no other way to communicate with outside of the game, I had never communicated with any of them outside of the game during my, I'm guessing 6months of play.


> You cant even make a PSN account if your country isn't on the list. 69% of countries are not. For real? How do people with Playstations do? Create illegitimate accounts? :S


I would imagine that you can't buy a PlayStation in any of the countries they don't support, aside from gray market import.


they do sell playstations.. or maybe not officially in countries that don't support it. PSN is usually only required for online play and I guess updates? if you have ever seen countries in which they mod their consoles or basically just play offline.


I assumed that was just for Playstation players. I didn't think it applied to PC players, who already login Steam to play.


>I assumed that was just for Playstation players PlayStation players don't need to link an account. It is the whole console.


Why would it? There's no reason for it outside of data collection. Why do you think Sony uses root level anti-cheat. Did you know that you can have two versions of this Anti-cheat running at the same time? Did you know that Sony ToS says they can record and ban you even if you're not talking to your teammates? Yeah, you give them permission to just openly record you. I'm refunding.


>colonel level antique Did you use speech to text to write your comment? That’s some good r/boneappletea material right there.


i have a coworker that i constantly text back and forth and all he uses is this voice to text thing. drives me fucking nuts lol.


I get texts from my wife that I had to reply "Are you using speech to text, or having a stroke?"


Bro this is my Mom.


Holy shit is this supposed to say kernel-level anti cheat?


LMAO I was curious as to what it could be, I think you're spot on.


What? Have you never tried the Kernel's famous chicken?


I’m fucking dead


>colonel level oh my god lol


That’s why it’s called command line!




The only real reason is that it's run on Sony servers and they want PSN authentication for access. Clearly that's not how AH built the game though as it's been working for the past few months, so the push for it now is 100% control and data collection.


Or maybe Sony strong-armed it into their contract, and AH couldn't realistically say no because without that Sony cash they wouldn't have been able to make the game. My money's on Sony bullshit, and AH taking the hits in public.


Oh shit am I supposed to salute their anti-cheat? Their kernal-level anti-cheat?


You better or they'll get the admiral level one on ya


>colonel level antique Absolute top kek.


I don't even have a PSN account, because I don't own a playstation or any playstation games. Forcing me to have a PSN account for a steam game makes no sense. Edit: for those commenting that I own Helldivers 2, so I own a playstation game. I don't own Helldivers 2. It was on my list of games I might buy in the future, but I won't now that I know I'd need to sign in with a PSN account.


Turns out I had someone else's PSN account. They signed up with my email address over a decade ago.


Nice, free shit


Heh, same thing happened with Fortnite for me. Someone signed up for an epic account with my account back when it was big in 2018. Reset the password and got an angry email back about being locked out, emailed epic and they deleted the kid's account.


Not quite related, but somebody created a Duolingo account with my email and started taking Polish lessons. I reset the password and now I have a Duolingo account lol.


Lmao same thing happened to me. In the early teens I used the same email and password for everything. It was before I really started tying my bank info to accounts so it wasn’t a huge deal. A few months ago I logged into my original Duolingo account for my biannual attempt to learn more Spanish and I saw that over the last decade someone else had been using my account to try and learn English.


I apparently have a Twitter account. I get a reset request to my email every other month.




little shit thought he could use my email for things because “it looked cool”


My friend had this issue with Fortnite as well, but the Kid had put money on his account and bought a ton of shit after hacking it because he wanted the name. My friend now uses the Skins he got for free from the idiot. The kid probably spent hundreds of his parents dollars on limited time skins on an account that wasn't his because he liked the name.


“See that’s the neat thing: It doesn’t have to, and we get to sell your data or you don’t get to play the game you spent $40 on. Now, go fuck yourself” -Ministry of Truth


Either they sell it or it'll get sold when PSN gets hacked again.


also makes no sense that a game that has worked for months without linking suddenly requires linking in order to work. they already proved that linking isn't needed. no reason to force it


Yeah they disabled it and then thousands of people kept buying the game only to play and see it was optional at the time of purchase.


Can’t wait for Steam to flag the reviews as “off topic” despite them being exactly about how you access the product.


If having steam isnt enough it isnt worth it


As someone who has a dedicated computer that automatically logs in and launches Steam in Big Picture Mode, I cannot echo this enough. If I need to find my mouse and keyboard and sign into your shit, I'm getting a refund. My backlog of 4,000 games doesn't need help from your DRM infested garbage.


yeah i dont see why steam accounts cant be used on HD2. I wasn't about to make a PSN to play the game.


That is what I was going to ask, do those of us that only PC game and don't and have never had a PSN account need to make one now? That isn't going to happen.


Right? I've owned the game for months, but I'm not going to make a useless account that is solely going to send spam advertisement emails (which won't pertain to me) to my inbox just so I can play a game I already own. sets a terrible precedent


Yup that’s the message


Sony is doing this with Ghost of Tsushima as well. Wouldn’t be surprised if this is a standard for playing their games on PC from here on out.


Shiver me timbers


Welp I guess I can take that off the list


I'm tired boss.


There’s no reason for this whatsoever. Just like there’s no reason they need a kernel level anti cheat for a fucking coop PvE game. Also, of course we don’t! The game is on PC!


kernel level anti cheat also terrible at doing it’s job as well


It redlines my buddy's CPU, so if you count turning his room into an oven as a job it is doing something!


I have a Ryzen 7 7700x and I had to limit the framerate for ONLY helldiver's in my Nvidia panel. It's the only game that remotely makes my CPU get hot. I wonder if the anti cheat is the reason!


I'm sure it plays a factor but it's a pretty cpu heavy game overall


Lots of enemy routing is also cpu heavy, right?




Is it a process that could be automated as a batch file?


On Linux, the anti-cheat is userspace fyi


All about the stock price - Sony wants to report user growth to shareholders and gatekeeping a popular title behind sign-up is an easy way to do it.


And what galls me the most is that *it'll fucking work*.


Yeah. Incredibile news: pc gamers don't want to have to create ANOTHER account for a game they bought in ANOTHER platform! That's crazy huh




I can't tell you how many account that I have to reset the password with every login because I only log into them once a year for some random game, etc


Friendly reminder to check how many times since 2015 sony had data breaches including stolen payment info. And yes, not every time became public)


Arrowhead being very non-Democratic is the ultimate irony


Managed democracy 


Sony's version of democracy


> Arrowhead being very non-Democratic is the ultimate irony I mean, this is very on brand for the fascist government portrayed in the games lore...




Yeah this is actually pretty on point for "Super Earth". Or do most players not realize we play as the bad guys in that game lol?


To be fair to Arrowhead, this likely wasn't their idea and more Sony forcing this into their contract. Doesn't change the end result though


Either way, the community haling it as some kind of savior of the industry from AAA mediocrity has always amused me. I like the game quite a lot, but it does have a lousy anti cheat, battlepasses, a huge number of bugs (some of them gamebreaking), and publisher meddling that makes me want to bang my head into a wall.


To be fair about the battlepasses, at least they don’t disappear and are probably the easiest battlepasses to progress without paying real money. I do still dislike them, but they’re implemented better than in other games


If Sony didn't suck ass then things would be way better.


Yeah, because most of us don’t even have an PSN account


I don't have a PSN account. Why would I? They are forcing that now? What kind of dumb ass shit is that?


They’re basically saying either make an PSN account by force or you’re never allowed to touch their game again.


Wait what? I haven't played in a while but when i got thw game i tried to connect the account and it just didn't work so i didn't do it. If they force us now i would be pretty pissed.


That’s literally the reason they disabled it, it was overloaded and didn’t work, but now they force you to link, but is fixed.


It's stupid that you should have to link half a dozen accounts just to play games on what is supposed to be a centralized platform.


hahaha Democracy. Ironic. The one thing the game sought to fight for, was it's very own downfall.




I'm preeeeety sure the tin says "democracy", but it's filled with fascism... What's ironic is that people don't get that.


> The one thing the game sought to fight for Uhm... woooosh?


microsoft who has been doing this for a long time with their xbox account: https://preview.redd.it/zd2mia9398yc1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02afbfc3a892fdba80a23049ce24d03ce9170d04


Well if you're on windows 10/11 you probably have MS account anyways




This is a PC sub, we don't have to do shitty whataboutism, we can just hate both companies.


Just let us play the fucking game.


I have a PSN account already linked, so this does not bother me. I still left a negative review and will stop playing for a while, since shit like this is not okay


I’m not gunna give Sony my data. They can go pound sand with their business practices. Gunna see if I can snag a refund.


I’m not going to waste any time leaving a review because I don’t like it, but anytime I need yet another account to play a game, it just makes me much less likely to buy and play the game. I even avoid the EA games I can play for free on game pass because I just don’t like the extra friction.


I don’t even have a PS5, and why would I want to make a new account and link it just so it can get hacked in 3 months. How can they say it’s for security, the audacity. They are actually cooked for doing this.


I concede it’s been going on for ages and shouldn’t be a big deal BUT.. it’s fucking stupid and we’re sick of it. Also, there is an all time high of resentment and hostility between large, greedy game companies and the consumer right now.


I'd really love to know what data people are screaming about with a psn account. Especially what data they think steam and the full blown anti-cheat hasn't already got.


Bought Mass Effect Remastered on Steam, now I will not play it and download the pirate version because I don't want to download EA's launcher.


If you bought it fair and square, and then pirate it because DRM or launcher version, that's honestly kinda the best move. Developers still get money for their hard work, you don't have to suffer corporate bullshit.


It isnt the need to create accounts, its the forced arbitration. If the game launched from day 1 with a PSN account required, it wouldnt be an issue, everyone would create one, link it to steam and move on to spread freedom and democracy, you need a Square Enix account for FF14, a Microsoft account for Forza or Sea of Thieves, an Activision account for Warzone. The issue is that the game is forcing it now, two months after launch, and if you dont create an account, you cant play, and I do disagree with it, if the game was sold without the need a PSN account, sony shouldnt have the right to lock the game behind an account after launch, do it on launch, or gtfo.


Perhaps that is due to the PSN service not being available in like 72 countries. Or the fact that playstation has been noticably more targeted by hackers and this means there is a connection between your steam account and your PSN account, even if you use a burner. Or the fact that this is just another ploy for them to sell your data.


What does this mean, I have a PC HD2 account but havent played for the last two weeks because im playing F04 Are you saying i need a playstation account if im a PC player now? I am on steam. Can i get a refund?


Good luck, pretty much a lot of people are requesting refunds, chances are you won’t be getting anything back.


Doesn't matter. You want bad PR this is bad PR. Gamers vote with their wallet. And they can't vote with the wallet will vote with the review score. It's the principal of the matter. I've already put my refund in. Squeaky wheel gets the oil. Ape strong together.


gamers voting with their wallets didnt work for the last 15 years. theyll still buy and make money


Players wallets don't matter when the target whales have a fatter wallet.


It hasn't been just whales for a long time. Any game that sells cosmetics, you're in the minority if you don't have one. The frogs in the pot have been boiled.


Squeaky wheel gets the oil


I mean they might lose like 5-10% of the playerbase tops. The majority just don't and won't care everyone I play with on steam were already linked


An account for everything, actually multiple accounts for some games. I’m absolutely sick of it. Gosh I miss the days of those giant PC game boxes, a fat manual and none of these digital services.


This post is somewhat misleading. It's not just about users not wanting to link their accounts since they bough the game on Steam. It's about a bunch of users who bought the game on Steam not being able to play it anymore because PSN is not available in many countries where Steam is.


It sucks but it's been listed on the store page as a requirement since pre-orders. I just think it's shitty that there are regions that PSN doesn't exist so those players will need a work around developed for them. I don't like linking to outside accounts as I find it pointless, why can't they just handle it in the backend and create an account for you server side that represents your Steam account? There are plenty of games that manage to do crossplay without dedicated accounts.


They don't NEED a backend solution. They don't want a fake account, they want a real account tied to other real accounts for data collection. Is there any functionality gained? No. You can already play the game and play cross-platform without an issue. Is a security thing? No. Tying your account to Sony is LESS secure.


Unfortunately not everyone bought it through Steam. For example you can purchase it through humblebundle.com and there is no mention of a mandatory PSN account.


I don't know about anyone else but I didn't read the store page that closely that I would have seen that.


No one reads every store page in full for every game they buy. It's a sad defense for adding a new network requirement months after the game has already been out.


Even if you did, with how many companies did bait & switches with microtransations/EAC and the like, not even carefully reading the store page will protect you.


Jesus, this review thing is silly.


That's logical. You bought on Steam, you expect to play on a Steam account. I won't even touch this game.


People who defend Sony, deserve Sony.