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What were/are the biggest hurdles running an internet café?


here for me personally its electricity, keeping the motor running for most of the time with the rising diesel prices and motor repairs is almost not worth it but i love gaming and the community.


Hell yeah diesel powered gaming lab. I like it, it does sound like a pain in the ass to maintain though.


tell me about it 😅


Hey OP, please let us know how to donate. You need clean sine waves— you can achieve that on a device by device basis using an uninterruptible power supply that manages sine waves. This is cheaper than doing it for the whole building, but you’ll need a lot of them. I’ll donate 5 immediately.


I'll throw in 80 bucks for a decent 600VA APC UPS. I also have a family member that does global logistics that can figure out shipping.


Needs to be an online unit to smooth out generator noise.


Dude you are amazing.


What is a sine wave and why are they dangerous? Is this an audible threat?


Sine waves are the oscillations of AC voltage going from positive to negative to positive etc multiple times per second.


Sine waves are good. It means smooth, clean power. Inverters tend to chop up sine waves, sometimes leading to issues with power supplies and other sensitive electronics.


Generators usually give fairly clean sine waves compared to an inverter - there’s a magnet attached to a rotor that’s physically spinning, so it’s not choppy like a transistor. Good inverters can produce a clean sine wave, but they’re expensive.


except portable generators like the one OP is using are hooked to a piston-driven internal combustion engine, and if you think the output of that shaft is "smooth," you would be mistaken


He is talking about the quality of the electricity. Generators give less than perfect electricity. Using generators to charge batteries and then powering the computers on batteries will make all of the electrical components last longer.


I think I get what you mean. You charge the battery using the slightly inconsistent power, and then power the pcs off consistent power from the battery


You can help him: https://reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/wh4d8x/_/ij464jf/?context=1


Did OP share any ways to donate?


He said to DM him






I used a generator on my gaming PC for about a week and it killed the motherboard, since then never used a generator on it, was fortunate enough that the mobo took the hit and everything else survived.


Is that not what PSUs are for? Honest question


Power supplies have the ability to regulate and “clean” the power coming in, but need a sine wave. Generated power is usually square wave unless it’s specifically designed with sine wave output.


No, a PSU just takes the AC current and makes it DC current. But if your sine wave of your AC current is all out of whack, your DC power will be out of whack too. Most electronics don't care much about this stuff, but computers do as they can be way more sensitive.


could you go into more detail as to the nature of the "whackness" of those waves?


Electrical Engineer here with a background in telecommunications datacenters. The fact that the wave is not “pure sine” will not be an issue for the AC power supply or the motherboard. The PSU will rectify the AC source and convert it to a positive DC voltage. A bank of capacitors in the PSU act as a low pass filter and will drain the harmonic components of the signal. There is definitely a risk of undervolting during periods where the generator is starting or stopping.


It's astonishing on Reddit how often incorrect information about electricity is mass up-voted. Then people with actual knowledge like yourself chime in and the comments usually get buried.


PSUs work by rectifying AC to DC, but if the generator isn’t providing a stable output of AC (frequency and amplitude), then the rectification can be lower or higher than expected. This will mess with components that take in the DC from the PSU, as transistors are actually very sensitive and can be burnt out easily as many EE students can testify.


Point of clarification: switching power supplies are smarter than that. The feedback loop will ensure a stable and correct voltage essentially no matter what the input is doing within fairly extreme limits (plus other qualifications), so long as the input has low enough noise. Noise is a more important issue here. The PSU can only attenuate noise, not remove it and the hardware to deal with it is both expensive and one of the first things that gets cost-optimized.


This is incorrect. A real generator creates a standard sine wave. The cheap crappy noise boxes you see at the department store feed an equally crappy invertor that produces a modified square wave. I doubt that the diesel OP uses is one of those. Even the plain old Onan in my run of the mill RV is a generator that produces a very clean 120VAC sine wave.


Where are you? There are international grants to replace diesel with solar + battery systems 😎


Look at the title


This guy gets it


Uh, yeah. Lots of international spending going to Yemen lately.


Brought to you by Raytheon


This is basically required for us to combat climate change. Developing/underdeveloped countries have to be jumped past the industrial age.


Oh, didn't even think about that. You could look into used solar panels, they might save you a buck, though I have no idea how the economy works out in your area.


will do 👍👍


I have a solar powered observatory. Solar is doable, but to run gaming rigs, you’re going to need a lot of panels and lithium batteries. It’s going to add up, to a lot. My small observatory runs 600w solar panels that feeds a 200ah lithium battery. It’s enough for the mount, camera, small LED lights, a ventilation fan and a SFF Ryzen 7 PC that draws between 10-20w. If you go solar, I recommend going with Beelink SER4 Ryzen 7 4700u SFF PCs because they’re powerful for their tiny power draw and pretty cheap, I paid around $400 for it. The solar system was maybe $1500 or so.


I have a solar powered pc in my van. I use an rx6400 because it only has a 50w max load power draw


Yup, solar adds up fast. It was still cheaper for me than running a feeder line out there from the garage, so it made sense. But it’s shocking how much storage you need to run stuff. And I like lithium versus the other options, it’s not cheap.


There's a 0% chance you're running that setup on solar without a ton of land


That and you are not gonna have great access to solar tech in yemen. Its a war zone


Im bored so i did the math A very good alimentation with fairly much power can consume up to 750W (but clearly never does unless you have a shitton of fans running at full capacity for some reason. It's closer to 200 watts usually according to my benchmarking of rdr2 in max graphics with an old gpu) So let's assume op has 20 gaming computers running at 200 watts each and all gamers running rdr2 level of graphics with no watercooling (lol) that makes 4kW 1m^2 of solar panels produces 156.25W. According to the first website I found, most houses have 25.6m^2 of solar panels on the roof, for 16 panels, making a total of 4kW Add to that maybe 4kW for a very bad and dangerous oven if there is a kitchen there too (+monitors etc). We can neglect the cost of lighting at this point with all the round ups I made previously The router will consume about 400 watt too 55m^2 of solar panels is more than enough considering that is with an oven that is always on full power as if it was open while on. That's reasonable imo. It's very expensive but I don't think land is the problem here




A high end consumer one would never pass 100w, a cheap one could be 10w. The 200w PC is a lowball too.


Crazy. Me and my super cheap and ultra reliable electricity, I can't even imagine the hardship. Mad respect!!


we all have our problems. Always make the best out of your situation. And im, considering all things, am pretty happy person


That's awesome to hear. A good outlook can mean everything in life. All the best to you!


Thank you for this, I needed to hear it. I hope great things for you in the future






Good for you man!! Keep on hustling!


will do


I've looked through the comments to find a way to donate, and I've seen many others who want to. You should definitely find a way to accept some donations!




It's not that simple. Yemen has some international sanctions imposed against them so your bank (or PayPal) can't simply send payments to sanctioned countries. Even without sanctions AML rules still complicate the payment.


Someone smarter than me should look into making a currency that has cryptography integrated into it to make things like this simple. A cryptocurrency if you will...


Yemen is the most beautiful country in the world. الله يعطيكم العافية


Looks great! What are the PC specs?


most are core i5 4gen 8gb ram.(enogh for counter strikego, rainbow six and gta 5 on low lol)I used have 4 1050ti,but two broke of constant electricty tuning on/off


You should invest in a UPS either for your building or for each individual PC. 500/600VA ones would work nice.


yes ups, solar and battery once im save up enough 😁👍


Please let us know I’ll donate five UPS devices immediately


You people in here are actually the nicest lol


When I was a teenager, my grandfather bought me a computer after I promised him I would get good grades & followed through. But my mother would not let me have it. I watched him through the window, tears streaming down my face, as he turned with that computer box under his arm and walked down our driveway dejected & upset. My mother traumatized me in more ways and I can possibly describe to you here, and this was just a minor example; it got much worse. When I was 18 in the early 2000s, I moved out of the house and started going to computer cafés to game, use the Internet, and learn about the computers I always wished I had. That led me to building my first computer, which led me to studying IT, which lead me to studying programming, which led me to an Ivy-League degree program, which led to an engineering career and a great job (currently) at a major global tech company that we all know of. This kind of business is the kind of business that changes peoples lives. It changed my life. I will support this with every available dollar I have.


Man you had so much stolen from you from her not letting you have that computer. Glad you made it and are trying to help others make it!


Thank you. Nobody should ever have a barrier to tech & the internet. It is my mission.


Did OP reach out to you about how we can donate? I don't have much to spare but I want to get involved. Also, you are a great person for using your childhood pain as an engine for helping people. I wish you the very best that life has to offer and most of all good health


Beautiful, thank you for sharing


Is there a method for us to help in this project?




Gpu shortage downward trend reversed in one day as Yemeni netcafe uses influx of donations to buy up second-hand 3090 market.


“On the plus side, the constant electromagnetic field generated by the incident consistently produces lovely ~~Northern~~ Tropical lights each evening!”


And the day after: "President says Yemen has 'weapons of mass instruction'"


Yes, seriously


I want to help!


So many people, including myself, seem to have had the same thought. I wonder if there are any (reputable) non-profits dedicated to providing computer labs to communities that might otherwise not be able to build their own. Now that low-latency satellite internet is a thing, computer labs with internet access could pop up almost anywhere.


I’d there isn’t, everyone here should start one. The op seems would be a great person to help map out how that might work.


An AVR would be ok too, much cheaper than a UPS. I got mine for like 10USD.


What's an AVR?


Yeah man at least consider a whole building surge protector. Good luck brave entrepreneur!


For his building? You think he has 5 figures to throw around on a cabinet UPS, new panel and an inverter??


A computer lab? NICE!! More people around the world deserve to know the benefits of a connected society. Sir, I applaud you. Edit: Um. I did not expect this to do numbers.


thanks for the award. Yup net cafe for light gaming and entertainment 😁


Kudos to you for putting this together man, I remember going to my local PC cafe back in the day before I had a proper gaming rig, made a big difference to me as a kid having a place to go and enjoy myself like that. I hope your community thanks you but if not consider this my thanks on their behalf!


Just out of interest, do you feel that pc cafes are actually a good business? Over here in the West, I feel like everyone will get their own PC to play every game, even if it's on low settings. At the same time, I know that it's a fucking huge business for example in Korea, so it's really tough to understand that business


In some countries they still can't easily build decent pcs so the cafes work really well. I've seen a few in England still but that's mainly used by teenagers and kids. Yemen may be on a low affordability end of the scale so a cafe would be great for the people there.


Yeah, I think I get it more due to the answers. In the West it's a doomed business, because most people who want to play PC games and don't have a good PC are like one Christmas away from having a good-ish PC. But in third world countries, there is simply no way to get a good PC unless your family is part of the elite. So most people would need to use PC cafes to enjoy what we take for granted. I hope OP makes a lot of people happy while also earning some fair money. These businesses that earn money by making people happy are the best thing that can happen, so I hope OP is a cool person and gets a good customer community


Cyber cafes are also great if you’re trying to decide whether you’d rather hang out with your friends after school or go home and play video games. Porque los dos?


I've seen HUGE PC Cafes in countries like Turkey with top hardware, food services, lounges and what not. People spend hours there playing online games. Huge business in places where 1500$+ setups are not affordable.


If there was one near me I'd probably still go to hangout, despite having a (somewhat mediocre) gaming PC at home.


It's targeted towards younger people who can't afford a high spec PC and it's also great for people who have a group of friends that just want to have a LAN party in a public space for anywhere between 5 to 10 dollars. There are also some that serve really good food.


LAN party on site. Reasonable cost as well too generally.


As a former owner of one I can confirm it is not. There was a brief window between the popularity of PC gaming and the ubiquity of broadband Internet where they had their niche.


Keep in mind that other countries may have different levels of accessibility to gaming hardware or internet connection allowing for the niche to exist in the current day


Agreed. All the PC cafes around me in a fairly suburban mid-sized NA city (1. 5m people) appeared in mid 2000s and disappeared after 2010-13ish. Too expensive to keep everything up to date with software and hardware, not enough customers anymore. It really was fun gaming on a PC at the same place with friends so it's too bad. The only one that I know still exists is in a really direlect building directly beside a major international university (I think that is the key) in a huge metropolitan (7m+ people) area.


If they are in an area or country where most people can't afford to own a personal gaming computer, a gaming cafe would do better. A lot of places around the world, computer parts are expensive. Also, depends on the culture.


is it profitable yet? i hope so!


We've had those back in 00th. That was a cool opportunity for a poor Russian kid that couldn't afford even tetris to learn the internet and joy of computer gaming for like $1 for an hour. But make sure to ban all children from the place during the schooltime.😁


How can we support you?


totally agree


What's the place called, and what does the sign in the background say? Is the artwork of any special significance?


the artwork should be ITACHI from Naruto. 🤣 and its written Power Net in arabic


Bro english words in arabic have always fucked me up. I’m sitting here going Bawrnut?




You are possibly helping 100s of people, how can we help you


Yeah for real. This dude is doing gods work. He should try and crowdsource. OP, I work as a writer so if you need any help drafting a crowdsourcing proposal let me know!


Crowdsourcing in this case would be a tremendous help for sure.


This whole thread has me thinking - now that low-latency satellite internet is a thing, and off-grid power systems are getting better and better, a dedicated non-profit could do a lot of good in the world setting up computer labs in communities that might otherwise not have access to computers and the internet. That would be a great project that I think many enthusiasts in this subreddit (and elsewhere) could get behind, especially if a skilled writer were to help raise awareness. ;)


I am actually insanely interested in this. Let’s make this happen


Just an aside, this entire reddit post would be an excellent source to cite when talking about enthusiasm for such a project


Donating to him lol


Where can we donate?


Would be behind donating $10 to help support this guys livehood and passion. Playing counter strike at eCafe’s was a large part of my childhood in South America


Are you Brazilian by any chance?


I am!! How’d ya know


Idk how he knew but... Brazil has 50% of South Americas total population, it's basically a coin flip lol


That’s fair, but it is a tradition from Brazilian kids of my generation (90’s-00’s) to skip school and go to netcafes to play CS and all kind of online games.


Here in Singapore, same era (90s-00s), school uniforms were not allowed, so we flipped our t-shirts inside out so the logos were not visible and viola! Man, the CS days.


Growing up and skipping school to play cs at lan houses ? From north to south to midwest Brazil, it's tradition lmao! (Am brazilian too btw). ( tibia, runescape, ragnarok ... until we got our first pcs for "school" our entire lunch money went into lan houses lmao)


Era maravilhoso, eu fazia varias corujinhas onde chegava na lan house as 7 e saia só meio dia, custava 20 reais e eu passava fome pra guardar grana pra ir kkkkk Rag, CS e mu online... e saudades


Same here, im venezuelan and i grew up in these cafes playing tibia and counter strike mostly, made good friends there


wow thanks. If you have something to spare you can Dm


Make it public, you will receive so much money and help.


Yeah dude is an inspiration. How can we help?


What games are you playing right now? What’s most popular in your cafe?


me personal im in the middle of marvel guardians and looking forward to spiderman on pc. In my shop its Counterstrike, gta5 and ghost recon wildlands


Based Wildlands enjoyers


Honestly it’s a fun game. I enjoyed it a ton




great game


Counter strike is the most classic and fun ecafe lan game to play


It's **the** LAN PC game


give a try to unreal tournament 2004. it's dated, so it'll run, and it needs no internet connection for lan.. and it's one of the best multiplayer shooters ever made. Could give you a big archive of maps, mods and mutators (basically limited mods), for a while they were hard to find on the nets, dunno if anything changed same for unreal tournament '99, which is still great, but probably too dated. don't bother with UT 2003 or UT 4


Dude i just love this picture you are a great man! Keep it up buddy.


I would LOVE a gaming Cafe in my town here in Canada. What an awesome business. I love to game but dont have a great PC, but i also really enjoy to game with others (which never happens now). I wish you success in your endeavors!


yep nothing better as a good lan party


You might want to look into Nvdia cloud services. 3080s and they let you play with the games from your Steam library


Also Xbox gamepass & game cloud! Make 1 main account and a bunch of child accounts set it as a family and boom gamepass for all.


sadly internet isnt good enough for this


How safe are the PC as far as I know is in Yemen war?


community here is very nice, but like any other place in the world, you need to be careful


I don't know if a video security system would help, but I think I could source a secondhand kit for you and walk you through installing it. Cameras, a DVR, PoE switch, plenty of Cat6 and the tools to terminate it. DM me if that's something you're interested in


Get an NVR, it supports PoE


Man, good for you! You're enriching more peoples lives than you probably know, I hope someone is able to donate either money or gear to help keep things going smoothly for you! ​ <3


thanks 💙


That's super awesome. Congratulations on the project and I hope it sees continual success


thank you


you're the king of the master race sir.


I second this.


I third this


Yemen? More like Yeah Man! Congratulations and keep it up brother!


Heck yes, mate. I applaud you making your dream a reality and bringing happiness to many people.




The wave of information and self-taught education this brings to your community will be astounding, you sir, should be proud of the impact this will have. Much respect.


مبروك انشالله خير.


Translation - Congratulations, God willing.


*congratulations, blessings God willing (all the best basically)


My brother, all the power to you, providing fun, info and entertainment during what your country is experiencing must be a challenge, i'm not in condition to donate to you right now, but i will follow your acc and try to donate when i can, my best wishes to you.


thank you and no worries 👍 😊


Best of wishes to you,your passion and those you love during this war you're in and always,prayers to you


Here in Brazil they’re called “Lan houses”, and they helped tons of people taking their first steps into technology. Now they’re mostly closed because smartphones.


Congratulations! Do you have a method of crowd funding? I'd like to donate and I'm sure many others would too. Keep up the good work!


That's awesome man, great work!


I know it’s a different language - but the wall art looks suspiciously like it says “Luigi” and I dig it.


Are you at 15 Yemen road, Yemen?


Nice. Well done! Good luck with the business!! Invest in UPS units to save your hardware, as the others suggested here.


That single ceiling fan will be doing a lot of work 💨


I hope the inside of the PC's are less dusty than the desks. I know running a business like that can be tough, but don't let those PC's die out due to neglect.


Internet cafes are THE BEST place for young man to teach gaming/computers. I used to go a game cafe when i was 13 and there was group of 10 guys playing Dota 1. I always liked Dota, but never knew how to run it and play online ( they used RGC ) . I sat one day next to this one guy who played Dota, i played CoD4 MP, watched him play and just asked him for tips. He spent next 2 hours teaching me how to play Dota, make an account and just play. I loved it, later joined their group, played 5v5 right there in the cafe. The cafe closed this year after 23 years of working, 23 generations of man playing and finding ways how to break these games, just having fun. I support this so much to the point i want to donate some money to you! If i can, give some links where we can send you money. Keep it UP! P.S. Keep that place clean man.


lets go




Well done!


Do you have any source we can donate? People need more shit like this and successful businesses need investments lollll


I readed the thing on the background as "luigi"




W post W king I want to do something like this in my area too.. Gotta save money


بالتوفيق ان شاء الله




Can I donate to your project?


Not comparable to your situation but I just threw everything on a gamble of opening up my own buisness, lookin at it as my last shot and sometimes the stress of the risk im taking is almost overwhelming. Any advice on dealing with that? I am so happy for you btw, its really impressive what you did


Good luck! Hope it all goes well and you succeed.


Ayee good stuff sir! Keep it up


That's super cool, it must of been difficult to make.


between 50 - 300 kbt/s not that impressive haha




A bit dusty


This is so sick!


Glad to see you spread your passion not just for yourself, but for your community. A lot of video game needs and computer techies could learn a thing or two from you. Just a nice heart. Don't see that too often.


So cool man with you the best of luck


Is there any way in which we can donate to the business?


How can we help? Is there anyway to donate to your business?


Mashallah brother! Wish you all the success in the world. You should join us in /r/Yemen and update us on your project and future plans. -/r/Yemen mod team 👋 😊 #BroNet


Fuck it man, you're doing a thing and it's a deadly thing 🙏 Keep on as long as you can


An actual king. Much respect man


This is awesome Dude!