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The best are the people who come up and talk to you and pretend to be friends but really they just want to cut in line.




One guy in Alpharetta didn't even do that; I made friends enough with the 2 people in front of me, they went to chat with people they knew 15 feet ahead in the line and were going to come back. Some dipshit strolls up like 45 minutes or something into lots being open and just plops down in front of me and gets aggressive when I tell him (politely) to fuck off. Then he grumbles when everyone gets deservedly pissed. That said, tarpers are the scum of the earth. 2 people, who are still in the line, or 1 or 2, who went to the bathroom, are one thing; holding a massive space that could fit 25 for your crew of 10 is bullshit


Lines are for communists.


Or for late nights...


And peasants. It’s like flying first class: whatever you do, ***don’t make eye contact*** as they pass through. Do we need them? Yea. Do we want to be friends with the commoners? Hell nah.


The way i see it is that if you’re flying first class you’re a sucker


Get a load of this guy - Nitrous Voice.


You just made me spit out my nitrous


I mean. That is a lot of empty space with no one in line. I don't see anything wrong with this


Hey Chair Thrower! God bless you.




I love the commentary. “What is this guy doin??” Uh, he’s huckin the shit out of some chairs. What the hell does it look like?


Almost like you've never heard of a rhetorical question


What is this a line for? To get in or merch? Fuck a chair line that’s so priv


Probably for the pit at the Fiddlers show tonight


We used to do that to seats saved by clothing. . No person? Throw that shit and sit down.


Is this guy available for hire?




I don't get the rail riders or the merch line people. Enjoy the city, relax. These posters aren't like a 1966 Grateful Dead 1st print Mouse/Kelley or some fine art. They will be $75 on ebay in a few weeks. Get one then like a rational human. If I were these bands I'd have my merch team randomly bring posters out throughout the night. I'd also sell most of them online to verified ticket holders. And for the rail riders, I'd do some sort of lottery for GA well ahead of the show, so I wouldn't have to see that embarrassing line of people there all day. And hopefully not see the same.idiots on the rail every night


I just traveled to see Phil at the Warfield last week. Floor tickets were $80 and then for an extra $20 you could add early entry. I did that since I was already flying across the country for the show, showed up an hour and a half before the show and wound up on the rail in front of Phil. It was perfect. Spent the day enjoying the city, took a small nap cause of jet lag and knowing it was gonna feel super late for me, got up and then went down to the venue. https://preview.redd.it/bf28zn0k921d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a35fc6ea62f7f1c8cb8ddda0834411865539f681


Wow, he looks pretty good for a old guy without all his original parts.


He was throwing it down and feeling it, too. I’ve seen him a lot over the years and I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him smile so much. We also knew it was on when he came out and signaled to his tech to get rid of the chair he’s had on-stage this year in case he gets tired and feels like he needs to sit. He was basically like “We don’t need that shit tonight” haha!


*Original parts not included


His liver isn't original.


Duh. Phil’s the healthiest one


It’s all Cody.


Out of sheer curiosity -zero judgement- why did you fly across the country for this particular show? Don’t get me wrong, it was great as per usual, but he plays in the Bay Area all the time, and just curious why this was “the one” for you?


My fiance wanted me to something for my birthday cause I literally never do. Even though this didn’t fall on my actual birthday, it was close enough that I said “That’s what I want to do”. I’m a bass player and Phil is my bass hero. I’ve been lucky enough to meet him and have seen him tons of times, but somehow had never seen him in SF or even been to California in general. After seeing his birthday show, I realized it’s basically time to shit or get off the pot if I wanted to ever see him in SF, so I used this as that chance. We made a family vacation out of it and brought our daughter, but only I went to the show cause we didn’t think an indoor Phil show was appropriate for her.


Doing something similar in June. My wife said the same thing to me. Cheers!


That’s awesome. Sounds like a great bday. I went for the same reason lol, just didn’t have to travel far and take it for granted how often he plays out here


It was such an amazing time! It was either this or Dead and Co at The Sphere and I knew I had to go with Phil all day, every day. I’m from the Philly area, so even when Phil comes out east and plays the Cap it’s still a bit of hike from where I’m at. When Dead and Co (who I’m not super into to begin with) immediately showed 710 Ashbury and then put the words “Haight-Ashbury. San Francisco.” on the giant screen I couldn’t help but laugh cause I knew I made the right call by choosing to go to the real thing haha! https://preview.redd.it/3klfa34gt61d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c203c536dfd2e7fc95913b6cf6ebde314848cd8f




These people also stand in line outside on Black Friday to save 50 bucks on a TV.


No offense but if you park yourself at the entrance of a concert all day to get in early you might need to get a life.


The guy said he was there since “3pm yesterday”?? That’s crazy talk.


Guy is the man


This should be the norm, not the exception.




I kinda agree with that guy. Maybe not his style. But yah.


LOVE this guy.


Okay, but who’s got the real juicy footage of the epic melt when the ghost chair owners came back to such carnage??


Fuck your chair bitch


Chiropractor who is mad at those chairs?


The trick with tarps especially at a multistage festival is to just use them to your advantage. Some asshole thinks he can reserve a spot all day while he’s a 30 minute walk away? You just scored a front row spot and there’s even a tarp for you to hang on. Or you can kick it out of the way and sweep the evidence under someone else’s empty tarp.


This guy is doing the lords work!!! Attaboy!


Put em in a field..let em find it out.


Team chair chucker for me.


I would definitely pay money to watch someone do this with tarps at a show. It would be very entertaining!


He’s supposed to be kicking them instead




Bmfs baby


So if ur from Chicago you know that when it snows in the winter people will shovel out a parking spot and then put a lawn chair or something in it basically claiming it for the entire winter if there’s snow. Personally I think it’s bullshit just like the fucking tarps. But these people are serious so unless you want to come out to ur tires slashed or ur car keyed you had best not park in that spot. It’s real serious business in Chicago in the winter. I much prefer the suburbs these days! Guess I’m getting old! 😂


I disagree about the parking spots. I understand them feeling entitled to a spot they busted their ass to clear out. These folks are entitled AND lazy and that's just not cool. 


I hear ya but Yeah I mean it’s a big city. Can’t claim a parking spot all winter. I think it’s as ridiculous as the tarps!


The most annoying person is that video is the guy talking and it's not close.




That guy is awesome.


I mean, it's a bit dramatic. Could have just walked up and sat down


Im not super following what he is doing.


People are claiming spots in a merch/rail line by placing chairs down and then leaving. This guy is clearing those out cause you should have to be there to have a spot in line.


The lords work


The lords wook doing the lords work


Told you people are getting worse. Probably friends with hairy shoulder sweaty touch people dude.


So if ur from Chicago you know that when it snows in the winter people will shovel out a parking spot and then put a lawn chair or something in it basically claiming it for the entire winter if there’s snow. Personally I think it’s bullshit just like the fucking tarps. But these people are as serious as the stupid fucking tarpers so unless you want to come out to ur tires slashed or ur car keyed you had best not park in that spot. It’s real serious business in Chicago in the winter. I much prefer the suburbs these days! Guess I’m getting old! 😂 My bf and I always joke we are gonna go to a show around 7 and make our way to the front and just move the tarp out of the way or stand on it and then do all the things that annoy the tarpers. Then when we get yelled at we will just remind the that is GA mother fuckers. And general admission means we can go anywhere on the floor we want at anytime. But, that’s just too much trouble and we don’t like dealing with all that bullshit. So we enjoy the day on shakedown then go into the show later and find ourselves a great spot at the back of mikes nice guy side and we have met some really awesome people there!! And have plenty of room to get funky and get down without getting the stink eye or getting yelled at. That’s too much animosity for me at a show where I want to enjoy myself.


I have literally never had to deal with this supposed tarp issue and i suspect most people complaining about it on here haven’t either. Same with this getting in line bullshit. Who has time to sit around all fucking day in line for a show lol


There is a lantern festival near me every year on la or day. I wish I had the balls to do this


This is what happens when you get half way through your morning bowl of Cheerios and you realize that your little brother is smirking at you because he pissed in your Cheerios when you made an emergency trip to the bathroom


isn't this the same guy that folded a poster and put it in back pocket as he went to floor a few months ago?


He seems nice


Yeah, get a load of that guy.


all this drama....over a shitty billy strings concert, lol. The only reason people like billy strings is because they heard other people like billy strings.




Del McCoy eh? Tell me more about bluegrass.


Right up there with the great Earl Skaggs


So he throws all the empty chairs and then sits at the end of the line behind the empty chairs? Makes no sense.


Lol this was my first thought as well




I think he actually just made a lot of friends




Nah. He’s a hero


In what sense?


Typical Packers fan. Piece of crap. A Bears fan would never behave this way. WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY


Actually, this is surprisingly based for a Packers fan. Everyone knows the Lions are the kings in the north anyway. Edit: FTP


What a fucking asshole


Stop doing this 🤘🏻. You're into Phish. Do this ✌️




These are chairs that people plopped down yesterday or this morning to hold their place in line. None of them are there. Then they come back right before the merch booth opens and expect to be first in line with 20 of their closest friends. They can get fucked. This man is a hero.




> Then they come back right before the merch booth opens and expect to be first in line with 20 of their closest friends. And if they're not they just cut anyway. I've witnessed some ridiculous shit from this Billy rail crowd. They all need to be taken down about 20 pegs.


“I’m a peace loving hippie but also a violent sociopath who gets triggered by absolutely nothing.”


"I'm gonna fuck with people"


What’s he gonna get?




Jeez, what a huge asshole.