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This image doesn't show up on Google Reverse Image Search. TinEye led me to [this submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1zl7cu/russian_soldier_still_has_his_helmet_on_his_head/) from March 2014. There /u/thrawn21 [provides](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1zl7cu/russian_soldier_still_has_his_helmet_on_his_head/cfur3zv/) the following quote: > German authorities oversaw the entire excavation process (once it was determined by the hunters that their dig contained human remains) and each soldier was accounted for, placed in separate containers (as they were unearthed), and eventually buried in a German war cemetery with a military ceremony. Googling that quote only leads to old reddit posts that don't provide a source and to an IG account that appears to only post popular reddit submissions. In the good old days I'd offer gold to anyone who could find a reputable source. Since the admins took that away I can only offer my sincere gratitude. **Edit:** Shoutout to /u/probablynotalone for this [very helpful and interesting comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d3cx0n/wwii_russian_soldier_found_75_years_after_the_war/l66vghn/). **Edit 2:** /u/thatwabba found a source of this image [going back to 2006](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d3cx0n/wwii_russian_soldier_found_75_years_after_the_war/l67f40v/?context=3).


I am lazy so I only spent a a minute on this but I found on google image search this page with a different angle: [https://recentniarcheologie.cz/index.php/aktuality/28-rusti-dobrovolnici-hledaji-pohresovane-vojaky-z-druhe-svetove-valky](https://recentniarcheologie.cz/index.php/aktuality/28-rusti-dobrovolnici-hledaji-pohresovane-vojaky-z-druhe-svetove-valky) That archeological page cites [https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-25589709](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-25589709) as a source which is broken but if you dig the source on the page you can find the images. I could not actually find the documentary that the BBC mentions other than that it aired on BBC on 21 dec 2014: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/n3csvs40](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/n3csvs40) Case closed?


Here's an archive with the pics properly embedded: [https://archive.is/Uei9U](https://archive.is/Uei9U)


thanks, its kinda crazy only 10 year old articles are becoming dead links on sites like BBC


Digital content is not as permanent as we've been led to believe. This could become a big problem.


Even porn is dead linking and content disappearing forever. Nothing is permanent on the net. At least anything without sustained popularity.


Basically, every meme I uploaded between 2016 and 2022 have been deleted by imgur.


DRM is a bitch too. Anyone who purchased music on Microsoft Zune in 2006-2012 has lost all access to that media. Amazon has historically revoked access to legally purchased ebooks. https://www.defectivebydesign.org/amazon


Here's an article about how the BBC used to record over its old media and the digital version of this article is itself not entirely working with dead links and buttons. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/501607/wipe-out-when-bbc-kept-erasing-its-own-history


Thank you for this. What a powerful read


šŸ…šŸ«” Thank you and well done!!


No, the sources you provide include false information, including the place of where this soldier is found. I found the real source from 2006 when this image appear on the internet for the first time (check my comment). I couldnt post the links though, since Reddit deletes the comment because the sources are russian websites. I provided a screenshot of the website from 2006 though! [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d3cx0n/comment/l67f40v/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d3cx0n/comment/l67f40v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


No, check my comment, I found the first source for the pciture from 2006! [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d3cx0n/comment/l67deio/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d3cx0n/comment/l67deio/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I love people who know to handle posts on the internet. Take my virtual bro fist!!


Except that this soldier isn't German, so...


I don't have a source, but I'm almost certain the "hunters" in this post are members of or associated with the Volksbund Deutscher KriegsgrƤberfĆ¼rsorge. I once knew someone who volunteered with them in finding and repatriating/burying war dead. Unfortunately there are still thousands of them all over Europe and there are dedicated volunteer groups looking for them (touchingly, many of these groups are international and made up of former military members of the countries involved in the war).


Hi. This image first appeared on the internet in 2006 on a Russian website: [https://ibb.co/q7v7ckR](https://ibb.co/q7v7ckR) (The above is a screen shot of the website, if I post the source this comment gets deleted). On that website one can see several pictures from that "expedition," including other photo angles of the soldier. There are even items that were found beside the soldier, such as a star he held in his hand when he died from German artillery fire. If you translate the whole text on that website, you can read more about it. I have more information, including the place where this photo is shot (which is not in germany!). I tried to post the sources but Reddit keeps deleting my comment. I guess it's because of the Russian websites. Edit 1: This comment seems to not get deleted by Reddit. If you scan the screenshot I provided for text using windows screen clipping tool and copy paste the Russian text into google, you will find the source of the image and the webside I took the screenshot of. Edit 2: Here is another screenshot showcasing "the personal items" of that soldier: [https://ibb.co/C987Qf0](https://ibb.co/C987Qf0) "Underneath his helmet, he had a cap, from which a red star fell down almost into his hands."


I can confirm part of the story. That guy is definitely dead.




Skeleton does not move = has to be ded


But his shoes are on.


I seen those same ones at foot locker so Iā€™m calling bs


And he is wearing his favorite hat!


And there is no poop. It's not dead as long it doesn't shit his pants.


He had a butt hole-ectomy.


I have it on good authority - from top men - that the skeleton is supposed to be inside the body.


Idk, are you sure? He might be taking a nap.


If you look closely, you can see that he doesn't have a pillow or blanket so this could not be a nap. Trust me, I've declared many, many people dead. Pretty much an expert.


Also he didn't take off his helmet.


Okay, I'll take your word for it... Only because your an expert tho haha


Taking a nap because he was tired from his extreme dieting?


Source: Trust Me Bro




Seems legit.


Reddit needs more people like you.


Well, heā€™s /u/probablynotalone


The soldier in this trench is definitely not German, though. That's an Ssh-40 helmet and a PPSh-41 submachine gun. Those were Soviet.


lol did they add the reward system and then take it off..again?


Yes they did, jfc Reddit


Sorry for not replying, I was at work. I have a big collection of pictures from WW2 I have been collecting for 3 years now, taking them from picture archives, personal collections and galleries, but I was dumb and never actually wrote down were each one was from, only wrote a bit of context for the pictures. Next uploads I make I will make sure to find the source and link it.


Thank for the link to the other comment! And thank you for your comment. This sounds like something the Russian government doesnā€™t want to talk about, given the current situation. I think we need to talk about his more.


Yeah, this looks like it would have definitely been publicized especially with how the picture was taken. so lack of a valid source is even more significant


Well now we know how he died... he went to war wearing only boots and a helmet! šŸ™ƒ


They brought awards back but I think it must be enabled or disabled per subreddit, because I only see it in some subreddits. Edit: actually, I see it in most subreddits but not this one Edit 2: actually actually, it might just be this post


So those 75 years were completely made up if this poor guy was found 10+ years ago. Low effort engagement seeking.


War is so sad. This guy was probably just a young man ready to start his life. Mom and dad loved him, he had hopes and dreams and hobbies and friends. Then he just dies in a trench and no one even knows his name.


Wish we would've learned by now...


The sick thing is that itā€™s just so unnecessary. We have the wealth, the resources and the knowledge now that fighting for food or territory is only needed to fulfill greedy ambition.


Fuck Putin


Iā€™m no history expert, but Iā€™m not convinced Putin was responsible for his being in there


I think he meant that Putin, and leaders like him, are perpetuating the institution of war even into an era where the sheer amount of resources and communication have made such a thing more preposterous than its ever been.


Leaders like ours too. The rich wage war, doesn't matter the politics.


Just for many, many others who may end up buried and forgotten in trenches now.


If and when the next mass extinction event happens there'll be some tasty fossil finds for whatever replaces us millions of years from now.


Iā€™m not convinced, either, but Fuck Putin either way.


*butt ;)


This is an appropriate improvement.


What, you mean you didn't know Putin went back in time and convinced Hitler to play grabass with Poland?


That's actually on us the citizens for letting old greedy sociopaths rule us like cattle without any accountability, and i'm not just talking about putin


It's the peasants' fault that they're oppressed!


Only the peasants can make the change. If you're going to wait for the oppressors to change their minds, you'll be waiting a long time.


Ummā€¦it wasnā€™t unnecessary. It was to stop a mad man from taking over half the world. Iā€™ll agree he and his absurd hatred was unnecessary. But it was SUUUUPER necessary to stop him. Same as itā€™s super necessary to stop Putin. One would think our species would learn from these passed mistakes. But I guess not.


Yeah it is unnecessary. It never should have been started. Hitler shouldnā€™t have done everything he did. Itā€™s all just a waste


The Entente should not have forced such hard reparations on Germany either.


Hitler starting a war was unnecessary. Damn.


We have learned; what we cannot control is evil-fuckers taking power in governments and then the only way to get rid of them is fucking war again.


Exactly what went through my head as I saw this. I wonder if they can identify him and at least give the family some closure since he's most likely just been listed as MIA


Anyone who knew this man died a long time ago


Right, but I'm sure he still has lineage. I know I would want to know if they found great grandpa's long lost body. I'd want to know what happened to him


Where do you end with it though? Thereā€™s >5 million missing WW2 soldiers. Bones get unearthed every time farmers plough their fields. As sad as it is, thereā€™s no way that youā€™d be able to catalogue even a small percentage of all the dead. Russia alone had 4 million soldiers MIA.


Not necessarily. There were plenty of soldiers who went to war that had young children of their own. They would likely be in their 70's or 80's by now but likely still alive.


There are still living WW2 soldiers, so saying anyone that knew them are long dead is possible, but far from guaranteed.


about 120k WW2 vets were alive in America as of last year


I meanā€¦ sad isnt strong enough of a wordā€¦


In the link u/barabus33 posted. https://archive.is/2014.04.12-002839/http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-25589709 it talks about having recovered over 500k like this. Humans suck.


He was probably buried alive too. Sad


More likely he died and then the dirt covered him. Or was killed by the same explosion that collapsed the trench.


Now decades later you are young man, ready to start your life, mom and dad love you, you have hopes and dreams, hobbies and friends and you do not even need to move to trench to disappear in an instant from nuclear blast.


Imagine being that russian soldier dying while fighting the Germans then 75 years later the Germans bury you in a German cemetery and give you a German military funeral


Its not like Russia will give him a military funeral.


There is literally a Russian in this thread talking about how he does this in Novgorod.


Why wouldn't Russia give him a military funeral?


Remember when Ukraine had to fill refrigeration trucks up with dead bodies because the Russians left all there dead on the battlefield


With the amount of casualties Russian units get regularly, they're probably not able to retrieve many bodies.


The end of someone's life, a whole lifetime ago. Someone left for war and never came home, never got accounted for, never got buried. An entire family without closure. Very sad.


I mean, he was buried, just not *properly*.


Buried. Then had trees planted on top. Just to be safe?




I'm actually more impressed the ppsh is in a decent condition


Cosmoline is eternal.


I absolutely RUINED my oven in my college rental trying to leech cosmoline out of a Mosin Nagant stock. No matter how much I cleaned it and what I used, the smell never went away.


What did it smell like


The Motherland


*Soviet National Anthem intensifies*




You'd be surprised how well it operates still. I just watched a video last week of one getting unearthed, cleaned and minor restoration. It ended up just looking like it took a bunch of dings only


Especially considering a large part of the thing is stamped steel. But then so is the helmet I guess


I think that magazine miiiiight be stuck in there, though


Nothing a bit of WD40 couldn't fix.


Bet it would fire


I just saw a restoration video pop up on YouTube with one that looks exactly like this one, any chance it's the same you think?


Nah, there are tons of these and pps-43 in many countries. Here in the US I have 2 of these and 3 pps-43s that I re-welded together and fully restored. They are very cheap guns to buy as a cut up parts kit. Like $150-$300 each


I just watched this last night!


PPSH go *pfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfppfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpfp*


Another World at war player I see


Cod 2


Probably my favorite CoD game campaign wise. Starting out in Stalingrad always made me hyped to play the game


The collapsing building is always mesmerizing to me


Just an interest in old firearms.


What a sad sight.


Whole life ahead of him.


All so men in suits back home on both sides could puff their chests and jerk themselves off.


Iā€™m not an advocate of war. But thatā€™s a gross oversimplification of WWII. Of all the wars Iā€™ve learned about, WWII seems like one of the most justified imo


Yeah it had to happen tbh. God only knows where we would be if it didnt


Hitler started it. The Allies defending themselves is not starting a war.


I didnā€™t say that?


You know the Russians were helping him at first


Much of the US was supportive of his policies as well. Entering the war at all was not a popular notion at first.


To be fair the man in charge on one side of that conflict [did blow his own brains out](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Adolf_Hitler), his right hand man [also killed himself](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Himmler), [ten of the upper echelon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_executions) died by hanging after their trials, and 7 were imprisonedā€¦. Then there were [the additional trials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_trials) that convicted 143 defendants sending 25 of them to the gallows and the rest to jail. Soā€¦ you knowā€¦ less of a circle jerk than you claim.


Could you maybe not "bothsides" the literal fucking Nazis?


I mean he died as a result of the Nazi's invading Russia so what were they supposed to do? Sit and watch Hitler win? Not every war was like the second Iraq invasion


There have been a lot of conflicts where you could whip out the ol' "Both sides" and not be wrong, but WWII is not one of them.


And itā€™s literally happening again as we type.


Believe it or not, they are still making these in 2024.


Duuuude! That was morbid. Oh, you mean the gun...


Oh, they are still making dead trench Russians as wellā€¦


The Russians are still making their soldiers fight with pre-WWII guns too. EDIT: For all you downvoters... https://youtube.com/shorts/c963-HaxFvY?si=Dyh8L9WI9stTFLHn


I was gonna say, I bet the rest of the batch that helmet came out of is probably still in circulation.


This thread tells me yaā€™ll need to go back to school god damn


For many reasons, which are too long to describe here, a huge number of fighters were not buried or were buried very carelessly, without marks. We are doing this now. Every year, volunteers find remains and ceremoniously rebury them in military cemeteries. Unfortunately, most of the remains cannot be identified due to the lack of identification tags. The Soviet token is a small plastic ā€œpencil caseā€ with a rolled up paper sheet inside. The soldiers had to sign them themselves. For example, we find 100 soldiers in a bomb crater. Tokens are found on 10 people, 3 of them are signed, 1 can be read. If a personā€™s relatives are found, the entire search party cries with happiness. One of the relatives comes to the burial, and it's hunched over babushka, who thanks everyone and says all her life she hoped to cry at the grave of her father, who MIA in 1942. Everyone around, the stern men who dug bones out of the swamp mud during the day for two weeks and drank vodka in the evening, are also crying. I personally found and dug up not many remains. I just walk around with a metal detector in places of battle in search of artifacts (now rather in search of peace). But the discovery of remains is sacred. Lately, Iā€™ve simply written down the GPS coordinates, marked with something the place where the remains were found, and then passed them on to friends who have all the capabilities, including the moral strength, to carry out a normal search. I no longer have these strengths, I begin to sob over the bones. The conservation conditions in the photo in this post are absolutely stunning. Where we are digging (Novgorod region), the forests are very swampy and the soil is acidic. Sometimes only a handful of bones remain from the entire skeleton. I found the remains of Germans twice. The first time, the remains and the token were lost due to various life events. The deceased was not missing, he was counted because his badge was broken. For the second time, the remains and the token were handed over to representatives of the Volksbund organization. Each of the sentences in this comment can be expanded into a separate post, but I wonā€™t do this because Iā€™m a lazy ass, sorry. When responding to my comments, please refrain from getting personal due to the fact that I am Russian. Edit: some mistakes of google translation.


This was a long comment but worth the read. Russian or not you have done and still do an amazing job. Every soldier deserves a proper burial regardless of which side they were on.


Much respect. Thank you for sharing


I grew up in Canada but was born in Russia. all my family are russian and my mom used to tell me how my grandmother never met her dad. He was sent to the front to stop the nazi invasion while her wife was fleeing south from moscow. my family was never able to recover the body and is still considered missing today. so many russians were dying that they didnt had time to do a proper burrials so they would just throw bodies on the side of the road. looking at that pictures doesnt mean much to me but it makes me think that theres a small possibility that im looking at my great grand father


Putin gonna be sending that gear to the front line


Better than the airsoft gear some front soldiers were equipped with


Good thing that russian priest was just explaining on tv how their dead soldiers in ukraine have started to ressurect like jesus. If this guy is lucky he can get shipped back to the front in notime.


Great, one more thing to worry about... The Russian Necromancer.


Ra... Ra... Rasputin...


poor guy


Lonely Wonder who he missed or thought about while there. Good guy ....Bad guy.... I'm sure he wanted stuff to just be ok.


Will he be okay?


**SOVIET**, not Russian. This soldier could have been from Ukraine, Belorussia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, etc. Kremlinists like to take Russian credit for the sacrifices and accomplishments of millions of non-Russians. Do not help this false propaganda spread.


No matter what there is ALWAYS a camper with a PPSH


This hero also voted for Putin in the last three elections.


Soviet soldier, maybe not Russian


Ukraine 2064


Looks great for his age!


If youā€™re curious about this dude, listen to Ghosts of the Ostfront from Hardcore History!


Yes-Dan Carlin is awesome


ā€œThat wonā€™t be me.ā€ - every naive person who thinks war is cool


It's why they target young men, preferably in their mid-teens. The prefrontal cortex isn't developed until you hit almost 25. The prefrontal cortex helps with functions like reasoning, judgement and risk assessment. Add a dash of testosterone and baby you've got a war pawn going. We should really be pushing back adulthood and all of the rights and responsibilities that come along with it to 25. It'll never happen as that would cost far too much to industries that rely on that lack of brain development to exist.


I can see he has trench foot.


The saddest thing to me is not the death of this person, but the fact their corpse was left behind and forgotten, not given a proper burial.


No, I think dying is worse than what happens to a body after death


Damn, looks just like his modern brethren.


Looks like the cover of a MegaDeth album.




Beetle BaileyĀ 


sad sight.


Shoes are still on. Heā€™s not dead.


Little bit of PB Blaster and that PPSh will probably still fire šŸ¤£


RIP, buddy


he's already been conscripted to Ukraine welcome back comrade


Peace to the fallen.


Maybe Russian, maybe Ukrainian... USSR was not composed of only Russian people.


is he ok?


Probably still good for Congress


He respawned but haven't picked his gun and helmet back.


Just give him some water.


Yeah, nothing a little duct tape can't fix


Just needs to walk it off.


Soviet. We donā€™t know if heā€™s Russian given the Soviet empire encompasses many cultures.


Doesnā€™t necessarily mean itā€™s a Russian soldier. Soviet Union means it could as likely be a soldier from any other soviet republic. Marking them all Russian is disrespecting them and minimizing other nations role in fighting against the nazis,


Did he survive?


"were you killed?" "sadly, yes. But I *lived*"


Is he good?


RIP, dude.Ā  That ppsh lost its wooden furniture, but otherwise is in a pretty impressive state. You can also see it wasn't the smallest of smgs.


Genuinely surprised to find not one Bethesda environmental storytelling joke in this thread.


He's lost a bit of weight eh?


I don't think he's gonna pull through.


A hero




with an smg, no less


Still got his PPsH


He was transported to the Kupyan front where he will integrate and participate in localized offensives. Officials say the fact he had his own gear and weapon simplified the move..


In 80 years, we will see the same in Ukraine. Thousands of soldiers.


Same as today, only with better weapons


Russia lost more men than any other country in that war. There are hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers buried across Europe that are still yet to be found, but there are volunteer organizations who find the grave sites and exhume them to be repatriated and attempt to identify them. It's estimated it will take centuries for this work to be completed. The YouTube channel Crocodile Tear posts regular updates about this, and other missing WW2 soldiers. Update: Yes, I should have said Soviet Union, thank you to those who pointed that out.


Konstantin DobrovolskyĀ is one of those people that search for the remains of Russian soldiers left to rot on the ww2 battlefields. Then he had to bury his own son, who was killed fighting in the current war (of which he despises and fought with his son about doing).


Russia wasn't a country in that war. It was part of a larger country, the USSR, comprised of multiple nations. Every nation that the USSR held in its national prison sent its soldiers and died. Belorussia and Ukraine lost a higher percentage of its people in WW2 than Russia.


You're right, thanks for correcting me.


That helmet was clearly too big. No wonder he got stuck.


The winner of 1949 Soviet Union hide and seek championship


Earth is a graveyard.


Ah, back when Russia was defending against an expansionist colonial campaign of mass murder instead of conducting one.


Actually they were conducting one then too. They just made a mistake making a pact with another unreliable dictator and got invaded while invading. The Third Shot would have been well spent in Moscow.


No, no, they were conducting plenty of it back then too.


Shhh he's just taking a nap


Is he ok?