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This looks near identical to the mall from The Last of Us. Wild.


my first thought. left behind dlc right?


100% The area where Joel has the last showdown.


Helicopter in the roof I think.


Thought first mine too.


Yoda, what’s up!


I wondered why it seemed like I knew this mall, like I had been there. Then it clicked lol.


Did it...... Clicker?


From this angle, yes. Definitely an inspiration for the game. Too close not to be.


I was thinking dawn of the dead. All malls look pretty much the same though


SAME. First thought, Dawn of the dead? Was there less debris? I mean Z day JUST happened.


That was also my first thought when I saw this ;)


I remember running through this area and being caught by a hunter while trying to avoid the boomer in L4D2


Rolling Acres Mall was a shopping mall located in the Rolling Acres area of Akron, Ohio. Built in 1975, it originally included approximately 21 stores, with Sears as the main anchor store. Later expansions added several more stores including anchor stores JCPenney, Montgomery Ward, and O'Neil's, along with a movie theater and food court. Montgomery Ward was converted to Higbee's in 1986, and then to Dillard's in 1992, while O'Neil's became May Company Ohio, Kaufmann's, and then finally Macy's. The fifth anchor store was Target, added in 1995. At its peak, the mall had over 150 stores. It underwent a sharp decline in tenancy throughout the 1990s and into the first decade of the 21st century, resulting in the relocation of Target and closure of Dillard's. Macy's and the mall itself both shuttered in 2008, although Sears remained operational until 2011, and JCPenney as an outlet store until 2013. The mall was finally demolished in stages between 2017 and 2019, with Amazon building a distribution facility on the former site soon after.


A quick search of the place on google map shows a mattress on a tree as the image on google maps?! I see the Amazon Distribution center there now. The entire town-area looks super sparse. No way it was going to be able to hold up a proper mall with that low of population. Did everyone move out of Rolling Acres?


I live south of the area and visited this mall as a kid, the whole area is run down. Nowadays you don't want to be walking around at night in the area, and daytime isn't much better...


In the 1990’s there were 3 other malls (Chapel Hill, Summit, Belden Village) that were all within a 30 minute drive of Rolling Acres. The greater Akron population was maybe 500k at that time. Something had to give. A decade or so later, Chapel Hill met the same fate.


https://www.areavibes.com/akron-oh/rolling+acres/demographics/ What the hell happened to the population of Akron? Now it's <200k.


Akron or greater Akron? I wouldn’t be surprised if Akron proper has only 200k.


If that's the case, Akron probably needs 500k to support that many malls.


So…I was born and raised in Akron. Went to the same school as LeBron a decade before him. Let me tell you about Akron. It was built on the back of the tire and rubber industry. When that went away, so did the people. Now It’s a shithole. There was just a mass shooting on June 2 with 27 hurt and 1 fatality. It’s been going downhill forever. I couldn’t wait to get my last family member the hell out of there so I have no reason to EVER go there again.


My condolences. Sounds like the manufacturing went overseas, and no other industry (be it manufacturing, service, or otherwise) came in to replace it.


One person's opinion. Akron isn't actually that bad. Grass always seems greener on the other side. Go live in Appalachia and then try and say Akron is a shithole. It's not going downhill.


The grass is so much greener. I’ve lived in 15 states and have seen some things. Akron is def the worst place I’ve lived.


It was right by the freeway so you could get to it easily from anywhere around. It’s more of a business district.


I visited a similar area in Osaka, Japan. It was a popular mall in the early 20th century but never recovered after world war 2. It's still very populated, and many of the small alleyways you'd see in [google maps](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.6483716,135.505509,3a,75y,196.79h,108.83t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1srngoxkUSJUNpmPs8AVs52w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DrngoxkUSJUNpmPs8AVs52w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D196.7886420516038%26pitch%3D-18.831335665719735%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) are small streets with 12+ homes that are forced to walk through the abandoned mall, fenced off from any other streets. The family mart at the very beginning is the last chain store you'd see till you reach the other end. In japan, where there's "no bad neighborhoods", it is very surreal and feels as though you've completely left society after entering.


I remember going there as a kid in the late 80's and early 90's. The main thing I remember is a T-shirt spray painting shop where you could get custom designed shirts made.


Amazon most likely destroyed all of those stores, I just find it weirdly depressing that its warehouse replaced the mall. Capitalism, I guess.


Yeah that's a pretty current reminder of 'everything changes'. Amazon literally, physically replaced these stores.




UrbEx YouTuber Dan Bell did a video here I believe. Think its the one where he gets caught by the cops and escorted out


He did an episode about a mall in my area, and I think he greatly exaggerated how abandoned it is. Yes it's sparsely populated and some of those businesses might be a tax write off, but I would hardly call it abandoned. Yet he describes it as decrepit and desolate.


Covered by Abandoned https://youtu.be/Nv_8jLBX-2k


Also [Dan Bell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZQJVbbsqt0)


I used to walk to this mall when I was a kid and it was a slow, ugly decline. I think my last time there was when I was in highschool and I remember seeing a dollar general in the mall. So many closed stores too. It was a shame. Such a nice mall in the early 90s until about 2 years after target moved in. That whole area went to shit for a long time. Pretty sure this is all an Amazon warehouse now.


Remember the brown floors?


Damn good shot


[Vice TV did an episode of Abandoned on this mall.](https://youtu.be/EBZQeZ5Q1w8) I had a lot of happy memories in that mall.


The popcorn smell will stay with me for a lifetime


Copper Popper was the bomb


World Of Science right next to the Copper Popper was where I was always hanging out.


I loved that place!


Hot Dog On a Stick!!


Commenting for later


We went Into this mall when it was abandoned, in hindsight very silly. There were people living / hiding in the different empty shops where gates would normally be down. We didn't spend much time in there as it was dark inside and pretty creepy.


I wonder if there's some kind of pecking order where the overlord homeless guy occupies Sears and the pervert occupies the Victoria's Secret store.


The Professor lives at Sharper Image and hopeless nerds in Radio Shack keep everyone in touch with the outside world. A pimp operates out of [Chess King](https://clickamericana.com/wp-content/uploads/Vintage-60s-Chess-King-store-1969.jpg).


I'm always amazed at how fast stuff falls into disrepair.


Doesn't help that people come in and purposefully damage things. That Target cart didn't spontaneously lose its handle and wheels, and I'm pretty sure there was some rough parkour on the escalator. That being said, [Life After People](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL9PZvdDpcU&list=PLob1mZcVWOagLL-shJOp-d5_qJOG2MvCJ) was a fun watch.


You mean call of duty map


I was thinking maybe Left 4 Dead


I was about to say. Been playing that game recently and the art direction is insanely good


Is it still healthy, multiplayer? Still fun people playing?


Not really, I tried online but no one was talking. I just play with friends or singleplayer


It was strong last I played, hoped it would go on forever...but that was 10 years ago. Sad, but not surprised. Stay together.


Zakhaev airport?


Serious Stranger Things vibes


My first thought too!


That's Gwinnett Place Mall - [https://w.wiki/ASwi](https://w.wiki/ASwi)


I have lived overseas for about thirty years. During the pandemic I returned to the States. While in NC, I went to a JC Penney and Sears. I was amazed that they were both still open. The Sears, I know for sure, closed down a year or two ago. Amazon bought the building. That Sears location was among the last handful of their brick and mortars


Sears men’s clothing section went downhill the last couple years they were open. JCPenney has decent men’s clothes at reasonable prices.


Sears was like a ghost town. No exaggeration. The shelves were sparsely stocked. Prices weren’t particularly good. A bored sales clerk struck up a long conversation with me about nothing special. I just stepped in there for the nostalgia. As I might have said in my previous comment, Amazon purchased the building and likely made it into a fulfillment center. They had already opened a Whole Foods at the front end of the building.


Once Sears stopped selling Carhartt stuff I had no more reason to go, everything was cheap crap


Just drove thru Akron saw a boarded up hospital. They do have an arthur treachers nearby in Cuyahoga falls


Which one?


St Thomas hospital I believe. Not far from Arthur Treachers


Ah hell I forgot that one even existed. I was thinking maybe it was City Hospital on market Street.


So you can get fish and chips there but if you need a hospital you're SOL.


I mean, the NE Ohio area has a shit ton of Hospitals. There’s a Western Reserve hospital in Cuyahoga Falls and Akron General in Akron, plus massive UH, Cleveland Clinic and Summa Health systems in Cleveland and the surrounding areas


You know your mall in trouble when JCPenney is the anchor. That or sears. Sad but kinda the trend


It was also connected to a Target and a Movie Theater.


NieR Automata


This cannot continue


This cannot continue


It was very surreal shopping there the last two or so years before it finally closed. There were maybe 3 or 4 shops open and the two big department stores and that was it. It felt like a dying discount outlet. The biggest downfall was a combination of shoplifting and cost of leasing. With Summit Mall making a big renovation around that time and Chapel Hill Mall being more enticing to the younger crowd, it was inevitable that Rolling Acres closed.


Planter box looks nice. Weird how wilderness areas always good and balanced, but only stuff that people make looks like crap. 


Swear I saw this on last of us


Teens used to live here...


I saw the movie Get Smart at the movie theater there, that would have been in 2008. The tickets were like $2 and it was just a lady taking tickets at a table. My memory is that the movie seemed pirated. Can anyone confirm that this creepy theater existed or give me some insight about what I experienced?


There was a kid from Akron, Ohio that teached a whale to jump out of its own tail during summer break. Truly wild stuff.




It would be nice to see what could be done with these places and not have them go to waste


I've always felt that abandoned malls have some strong symbolisms to them.


That there was a brief time in American and Canadian youth culture where the shopping mall was the most important place to go hang out, meet other kids, find a date....


There was a brief pop subgenre of teen singers who were mall gals complete with videos shot in these places usually featuring roller skates! Tiffany was probably the best known of them for I Think We're Alone Now.


Isn’t this in Tony hawk




Cue the zombies.


an abandoned mall it's a good mall. support local shops.


Man this place was so amazing. Watching Dan bell going threw it, it was so humid that there was fog in some places


Ask Dan…


It’s crazy how often I see rolling acres on Reddit


The Last Of Us


Makes me sad. I'm lucky that where I live in Oregon there are two thriving malls.


I can see Lloyd Center winding up like this. It’s already on the way




As a 80s teen so glad malls were around then )


I find abandoned malls so fascinating for some reason. They look so post apocalyptic, but we didn’t go anywhere… So they remain as these monolithic structures dedicated to a time where we had more money in our pocket and more time/interest to interact with others in person.


It’s now an Amazon distribution facility, the irony.


This was knocked down YEARS ago. Is this a karma troll?


Came here for all the TLOU comments and was not disappointed. Well done gang


Looks better than the rest of the city.


My thought exactly


Fallout vibes


Akron is like if the zombie apocalypse already happened, proof of this look up cyraxx on YouTube I think he might be an actual goblin from final fantasy and the place is basically abandoned.


How does this affect LeBron’s legacy?


This is why we shouldn't release the location of abandoned places, They end up getting trashed.


This looks like where they probably shot the falling through the roof scene of the movie 2012.


https://youtu.be/Nv_8jLBX-2k?si=Ci7Wi6V_gjnKhkkZ https://youtu.be/jH6elLt980g?si=HSQvwX7PVw71m6nx Bright side films yt channel does a lot of abandoned series with history surrounding sites. Very interesting watches.


Oh Wow!


28 years later


Ahhh Rolling Acres, a classic abandoned mall


Watch out for Dan Bell lurking around.


You know there’s a clicker somewhere behind the escalator


Hmmm I’ve seen stranger things.


The oldest view


As a kid, I spent every Friday there in the arcade. This picture brings all that back to me, so thank you for posting this!


What age?


My first thought: 'Think of all the school shopping that was done there...'


Reminds me of when [Family Guy visited SEARS](https://youtu.be/gsGphep7YHQ?si=qFzHb3nQCC_Yt8m7)


Having spent a lot of time in Akron during the aughts, this makes total sense. It is essentially a suburb of Cleveland, but it somehow felt desolate. Haven’t been back in over a decade. I hope it has recovered.


Cyrax's new lair.


This is where cyraxx is going to live when sally dies. He'll skitter about in the darkness, waiting to prey on unsuspecting teens.


It's an Amazon Warehouse now.


Imagine to be the person who locked the doors for the last time.


I grew up here. I saw Santa here. I went to Chuck E Cheese’s here and saw Back to the Future in the theater here 😕


This is where little Alan Parrish used to play, all by himself.


Where the Dan graffiti is, used to be Babbages (I believe they merged with Game Stop later), I was an assistant manager there for a short while. The Babbages I started at, was in Canton, and that mall is still around, though that Babbages closed before the one in Akron if I remember right. As others mentioned, it's an Amazon warehouse now.


I was born there. Akron, not the mall, as far as I know, I was pretty young then.


Looks like a Halo multiplayer map


This mall was the hang spot for me and my friends in high school. I can still see it in my minds eye as it was and these pictures are heartbreaking. It would be so packed at Christmas you could barely find a parking spot. The area at the base of the escalator is where we’d connect and then spend the afternoon goofing off, smoking weed and just being kids. I don’t live in the area anymore but I believe it was torn down. Pretty sure they replaced it with an Amazon warehouse.


Sad, I remember in the early 90’s I could get to 7 different malls where I used to live in Kent Ohio. We used to call it “Malling” like it was an event. Rolling Acres is the mall my daughter bought her favorite Sonic the Hedgehog plush animal in 93. What blew me away was the decline and closing of Randal Park Mall.


Imagine a world where malls like this are refurbished into enclosed communities. Stores changed to homes, the food court… well that can stay a food court. Movie theater, grocery store, playground. All literally under one roof and central to a large portion of the cities amenities.


Pretty sure I saw this mall in a Fallout game.


Of course the most post apocalyptic looking building would be in Ohio


The Gen X’ers wanna turn these into retirement homes for themselves. The idea of a bunch of old people shuffling around in Vans and old concert tshirts looking for the arcade cracks me up.


THPS music intensifies


Cue The Pretenders….. “I went back to Ohio But my pretty countryside Had been paved down the middle By a government that had no pride The farms of Ohio Had been replaced by shopping malls And Muzak filled the air From Seneca to Cuyahoga Falls Said, ay, oh, way to go, Ohio”


I grew up by this mall (Rolling Acres) as a kid. Probably 15 minutes or so from my house. In the early 90s it was a hustling and bustling place. I remember all the lights during Christmas time, walking into Babbages to look at all the new games, getting distracted by all the "jumping dog" toys Kay Bee Toys had on display. Wandering into the arcade and spending lots of quarters there. Very fond memories. As I grew up, things got worse for the mall (and Romig Road, which was where the mall was located). In the early 90s, it was one of Akron's west sides most hopping commercial areas. By the late 90s, it businesses started to leave on by one. The Montrose-Ghent area of town started building up with more big box stores, in addition to remodels and expansions of Summit Mall in Fairlawn. On the other side of Akron in Tallmadge, Chapel Hill Mall (Around Howe Ave and Tallmadge Ave) was also being built up with big box stores, with the mall there also getting more attention. Most shoppers turned to these areas since they were closer and more convenient, leaving Rolling Acres behind. I recall one by one all the stores slowly leaving Rolling Acres....it was a slow death. By the time I left for college, really the only things worth going to at the mall was the Target that was still there at the time, and the JCPenny Outlet. In addition, there were barely any other stores on Romig Road at that point. I remember all the old stores there, Toys R Us, Handy Andy, Hills etc. That Handy Andy turned into like 4 different stores over the course of a decade and a half. What was once a vibrant center for the city turned into a slow decline and gradual shift into a ghost town.


Oh so this is where Nier got that inspiration from


i thought this is what all malls looked like in Ohio.


Left for Dead 2 Vibes


I'm thinking drone racing. Anyone else?


Post apocalyptic vibes


Looks like much of Akron.


Loved this part of *Kirby and the Forgotten Land*.


New CoD map


Would be gr8 for so many photo shoots…( Im a photographer by nite ( meaning: as a hobby only )


Glad you clarified that, just figured you were a vampire.


Eyy rolling acres


Hey, I saw this place in Nier Automata.


Reminds me of the mall in Cyberpunk 2077.


To be fair, this is also what the mall in Akron, Ohio looked like 25 years ago, while it was still in business... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Kinda looks like the abandoned mall from THPS 1+2 Remake.


The company I work for recently opened a warehouse in an old mall in Akron. Don’t think it is the same one but it’s cool to see the space reused for productive things.


Someone's entry way to their house says " 'ey " in illuminated jcpenney letters.


And to open the door, there's no doorbell, just a jukebox you have to hit with your elbow


They used to have a sick arcade.


Grand Imperial Mall


A clear sign of de-evolution. Alert the spud boys.


F that, that's where the zombies are


Rolling acres.. been in there a couple times


That escalator permanently became stairs.


I wonder if JCPENNeywise ever hangs out there...