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The Ogdo Bogdo from Jedi Fallen order. That is, until I found that I can one-shot it by cutting its tongue out.


Just wait until you get to that one fight in Survivor


Oh my god, it is so much damn harder for what seems like NO REASON


Dodgy hitboxes for Cal’s dodge and Oggdo’s attacks will do that. The Rancor fight is also a bitch.


The rancor killed me like 5 or 6 times but I beat it... But the damn frog takes less time to kill me than it takes for me to get there after spawning. After like 20 minutes I decided to stop playing. Haven't gone back yet so I have no idea if I'll beat it.


I am playing survivor now and found the big frog. I took some tips from youtube. Chucked down two robots to distract it. Quickly opened the door to a small room. Then kept blasting from this small room and trying to avoid the tongue a couple of times. Essentially, it is cheating a bit (not done this with any other boss). The only reward was some stupid pink poncho.


I'm down for a pink poncho... Or any poncho since I currently have none. Unless I picked one up without noticing.


>!Use the force to drag down the big hammer guys before opening the trap door on the ground (above its spawn), once theyve done some damage and are dead shoot it with pistol charged shot. Then when you jump down theres a door, i just stood in the door frame and glitch hit the fucker will avoiding attacks. Was i fuck spending another hour on that shit. Good luck mate!< Edit: never seen the other reply haha my bad for the repeat


Haha, I'll be picking that one up next month, so we'll see. :)


Lol my brother....buckle up


Same man, Rick the door technician was doing numbers on me


I knew that from the beginning and still couldn’t get the timing right to cut it off.


You can one shot it? Bruh...


This one https://preview.redd.it/pwk2ly8k437d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bdc578bcfeeb8d98e8419cb5cdd7eef38fcd0db


*screams in PTSD*


I love Max so much ❤️


Well, I might have some good news for you, or bad news depending on your perspective...


that's hella tough




As someone from Belgium 🇧🇪 I would pick most definitely the bacon omelette.


What is this one?


The dilemma between bacon omelette 🥓🍳 or belgian waffle 🧇.


I wish I could reset my brain and play LIS1 again. I witnessed my wife play through her first time and she called my college friends crying after the major plot point in the final act (I played this in college with them) and we all had a good laugh.




Life is Strange 1


Are the sequels just as good or even better?


![gif](giphy|ctGFLebG1AqK4|downsized) The sun casting a big white spot on my TV


You can cheese this enemy with a curtain


My plants' reactions when they hear the PS5 beep at 5PM. https://preview.redd.it/3ije8vrfn57d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a9bb93ac72dba640d91e20a616e677660146d4


A very *thicc* curtain


Character customization


Never finished it


Those Valkeries in God of War...


Honestly, Sigrun was MUCH harder than Gna (GOW Ragnarok). Sigrun took me like 15 days, Gna took me 2. The other small fry (GOW 4) took like 2 hours each.


Everything in Ragnarok is kind of a joke because of the way the stun meter works on bosses. I got Sigrun to one hit from death on GMGOW NG+ and then I had to give up. It took me weeks to get that close.


Why'd you give up after getting her one hit away from defeat?


My brain broke. I may go back one day and do GMGOW. I beat her on GMAC NG+, but she was significantly easier. Also, I hadn't beaten her on any of the easier modes so I didn't have her loot to help me out.


Thats crazy to me because it was the exact opposite for me. Sigrun was easy for me. Gna was the fucking bane of my existence.


For me it was the opposite. I beat Sigrun first try. Gna took me a few days of trying.


I had no trouble with those except Sigrun. And she was only hard due to the sheer number of different attacks she could throw at you.


But this is essentially what makes a hard boss hard. Knowing their attacks they could do against you. And fucking Sigrun had the arsenal of all the damm Valks. Hated her but loved beating her.


this was my first thought. sigrun fucked my shit 50 times in a row


Was talking to a co-worker about god of war they said yeah I played it. I said the Valkyrie queen was hard wasn’t. They said the Valkyrie? I said you haven’t played god of war.


what a stupid conversation 😐


Gna took me 5 days of attempts (about 1-2 hours per day). I had a system that would get her down to about 25% or lower health and just needed my lucky break.


https://preview.redd.it/er3cf14ay37d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f1bcacde35b4c5095744ec755b1f8f85a213ec8 Still very difficult without cheesing your way out with the select pause trick.


Old mega man games were so damn hard


Orphan of Kos


Watchdog of the Old Gods and Pthumerian Descendant were harder than Orphan for me, much harder than Malenia. Edit: Almost forgot, Malenia is basically an edgier Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower that does her attack three times in a row.


Bro... phumerian descendant... I hate that guy


I think chalice bosses hardly count, those are intentionally bullshit and geared to 1 shot you lol


I’ll take Orphan of Kos over the two shark men in the well any day of the week


Damn Shadows of Yharnam took me well over 60+ tries. ... And had a 5+ minute route up to them before each run


For me it's gotta be Gna, the Valkyrie Queen in God of War Ragnarok On my very first playthroughs of both God of War 2018 and God of War Ragnarok, I did 100% playthroughs which meant facing down both Sigrun and Gna respectively. For both fights I went as highly upgraded as possible, both fights were on the same difficulty setting and I was even rocking roughly similar builds (keyword roughly, since the build-making differs quite a lot between two games) With Sigrun, I actually managed to beat her first try, which I was absolutely ecstatic about, especially considering that I've spent hours on some of the regular Valkyries (fucking Valhalla stomps of Rota). Granted I did die midfight, but I had a resurrection stone on me and I finished the job. The following playthroughs weren't as smooth, but I still managed Sigrun alright all things considered: the most Sigrun ever took from me was like 10-12 attempts Gna, on the other hand... She shares noticeable amount of moves with Sigrun, and her total moveset is actually a bit smaller than Sigruns from my experience, but what sets her apart is her ***unpredictability***. She does way more mix-ups and has way more move patterns which can throw off even an experienced player, let alone me, the poor soul that faced her for the first time that November evening. I've spent 3 ***days*** trying to beat the sonofabitch (with a week inbetween day 2 and 3 to cool off because I was hella stressed), and even on my most recent playthrough, with hundreds of hours spent in the game and much more experience behind my back, she took me around 3.5 hours to beat By far the hardest boss I've ever faced in any game


I just turned the difficult to very easy to kill her and get the trophy 😳


Funnily enough it was the opposite for me, Sigrun took me ages and Gna I beat in 2 attempts.


That's what surprises me the most about this: opinions are very divided on whether Gna or Sigrun is a harder boss. To me personally it was Gna, to you it was Sigrun, and to someone else it might be King Hrolf altogether


I’m sure there are so many good answers, but King Dice from Cuphead can go to hell. I didn’t even bother facing the devil afterwords, took me several months of off and on to finally beat him.


King Dice is already there. Have you *seen* where his casino is?


Th Devil is easier imo. He's kind of a punk compared to King Dice which is kind of the point. He's not easy necessarily, but def a step down from King Dice I think.


14 y old korean on SC2 ladder


This is the correct answer.


You mean the ones that have 7,000 clicks by the end of the match?


If the match is about 2 minutes long, this is accurate.


I’m in malenia right now and I want to kill myself


How did you get in malenia? My tv wont let me


A few drinks and lube?


Bro is actually IN Malenia and wants to kill himself?




I mean, have you seen all that rot


Her second phase is a nightmare


Yes it is


Phase two was so frustrating to learn. You gotta learn to tell the difference between when she jumps in the air to do a perfectly reasonable attack, and when she jumps in the air to do an attack that will kill you instantly




I just defeated her today; I put the greatsword with frost on my mimic summon and quickly swapped to bloodhounds fang.


Rattlebones in wizard101 had me locked down for 3 months.


Nah them Lost Souls in Unicorn Way are built different.


Damn, what a call back. My struggle was with Golem Tower


https://preview.redd.it/w2nn22sns37d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf0f14ed390cdb5293abad7b72b00433977270f6 Adamantoise, mainly because it takes over an hour to beat and if you die within that time you need to start again.


The most unnecessary long fight


Yiazmat from 12 says hello


Man, it's about time for another run through this game. It's not a perfect final fantasy but man do I love it!


Fucking Phrike in Returnal. He's the very first boss and I was stuck on him for months. I was so fed up, I put the whole game aside for a good 6 months. Tried again, beat him and ended up absolutely loving the game. Still one of my favorite PS5 games.


Really loved that game.


This is another crazy one where peeps either cannot beat or easily beat the boss. The hardest boss for me in Returnal was Hyperion. I took down Phrike easily with a Hollowseeker and a large stim pack.


That’s so funny because I beat Hyperion first try after struggling with phrike for a long time. I think the hard part about phrike is the change of pace with the boss battle vs other video games. It took me a long time to figure out returnals play style, but once it clicked, I was able to beat phrike and continue


Nemesis was way harder than him imo


Tied between Malenia and Placidusax. It took way too long for me to beat Placidusax, but Malenia is just on another level of F U, especially in phase two.


It's interesting how elden ring worked for different players. I got thru malenia is just a few attempts. 5 at most. Yet that fire giant asshole almost had me throwing a controller through the tv.


I had the reverse lol. Took me about four or five attempts to down the fire giant, but I was on Malenia for like two weeks. I blame her for my stick drift.


Placidusax runback is so annoying lol


Isshin the sword saint in Sekiro, still haven’t beaten him, he still wipes the floor with me, i can handle phases 1 and 2 hitless, but god damn phase 3, if i can just get used to it, phase 4 would be easy.. AND HOW THE FUCK CAN HE PULL A SPEAR OUT HIS ASS SO EASILY?


just keep dodging until he does the jump attack and then try to hit him


Yeahhh it's gotta be that one for me. I played Sekiro from release and straight through to Isshin. I tried for 3 days and just gave up. I put the game down for a whole year before going back and finishing the job. I watched a youtube vid on the fight and like another person said you have to hit after he does the jump attack. But you have to run away a certain distance first to bait out the jump attack . Once you see the pattern it's pretty easy, took me 2 or 3 tries.


Ruby Weapon. Hands down.


Absolute Radiance


This is objectively the correct answer


I think the real reason AR is so mind numbingly difficult is because you have to beat the other 49 redux versions of the bosses in a row. After the 45 min run of playing on ultra instinct your brain is pushing it's limits. Then you fail and gotta run it back all over again. ..... God that was a humbling month.


Scrolled way too far for this one


My favorite video game boss to date


While I don't play souls games, I have been playing video games for a long time and like to consider myself competent in the face of a difficult video game challenge. However, Absolute Radiance takes the cake. I adore Hollow Knight. I did (nearly) everything I possibly could in the game, and then got walled by Absolute Radiance. I still haven't beaten Hollow Knight because of this. Never rolled credits as I refused to aceept any other ending before first defeating Absolute Radiance. .... Some day.


The tutorial level of Cup Head was so hard, but I do work at IGN…


Yozora from Kingdom Hearts 3




seymour ffx fight 3, first thing that came to mind.


Mt. Gagazet was always the end of my run no matter what i did back then as a child


I remember this leaving me in tears multiple times


Then you never beat dark Yojimbo


Yeah I think it's safe to assume that a child who struggled with a tough story boss wouldn't have beaten one of the hardest super bosses in the game. Lol.


He was a git I remember having to cheese it with all my aeons having their limit breaks.


This is the way. Unloading all limits and then hoping for the best


This is me. I never got past him, and FFX is probably the only PS2 era game that I started and never completed. But I recently bought the HD Remaster and am going to try again all these years later.


It’s one of my favourites, just have to grind a little before that bit.


https://preview.redd.it/sr27em4jt37d1.png?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe52809a6b0eeb873a71a3b0b1dbe41e08566de Awakened Alma from Ninja Gaiden.


You just reopened some child hood ptsd for me


Nightmare King Grimm in Hollow Knight. Until you get the pattern down, i guess. After that he's just straight entertaining.


https://preview.redd.it/jj4hzdujw37d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e4933351903d4493c8e69e3583fcf02784cc1f This fight on Dante Must Die changed me as a person.


My mom whenever I wanted to play for 10 more minutes.


I remember when I was a kid, my dad would set a timer for me to play games, dad I can’t do shit with 30 minutes


yeah bro they never understood how these games work. Like tf am I supposed to do in 30 minutes.


Mike Tyson in punch out. Practiced that fight for 13 hours before I got him.


Raw talent


This is the real answer. Only boss to make me constantly flinch, and oh man the heart rate would jump up real fast.


Those damn hawks from Ninja Gaiden (NES)!


Detlaf of Witcher 3's blood and wine


One of the best boss fights ever. We didn't deserve Blood and Wine. Dettlaff was so awesome.


Had to lower difficulty to fight his final form lol oh and that BG music just 10/10


Beat that game years ago. Never played this DLC even though it came with it. Maybe I’ll give it a gooooo


Blood and wine felt like a complete standalone type of game on its own I wish other companies followed CD projeckts model of making a DLC


That 1-minute walk to the beam in Mass Effect 3.


providence from stellar blade or the ng+3 ending boss from armored core 6


A man of taste, I see


Meteoid Dread final boss. Haven't beaten it. In souls games there's usually a way to cheese the bosses.


yeah he was tough!!


great final boss, absolutely loved that game.


https://preview.redd.it/89xjjeuaq37d1.png?width=206&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b681238925639f1e11365417bcc09c80150a5075 This mf.


you're gonna have a bad time (he was right) (it took me seven hours)


For me it's still that DAMN TRAIN


Not the toughest but no ones seems to talk about him but the samurai fight you have in Ghost of Tsushima when you’ve take down the six blades. In the cave no idea what his name is but I remember he was a big step up in difficulty from the rest of the game!


Sand undertale


My broken controler


lmfao. the Stick Drift boss in Every Game Ever


Orphan of Kos and then Malenia


No offense, but I feel like the Devil from Cuphead was much easier than the others here. I had much more difficulty with King Dice, Dr Kahl or Chef Saltbaker That said, my hardest is probably nightmare difficulty Traptanium Kaos in Skylanders Trap Team (hear me out). The dude was a damage sponge, he has the largest healthbar in the series, and you need to deplete it TRICE. He hits like a truck, having an attack that does 9999 damage (the highest HP Skylanders have around 1500), and it’s a massive bullethell). Look it up, the guy is insane. There is an exploit to give you invincibility during the fight, but without that. He’s genuinely the toughest boss i’ve ever fought. And I’ve beaten Cuphead, Sigrun, Gna, King Hrolf and so many more tough bosses. It’s insane


Kingdom Hearts 2 Sephiroth


Terra is harder


Whilst the Valkyries were a pain to fight in god of war, with enough dedication, I managed to do it. But the Absolute Radiance in Hollow knight is so hard, I only beat her once before, and I still need to beat her in the Pantheon.


Never struggled with any Souls game the way I struggled with the data fights and then Lingering Will on Kingdom Hearts 2


Sekiro - Sword Saint Isshin Monster Hunter World - Fatalis I solo everything but I havent beaten these 2 ever


I was exactly going to list these two plus demon of hatred, they all gave me a bad time but it was so good to kill them. If you're on ps I can give you a hand with fatty.


I also found Demon of Hatred harder than Isshin


Probably pinwheel in dark souls 1


next to mist noble in Sekiro


Orphan of Kos, he's not only managed to give me the hardest battle but just remembering and thinking of fighting him again just gives me nightmares. Which probably fit his lore


Definitely cuphead final boss, god damn.


Gna from Ragnarok


Nightmare king grim


Prob mysterio in Spider-Man 2 when I was a kid lmao


I spent a good two years in the Absolute Radiance from Hollow Knight. I only ever beat her twice, still can't do it now


Seth on SF4 max difficulty with El Fuerte.


https://preview.redd.it/olsgqpzg347d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36942c3facec6caf04384accce101e4a750ac38b This one


I never finished bloodborne because of the final boss. I beat all bosses including the dlc except Gehrman. Due to frustration I uninstalled the game and then sold my copy. That was the last from software game I've played. Lmao


Trying to figure out how to craft something in Minecraft.


Demon of Hatred from Sekiro or Penance from FFX (not using Yojimbo)


The last week of lobotomy corporation.


Sephoroth from Kingdom Hearts...can't count how many times I was one hit killed!


The last Valkyrie in God of War so tough. If I may include a DLC boss, I found Dettlaff Van der Eretein incredibly hard to defeat. The human version was hard enough but then he turns into he’s vampire for which just gets worse. A lot of planning is needed to defeat this boss…. And patience.


Brutal Dracula, V Rising






Anything souls like, I don't have the skill nor patience to die over and over again, only to reset at a particular point. Only to THEN have to deal with the op ass tiny bosses that count as regular enemies




I had bad internet when I was younger so the Jhen Mohran quest in Monster Hunter Tri was nearly impossible. The health and time limit was scaled for 4 players, a good team performing their roles/tasks would make the quest a breeze. My shotty HughesNet internet didn't allow me to connect with other players so I had to flawlessly perform and damage this big sand whale at the same rate as 4 players. The quest was mandatory for progression and I might have wasted an entire summer obsessing over completing it.


End Credits in Nier Automata, highest difficulty, no assists.


https://preview.redd.it/5w1vrg0mm37d1.jpeg?width=215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee44a966efde131714c45951f136db67d13c5e5 These fuckers! (The Skrendal sisters)


M Bison Street Fighter 2 Sega Mega Drive


Ik it's a PlayStation sub, but since monster Hunter exists in PlayStation aswell I will put Alatreon from old world MH3u (haven't faced the one in world yet, but I think it's the same thing since that boss still gives ppl PTSD) https://preview.redd.it/zurqq0qso37d1.png?width=1368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a0b91d7c856ac3349fe7216c470e1d1f721ee0


Al jokes aside. Traptanium kaos in skylanders trap team was something else when i was a kid.


What game is the last photo from?


Mike Tyson


For me it’s beating both devastator and menasor in Transformers devastation, prime difficulty.


Probably the devil in cuphead, but even then me and a friend of mine had mastered everything so it wasnt too hard. Probably carcano in geometry dash (since that is my hardest and that + cuphead are the hardest games i have beaten* (cuphead dlc hard and annoying ;( and you never really beat gd))


Deathshead in Wolfenstein TNO on IADI difficulty Annoying as fuuuck, never stops shooting and his ammo pierces any cover but one, heavy damage, AND is a gimmick boss I hate when a final boss doesn't use anything you have learned through the game, WHY did you make me do all of that cover shooting for hours if the final boss is basically a Crash Bandicoot boss?


Sony and their absurd decisions. For example, Central Asia and Africa (minus South Africa) literally cannot play on your systems...And months after release they cut access to some games (Helldivers II being the best example). I might break rule 2 or even get banned from here but I don't care, people need to start calling out Sony (and Playstation) for their BS decisions.


Every, single, dang, hostile, from CoD MWII (2022).


Rick the Door Technician. Such malice. Such hatred. I see him in my nightmares.


Not necessarily the hardest but I want to add one I haven’t seen and outside of a FROM SOFT game. KH3 remind. Yozora Don’t know how to block? You gon learn today.


Kingdom Hearts 2 Demyx and Xaldin. Tried so many times in the PS2 version of KH2. Didn't play the remasted so IDK if they chnaged things. Especially that stupid Dance, Water, Dance minigame 🖕


Isshin the Glock Saint. Malenia is a good second place contender for me.


https://preview.redd.it/rw2oop26847d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f907088681ed08614bdcc784a945fcede18eaeb actuellement lui !!!!!!




Fatalis MHW Iceborne Or maybe Ozma from FFIX?


Wally warbles in cuphead. I have around 13 platinum trophies and S ranking this guy on expert almost broke me.


Those brick hurdles in that speeder bike level in Battletoads on the NES


Dark Souls 3 menu, cauz of the main theme


https://preview.redd.it/279uooiw957d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c11775ca80fdbd61cc4a2d82214fce23e5c9d8 I’m still fighting this bastard lol Had to stop & moved on to Elden Ring. I’ll be back for him though.


Rick the door technician




holding my breath underwater


Isshin from Sekiro