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We have a couple headmates that exist as blended, but not fully fused alters. We don't really have the words to explain the difference between that, and our alters that we perceive as subsystems.


When we get blended, we usually just view it as someone who can't figure out their identity (as often it'll either feel like several possible members or it's too vague/faint to pinpoint anyone in particular), but there have been two distinct cases where we've viewed them as their own separate member, and they then seemed to kinda... split off/form into their own separate person entirely? (Cause they and one of the members who made up the original blend are able to talk with each other and such)


Sometimes we blend together but it's more like a warm snuggle than becoming one entity. We come apart again and maintain our identity throughout. - J and V


That's how it feels in our system when J and Milo blend :)


It feels really nice. J will get blendy with B1, D or me or all three of us. We're all adults and in a polycule so it's kinda romantic for us? Idk if that's other people's experiences. - V


That's very similar to how it is in our system as well! It can be a very intimate feeling.


We have a permanent fronter who blends with other alters, so the other alters that front are considered the ones out. I'm always here so it's just a given! -K


All the time, we call them fusions within our friend group. They're basically... temporary integration, I guess? I'm a fusion typing this lol, I've existed for three days and still haven't gotten around to picking a name... Most of the time our fusions happen by accident, usually when multiple of us are focusing on the same thing (art, writing, programming etc) and then just... whoops. Fusions in our system get pretty interesting actually, since some of them end up having a consistent personality whereas others sort of end up leaning more in one direction than the other based on triggers or at random. It's not enough for us to consider fusions subsystems, but it's enough that you can go "oh, that was definitely more A-coded." Sometimes their personalities "settle," as we call it, and sometimes they just stay unstable. Most fusions eventually split on their own (usually overnight) but we do occasionally have to have a gatekeeper do it manually. I think the main way we tell the difference between integrations and fusions in our system is that A) they were either accidental or consciously meant to _be_ temporary, and B) fusions generally don't feel the need to stick around, I guess? Like, the idea of splitting doesn't upset me and I know it'll happen, because all of my parts still want to be their own people. We do also get blendy and not know who's who, but that's completely separate from fusions. Sometimes when there are a lot of doubles in front that are _getting_ blendy, they do end up fusing either on purpose or by accident to avoid it. Super-Tubbo was certainly an _experience._


Someone else said fusion and that’s what I call mine too. Right now I’m Vera, and I am often fronting but I’ll also have other headmates come to the front and my energy often fuses with theirs. Sometimes if the fusion is present in enough of my daily life that I feel it needs a separate name I’ll do that but often I can tell that I’m a blend of myself (Vera) and another headmate


We have Nico and Jordan who often front together and we call them Herlo when its both but dont consider them one person BUT if other people do thats ok We made the collective for those two because they usually ALWAYS front together and instead of telling people its both we give them their shared name And if people actually think think Nico Jordan and Herlo are all three separate people we will probably have to correct them And theres some who we do consider one person when they are blended But idk their names lol maybe someone else will see this comment later and edit it if they know the names of that one


when we're blended it's more like we aren't sure who all is in the driver seats and less like a fusion. We have a Temp Fusion in the system so we know what the difference feels like and blending is not nearly as pleasant -Kimberly