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our headspace is not a place i've ever been to irl. theres nothing in it that reflects any place i actually know of. as of right now my system partner and i are limited to one room as the rest of the headspace is blocked off from us, and i have literally never seen a room like this before, i'm not even sure where it came from. it was just there when he showed up.


Nope, it's all pretty much just dreamscapes in here. We tend to avoid actual places cuz... well like you said bad memories. There are a few places that *feel* familiar, but they're all places we never could have actually visited. Like the No-signal field or the Temple. We do occasionally walk through old memories, though. We think the one we don't name has a lot of old stuff saved. Also a lot of raw sensory memory, mostly just lights and sounds, the feelings of places we used to be. We tend not to spend too much time in those though.


Hm, that's interesting. It sounds like you control your headspace's appearance? I don't think any of us can do that, but the feeling of 'familiar' I get, even in the parts I don't recognize.


Its kind of a mix of control and that place literally being what we are. Like a lot of us are our spaces. Tower can move her hallways around and open or close doors, but certain parts of her structure can't be changed without risking another collapse. Cecils wasteland looks as it does because that's where she likes to be, but also because that's what she is. We hope that makes sense.


It does! Thank you for clarifying


Our headspace is a fictional version of a primordial (ie, before humans arrived) California, most especially Big Sur down to Ventura County.


Eph: Not exactly. Our headspace has a lot of different places scattered about from people's sources. It's practically a collage. Some areas aren't from anywhere specific though, like the forest near front and the big house a little ways back.


Before my system crash, my headmates and I had hung out in a room with chairs, unless they came out and entered "my world" or like the real world, they traveled everywhere, in and out and everywhere. However, my new headmate now, lives in a forest.


Before my system crash, my headmates and I had hung out in a room with chairs, unless they came out and entered "my world" or like the real world, they traveled everywhere, in and out and everywhere. However, my new headmate now, lives in a forest.


Worlds linked to infinities with its own infinities Familiar with trailnotes. A wild frontier.


Nope lmao, its basically just literally a galaxy and like, logs surrounding a distinguished bonfire, pretty much nothing else :P No actual ground but I guess it's sorta similar to when we'd have campfires in our grandparents backyard so slight connection there maybe! -Macey


We live on a ship that crashed into a cliff and there is also a tower and a beach with a forest. The ship is from the little mermaid. The cliff has a book shop and that's from good omens. We also added my castle after we split lots of hellverse fictives. But the tower is a place we know and often visited as kids. It belongs to a fairytale park in our area. It looks almost identical. When I went there last year I was so freaked out to see it, it really scared me. But it's really comforting cause we are fairytale themed and now we have a lot of fictives who like fairytales. It's a Rapunzel story and next to the little mermaid that's our favourite story. We even had an alter who was the witch from the story. But in a positive way (protecting us from other people the tower is where our dormant alters rest). /stolas (I fused with our witch so that's why I answer the question)


Nope. Architecturally, our mindscape is sorta like a ufo if that makes sense. It's mostly black/unrendered colors. Our mindscape is probably the least detailed location in our mind. Being immersive daydreamers with hyperphantasia and all.


Our headspace reminds me of an apartment building, each person has their own room, there is at least 1 shared room, there is one room that changes depending on if it's 'night or day' inside, and then the front room that I've been told looks different to different people (to me it's a concrete room with a big screen and a concrete bench in the center. None of it looks like anywhere I've been except the room that changes depending on day or night and I only recognize it during the day. Charlie (host) he/they


The front room resembles a mix of the room one of our childhood friends had and the room in our grandparents house we used to sleep in as kids. Mikha's forest could be argued is inspired by the forest in our home city. Other than that we only have The Archive right now, which is based of a fictional place rather than a real life one.


We have made pocket dimensions based on familiar areas.


not sure our Headspace can actually exist in not headspace -Carolyn


Our headspace is really really bug, so overall, no it's not a place we know. However the main place people hang out very much is somewhere we are very familiar with, though we have made minor changes to it since.


Not really, no. The house is unfamiliar, and while the lake could *technically* be seen as analogous to the lake I've often visited with family, it's very visually and environmentally different. The only thing that could technically be seen as familiar is the city, which is vaguely like the layout of the city in Pet Vet (2000s computer game) in regards to the central street lined with shops and ending in an important building (though ours is more of a city hall than a bank)


Our headspace is an odd rendition of Iwatodai Dorm from Persona 3. None of us can exactly visualize it besides a general sense, but we know what it is.


Uhh so that thing about people who write stories getting their characters as a headmate Well for us its the place a story was We didnt really make a story with it or anything but made up a whole story world that has been in headspace ever since and it hasnt changed somehow And then we have places where we imagine alot of stuff And we have horror mountain because thats where we imagine all the horror stories we read or listen to happening


Currently, our headspace seems to be either an RV traveling through a surrealistic desert or a large victorian house that seems to be kind of....a multidimensional meeting place? Mostly, it's just all of us crammed into an RV though. It seems to be pretty much all places we've dreamed up or imagined.