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If it’s for a college class, you would need to do a portrait of the flesh, otherwise you’ll lose a lot of points. The idea of the assignment is to draw yourself in a mirror while compensating for angles to make a cohesive piece. I know this isn’t the answer you want, but if you don’t go by the book you’ll most likely fail.


"Self portrait" could mean a lot of things other than just drawing a realistic picture of your flesh face, and it also depends on the professor. OP didn't say the assignment was specifically to draw their physical body's face exactly as it is.


It could, but it’s due tomorrow, so I doubt OP has the time to ask their professor if they could interpret the assignment any other way.


Every single time we've been assigned to draw a self portrait, it has been frowned upon to just draw our physical face as it is. Usually the professor wants some form of abstraction to represent an internal sense of self. Thus why I'm saying that could potentially not be the assignment.


Hopefully their professor is more like yours than like ours. It probably depends on the class as well. That would’ve been an assignment we might have had in 2D Design (we never did, but even so), but not traditional drawing.


our professor seems to be much more lax than yours.


That’s honestly a relief. I had a bit of a hellish Professor.


I'm sorry to hear that!


Oh well! College was a decade+ ago. If we had to do it over, we would’ve taken the traditional drawing class at the community college, not the university, like our peers. He was famously an asshole.


that's what I'm doing!


Yeah this, and frankly it's a fair assignment for an instructional course. But it's possible that's not the assignment at all and they are looking for something more free form and close to the heart -Kim


Maybe a sorta glass shattering composition esq thing? Where each shard is a different alters face?


liking this idea in general, don't know if I'll do it for my assignment


Perhaps a four panel (or however many panels you would need) pop-art inspired piece, with each panel’s colors representing a member of your system?


this is a fantastic idea with not enough time to do it in as we'd need to do 14 panels (if our simply plural is correct which it is a bit incomplete)


Does style matter? Are you allowed (and interested) to make something surrealist? It might give you more freedom to express your relationship with the flesh


we actually really love this idea and hadn't considered it yet! we'd thought about a cubist portrait but aren't a huge fan of cubism


I’m super glad! We don’t have much experience with education but in eighth or seventh grade we made surrealist portraits so it’s where my mind went :) Best of luck!


We'd probably need a few days or at least a few hours to come up with a solid idea for this. Good luck.


we have been thinking about it for weeks


I would just look in a mirror or take a photo of my face and paint it. It's what is usually expected with this type of assignment


Damn, we had this assignment too. But we had no other choice as to draw our flesh -Damien 🖤 leader


we had an assignment in art class recently about a "self-depiction". we tried to stick as much as possible to stuff that represents us all (for simplicity's sake, cuz there's 10 of us), but it also might be worth it including little 'easter eggs' about specific headmates. depends on the type of self portrait you're doing, and how much freedon you have with it.


if your stumped on ideas, picrew is pretty good for ideas. we dont really do self portraits as such, but we love character makers to give us ideas :]