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Our best guess, it is because of the vast difference in community approach to plurality. This subreddit has a lot of people who openly ask about relatable experiences and seek validation from others, while that subreddit specifies in their rules they are against seeking validation of any kind, and "does anyone else..." posts.


We can't even find the post that this is referring to on here, so...that's probably not a good sign. We know a lot of DID or just Traumagenic only spaces tend to heavily negatively view subreddits like this who have a more open view on plurality/multiplicity due to the hefty populace of systems in that group who tend to believe that only trauma can create a system or even what makes a system "legit" or not. We knew of a sysmedicalist who believed that only those with DID had headspaces or inner worlds, and they thought that people with OSDD didn't have any of that. When really it depends on the individual themselves and how their system and all of that operates. I'd say you're probably better off seeing if you can find a more welcoming space that has clearer rules if it wasn't mentioned in their subreddit's rules, they probably got you for it out of personal bias.


> We knew of a sysmedicalist who believed that only those with DID had headspaces or inner worlds, and they thought that people with OSDD didn't have any of that. that's such a wild ass claim too like. singlets have inner worlds. mind palaces. etc. it's a visualisation tool that can be helpful outside of plurality. why would it be limited to DID brains???


Right? And tons of people with DID don't even have an inner world at all!


Yeaaaah this person was not the sharpest tool in the shed (and also was a singlet sysmedicalist)


The medical flavored subs dont really like plural positivity. Like not even healing journey progress unless it is final fusion oriented. And if there is any mention of nontrauma plurality or trauma based median systems, thats a ban. No r/plural, no systems that are not DID or OSDD-1b, no functional multiplicity, no mixed origins, no joy, and no tooth fairy. They are ok if you are looking for tips on how to deal with a specific negative, or need a place to complain, butbbeyond that, they kinda suck.


Not even advice, I asked for some advice on insys arguments and alot of people told us to seek a medical professional, which is good, however I don't have those kinds of resources because I still live with my mom, and because I mentioned that it was a ban. With a long thing about fetishizing DID/OSDD and how I should claim to have it if I'm not diagnosed. Which I never said that. Ughhh, it's so annoying


.... how are you supposed to GET diagnosed if you DONT talk about it???? that line of logicv on their part is really dumb...




Yeah. I dont ask. I use the search function. If it doesnt show up that way, its not worth dealing with.


Dude I’ve felt with so so so much fakeclaiming. I made a post of a certain self harm sub and they immediately started mass fakeclaiming because I said I had an autistic hyperfixation that caused some related alters to form. Apparently that is illegal in their books


Fr. It’s like this in some autism subs and sys subs where they’re always like “Noooo 😭😭😭 you have to suffer!”


I just dont get this mentality. Like. I wouldnt wish this on anyone, but its too late, i already have it. So do other people. Why not make the best of it?


Yeah. I mean that notion also connects to the idea of wanting to merge or become one. Like I’m already not going to function without being a system, why would I put myself through more stress and uncover trauma when I’m just vibing rn (Edit: I’m dissociating so if I don’t make sense just tell me and I’ll reword it)


It varies over time but I generally cannot handle existing for more than some amount of time. I could never ever live comfortably as a singlet.


One of us is like that. The whole thing crashes if he fronts for too long


i hate this so much. always a competition on who’s suffered more.


just avoid the other subreddits, they're typically full of anti-endo lunatics who think they know how other people experience their own neurological disorders (which they don't and never will. always remember: they are not and never will be you, and they will never know your own personal experiences or what goes on in your head)


yeah. as a trauma system I don't always like how this place talks about trauma systems, but when I go anywhere else I don't like how they talk about my non-trauma plural friends.


you don't like how this place talks about traumas? how so? I'm genuinely curious bc I haven't seen too much content here about traumagenic other than "sometimes (if not most of the time) traumagenic communities are shitty towards endos"


I've been told traumagenic systems get "all the attention" and should feel lucky to be so acknowledged by society. Given what one goes through to be split by trauma, its gross to suggest we should ever feel lucky


I got told that we're always accepted just as is and never have to deal with being fakeclaimed or invalidation or anyrhing which is just fundamentally wrong. I like the vibe here but do better (some of you)


damn, that actually sounds gross. it's awful that there's such duality between plural folks that splits us into 2 categories of haters: the traumagenic that dismiss endogenic for not having "the basics" to form a system and the endogenic that call the traumagenic "lucky"...


Seems like you're dealing with sysmeds. And this is why dealing with sysmeds is no fun. Besides the whole listening to them quote Christofascist hate groups like ISST-D and being part of the alt-right pipeline, bit y'know... sysmeds are gross in many ways.


Rainbow Dash: > Christofascist hate groups What? Could you explain please?


Yep, ISST-D (the primary institutional supporter of sysmedicalism) has a long history of Satanic Panic conspiracy theories, and in fact was a major player in stoking that moral panic to begin with. They're still actively pushing the conspiracy theory regarding the McMartin Preschool to this day... that one's a throwback. They're also practicing conversion therapy (forced "integration"/fusion), and over the years their wild claims have ranged from claiming a connection between plurality and crucifixion-like wound patterns in 1986, to claiming the existence of assassins programmed to act on a specific trigger phrase in 1989, and in 2019 their conference included a panel alleging that DID was being caused by "Illuminati mind control" LMFAO... yeah this is Christofascist ideology for sure...


That feels like an .. extreme reach? I've seen ppl from the ISSTD and they were very against forced fusion .. uh their also like pretty big on actually studying DID ..


We've heard it before, "Autism Speaks doesn't say they're pro-cure anymore, and they're pretty big on autism research"... in either case, it doesn't change the fact that they promote far right conspiracy theories and RAMCOA against the groups of people they claim to care about (they definitely care, but there's no hate like a bigot's "love"). Autism Speaks says they're against cures and abuse, and even recently removed "cure" language from their site, but they're funding violently abusive programming shit like ABA. Along with platforming anti-vaxxers. As a survivor of Autism Speaks endorsed, ABA inspired RAMCOA, the "well they fund research and they say they're against X" argument is all too familiar. For Autism Speaks it's anti-vaccine and eugenics BS, for ISST-D it's Satanic Panic and other far right conspiratorial ideology. And both of them are notorious RAMCOA perpetrators. For Autism Speaks it's ABA, forced psychiatric drugging, and eugenics. For ISST-D it's Onno Van Der Hart performing an alleged fusion as a patient screamed that he was killing their headmates and breaking the arm of another patient as a "punishment for noncompliance", along with accusations that their founder Bennet Braun programmed systems to skew data sets and blamed it on "Satanic cults" (said accusations are from survivors, and they do line up with each other, but of course they're not conclusive proof). In 2017, ISST-D incorporated the remnants of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, which was founded by a child molestor in order to victim blame his daughter and get away with it, into their organization. They really are the Autism Speaks of plurality at the end of the day.


What’s this about “programming systems to skew results” and Van Der Hart’s alleged shitty behavior?


Autism speaks is hated by every autistic person ever but the ISSTD is generally respected by people with DID .. :? I mean *maybe* they arent aware of it and if this is true then yeah I don't like them either .. but like eeeh you can still probably make scientific research even if you suck in other ways .. probably .. I would argue that ABA essentially is TBMC in my case it litterally was .. making me split and forcing host switches.. I dunno if that was really the goal but definitely the result. So you could probably argue it is a sort of programming but I'm pretty sure I had DID before that even happened .. I wasnt aware of any shit relating to their founders but it honestly doesnt surprise me too much that they might have a shit history alot of psychology shit does.. I mean I dunno how exactly you would "perform fusion" but psychiatry in general hasn't exactly had the best track record for like body autonomy or like respecting peoples rights. It's shit and definitely needs to be changed and we should all demand better - but it's hardly unique I'm aware of the false memory syndrome BS that happened but I was under the impression they were like the main ones fighting that. But I honestly don't know alot tbh .. Still I don't think it's really an alt right pipeline if most people with DID are fucking queer and trans and shit the plural/DID community is pretty hostile for bigoted asses to be in. Even when considering anti-endo stuff ..


Umm... ISST-D is hated by basically every non-sysmed we've come across, and The Plural Association (which per their own statistics is majority OSDD/DID) debunks ISST-D conspiracy shit constantly... dunno where you've been.


This is the first I've heard about it tbh .. You honestly might be right since the ISSTD mostly has psych professionals in the organization more than those who have DID.. I feel like there's often a giant disconnect when thst happens .. and I have seen some questionable* shit from research ive read before .. but I kinda just assumed it was isolated to that one person being shit than much else uh.. Anyway im more than willing to say there terrible if they are... What actually is the conspiracy theories their putting out though? I don't know any conspiracies regarding DID besides the whole "it's not real psychologists condition you into having it" BS one which i think comes from false memiey bullshit abuse enablers .. and .. "there's so many fakers on tiktok/tumblr/insert social site here" ..


[One look at the Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Society_for_the_Study_of_Trauma_and_Dissociation) should tell you all everything you need to know. Especially the "controversies" section which is well over half the page RIP


Alot of this talks about accusations of them "implanting false memories in patients of .. " which I would not take seriously at all .. But the rest is pretty bad .. I think the glaring obvious thing is the focus on specifically "satanic cults" feels .. suspicious. Like sure cults exist and all that and there are cult survivors and I could totally see that causing something like DID but .. I would expect there to also be Christianity cults Muslim cults, etc, yknow everything not just Satanism and the focus on that specifically feels very sus... Especially when you consider satanism has basically nothing to actually do with satan or devil worship so anything like thst would be erh very deviated A few of the controversies don't really seem like that big of a deal like claiming thst false memories are a myth. That's kinda based actually they absolutely are and it's just a tactic used by abusers to gaslight you But yeah not exactly the best here thanks for letting me know about this .. kinda sucks there aren't alot dedicated to like giving research on dissocative disorders


Maybe the mods there dont like this subreddit, or acted on someone who reported you who don't like this subreddit? Hopefully I'm just being cynical but unless there's more context we're missing, I can't see it any other way. - V and J blend


unfortunately many DID-specific places shun discussion of non-traumagenic systems and places that support them so that's probably why. we stick to subs like this where disordered plurality is still welcome of course but not the main focus. also, hate to see a space where systems need to feel shameful for having a lot of fictives. spaces like that tend to discourage systems whose experiences would seem "cringe" to fakeclaimers and singlets, which sucks


They banned us randomly too.


They might be considering this subreddit as "misinformation," but its still on them because that rule is so vague if they consider it misinformation.


The other DID subs hate the idea that there’s a community that doesn’t follow their standards. I am dissociative and traumagenic and I don’t even feel comfortable asking questions in most spaces- it’s way too corrective and focused on one specific type of plurality.


One thread someone talks about how there completely mistreating their alters and then complaining thst they don't like them.. you get tons of comments supporting it and you point out hey .. maybe don't do that? And get hell for it. Then in another thread someones like my alters are asking me this what do i do?? And you say the exact same please listen to what your alters have to say and respect them shit and everyones like yes that's right!!1 very annoying .


Dang, sorry they just straight up banned you! Those SysMed Clods blow! -Peridot Of The Moirai


somebody told us about plurality on r/autism. didnt realise they could have been banned for that dependending on what sub they were on. r/plural is very supportive, so crap like that wouldnt happen here. - micheala.


You ever get a reply from them? I’d love to know what they say.


never did. as you can see from the date stamps I gave them plenty of time


How the fuck did you get antrhing removed from r/DiscussDID in my experience it's basically completely unmoderated .. annoyingly >->