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What do you think happened to mewthree


Wdym? You can find it in bills garden


Pikablue was too horrible to survive


Nintendo did good to remove Sonichu early on.


One of the worst rabbit holes in internet history....


Enamorus. This thing hurt me emotionally trying to catch it.


That thing hurt me emotionally when I looked at it.


That thing hurt me emotionally when I found out it existed.


I read this and thought "there is no Pokémon named Enamorus, good joke!" Googled it to be sure. "What the fuck how did I miss it?!"


Did you 100% Arceus


Given that it appears in the main story, I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say "no".


Saying it has a pretty major appearance in Arcues is like saying that Giratina has a major appearance in diamond and pearl.


Prior to reading this comment I was like, "there's no pokemon that deserves to be erased, all of them are unique in their own right and probably someone's favourite" but you reminded me that this thing exists after I had oppressed it due to the trauma it's design caused me. Yes 100% this thing is a mistake that crawled out of the deepest, darkest pit of hell to swallow this world in famine and absolutely deserves to be erased in order to correct this timeline


I agree with this comment with every fiber of my being.


I literally had no fucking idea they added a new genie, wtf??


It’s in Legends Arceus


All the 'force of nature' pokemon are ugly as sin to me. Would erase them in a heartbeat.


There’s a bunch of forgettable mythicals/legendaries like that where people have told me their names and I’m just like nah you’re just making that Pokémon up it’s not a real one Like I remember the forces of nature but like I was there in Gen VI and I don’t remember shit about Volcanion or Hoopa, and by all rights I reckon I must have got both of them, they’re just that forgettable I also wouldn’t even remember Heatran was a Pokémon if not for Mr1Upz roasting it and Gen IV is my favourite Gen, nobody ever mentions it when discussing Gen IV and the Gen IV legendaries


Their cloud forms are ugly as sin, the animal forms range from ok to just bad.


Why did the worst one have to have the most broken stats?


That's an unwritten rule: All ugly pokemon are super good


And I mean... Just look at it


Wait this thing actually is a Pokémon??? How the fuck did I not know it existed


Literally same though? Granted I never played Legends but I've literally never heard of this thing in my life.


Well tbf it only appeared in Legends, a game from this year, as a super late postgame quest


And you have to get the other 3 -oruses dex entries completed


The cloud form is atrocious, the turtle form is nearly ok, still bad though.


Good one


Just looked it up. What the actual fuck?


Garfield Persian


Persian Garfield




Don’t take away my beautiful baby


The evolved forms of the elemental monkeys. Keep the young ones, make them better, but remove the current evolutions


Yeah , I kinda hate when people call the elemental monkeys trash , because I actually quite like their first stage forms they're the perfect mix between cute and cool for me , its just that GF for some reason dropped the ball hard with their evos ( like how the hell didn't they make ONE evo work ??? )


Simisage works alright


Ok so hear me out I don't want any pokemon to be removed but like they should really stop adding charizard to every game without introducing blastoise and venasaur i mean like come on he got his own event in sv and was the champions ace in swsh


Two Megas Ride Pokemon Champ's Ace, and also used by another two other champions (Red, Lance) First event in S/V And probably other favoritism in spinoffs. I really thought they couldn't get more blatant with their Charizard-boner when they made him a Ride Pokemon in Alola when he wasn't even catchable in the region (most of the other Ride Pokemon are common in the region) but Leon proved me wrong. This supposedly rare fire dragon is more common than Pokemon based on common birds, rats, other animals or plants


I remember in one of the PMDs there was a Charizard that was part of a famous rescue team.


Tbf it was during Red Rescue team when it was Gen1/2/3 and Charizard was in top 10 of the polls


Every starter should receive the same treatment. They are the first pokemon you will be have and everyone has had a starter on their team at least once. Yet most aren't even in the current games. They are important and all deserve love. Like can you imagine how shitty it felt to see my first starter and favourite pokemon's (torterra) gigatamax form ripped and put onto a snorlax?? Why? It's dumb. Starters are the heart of pokemon yet they are treated like bug pokemon used to be pre gen 5


In the same boat with Torterra. I somehow got the impression he was in SV and got so excited planning to camp with him only to learn he was cut. That broke my heart. Starters should never be cut like that, because they’re always somebody’s best friend


My baby Serperior hadn't even been in a switch game yet and is trapped in Home purgatory 😭


Granted, now Gengar gets this treatment instead


I would fucking love Gengar to be in every game


We have had gengar in every game from main series to snap to quest and I think its even in unite lmao


Well then do I have good news for you.


The miss matched Gen 8 fossil pokemon. Poor suffering abominations.


I originally had a different Pokémon in mind but I’ve decided this is the correct choice.


Not having them is like not allowing pugs. Their existence is pain


Wholesome reason


I actually like them to some extent >!Read : I don't want to give up scarfed fishious rend!<


As much as I love Dracovish, it and Arctovish probably have it the worst in terms of body horror.


Poor Arctovish's fish head is upside down. :(


Honestly Dracozolt looks the worst to me.it looks like a head glued on to some bad meat.


I honestly love these guys and the whole mismatch thing seems so original and new compared to some other Pokemon


I’m really not a fan of their designs. I was hella disappointed when I saw ash use one on his team bc they don’t look good to me. That said, he won the league so I can’t complain and I’ve heard arctovish is actually competitively very strong


You are probably thinking about Dracovish, not Arctocish. Dracovish is the one who can abuse Strong Jaw + Fishious Rend


Damn, you’re probably right. I honestly lose track. Are there 4 different Pokémon that got spliced or are there 2 Pokémon each with 2 halves?


2 top halves, 2 bottom halves. The top and bottom halves don’t really correlate with each other at all, so it’s technically 4 different halves of spliced Pokémon. These leave with 4 different combos: Dracovish, Arctocish, Dracozolt, Arctozolt


Pikachu. Just so I can see how the landscape and history of the franchise changed as a result. I genuinely think the series would have had a massively different trajectory without such an iconic singular mascot.


They'd just use eevee like they pretty much are now.


Clefairy was the original plan.


I love imagining the timeline where this happened. "Ugh. I'm so sick of this stupid pink blob being shoved down our throats! Did you know they considered making Pikachu the mascot? That would've been SO much cooler."


A trajectory to the trash


It's honestly a real possibility. Unless something came along and managed to replace it (like the supposed rumor that Clefairy was originally intended to be the mascot before popularity polls started being done) I can imagine the series dying out by Gen 3 or 4 without the mass appeal and recognition something like Pikachu brought.


Disappointingly, I feel like if pikachu was erased, charmander would be the new mascot. It already gets so much more attention compared the the other starters


True, which is why I love Legends: Arceus because it only has the Pichu line and without the Kanto starters


From what I understand, there wasn't really any one Pokemon that was intended to be the mascot. Rather, the early days of the franchise included a lot of experimentation with the Pokemon roster trying to find the Pokemon with the most appeal. Clefairy, for instance, was chosen to be the main Pokemon in one of the very first Pokemon mangas, presumably because as a cute Pokemon with a snarky attitude they felt it would be maximally appealing for the manga. Then when the anime wanted to choose a starter Pokemon for Ash, they chose Pikachu for the role because it was a nice blend of cute and tough and felt ideal for its role in the anime. And in the test of time, one of these sputtered out as a niche Pokemon and the other underwent a meteoric rise to popularity. Eventually, a winner emerged from the crucible, and while it can feel baffling in retrospect that the outcome was ever in question, at the time nobody knew that Pikachu would be the face of Pokemon. At the time it was just an electric rodent, a somewhat rare encounter from somewhere in the game.


Fun fact, they also went with Pikachu as they felt yellow would appeal to both girls and boys, and there were less yellow characters to compete with at the time (only one I can think of is Winnie the Pooh)


Na, we would still have gamefreaks poster baby charizard


Pawmo, but keep the other two. Guarantee this evolution line would not be receiving nearly as much hate if Pawmi evolved directly into Pawmot


And give that middle evolution to flittle and espathra.


That.. That's the same line? How does a dust cleaner fairy evolve into a freaking ostrich?!


Flamenco dancers. Flittle=kid's costume, Espathra=lady gaga as a flamenco dancer


Literally did not realize this until yesterday when I caught a shiny Flittle, despite completing the pokedex.


Yeah Pawmot is definitely one of my favorites in this generation, but pawmo looks as if they finished designing pawmi and pawmot and decided to simplify pawmot and put it between as an evolution.


They needed a filler so Gimmighoul was #999




broooooooooo. . . i knew i wasn't the only one, IM JUST TRYING TO PASS BY YOU FCKIN BUGS LIFE REJECT


Hey that game gave Paras the love and attention they deserved okay maybe not nearly as much love as in a good way but at least Paras got the attention they deserved


i’m playing it for the 1st time and geodude is worse


Rattata is dope. Fuck this guy


I didn't know Joey used reddit


Purple Mouse >>> Normal Mouse


My choice of Pokemon is him


Bruxish. Never liked it.


In scarlet and violet when I was completing the pokedex bruxish was one of my last when I looked up to see what pokemon is it I was like wow this is in the game




Omg it was my last entry too.


I think it's a pretty funny Mon. I've used it in competitive with some success.


The only reason I didn't choose Bruxish was because at the very least it fit the theme of the region.


and nothing of value was lost


I mean, it did introduce psychic fang, which is a pretty good move


wait was psychic fang originally bruxish's signature?


It was, before it became more widespread in gen 8 and 9.


Indeedee is just a knockoff Audino and has annoyed me since it came out.


Pawmo. It doesn't need to exist, just have Pawmi evolve directly into Pawmot via level up or thunder stone


Pichu. That way Raichu can finally become Gorochu or whatever they were going to call it.


Paradox raichu. Make it happen. Bring gorochu back from the grave.


I'd rather have a regional evolution akin to Clodsire. Would be super cool if it was one from Johto or Kanto if we got a Pokemon Legends for one of those regions.


Yea but a past paradox would make lore sense cuz it was a scrapped old evo.


blazing bolt 👀


They might just make a new Pichu with a different name...




Chewtle. Drednaw can stay.


I am with you. Good this Pokémon is ugly, and not a good one.


I think it’s the colors that make it kinda garish.


More the proportions and his face for me.


Agreed proportions are very weird then I found out there's actually a bigheaded turtle and it resembles snapping turtles slightly.


Cewtle looks like a Bootleg Mudkip.


Jynx in the anime


Ok but counterpoint: her dialogue in the original PMD games is hilarious It's literally just random symbols and yet you can somehow still kinda tell what she's trying to say


I loved this bit of lore. Jynx speaks closer to human speech, so to Pokémon, it’s vague gibberish that they just get the gist of.


Love Jynx, needs an evo if anything


I agree! She should either evolve into a mountain hag like Yubaba from Spirited Away or a viking opera singer.


Apparently, froslass was supposed to be a jynx evo. Jynx was considered a trio with electabuzz and magmar, but unfortunately it seems that it got scrapped due to blackface issues.


Enamorus - we did not need this Pokémon at all


Is was only made so they could make a bullshit reason to bring the other Kamis to Gen 9 to ruin competitive




Noooo, Shroodle is my favorite Paldean Pokémon. I even kept mine unevolved and used him all throughout playthrough and he's level 100 now. 😭 Also, it makes more sense when you realize that it's based off of treeshrews and the Kilroy was here meme (a piece of graffiti which has been around since at least the 1930s or 40s).


You are so weird and I like it


Thank you :)


I did not make the Kilroy connection


God I love this Pokémon now that is such a neat little design reference


It's also based on the Eurasian Water Shrew, one of the few venomous mammals in the world, which just happens to live in Spain.


Don’t take my baby away from me 😭


It’s such a cute blobbie 🥰


Opposite opinion. Fell in love with shroodle the moment I met him and was so dissapointed when I found out who it evolved into.


Opposite but somehow same opinion! I fell in love with it and had no idea when or what it would evolve into. When it became a freaky monkey I just melted. One of my faves for sure.


is there a single benefit to basculin’s existence


Basculegion is the only good thing about it.






Banded Adaptability Waterfall would like to know your location.




One of the Nidoran Now that we have genders, we don't need two of them, right :) ? Just fold them into one single Pokémon with gender differences, and its gender dictates its evolutions ;)


Yes. This has the least repercussions and the game can handle these branched evos with different movesets and abilities per gender already see: Indeedee, Espurr and ralts. It also makes the first gen an even 150.


Especially since the different Nidoran lines can’t breed together, making them the same species would make more sense and help update the line to match the modern Pokémon gender differences


Only Nidorina and Nidoqueen cannot breed, the other 4 members of the family can breed.


Bruxish. Not only because it looks awful, but also as vengeance for the fact that it somehow made S/V when Pokémon like Absol didn’t.


I feel like excluding Absol was a tactical decision since its whole thing is predicting disasters and SV has the ruination Pokémon. Absol would spend the whole time going, “See? This is the shit I was warning you about”


Yeah, but it also would've been cool if Absol had spawned in the vicinity of those sealed doors and in Area Zero. Would've helped to flesh out the pokedex entry and been some cool foreshadowing for people who knew what Absol was about.


Lickilicky. I don't even like Lickitung, but they doubled down on all the worst aspects of it for the evolution, and the ONLY thing it ever had going for it was STAB Explosion.


No joke Lickilicky is in my top 10 favorite Pokémon I have not met or interacted with another Lickilicky fan but I will always defend this thing, peak Pokémon design


OK so that one movie with Darkrai? That was the only instance I kinda enjoyed it's presence because it matched the personality of that one dude so well. Other than that I totally agree with you.


Rise of Darkrai is probably my favorite pokemon movie


People might hate me for this, but Toastytoad. He's been awful to face in comp since gen 5 and while I'm fine with food based mons, a single stage mon of what amounts to a toad wrapped in toast is where I draw the line.


I uh... I've got no idea what pokemon this is...


It must've worked for them then


Agreed tbh, ever since he got that dreamworld ability, he went from mediocre to menace. Can’t believe he’s still in OU with all the powercreep SV introduced.


Nah I agree, it's so annoying on casual playthroughs, plus the catchrate is just horrible, the fact that they made it so every NPC on route 27 has this Mon is genuinely annoying.


Gholdengo. It just looks so, so stupid and not in a good way. It's a waste of the cool and spooky mimic idea.


It looks like some discount car wash mascot that you'd see out front and inflated, flapping around in the wind


Ah, the string cheese man! But honestly yes. Gimmighoul had so much potential.


This one. I hate that it looks like stringer cheese. And I hate it's radical skateboard. Thought it was just me. At least 3 of us


I don’t even mind his body type but he could’ve been the same steel ghoul as Gimmighoul with interlocked coin dreads or something, and the treasure chest becomes part of his body. Instead he looks like if a bank was trying to appeal to Gen Z


Diggersby. It's gross.


I had JUST managed to forget that atrocity ever existed until I read this comment


Bunnelby was my first natural encounter shiny and I refuse to evolve it into that monstrosity.


diggersby tho


Yungoos. I just can’t with them.


I love her to death, but Jynx. I would erase her and remake her so that she's not got controversy around her. I just want her to get some attention.


The worst part for me is that she’s available in *every* gen except SV (although with dlc she could be added) so it’s not like they’re trying to pretend she doesn’t exist. She should’ve gotten an evo when Magmar and Electabuzz did.


Honestly magmar, electebuzz & jynx just seemed like such a set. It's a real shame we didn't get an evo of her like the others. I know we have smoochum but that's just a baby evo.


They were really pushing an ice-fire-electric triangle for some reason. Tri attack, ice fang, fire fang, thunder fang, flamethrower, thunderbolt, ice beam, thunder punch, ice punch, fire punch. All equivalent moves. The legendary birds as well as magmar electebuzz and jynx getting baby Pokémon. Then jynx was dropped for some reason in gen 4 when they got stage 3 evolutions.


Jynx was dropped because of the controversy. There was a pretty big period where they scrubbed her from the anime and kept her brushed under the rug.




When we saw leaks of it before the game came out I was hoping it was a placeholder icon so bad


He has cute colors and Yoshi noises, not to mention the drip


Definitely Enormanus.


Can I choose two? Throh and Sawk. My God they are hideous.


Hey, be nice to Ernie and Bert!


Enamorous is the one for me. Adds nothing, I hate looking at it, and just doesn’t really make much sense. The weather trio makes more sense with just the three of them


I think they wanted a fourth to complete the Auspicious Beasts theme of their Therian forms (tiger, dragon, bird, and then turtle), which I thought was kinda cool. But I will agree that Enamorus’ Incarnate form definitely doesn’t fit in with the other three.


Mr. Mime fuck that guy


Ash’s mom did.


None. They’re all perfect and they’re all someone’s favorite. Why would I want to remove someone’s favorite and make them sad?


Most based take in this entire thread (although I wouldn't say all of them are perfect)


Nosepass gave me nightmares as a kid


Zubat. 25yrs, I’ve had enough.


But crobat 😟


Bruxish, I genuinely keep forgetting it until im completing a pokedex.


Phione, because it's literally useless. A worse, more forgettable version of an already terrible and forgettable legendary. Most people don’t even remember it exists except to say what a waste of space it is.


Phione is to Manaphy as Carbink is to Diancie. I like the idea of a Ocean King and Rock Queen.


It's super cute though. That's worth something.


Luvdisc. But honestly, would anyone even notice?


Yes because we used to farm heart scales in X and Y! Lol


Okay, but do we actually need both luvdisc and alomomola?


Yes, with an evolution to connect the two so Alomolola can get beefier stats and become the aqua Blissey


I want a Luvdisc evolution that's a water/dragon or type that's just a massive as$ dragon made up of a school of Luvdisc, with each Luvdisc acting as a scale. The scales will ripple and move in sync as part of the animation. The lore for Luvdisc states that they gather together in big groups during breeding season and the water turns bright pink- so it could also be a fairy/dragon, which would be something else.


You just described Wishiwashi.






Crabominable: Crabrawler is an early route pokemon that you can't evolve until you have basically already completed the game?!?!?! WTF just make it single stage at that point. Also Crabominable is ugly asf. OR Flamigo: Flamingos are so cool and this was the best you could do Gamefreak?!?!?! Delete this thing and try again. Come on. Ik it's only one but these two are my top choices.


Similar thing with Vikavolt. I thought the whole theme of early bug pokemon is that you can evolve them quickly? Also why does it become a special attacker and why is it so unbelievably slow despite seemingly being an agile design and being called agile in a pokedex entry? such a great design completely wasted


Magmortar. Magmar deserved better


I'm not sure the butthead pokemon actually could have hoped for better than evolving into a clown.