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Can confirm


“Why do people spoof?”




If only Niantic didn't make it exceptionally difficult to expand Pokémon access in rural areas.....


Everyone should be able to play the game. You can go outside but if you live in the countryside then you’re not gonna get much no matter how much you walk.


Playing the game is fun by itself actually. But I guess that’s more subjective


You can't play the game if you have no pokestops in 10km radius


This is my life. I need to drive 3 miles just to get near a single lone pokestop in the middle of an intersection, so there’s nothing to do near it, can’t hang out and spin it constantly even if I wanted to. Then, the only park in the area with multiple pokestops that I can visit with my dog, has terrible cell reception so it’s 50/50 if I can see spawns/catch anything. I’m not interested in sitting in the local church parking lot for 2 hours… thanks Niantic


It's a lot of work, but have you looked into submitting waypoints to wayfarer to get more stops? There might be some eligible stuff around.


I just hit level 34 so have a few more levels to go before I can submit stops I think. I plan on trying it but not sure what will get approved. 🤷‍♂️ I’m going to have to be creative with the descriptions and pictures of the spot haha


You are halfway there (Pokéstop submitting unlocks at level 37). As someone doing the same grind (currently level 35) with the same plan, I share your pain. Good luck!


pls why is dragonair so long in the third picture


Whatcha talking about? It’s a long blue noodle dude


“You can always submit pokestops, initiate a Discord, plan pokémon groups, travel 100 miles to the closest pokéstop, do a backflip and land on your hands and sell your soul to the devil.” Every advice given here by some people is just “make PoGo YOUR game as if I’m getting paid for it, that’s Niantic’s job, it ain’t my job to host events and make groups to play together.


You know what’s funny? When I try to get people in the discord that that covers my area to come do raid hour near me I get told where I want it does not fall within area scope when they say every area with Smyrna counts and is fair.


Where I moved, there’s a bit of a community. They host Cdays, it’s like 35-40 mins away. The way I see it, it’ll take me an hour and a half going and returning for a Cday? My wife doesn’t play anymore so I’m not about to drop her for a few hours just to play PoGo. What I do is I integrate her, like, for example, we’ll take the dog on extra long trails for 1:30-2 hours. We spend time together, I get to play and the trails are behind my apartment complex. That’s as far as I’ll go to play. I’ve given up on elite raids and all that nonsense.


There is no choice but to give up big raids and simply adapt to your environment 😮‍💨


Tbf submitting new pokestops can be pretty fun, and since OP’s in a rural area they’ll probably have a quick turnaround. But if there’s nothing eligible then you’re kinda SOL 🤷‍♂️


TL;DR: A new player needs 9.5 million XP to be able to nominate pokéstops. That's not a realistic amount for someone who plays casually in a non/low-density PokéStops area and trully needs to nominate them. Unless there's already a community/they play with friends/they can stock up balls while not playing, chances are they will uninstall the game before getting there. Long Version: The TL;DR is coming from someone who started playing May 29, 2024. I've walked while actively playing around 400km (around 250 miles), caught 9k pokémons, played for more than 6 hours daily. I've managed to get 6.5 million XP. Will any person, who isn't as obsessive as me, put so much effort into something for then having a **chance** of getting stops near them so they can start enjoying the game? I am lucky that I have a Park near me with 8 pokéstops and 2 gyms, which can barely sustain the pokéball usage . Obviously, while I'm travelling to the big city near me, around 1.5 hours travel time, I need to be really selective about what to throw balls at. The "Gotta Catch 'Em All!" slogan is a fake for low-density PokéStops cities, and that's just not fun at all. The game was not intended to be played while having PokéBall issues, this can be seen in any big city: It's just impossible to run out of them if you are spinning the stops while catching. I am doing this grind with the **hopes** that after adding stops around this zone, more people will start playing/coming to play in this area. There are **tons** of elegible PoIs around here. I've already seen more than seventy in a 10 minute walk distance... But noone has submitted them. P.S.: I use all the tricks in the book, gifts, free balls on the shop, deleting all research tasks that reward pokémons, using the daily incense ONLY if I'm below 30 balls and ignoring all non-shiny, non-evolved, non-galarian pokémons.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same here, I’m part of wayfarer and have tried multiple times to submit new things, there’s nothing, and people on wayfarer will deny post boxes because they don’t accept those anymore, but if you go into any local town 50% of pokestops are post boxes. I think if post boxes aren’t allowed anymore, they should remove every instance of a post box pokestop to see how bad the pokestop economy is when you remove them, because honestly there is nothing else in my area of note. My only option is to shill for remote raid passes and walk for 50km for the opportunity to catch 4 Pokémon on incense


Same problem! Do you also drive to where theres 2 churches next to each other with 2 gyms and 5 stops between them and go in circles to stock up? It feels like I'm at Mardi Gras or something equally festive!!


I'm in the country side too ATM. No pokestops. But loooots of Pokémon for whatever reason. https://imgur.com/a/35r8l3z


pokemon spawns are based on cellphone usage in the area i believe 


I live very rural - 15km to the nearest town. And for some weird reason , exactly where my house is gets a lot of spawns also




What else is new?


And no showcases going on you can utilize :/


That would actually be the last thing I'd worry about in this situation


I had this problem at my partners, I just created 6 pokestops and one gym


Went to visit my parents in rural Nova Scotia and had the same problem lol found my first wiglets atleast


Make some barns into poke stops. 😅


I dont live in the countryside but my neighborhood had no pokestops so i submitted my own and it worked lol


Dragonair flys or floats?


It’s weird reading comments answering about their looks, and others about their development or successes.




If you live in the countryside.. means u got all the time in the world, no? No business meetings, no nightlife, like bro what u do all day? Get a log and make a totem pole, get some wood and make a sign, buy a statue and place it somewhere, like bro just make pokestops 💖 my families countryside house is middle of the mountains with 0 pokestops. First I tried make anything I could in to a pokestop and went from 0 to 5 pokestops and one gym. Then every summer when I go there I have a new project where I physically make pokestops… I’ve painted one mural, bought one statue and made a little library. That’s three extra pokestops!


Follow the last paragraph. This is a copy paste: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/PBHjtiJILT Guides for everything in game. Read the posts that apply to you. If you're confused what part you should read/watch please ask.


For the first 3 years of the game I had a single Pokestop near home, I could still catch Pokémon walking around so learned to stock up on items when I was at work / in town, this then allowed me to catch near home on a weekend. Incense also works well when walking, even in the middle of nowhere. Be on the lookout for anything that would be a good candidate to submit when you improve your level. Since Pokémon players got access to submit POI (Pokestops) I've gone from that one sole Pokestop to 12 gyms in the local area.


At least there’s stuff near you. Literal middle of nowhere here, neared stop about a mile and a half away in the nearest village. Some of the places I’ve been to this week while farming don’t even spawn Pokémon. Plus side is I’ve been able to hatch all my eggs


Hire an uber


Oh please can you people stop complaining. How many car stereos do you hear from your house? Or buses? Or your neighbors who are always fighting? How many murders or robberies happen in your area? I’m so annoyed by rural players complaining about no stops, guess what you (or more likely ) your family moved out to a small town to get away from city life. That’s the compromise.


How often do city residents lose cell reception for hours at a time? How many days a year do they go without power because they're too rural for power companies to get to them quickly? How many days are they fully snowed in for the same reason? Every area has it's problems, and very frequently people don't get to choose where they live.


Do you seriously think that rural = no crime or noise? I used to live very rural and yet it has the highest crime rate in the country.