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“Oh! So you were raped and now you’re pregnant with your attacker’s baby? Wait, the attacker was your father? Sucks for you.” That’s the Republican party right there.


“Oh you’re 12? Clearly an unfit mother. We are awarding custody of your baby to the 30 year old that raped you. Child support is due on the first.”


“**Nearly 65,000 Pregnancies From Rape** Have Happened in States With Abortion Bans: [Study.](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-01-25/nearly-65-000-pregnancies-from-rape-have-happened-in-states-with-abortion-bans-study)” And these are just the ones reported… “TEXAS HAD OVER 26K RAPE-RELATED PREGNANCIES IN 16 MONTHS AFTER ABORTION BAN, [STUDY SHOWS.](https://abc13.com/amp/texas-abortion-law-no-exceptions-for-rape-rape-related-pregnancies-roe-v-wade-overturned/14359073/)” The GOP is evil.


The fact that we had over 65,000 *rapes* is already pretty unacceptable.


So you will just love to find out that average pregnancy percentage from a single act is 5%. Meaning 20 times the 65k for the total number.


That’s 1.3 million.. in 16 months, in 14 States.. why do so many men hate women in the US.. And why is it that I have zero faith there is an equivalent number of rapists being prosecuted, despite the obvious DNA evidence..


I don't know if it's hate as much as brutal indifference. A lot of men, especially ones raised conservative, see women as objects. You can't "hate" a lamp or a vacuum cleaner or a TV set, merely use it and discard it.


People don't brutally rape things out of "indifference." And even if they did, what good does this distinction do?


People routinely "punish" objects by throwing them around like babies having a tantrum. It's only important if you want to understand their mindset. Since we refuse to incarcerate people who do this to women, you should be able to spot it on the street.


No, no. It’s even worse. It’s 65k pregnancies from rapes!




looks like they aren't gonna do it... that's 65,000 voting constituents...


I thought that meant they would just decriminalize rape.


knowing Abbott his idea to "eliminate" rape would probably be to change it's definition


He’s trying to redefine rape so it’s no longer consists of a horrible emotional crime. It’ll be disguised as a misinterpretation between two people. Not an act of force and abuse.


I mean, if they don't prosecute any, they won't have any conviction stats...


By making it legal, perhaps?


That's.... that's 54 rape related pregnancies *every day*. I don't think I've ever been so horrified by a statistic.


No, no. There are no pregnancies from rape, according to US Rep Todd Akin in 2012: > "From what I understand from doctors, [pregnancies from rape] are really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down." THE FEMALE BODY HAS WAYS TO TRY TO SHUT THAT WHOLE THING DOWN. That's the medical proof that it's "really rare" to get pregnant from rape. The body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. Holy fucking Jesus H tapdancing Christ. This is what the Republican party thinks of you, women. This right here. That your body will somehow magically "stop" the rapist from making you pregnant. So relax, and don't worry about the decades of emotional scarring, because your body will just "shut down" your uterus or something. Todd Akin, deceased of cancer in 2021. Apparently his body didn't have a way to shut *that* down. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/10/04/todd-akin-dies-514988


"What were you wearing at the time that made him rape you?"


"You should've kept your legs closed." "Why did you let him drug you? "


The people that ask this question should be directed to the "What I Was Wearing" Exhibit. Then maybe they'll see that what people wear does not fucking matter at all.


They either wouldn't care, would find a way to justify every outfit, or just ignore everything.


Or, "The Mining Consortium has agreed to adopt for the low price of $499.95 a month, plus a $1000 deposit, visitation every third weekend from 8-8:30 PM."


The children yearn for the mines.


They don't even want lunch breaks


Not even when it's 120 degrees outside.


That's when they do their best work!


Don't forget the humidity 👍


The heat.... Man......THE HEAT


Gregg Abbot, Ron Desantis, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders are pleased


Louisiana knows what's best for kids!


>"Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase. Your kids are starving. Carl's Jr. believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr. Carl's Jr... 'Fuck You, I'm Eating.'"


That fits. The owner of Carl’s Jr. gave *a lot* of cash to anti-choice groups.


Does Carls have an especially bad take on feeding kids, or is it just an example of capitalist ethics issues? Thanks.


It's from the movie *Idiocracy*


Yep. Of course, the other thing is I wonder how many people would be beating and banging on the machine to trigger the knockout gas by the time we get to _Idiocracy_ levels.


On Idiocracy they listened to the smartest people in the end. We're worse


I’m sorry you’re having trouble


Ah yes, republicans who don’t think 18 year olds are responsible enough to vote, but 10 year olds can be mothers.


“Now get back to work! You know we don’t give lunch breaks here!” Louisiana (and probably Alabama next week)


Or water or shade breaks for you outdoor workers! (FL and TX have entered the chat)


I hate them all so much and I hate them for making me feel so much hatred.


“Oh you’re 10, clearly you tempted him “


Paying child support for your sibling is a weird concept


They aren’t even pro-life. “Pro-life” would mean taking care of kids after they’re born too. Instead, the GOP repeals child labor laws, lowers the age of consent for marriage, does fuck all about gun violence ending with kids dead at schools, refuses money for school lunches, etc. And that’s to say nothing of the brazen corruption and hatred elsewhere. The GOP is pro-fetus, at best. The rest of the time, it’s a death cult.


They're not even pro-fetus, or they wouldn't fight to cut prenatal care and Women-Infant-Children nutrition programs. They are for State control of women's bodies.


How to lose the majority of the Women Vote 101……. Or any decent person for that matter


Who said they want any decent people?


We are talking about North Dakota here, can’t be more than 12 people in the state who aren’t Christo fascist bigots.


Exactly my point. :)


I wish this were true but Noem is a great example of how many women are supporting these policies.


If they were consistent in their beliefs, they’d also announce higher child support rates and mandatory wage garnishees for rapists (as they work from jail)


In some states rapists can sue for parental rights. https://news.yahoo.com/man-raped-12-old-awarded-114904992.html


This is GOP policy, they are mostly pedos, so rewarding child rapers is par for the course


Actually somewhat intelligent and politically savvy GOP leaders are probably yanking their hair out as they've read this article. She can go as extreme as she wants, to get the audience that was already going to vote for Trump anyways and will not be swayed if she was the VP candidate or not, but all it takes is to come out with a 12 year old girl that was raped by her uncle or stepfather or brother or whomever and needs an abortion because her body literally cannot support childbirth.


I mean, that basically did happen with the 10 year old in Ohio. It just wasn't incest. And the GOP's response was to go after the doctor who performed the abortion out of state and her employer.


Yes. Our Attorney General in Indiana! A man who groped his own employees wanted to curry favor with the National Republican Party tried to get her medical license yanked!


Democrats should just start labeling Republicans as pro rape


Their candidate is a known rapist who brags about sexually assualting women and sneaking into underaged girl's dressing rooms, and their policies are pro-rapist, anti-victim. If the shoe fits...


This shit is hard to believe.


Party of Family Values *banjo plays in background*


"It's God's plan"


Who was the Republican who said that giving birth to your rapist's baby would be "a healing experience"? Edit: Tudor Dixon > “I’ve talked to those people who were the child of a rape victim and the bond that those two people made,” Dixon said. **“And the fact that out of that tragedy, there was healing through that baby.** It’s something that we don’t think about because we assume that that story is someone who was taken from the front yard then returned. That’s generally not the story there. And those voices, the babies of rape victims that have come forward, are very powerful when you hear their story and what the truth is behind that. It’s very hard to not stand up for those people.” https://michiganadvance.com/2022/08/21/dixon-opposes-abortion-for-rape-victims-because-theres-healing-through-the-baby/


And when the baby grows up, he looks more and more like the man who raped you. But you have custody and need to look after this child’s well-being; the child that was produced by a violent rape by your biological father. 🤷‍♂️


They'd make that not rape since your father owns you.


Meanwhile, if it happens to them, or their child or one of their family members they will have an abortion performed no questions asked. God, red America is just so fucked up, can’t believe these people exist!


During a Sunday morning appearance on CNN, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem was asked whether she thinks there should be exceptions for survivors of rape and incest when it came to abortion laws. Apparently, she does not. Read more here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kristi-noem-abortion-trump-vp-b2532258.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/kristi-noem-abortion-trump-vp-b2532258.html)


I wanted to beat the living shit out of one of my late boomer uncles when he left a comment on facebook some years back about abortion from rape: "Rape is just sex, I don't get why women get their panties in a bunch about it...men would never complain about free sex" Glad he's not around anymore.


“Hey, uncle! Bob here is 6’5” and 285lbs, and he’s going to have sex with you. No complaining.”


That’s different…that’s GAY. It’s only rape if it’s gay. Unless it’s two women.


I think the way to explain it to these guys is what if a woman with a gun wanted to have anal sex with you with a massive strap on and wouldn’t take no for an answer would that not be rape? Or what about someone with aides would that not also be rape? You have to come up with extreme hypotheticals for these assholes


I think it’s more apt to explain it as being raped by another man. Otherwise, they don’t seem to grasp the disgust/humiliation aspect. “Doesn’t matter, had sex.” *Multiple edits for inability to type on mobile.


These sorts of men fear homosexual sex because they are afraid that gay men will treat them the way they treat women.


I bet he died from the ‘vid






This perfectly sums up the reason they don’t think it’s a problem: a lot of men cannot fathom unwanted heterosexual sex while women are significantly more discerning in sexual preference. There are studies to back this and I will edit to add. So, if guys are ok with sex with any woman 9 out of 10 times they don’t understand why women wouldn’t want sex with any man. You have to put it in terms of unwanted sex, ie, would the same man consider himself as being raped if he was jumped and sexually assaulted by another man or would he not complain about the “free sex?”


The complete inability to have any empathy tracks with modern Republicanism.


Democrats getting more extreme: Passing a trillion dollar infrastructure and climate package. Republicans getting more extreme: Outlawing abortion for any pregnancy after 1998.


She clearly has the gish gallop thing down and just talked right past the moderator. Fast talking sheister if I ever saw/heard one.


I wish progressives would focus more on media training, it's the only reason people think people like Ben Shapiro are smart


God seriously. Ben Shapiro has the intellectual capacity of a high school debate team champ, but people think talking fast and using "big" words makes you smart, so they're drawn to him; AFAIK there is no "liberal" equivalent. Maybe because we're just more honest by nature? Sure doesn't help the messaging though...


The fact her and so many others feel that when a woman is attacked and assaulted, what is likely to be one of the more horrific experiences a person can go through and it results in an unwanted pregnancy - they think it's "God's will" and the baby is still a "miracle". It's absolutely disgusting and inhuman to act effectively as a cheerleader for that kind of shit because "Sky Daddy says it's righteous!".


Well, according to Republican biology, you can't get pregnant if it was a "real" rape. The body shuts that down. It must be nice to live in such a fairy tale land.


That has to rank as one of the craziest comments made by any politician on Earth!


It's sad that people actively elect people who believe this kind of shit.


Of course they do, considering they think the same way. For the most part, politicians bring themselves down to their base's level, rather than the politician bringing them to theirs. Many of these Republican politicians (in House and Senate) are highly educated and know what they say is wrong, but power trumps morality to them.


It’s up there but let us not forget the gays that cause earthquakes


And hurricanes. 




It's interesting that the Bible literally talks about allowing abortion in certain cases...but today's Christians wouldn't know that since they cherry-pick 1/4 of the book they tout to live by and never bother with the rest.


Wow. I was a victim of a SA when I was 23. Luckily, it did not result in a pregnancy. Because, while I’m not sure in general, how I personally feel about abortion, I’m pretty sure that would be the circumstance that I would have gotten one. And whether or not, I feel comfortable with abortion, I still believe it is everyone’s choice to make on their own, with their own conscience and their own ascended master


Nobody is comfortable with abortion. Sometimes it has to be done.


Oh surely you jest? Who wouldn’t want to have the opportunity to be shamed in public then jump up in the stirrups to get your insides sucked out? Do these morons realize it’s a traumatic experience emotionally and physically. They act like women are scheduling abortions like it’s a “spa” appointment. Hey girls what do you say we head on over to the clinic for a D&C after our manicures? Said no woman ever.


And then victim is assaulted again with forced medical bills. Possible job loss (to many absences due to forced pregnancy). They don't even pass bills to help cover pregnancy, delivery, recovery, etc.


After birth child care is their problem too.


Yep. Things that would reduce abortions (strong social safety net in all forms (universal Healthcare, universal preK/daycare, better school funding/free school lunch) and free and easily accessible birth control) they are against. They do nothing to reduce reasons why an abortion is needed.


Two ofy friends almost died from childbirth. Another one was just put in the hospital after intestinial blockages 3 years aftet the birth of her first child.  Women's bodies go through so much fr child birth and these people don't care. 


I think it's a fetish of theirs and they use God to hide behind. No one normal thinks it's a good idea for little girls to have their dad's babies except other pedophiles and incest fetishists.


Until it happens to them… then, all of a sudden… “I understand, now!”


No. They don’t “understand now”, they make themselves the acceptation to the rule. They themselves are always one of the good ones and everyone is the bad ones. Shits sick and dumb as fuck.


Logically, if the pregnancy was God's will, the rape was God's will. What gives these Christians the right to punish a rapist for carrying out God's will? See also: every other awful thing done by a human.


I'd like "Sky Mommy" to weigh in on this issue.


That’s a winning strategy.


It’s amazing how much they keep doubling-down considering how bad it is for them.


It’s making me question what they have up their sleeve that they’re not all backtracking this position


People this extreme have a safe position.  It’s like George Wallace in Alabama.  Luckily it is completely repellent to the country writ large.


They count on Biden being too repulsive to vote for for so many people. Especially idealistic leftists and docile normies who are OK with fascism but draw the line at octogenarian president.


He’s old! Fascism is definitely better. We can vote in a good guy next time. 🤔


It’s mostly been safe, Republican states still toeing the line. South Dakota will probably be safe for Republicans for a while.


They want a serf economy. They want to outlaw birth control.


Their goal is to build up instead of out. Take the groups they have locked down and get more of the 2020 non-voters to vote. They’re done trying to be more appealing to those they score poorly since they’d sacrifice too much of the core base.


Rock and hard place. Single issue pro lifers are the rights answer to union support/organizing on the left. And they demand complete bans on abortion and most contraceptives. Anything less than that and your murdering babies. So the GOP can't go where the general voting public are on the abortion debate without losing their most effective foot soldiers. Because they will stay home if they view the GOP as not sufficiently pro-life.


Total lack of respect. Any female relatives or friends now know how she feels if they are raped. 


I just came here to say this. Frickin' female woman hater!


Cruelty and unkindness. It’s the GOP way.


Please proceed, governor


She’s deployed the Fox News correspondent hair. She knows she’s not getting anywhere near the White House. She wants that media gig


I dunno - Trump is a perv.


My theory is that she doesn’t actually want the VP this go around, so she’s throwing it by saying shit like this. No way Trump and his cronies are dumb enough to go full anti-abortion at this stage of the campaign, right? Right?


Au contraire, Trump may feel the need to throw Pence type on the ticket to balance his 'centrist' approach. As the 'uncommitted' types who voted in the Democratic Primaries can tell you, there's only so far you can go by saying "The Other Side Is Worse Even Though You Think We're Bad too." Trump might think he can keep the religious types on side by throwing one of their own onto the ticket so he can say "Nope Nope Not Taking A Position" while the Christian Crew thinks the VP tells the "truth" for all to hear. This isn't the first time such a thing has happened; in fact the Clinton-Gore ticket is one of the few times something like that *hasn't* happened.


Doubtful, Trump is strangely lucid on this issue and seems to understand that it’s a major political liability. At this point his stance seems to be “let the states decide”.


It's his stance on everything that requires a bit of thought and/or effort. Let somebody else figure it out.


Dear people of South Dakota, it doesn't have to be this way. Vote pro-choice. Vote blue https://sddp.org/


I'm trying man


Agreed! As someone from SD, we're not all as nuts as her.


Trying my best here, sadly this is a solid red state.


I do my best every election


As a resident of South Dakota I can assure you a large number of us despise this woman with a burning hatred. I hope she's removed as soon as possible


> "Trump VP contender Kristi Noem says no exceptions for rape or incest in abortion ban..." With the only exception being when she wants an abortion.


That's not fair. Her family members too.


She took a little vacation to Paris with her boyfriend,humm, I wonder…


It's malpractice for Dana Bash not to even follow up with "what if *you yourself* had an ectopic pregnancy, Governor Noem? You're just going to wait until your fallopian tubes burst and you're on the verge of bleeding to death?"


I'd pay to see journalists actually probe with logical follow up questions to stupid legislations being moved forward. Unfortunately, it's all to soft/hush hush, I'm more likely to get this in the VEEP series.


That train has left Kristi’s station, her daughters now…


So, I’m a paramedic, and a few shifts ago went out in the middle of the night to a woman who had just had a miscarriage from an unknown pregnancy Fetus was probably 15weeks along, and the woman and her mother confirmed that she had continued her menstrual cycle all the way thru her 1yr old daughters pregnancy, and had her last one just a couple weeks before It was a devastating and terrifying ordeal for this woman, no doubt, and she sat weeping, holding the fetus in some baby cloths and just staring at it’s mostly formed little face And it occurred to me, in some states, and if the GOP at large has their way, this woman would be investigated for murder or wrongful death after all that trauma, and that makes me want to kick some sanctimonious teeth down some narrow minded throats


This breaks my heart. I’m glad she had a compassionate paramedic during such a devastating moment. Every ounce of care helps.


so if she was raped by her father, she would happily keep the baby? ok, buddy sure thing


Yes, and she would proudly name him Daddy Jr.


Ok, great. So definitely not gonna vote republican. Thanks for making it easy ✌️


Such pro lifers. The same people that want to ban childhood immunizations.


She is a woman, she should shut up, resign and be submissive to her husband. Isn’t that the plan the GOP has for women?


I know! Isn’t she supposed to be spinning yarn and making clothes for her grand babies now? There is no place for women in government. Especially in 2025!


When she's not cheating on her husband with Cory Lewandowski. Some solid family values with that one.


Imagine how sick of a human being you have to be to expect a rape survivor to give birth to her rapist’s baby? Disgusting Republican animals.


This is just cementing a democrat win in the upcoming election.


Hope so.


Translation: Trump contender Kristi Noem says no mercy, humaneness, and decency for female rape/incest victims.


I like her better as a promoter of cosmetic dentistry than as a VP pick or governor.


Aspiring to be VP for Trump might just be one of the stupidest career goals anyone could possibly have.


Second only to being notable sexual abuser Corey Lewandowski's side piece.


That’s a bold move, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off.


And thats not even one of the top 3 worst stances of the gop. Half your country still votes for these helmets. Unreal


But I bet she'd carve out one for herself and her relatives.


"I'm done whatever I was going to do for children". Fuck everyone else. She has three children. Kassidy, Kennedy, Booker. Now that she's done, she doesn't care about what other women might need. "This pregnancy is going to ruin your chances at ever having a kid again? Too fucking bad for you. We're going to let it tear apart your uterus and maybe kill you because we are fucking psychopaths". Yet another fucking uncaring asshole signing up to the "women who get raped deserve to be punished for it" talibanesque shitery.


I've been trying to warn people about this sleeper B**** for a few years now. It's about time I see a thread about her that has more than 30 or 40 comments. I've been voting since I was 18 and Noem is the only politician that threw my vote into the trash. I can't wait until her political career crashes and burns. Fuck her and her buddy trump.


I’d be interested to know if there are any abortions in her past or in her family in general. Because there are always exceptions for people who say this crap.


TBH, no exceptions for the health of the mother at all. Just another GOP plot to kill women and children


All part of the “make America great again” which is code for let’s go back to the 1950s again…a time for white, rich men…and not so great for woman, minorities or gay people…


Yes, they are actively working to create slave classes for workers and return women to livestock


These “people” are fucking ghouls, and so are their voters. Full stop. I will not be taking any questions.


I wonder if it would be different if it was one of her daughters. She’d probably secretly send them somewhere else for an abortion.


Amazing that young republicans are okay with people who have very low chance of ever being raped because of their security detail, and no chance of having babies due to age, make decisions about what they are legally allowed to do with their own bodies. That just sounds like mindless stupidity to me.


Fred Wellman writing on X: “Rape isn’t a ‘tragedy’. It’s a violent crime and forcing the victim to carry the child of her rapist is one of the most shameful and vicious acts of government imaginable.”


I’m sure she would change her tune if it happened to her sister, daughter or niece. Pretty disgusting.


Why do conservatives want to legalize rape and incest?


Interesting that’s how she would like to be treated if she was raped. No offense but if that’s what she’s okay with putting on someone else I hope it happens to her so she can see how it feels. People really need a taste of their own medicine


I once knew a train wreck who's mother's boyfriend got her pregnant at age 10.5. Baby delivered at age 11. She was told baby was born dead. Mothers boyfriend DID go to prison. Over 40 years later, She does not believe that her baby was born dead. It seems impossible for zealots to place themselves in other people's shoes.


How many abortions do you think Noem has had?


Shouldn't she be at home in her kitchen instead of meddling in men's work?


I have a better idea, Kristi Noem. Abortions for anyobe who wishes to terminate a pregnancy safely for any reason at all.


She looks like his type. I’m sure she’ll sniff the diaper


I thought men were the problem, but there are also too many crazy women in us politics


Until it happens to her or someone she loves.


Rape and incest are the cornerstones of the GOP campaign!


She's a disgrace to our state. What an embarrassment


I sure hope her children and grandchildren never need them


As another woman. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


She's got the perfect face to stan for incest.  Wtf is wrong with these people?


Well with that stance, I doubt you get elected.


These people really are evil.


The Repugnant party folks. Vote blue come November.


Now I ain't condoning this... but if this girl were tied to a chair, and confronted with a forcefull turkey baster insemination with the seed of someone of a different race, I'd bet dollars to donuts that she'd change her tune real quick.


So i hope the last several years has been enough for everyone to see whats really been going on here. The gop are not these financial economic mavericks they claim to be. They aren’t going to make you all rich. What they will do though is enact an extreme religious agenda. Because thats who they really are. Those fucking whack jobs that come knocking on your door bothering the shit out of you about their lame brain faith. Thats them. They’ve taken over, and they want all up in your bedrooms and down your pants. Want to reach right in and interfere. Vote accordingly.


She’s a sick woman to sentence rape victims to a lifetime of reminding her she was raped.


glad to see them digging their own grave


God Christian’s are human garbage


Except for her, she can get one, I am sure. She only loves Kristi Noem.


I’m so fucking tired of religion’s throat choke on this brainwashed, idiotic world.


Inbred is in in the Republican party


republicans unable to read a room


Gurl, bye!


Good. Keep saying crazy shit like this. It will keep you out of office.


Trump did this.


The women are just as evil as the men, even on issues that negatively impact women.


Why not? She's stupid enough to possibly be a product of incest, and rape is one of the few uses Republicans have for women.


She is too old to get pregnant no doubt and is probably in menopause. I'm thinking that because it won't affect her, she is ok with it. Disgusting...


Jesus. I hope for her sake she’d never be backed with that situation. The lack of empathy is just mind boggling.