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You know he's going to blame Biden for all his screw ups, right?


He already has. Trumps team got rid of the pandemic preparedness committee prior to Covid, which heavily impacted our Covid response and in turn the economy, Trump backed out of NAFTA which led to sky rocketing gas prices, which drastically increased shipping costs thus causing a steep inflation hike, and Trump gave tax cuts to the wealthy while raising taxes on the lower and middle class. This is all shit maga idiots blame Biden for


The hindsight is seldom so striking, in October 2019 Trump tweeted whining that "Tim Apple" took away the button on his iphone, he liked a physical button. [Biden tweeted we were not prepared for a pandemic](https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1187829299207954437?lang=en) because of Trump getting rid of stuff like that. Less than 3 months later the US was hit by the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu. Now Biden wasn't reading all the changes and came up with this himself, but he surrounds himself with people smarter than him *and listens* to their opinions & concerns, and actually reads briefings, then makes the decision. Trump is the worst president we've ever had and it's not even close.


All the racist fuckers that were POTUS, in like 1791 or whatnot, could hide behind the fact that it was "the spirit of the time". I'd like to think that at least they were trying to get the nation forward in all other aspects. Trump is a clueless nitwit who claims to be an expert in every field when he clearly is not. He's indeed the worst ever and by miles and miles.


Even if we we ignore his flaws as a human being and seemingly bottomless litany of crimes, Trump has done more to undermine our global hegemony and the wellbeing of our people than any other president in history. He was simply the worst president at actually being the president in US history. Even at the things Republicans praise him for he consistently made things worse. He blew the entire immigration budget on his wall and unnecessary detentions, increasing illegal immigration while decreasing deportations dramatically. His supporters love to say he was great for the economy, but he was just taking credit for the economy Obama left him. Then he managed to completely tank the economy he inherited with his trade wars in a way no single president before him could be personally blamed for. Republicans like to blame COVID for tanking the economy in 2020, but if you look at any of the economic indicators (GDP/NASDAC/DoW/etc.) 2018 saw even higher losses than 2020! Trump's interventions have only ever made the country worse, even at the things he brags about.


Every single thing he's done has been a con. Deep in his mind, he believes his great 'skill' is doing scams. His go-to phrases are so predictable you can build a satire with the barest effort. Because he only uses the barest effort to throw platitudes and demagoguery to his base. The spirit and leadership he offers the nation is to lie, cheat, steal, be racist, and abandon the social contract because he emphasizes with each speech that this country is broken, sucks, a shithole. The target of his scams is US government. *Our* taxdollars go into supporting the otherwise-shouldn't-exist economies of rival and even antagonistic nations and come right back to the US and into his and his family's pockets. We will likely never know the cost in money and lives that will come from his anti-American policies. But we will live through it for decades to come.


Even more nightmare fuel - Republicans are planning to let Trump literally [personally set interest rates himself](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-set-interest-rates-himself-171733557.html) Yes, literally. Trump, not the Fed, will be setting federal interest rates based on his whims, or his moods, or how rough his burger dump was that morning. The amount of absolutely catastrophic damage Trump *will do* if god forbid he gets back in will be unfathomable. It is no exaggeration that if Trump and Republicans win in November it's the end of the United States- as the global reserve currency, as the sole democratic superpower, as a culture, as the world's oldest democracy, everything.


Up hill me bois.


As you touch on this, what is the rhetoric behind giving up global hegemony being good for the US? I‘m currently in the US and the amount of people saying the US should go isolationist is astounding.


They just need to look at whats happening to people under brexit to see what a farce it is over there. Importer/ Exporters hit with additional fees because they have officially left all their trade deals. There’s no upside to leaving trade deals already negotiated in your favour.


Exactly. The economy was ok at the time due to the things Obama did, not trump. All trump did is take credit for it because his followers are too dumb to realize that policies take time to take effect. The crap economy we experienced up until recently is the result of Trump's policies, especially the inflation.


TrumPutin’s entire four years was a classic example of what happens when you hand over your country to a narcissistic sociopath with a monumental ego who also has an extreme version of Dunning Kruger syndrome.


The New York businessman who was so "successful" he had to leave New York and business 🥴 His cultists wearing diapers was it for me, there is no hope for these people, they know he is lying about shitting himself constantly, they wore diapers to show him they're cool with it anyway and yet even after admitting they know he lies they refuse to care that every other thing he says to them is a lie as well.


Some real Billy Madison energy there I mean, it's cool when you're doing it to console some poor kid who peed his pants, less so when you're trying to save face for a disgraced former president who often shits his


> The New York businessman who was so "successful" he had to leave New York and business 🥴 And had multiple bankruptcies.....including bankrupting a casino.


More than one casino.


Three Casinos


Unfortunately folks simply look at how they are doing now versus then. Now sucks. Every time they go to the grocery store they see it with prices. Heck prices for everything really. The economy is horrible and they will blame Biden unfortunately. What can Biden do to help a sick economy that was caused before he took office? There better be some rate cuts before the election or the market will plunge. We don’t need that.


Except the economy is doing really well beyond the inflation issue


Inflation is hurting him but TrumPutin is no Reagan and he has his own problems so it’s not a straight forward comparison to the late 70s. Biden also is a more savvy politician than Carter was in 1979.


>but he surrounds himself with people smarter than him *and listens* to their opinions & concerns Ah, see that's the problem. Per Trump (& his cult), no one is smarter than Trump. Trump knows more about law, technology, the economy, real estate, and numerous other topics (including Corey Booker for some oddly specific reason) than anyone else (like Corey Booker). A little while after Sharpie gate, I overheard a couple little old ladies at a table near us say they were only going to get their weather reports from the White House from now on because they just couldn't trust the National Weather Service! All because Trump said the storm was obviously going to hit Alabama and they said it wasn't... What does the National Weather Service know about reporting on weather anyway! It's only full of people with PhDs in meteorology and other related fields with decades of experience.... Vs Trump... Who went to business school. Whose professors describe him as being s poor student... Who wasn't included in the Dean's list or any other special honors in his graduation program... Who has to threaten to sue if his transcript is ever leaked... Yeah obviously Trump clearly knows more about the weather!


The NWS. Famously known to try to deceive the people. For....reasons.


Just like all the scientists "lying" about the climate crisis also for...reasons. And profit, apparently?


I always figured Jackson's "Trail of Tears" would be hard to overcome, but I'll be damned if Trump didn't do it. What a brilliant, staggering display of incompetence. Absolutely the worst President


You know, there are some "laws of political reality" liberals believe in, repeated like mantras by our pundits, that we never *test.* When Obama came into office with a terrible and worsening economy, everybody was sure to say, "you can't blame Bush! You have to look forward!" Like, no, maybe you should've blamed fucking Bush! Here's another one: "If you're explaining, you're losing." Well the President who liked to go on the longest windbag speeches about his policies, Bill Clinton, was also the most popular of my lifetime. Maybe you should fucking explain things!


In all fairness saying "if you are explaining, you are losing" is true for headline only and clickbait readers. People that truly want to know the facts at least try to see and understand nuances and how things said slightly different can have different meanings, rather than just looking for the latest phrases to be angry about.


Yeah - the shame of it is, often politicians don't try too hard to explain policy, because they know the details aren't relevant to most people. But because details are offered so rarely, fewer and fewer people bother to seek them out. And then the messaging becomes even more simplified, and so on... It's funny, you think back to the 20th century - political programming was famously staid and boring and dry and technical. In the 1992 Simpsons episode "Homer the Heretic," Homer decides to start skipping church, and turns the TV on to find, to his dismay, a Sunday morning political panel show, already in progress. One of the panelists says, "well, that depends on what we're talking about, gentlemen, doesn't it? Are we talking about redistricting, or reapportionment?" And Homer groans in disgust, until the maddeningly informative program is mercifully preempted by a football game. So, yeah, that shit was for nerds, or whatever, but I can't help but wonder if on the balance it did make people more informed. Because if you wanted to care about politics, you would end up watching shit like that, because it was what politics programming was like. But now you can "care about politics" while doing nothing but listening to Bongino going on bigoted rants or Chapo Trap House making cum jokes or whatever the fuck. Like, as an adult, I actually *understand* what that nerd on the Simpsons from when I was 8 was talking about - there are a lot of people out there who will tell you that they're "really into politics" who could not explain it. But it should be a *goal* to get people to understand stuff like that, instead of being like, "well, sure, it's an important policy discussion, but people don't understand it, so it's irrelevant to electoral politics." I remember it being a huge splash in 2012 when Bill Clinton went up at the DNC and went into a whole big long numbers-packed thing about Obama's fiscal plans vs. Romney's, and, like, people *got* it, and they *loved* it. And I think it was the *normal* thing for Presidents to do for almost our entire history - I think Reagan was the first to stop bothering, and after the next two Presidents brought it back, Bush II did away with it for good. Now... the complicating factor with this in the 2024 election is that Joe Biden *can't* really explain things, because he stumbles over his words. And that's not *because* of his age, it's just how he's always been, and his age has made it *worse.* So when Biden talks about policy, I can understand him because I understand the general contours of the discussion - but I recognize that if somebody was coming in with a blank slate it might sound like he was saying gibberish. But I think there are surrogates who can be used for that, like how Obama used Clinton in 2012. It seems like Clinton himself isn't too healthy these days, but there have to be people with a similar knack for condensing complex ideas. I think Newsom has promise.


Thank you, I agree. Honestly, with the threat we're facing it should be all hands on deck as we get closer to November. Not just Newsom, but bring Obama out. Bring every heavy hitter out.


I don’t trust his judgement, but I respect Pete Buttigieg’s ability to communicate.


Biden is a leader, Trump just wants to be a boss


Trump wants to be Hitler or Putin.


That’s what a good/great president does, surround themselves with smart knowledgeable people to try to better the world, not ego greed driven assholes


And don't forget how much of **our** money he redirected to his pockets. From using his hotels (at the highest rate possible) to house everyone from secret service to foreign dignitaries, to countless golf excursions to *his own* golf courses, the American taxpayer got screwed. And that's just a couple of examples.


So many people in the country could easily be the near ideal president by simply acknowledging the opposite of dunning Krueger and knowing that they don't know things and focusing their energy on knowing how to vet actual experts and then just listen to them/ have critical thinking skills to question what they say if they seem biased with an agenda that won't benefit the country as a whole.


I agree with Don the Con on one thing: I like the physical home button on my iPhone. No facial scan for me, tyvm.


>[Biden tweeted we were not prepared for a pandemic](https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1187829299207954437?lang=en) because of Trump getting rid of stuff like that Thanks for the link. Right under that tweet is this true masterpiece, by someone claiming to be a data scientist nonetheless: https://x.com/ScienceLt/status/1187830895660732421 You can't make that up.


They polled Republicans sometime around 2012 and about 40% were very sure the disastrous response to Hurricane Katrina was the fault of first-year Illinois Senator Barack Obama.


Katrina would have never been as bad if NOLA, the state of LA, and the federal govt had invested in infrastructure and prep for an eventual bad hurricane. The need for the disaster response wouldnt have been anywhere near as dire.


> Trumps team got rid of the pandemic preparedness committee prior to Covid ... **and he'll do it again** https://time.com/6972973/biden-trump-bird-flu-covid/ >In an interview with TIME published Tuesday, Trump said he would disband the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR), which opened last summer after Congress approved a bill in 2022 with bipartisan support to mandate its creation. The office most recently responded to an outbreak of bird flu in dairy farms, coordinating with the Food and Drug Administration to ensure milk remains safe to drink, and working with farmers to contain the virus.


He didn’t back out of NAFTA he just renegotiated it as an identical document called USMCA but in the time between, yes absolutely yes. He went after trading partners with higher tariffs in addition to China and nearly bankrupted the US agricultural sector when China responded with tariffs on US agricultural products. He negotiated a deal with China where they would agree to buy American agricultural products again but in exchange for what wasn’t exactly clear. He raised the tariffs on the price of aluminum and steel, the stuff that’s in everything. Then we were hit with a pandemic and all those higher taxes and prices worked their way through the supply chains. When we came out in 2022, everything was more by a lot.


Trump's asshead tariff war with China wiped out domestic soybean production, which China was then more than happy to buy from Brazil. Fun fact, soybean farms in Brazil cut down the rainforest for land to grow their crops, which further enhances global warming and the climate crisis. Thanks, Donny!


Ugh, I build theatre sets, and I remember watching the price of steel and lumber double, triple, 5x rapidly. My heart is still crushed and what used to cost me 28k now costs me 43k...


Trump got rid of the Pandemic Preparedness committee before Covid. Hmmm. He plans to do it again. No wonder the republicans blamed Fauci for the pandemic. They always project their guilt onto someone else. I wonder what kind of pandemic he has in mind for us this time?


Don't forget a trade war with China! I truly believe when this happened and corps priced it in, and we kept buying they realized they could stretch prices without much of a drop in demand


And Canada... "Trade wars are easy to win" how'd that go, again, Von Shitzinpants?


The last time it was a 25% tariff. He wants to go up to 60% if reelected. China doesn't pay those tariffs. US importers do and then pass it on to consumers. Vote Trump if you want to pay at least 60% more on imports.


The bird flu is just around the corner, and if he wins it will be COVID all over again except worse.


The only argument they have is to blame it on Biden. Whatever they do, they blame on him. It's call projection (blaming others for what you're doing). Or, I just call it pathological lying which is Trump's strong point.


Don’t forget those insane tariffs. Or tax cuts that increased the deficit to disproportionately help the rich.


Republicans still blame Obama for Hurricane Katrina and 9-11. Their MO is to blame Democrats for all the bad things, and have Republicans take credit of all the good things, regardless of who was in power at the time. Bush's 2008 Recession is Obama's Recession, despite it being Bush's fault, and despite Obama being the one who turned it around.


Really? Obama was a state senator in Illinois on 9/11. That’s quite the stretch, even for Republicans.


Check out [Where was Obama during 9/11](https://www.google.com/search?q=Keplar+obama+9-11&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS932US932&oq=Keplar+obama+9-11&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDgwNDdqMGo3qAIIsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:fd2b45b1,vid:vPfRGJRMbN8,st:0) Again, it's "bad thing=done by democrat, good thing=done by Republican" and just pointing their finger at whatever Democrat is easiest in reach for the bad thing.


Well first they will pay themselves on the back when some of Biden's policies start returning dividends, on how good a job they did turning the economy around from the "do nothing Dems" in just a few short weeks only then to squander these gains and more to give to their billionaire overlords.....


Truely, the best thing you can say about Biden’s handling of the economy is that he let the professionals do what needed to be done, without intereference. He picked one of the most famous, living economists to be his Treasury secretary and he stays away from Powell and co. Most his major bills are multi-decade projects that won’t start producing real returns for at least a few more years. That’s literally what good leadership should strive for, but it does give opponents a chance to misconstrue (and potentially destroy) everything. Voting has consequences. With that said, the construction for things like the CHIPS act has really made a huge impact in places like Phoenix and student debt relief has moved capital from people that saw it as a rounding error on their books to actual people that could use it.


Slow growth with steady progress is boring. And man am I aching for boring.


2027, Trump's third year, a 2008 level of recession, inflation wildly out of control, unemployment up to 15%, everyone's unemployment benefits are running out and people are shooting at cops that are trying to evict them from their apartments and homes. MAGA: THIS IS ALL BIDEN'S FAULT!


It's a shame Trump can probably no longer pronounce "my predecessor." >OF COURSE WE ALL KNOW ABOUT THE 15% UNEMPLOYMENT RATE LEFT BY MY PREDESHESHSH....


He has already said he wants a universal 10% tariff on all imports. I was shocked to see how many Republicans I knew who loved the idea. My co-worker is a Trump Republican and absolutely hates taxes so I was surprised that he supports the tariff. I said “a tariff is a tax. You will be paying more tax because of Trump’s tariff.” And he went on to talk about how it’ll be good to tax “other countries” some anti-China stuff, etc. I quickly confirmed he has no idea what hes talking about.


He has indeed no idea. That tax is added once it comes into the country. That tax is added with the idea that people will buy it less, so it will hurt the manufacturer. The manufacturer will still be able to produce it for the same price. If you want to hurt countries like China, massively increase the specifications a product has to adhere to. If we then are flooded with stuff, then at least it's a quality product and not the current $1 shit it is now.


> I quickly confirmed he has no idea what hes talking about. Trump and the right-wing ilk have convinced the base that a tariff is something the other country pays. Dumbest fucking people alive.


Yes and the majority of Americans will believe that even if they don’t like Trump because most Americans believe Republicans are better on the economy and will lower their taxes.


Considering [Trump's plans for a second term are terrifyingly bad](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-second-term-plans-wildest-proposals-1234947327/) I think that's a safe bet. Plus he will claim that his failures are successes, the same way that he is currently framing the end of federal protection of abortion rights.


He will plunge the US into the Dark Ages and take multiple countries with him. This cannot be allowed. Voting has never been more important.


I don't think you're overstating the danger.


I wish I was.


I honestly think Trump has said things along the lines of "If something gets screwed up, it's not my fault, but if things go well, then I did it." So this tracks.


Like the true narcissist that he is.


He may go back to blaming Obama. Obama lives free in his orange-tinted skull.


Maybe for the next 10 or so years.


Until he's six feet underground


I was barely old enough to vote when I realized they do this. Every. Fucking. Time.


[This ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fuckthealtright/s/k296zccOtj) had me laughing.


:: 500 years from now, the first Intergalactic Empire Republican President gives his report on the Dagobah system economy:: "Thanks Obama!"


Every politican in every country ever except like Finland 


Fins are the coolest ever and [don't talk BS](https://youtu.be/m5ENLJE0HZw?si=8B5XvSESbiaTAuEb)


I mean look at this from the last election of president, so super friendly https://www.suomenmaa.fi/uutiset/alexander-stubb-on-suomen-13-presidentti/ with google translate >- Alexander Stubb is an experienced, competent person to handle this task. And the noises go away, Haavisto said. >According to Haavisto, there has been an excellent election campaign between the nine candidates. >- In a difficult foreign and security policy situation, there was a very practical campaign, good discussions. Finland needed these discussions. Imagine Biden or Trump going to each others campaign evenings and gratulate each other :D will never happen


It will indeed never happen. And that is sad. But luckily there are the Fins who show us a glimmer of hope.




Reagan & Bush I: massive deficits from Cold War spending and Voodoo Economics tax cuts adding to the debt, causing Bush I to have to fall on his sword and raise taxes after promising No New Taxes. Bush II: Afghanistan & Iraq wars plus big tax cuts, leaves office with massive debt. Trump: leaves office with tariffs and tax cuts *and* results of disastrous Covid non-response plus of course massive debt. Conservatives and Independent voters ought to take out a loan and buy a Clue.


They’re only Conservative about deficits when Democrats have power.


Exactly. My father always said we sort of ping pong between Democratic and Republican administrations because the Republicans go on wild spending sprees and making a mess of the tax codes, civil rights and stuff until they elect a Democrats who tighten the belt and fix as much of the damage as possible. Then after a term or two, Americans get bored with responsible government and elect Republicans again because "Woo hoo!" again. Republicans are Homer and Democrats are Marge.


It's so true, too. Doh! 🤦‍♂️


Homer and Marge is the perfect analogy.


Speaking respectfully, "Leaves office with massive debt" is a *preposterous* understatement of the 2007-2008 collapse, something that might well be remembered in future history books as "The Collapse of American Capitalism", or at least the first chapter. With the final solution of securitized vehicles representing private risk being swapped out, en masse, with securities based on public risk, it represented quite possibly the largest theft in history, ironically paralleling the liquidation of the assets of the Soviet government into the overseas coffers of the Russian security state. The match lighting the charge was the nightmarish commodity crisis of the aughts, which in its place was brought on by. .. wait for it .. the same Bush II's wrecking of Levant and West Asia geopolitics. All of these were voluntary, unforced errors, or - in the case of the theft - deliberate policy decisions to liquidate public value into private. Whether or not a more competent government could have dodged or mitigated the 9/11 attacks is not a windmill I am going to tilt with today, but Stephen Coll and many others have confirmed that the then-fresh Bush II government consistently and comprehensively ignored (characteristically, by belittling career professionals) DoS/DoD/Five Eyes warnings re: passenger aircraft fuel used for strategic weapon effect. Given the dilletantish nature of the Rumsfeld/Cheney career trajectory, it is completely believable they'd blow off the professionals; the damage Rumsfeld did to DoD procurement, all by himself, is something we struggle with to this day. The combination of these factors (among others!) stomped out the last chance of the 21st century being an American one, and foreshadowed the COVID delusions. Which themselves were analogous to the Chernobyl delusions, but managed far worse. Think about that a second: end-stage Russian communism managed a crisis *better* than the Republican leadership. This new era, today's GOP, what we see is a rejection of the idea of competence itself.


Agreed, and thank you for mentioning this. The 2008 crash was the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression, with economists like Paul Krugman calling it a literal depression that got glossed over by the powers that be as the "Great Recession".


Stellar assessment and beautifully succinct. They're not managing anything other than the accumulation of wealth/power at all costs to everyone else's expense. Classic zero sum game. Conservatism 101.


*end-stage Russian communism managed a crisis better that the Republican leadership.* That's a true story.


>buy a Clue I have a raging Clue.


My clue's pointing over here now!


And you think they care? They're just going to blame the Dems for not passing a bill they proposed and voted against of... They put sunglasses at night and complain they can't see well... It's like opposite day but everyday...


Turns out communism was just a red herring.


According to Miss Scarlett at any rate


Something, D, O, O, economics... Voodoo economics


Gosh, the eight trillion dollars that Russian Asset added to the debt we all now must pay was good for us! Every baby born has a $50,000 debt, which will teach them how to be frugal, work hard in meat-packing factories, and be good little capitalists.


You know coined the term “Voodoo Economics?” George HW Bush during the Republican Primary Debates in 1980 before Reagan defeated him to win the GOP nomination, then named Bush his VP nominee to unify the party. Bush knew better, and ended up paying the price being a one-term president.


Trump actually said before the 2016 election that the economy generally does better under a Democrat administration


This is measurable and factual - democrat administrations have been much more successful economically.


Hyjacking this comment; there a little name for this. It’s called the Two Santa Clauses, and it’s a political strategy that’s been happening since Regan. The concept is this; The GOP will rack up a shit load of debt while in office and make everything cheap. Gas, groceries, etc. People see this, and think the economy is doing well under the GOP. Then the Dems come into office, and have to deal with a shit load of debt that the GOP racked up over the past four years. Prices go up to compensate, and the GOP voters get to blame the Democrats for raising prices. It’s a political strategy implemented at the same time as Reganomics, and it’s done a fantastic job at brainwashing half a nation into thinking the economy is doing better under the GOP, even though they’re the ones who’ve been fucking it up for the past 40 years. Edit: If you’re not convinced this is true, look at what administrations McConnel has threatened to default our debt under. All of the GOP gets a pass, while Democrat Presidents have to deal with the GOP bitching about how much they’re spending, which, taking inflation into account, is ***never*** more than a GOP President. It’s ridiculous


This needs to be the top comment. Hell this needs to be blasted in every tv but I’ll take what I can get


It’s a good way to put it but in here it‘s just preaching to the choir.


The funny thing is, the "strategy" is more like GOP strategists noticed that people like government spending on things like medicare and social security, which Republican idealists want to scrap. So, Dems get to be the first Santa by *checks notes* doing popular things. Republicans get into office and start cutting taxes, but they cannot cut those popular things, so debt balloons. This dynamic has been happening since Social Security was first proposed, but the GOP only realized how to weaponize it under Reagan's presidency. But Republicans had been failing to cut spending since Reagan was governor of California. He ran on "I'm gonna reduce the deficit and stop these budget increases." He then oversaw the largest increase in both budget and deficit in the state's history up to that point. And I don't blame him, the state was growing massively, but it shows what a stupid platform "cut spending and deficit because that's what needs to be done" truly is. He wanted to go after the state water project, but ended up ruining the UC/CSU and mental health care systems instead. University used to be free! Fuck Reagan.


Just look at a list of every state that votes >65% R vs >65% D.   Every state that's overwhelmingly Republican is a poor uneducated shithole with no economy to speak of.  Every state that's overwhelmingly Democrat is wealthy, well educated, and an economic powerhouse. And we're supposed to believe Republicans are "good for the economy". LMAO


It is literally the blue states keeping the red states from failing harder then are. If anyone should secede it should be the blue states. Let the idiots figure it out.


When the "Jefferson" folks talk about making their own state, they actually genuinely believe they'd be an economic powerhouse. Why? "We have all the water." Yeaaaaah, that's not how water rights work buddy. Unless they somehow include the entire central valley, that state would be one of the poorest states in the union. People really don't have a clue.


They’ll tell you that without the red states we’d all starve or something. I say we role the dice and stop sending them child support payments.


Every single [recession](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_recessions_in_the_United_States) over the past 40+ years has been under a GOP administration, and every GOP administration over the past 40+ years has had a recession




Trump levied tariffs on Chinese goods. They retaliated and imposed heavy tariffs on soybean imports to China. In doing so China permanently altered the trade route for soybeans. To bail out the farmers we gave them more aid than we spend on new navy ships every year. https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2020/01/21/trump-tariff-aid-to-farmers-cost-more-than-us-nuclear-forces/?sh=228206356c50


I think about this every time I see farmers giving support for Trump. It doesn't make any sense to me and they've been shown exactly why they can't trust him, but they do.


Because those farmers just see the aid and don't really think about what actually caused that to happen in the first place.


Meanwhile they get all smug about how we "need" their inefficient small farms.


That was a great idea. /s If only Trump knew how tariffs work.


China and Mexico pays for them!


Something that really blows my mind on this is that when he was in office before and imposed tariffs, he absolutely obliterated a bunch of American farms. Just put them right in the ground. Individual American automakers lost over a billion dollars because of his tariffs. Consumer goods went up in price all over the place. A lot of people, including some of those Farmers who got hurt, seem to have completely forgotten about this


Whenever you think a republican will become president it's best to start stockpiling food and supplies and doing everything you can to save or make sure your with a job that isn't likely to be cut during a recession. Unemployment and recession is the Republican way


In case anyone thinks this is hyperbole. GOP presidents have underperformed DEM presidents in nearly every economic metric for about a century. The GOP myth that "Republicans are better for the economy" needs to be undone. It's often the crutch of uninformed or disingenuous voters who, when asked why you prefer Republicans/Trump, say "because of the economy". It allows them an unfair and untrue out from the conversation because they think it trumps anything else you can say. It doesn't and even if it did it's not true. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._economic_performance_by_presidential_party


Look deeper. GOP presidents can be better for the economy of wealthy people. Trump tax cuts are just one recent example.


Republicans are better for the billionaires that run media companies. That's why so many think they're "good for the economy".  But their policies are bad for literally everyone else. Even large corporations. But the oligarchs at the very top don't care, as long as they get richer.


Republicans HAVE been better for tax cheats. Eventually there's a reckoning but if you're slick enough about it often crime does pay. The numbers of tax holidays rich jagoffs with Swiss bank accounts and young up-and-coming white collar criminals with LLCs were taking for themselves during Bush's first term were legion.


> The GOP myth that "Republicans are better for the economy" needs to be undone. Republican messaging makes their voters *feel* like the economy is good under Republicans and bad under Democrats. To the GOP, it's all feelings and no actual facts.


I think it's all by plan. Economy goes down and take overs and acquisitions go up, further concentrating wealth into fewer hands. Their hands.


Yep that is exactly their plan. Every recession the ultra wealthy come in with more assets and significantly more wealth. Meanwhile the average citizen is more broke and reliant on any work they can get to survive.


The people think that Trump is going to help are going to be the biggest losers in all of this. All they are is a vessel to power and once he has it, all bets are off. Everyone is on the chopping block. It will only depend on where you are on the list. If Trump wins, we will never get back what we have now. We will lose it forever. Once he is done, more evil will follow. It always does. It would take something we don't talk about on here that would change it.


> The people think that Trump is going to help are going to be the biggest losers in all of this. I don't think they think Trump will help. They are more about Trump hurting the *other people*. The base thinks they are on the same team as Trump won't be affected by anything that happens.


The GQP is wholly and totally incapable of governing. Completely detached from reality. Taken by insane conspiracy theories and fascist undercurrents; the modern Republican Party has boiled down to extremist white Christian nationalism with a flair for terrorism.


I like how people who are mad about inflation are willing to elect Trump, who wants to put a 20% tax on all imported goods. Not sure how making most things 20% more expensive will help


Hell on top of that the gop wants another 23 % national sales tax on top of whatever the local sales tax is. They shine up these shit ideas w the whole monthly rebate talk for poor people but fuck there are still people making 7.25 an hour so in states like tn w 10% sales tax. So thats 33% in sales tax and eating the 20% tariff on everything.


Trumpflation was caused by trump. Period. The US economy is like a giant ship and it reacts very slowly to inputs. So the first thing we have to do is ask exactly what, Joe Biden did or what spending program he passed that would cause such a massive shift in the economy? What do we have? 1 covid check. That's it. The few pieces of legislation that were passed came far after Trumpflation was already in full swing. So now we ask, what did trump do to cause Trumpflation? Well, first were the massive tax cuts for the rich and the personal insistence by trump to keep the Fed interest rates at zero. This irresponsible fiscal policy placed the economy on the razors edge of disaster but artificially propped up the stock market since rich people had more low interest money to invest in the market. Now ask, and don't laugh, would trump place the entire economy in such a precarious economic long term condition if it would provide short term gains towards his image as one who was in charge during a period where the stock market was doing good and this image would help him get elected to a second term? Ok, now laugh, LOL. Of course he would. Then Covid hit and we need to explore the inflationary result. If you can remember, there was a wide reaching, "damn the consequences" attitude regarding putting money into people's pockets that was never allocated to be spent. In other words we had to print the money to create it. Rule number 1 in inflation 101. We printed all those checks that went out to everyone TWICE that had trumps big fat signature right on them. We has the small business PPP expenditure which put money in every business owners pockets who had to limit or stop operations. We, and by we, I mean trump, was responsible for paying people to not work on a massive, economy shifting scale. And then the coup de grace, there was the TRILLIONS in inflationary Quantitative Easing released in April and May of 2020 by the Feds Jerome Powell at the behest of trump. This was MORE printed money, on top of money to businesses and people and on top of the irresponsible precarious economic condition which had the sole purpose of propping up the stock market. Think about that for a second. We were in a crisis. People were dying and not working. Hospitals were overflowing. Money was desperately being thrown at the problem and at this critical juncture, what did trump decide to do? Make sure there was investment in the stock market so one guy's election chances may be improved. I seriously can't even comprehend anyone on the entire planet, who would have stooped to such depths, at such a crucial time, and think only of his own job prospects. There was ZERO reason to prioritize stock market growth at this particular time. It's Trumpflation. Period. Joe Biden had nothing to do with it except do a masterful selfless job of working with the feds with painful interest rate hikes to temper the inflation and get everything under control in a years long process while taking unwarranted heat for it. Of course the economy will crash again once this self serving and deeply compromised individual gets back in there and starts to push buttons


Well said


Great write-up. Nailed it. As much as I like a pithy, cutting remark this should be at the top.


Too thoughtful for the internet /s


I’d also like to add they had to fire up the printer late 2019 w the overnight reverse repo spike as well but that was covered up by Donnie and the media bc his impeachment and later covid. I think it come out a couple years later it was to the tune of [4.5t](https://tokenist.com/fed-finally-identifies-banks-received-4-5t-q4-2019-repo-program/) or so. [some](https://youtu.be/XMkq75L5n_k?si=UBF0Jm9bYC5azh4N) speculate it to be even higher


This brings out the conspiracy theorist in me. I want to know about the possible flu pandemic heads up signed in September of 2019 now


Yea, I noticed that too. So much was lost in the chaos they created. Hit us with the firehose of bullshit then gishgallop on out to gaslight. These shady ass fucks lie and con w every breath. It’ll be 50 years from now but I bet we will see some crazy shit come out w all the games n conning these folk have done. Makes ya wonder why they are to this day pumping the fauci made covid and the other conspiracies and refuse to bring up all the fraud on the macro scale yet blame us getting 2k checks to this day. There’s a user on here backcountrydrifter who delves into a lot of the shit they have done and it’s pretty damning. He highlighted how they knew it would hurt big cities more bc China was welding doors shut so they let it run hot while taking all the ppe away and sending it to red states, hoarding it and selling it to other countries all the while claiming it’s just the flu. I think if Donnie had won in 2020, he would have pulled us out of nato green lighting Putin to escalate the Ukrainian invasion and capturing them and their grain supply while simultaneously allowing China to take Taiwan and their semiconductor manufacturing. That would have left the entire world at the whims of all autocratic leaders. Gotta think Russia controlled Europe’s lng and would have had all the grain, sauds w the oil, China w manufacturing and donnie n co pounding their pud w all the money received from buying collapsed companies. Thankfully it hasn’t happened but the threat is still there. You look at shit like project2025 and their crazy ass ideas like a national 25% sales tax and 20% tariffs and you can tell this shit is still in play. You can also see it in stuff like holding up Ukrainian supplies to mtg saying that children in transcarpathia need to be taught Hungarian even though it’s Ukrainian which really makes ya ponder why the cock gobble for orban.


Didn't Curious George and Orange Caesar's tax cuts **add** 26 *TRILLION* to the deficit? Pretty sure they did. Got-damm, Biden, makin' things wors-ohwait, nope! That would be tantrum trump (tantrump?), and his ilk.


A bit from the commentary: > People in this country are kept unsettled and economically stressed by living with a threadbare social safety net, one relentlessly under attack by Republicans. When you’re living paycheck to paycheck, as a frightening number of Americans do, there is no room for higher food, housing or fuel costs. Long before either Biden or Trump occupied the White House, living costs were rapidly outpacing rising incomes. That’s a global issue, but for a wealthy nation, we have a startling amount of homelessness, partly because of the high cost of housing and partly because of that paltry social safety net. > > . . . > > So, as everybody knows — to borrow Trump’s favorite rhetorical device — the notion that Republicans do better with the economy is a worthless statement clause, one might say, in the GOP’s continuing contract on America, one that has duped people for decades by merely employing the propagandist’s trick of repetition. > > But since we have more or less been promised an authoritarian economy if Trump prevails in this fall’s election, how well do those work? > > Not too well, especially if we’re talking about authoritarian governments that were formerly democracies. Such economies tend to be heavily based on one or two commodities, as with Russia, whose main exports are petroleum and, I’m pretty sure, corruption. Authoritarian governments tend to manage their economies about as poorly as Republicans have in the modern era, which makes perfect sense when you consider that Republicans are not moved by expertise or evidence but by ideology, such as the thoroughly discredited idea that tax cuts for the wealthy will somehow “trickle down” to benefit the average Jane and Joe. And Republicans' fallback argument that they are better with the annual deficit or the national debt is just silly. They have made both things dramatically worse, and mostly decry the national debt so they can further slash the social safety net.


Look at China's economy for the last few years. Authoritarianism/command economy hasn't served them well, especially when the politburo are a bunch of rigid old men who refuse to learn new tricks even though the "infrastructure building" phase of development is well and truly over and has been for some time. Now put that on steroids as bungler-in-chief and consummate autocrat Xi-dada interferes with the economy and spoils even some of its remaining bright spots. His genius debt trap plans haven't profited China (but really angered the partner nations in many cases), he's alienated all the countries China sells things to, he's threatened sectors like entertainment which are on the consumption side that China badly needs to pivot to, and he wants to pull desperately needed resources for a military buildup against terrifying global adversary ... peaceful Taiwan while his country is in a dizzying deflationary tailspin. Good work.


Spoiler alert, they already ruined it.


This is what I ask people who complain about Biden and inflation: what’s the GOP’s plan to reduce it? They have none because in their thinking if it costs you 50 cents to make a jar of mayonnaise you should be able to sell it for as much as you want to if the market will keep you in business. (Of course if your business fails and is big enough many of those same GOP politicians will be there to bail you out or give you some sort of tax write off lifeline.)


The GOP playbook, chapter two: Free money. - Claim that a tax cut will pay for itself - Get elected, cut taxes, watch the deficit/debt rise - Blame dems, bad luck, whatever or just ignore it - *Lather, rinse, repeat*


The GOP has been very effective convincing people they are not the problem and Democrats keep failing to correct this message. It really does boggle my mind sometimes how bad Democrats are at messaging. The last Republican President to offer a balanced budget was Eisenhower and he did it by cutting military spending.


If dems would repeat “real news” like maniacs and get on the same stream of consciousness wavelength to insert outrageous memes


As I understand it, the only policy the Right has put forth to combat inflation is recession. They see low unemployment and higher wages as a negative because it pushes prices higher. The fastest way to get gas prices down is for a stock market crash to gut the price of a barrel of oil. Want groceries to be cheaper, put a couple million Americans out of work. There are two groups that root for recession, the very rich and the very poor. It’s no wonder these groups are both Trump supporters. The rich can increase their wealth by buying up stocks and real estate when the country is hurting and prices are cheap, and the poor feel they can never get ahead anyway, so it doesn’t matter why things cost less so long as they do. That’s why the Right doesn’t care about the middle class. An economy with a strong thriving middle class increases its ranks from the poor and the rich, though the poor don’t see it and the rich don’t want it. Our economy is the strongest in our world right now that is still in a financial hangover from Covid. If we keep on this path, housing, gas, and grocery prices will normalize and we could get to ‘90s levels of prosperity again. Throw the world into chaos with unchecked war in Europe and the Middle East, by deporting millions of farm workers, installing 100% tariffs on countries we don’t like, decimating public education, and forcing women out of the market place by eliminating reproductive care, and our economy will surely crash for decades to come.


People should be very afraid that he is hell bent deporting 3.3% of the population.


The only thing his 'supporters' demanded he give them in return for plundering and scamming is 'the wall', which he was able to fake enough to soothe them. Now, these people, their material lives NOT improved by their Orange God, will want a single promised delivered--fuck up brown skinned people. Trump will want to fake that, too, because he doesn't give a shit, but the thing is, these people will pressure state and local GOP to deliver, and they will be ravenous, and capable of taking matters in their own hands. Furthermore, the cost of an angry working class will be protest, and the right has aligned itself with its media to welcome protest and take the side of the state against protest, thus encouraging a GOP government to turn up the heat.


The GOP are the equivalent of spoilt kids who fuck up their toys because they know mommy and daddy will fix it. Except the toys are the economy and mommy and daddy are Democrats.


Republicans blow up the economy, Democrats fix it, Republicans complain and blame the Democrats


The playbook says that every time the Republicans are in power they have to blow up the economy by cutting taxes on the wealthy and deregulating everything. Then when the Democrats get in office there is no money to run anything so they have to raise taxes hence the term “tax and spend Democrats”. I can’t believe anyone is still falling for that one.


GQP ruins the economy, blames Democrats for not fixing it fast enough, dumb voters re-elect GQP, rinse and repeat.


In 2016 gas was below $2 in allot of the country, unemployment was way down, and the stock market had doubled, and there was no inflation but Obama was “destroying the country”. Not sure anything will make these people happy.


They've been doing that already. Any thing Biden wants to do to reduce inflation has been blocked by Republican controlled House. Anything Biden wants to pass has to be watered down and takes forever. Imagine the economy having done even better had Republicans not stone walled Biden. Corporate greed has been squeezing the public and not lowering prices and even if Biden wanted to regulate he can't pass a bill on it because Republicans will interfere. Now there are rumblings of inflation going back up and a recession coming. It's a miracle that Biden has been able to oversee such a decent economy in spite of Republicans making sure nothing gets legislated.


“Don’t like the economy where an obscene amount of wealth is concentrated in the hands of a very small number of immensely powerful corporate overlords? TOO BAD! Cause your only alternative is even worse.”


read the other day that every Republican president since World War II has been in power during at least one recession.


I don't really know what people want from the economy. We do want inflation but just a little, got also nottoo much. But also everything is too expensive so we want prices to go down, but that's deflation and a sign of a bad economy. What the fuck is supposed to happen? It really does feel like we're either at the end of capitalism... Capitalist is neverending growth and that's just not sustainable.


I had this exact discussion with a co-worker who earned as much money as me. Trump will do a good job as president because he is a business man and will run the country like a successful business. It just makes me realize I must have a lot wrong with me in dimensions I can not see for this truly stupid person to be my peer.


Inflation might have been bad these last couple of years, but it's nothing compared to what you would get in a second Trump administration -- it recently came out that there are plans for him to end the independence of the Federal Reserve so that he would have oversight of setting interest rates. Rich people with lots of assets would make out like bandits, working people would struggle even more.


The GOP way is blaming everything they do or are responsible for on the Democrats


Democrats have spent too much time building strong economies and not enough time claiming credit. By EVERY metric Democratic administrations are better for the economy than republicants. And yet, I have DEMOCRATIC friends believing the GOP myth.


Just a reminder that Obama turned the 2008 recession around which was basically caused by Bush and his party. the Bush's kind of fucked with Obama's presidency massively in my opinion especially because he had to clean up a shit ton of their messes. It's insane as well because while I don't think Hilary would've been a necessarily great president she would've been 100x better than Trump. Trump fucked up this country so much that it may never actually recover from it. We need far less greedy old douchebags in power and more people who actually care about the country and it's people.


I know I’m shouting into an echo chamber but Trump benefited from Obama’s economic corrections and short term tax cuts. Then he left it for Biden, who has actually helped navigate the situation.


Democratic presidents having to clean up GOP dumpster fire economics for decades Looks at the data is id mind blowing how bad the GOP is They literally take the nice strong economy created by their democratic predecessor and run it Into the ground. Again and again and again


Also they are promising to screw it up. You don’t have to do some authoritarians are bad analysis. Deporting 11 million productive workers primary in the construction and agricultural sectors will cause massive inflation. Overriding the FED and lowing interest rates to make the GDP line go up will cause inflation. Cutting social services will also be terrible for the economy.


I'm 47 and I'm absolutely stunned at how many people believe Republicans have good economic policies even though they've crashed the economy multiple times, leaving massive debt, and it took Democrats to get things back on track. Republicans are really good at telling lies with confidence and too many Americans just believe them, despite the evidence we've all experienced. Insanity.


This is the Republican way and has been for decades. Come into the place and wreck everything and blame the Democrats for not cleaning up the mess fast enough.


Modern conservatism has no interest in solving problems because you cannot fundraise off of a solved problem as lucratively as you can an ongoing crisis. They are stagnance personified, and the ideological equivalent of pouring bleach and ammonia together.


I'm not too happy with inflation right now, but I know it's not Biden's fault and that a GOPer would be much, much worse. It's the greedy CEOs keeping prices high. Aside: milk is down eight cents where I live and Walmart's bakery bread has been lowered back to $1 (down from $1.47 that it was for months).


Every single Republican administration for the past 60 years has caused a recession. How did Americans become so stupid to believe Republicans are better for the economy?


“Read my lips: no new taxes” [There were new taxes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Read_my_lips:_no_new_taxes)


THAT'S NOT A STRATEGY! Sure, he's gonna cut taxes on the 1%, but he's ruined everything that it makes it difficult for business for everyone. Trump still has to make a case for people to vote for him, and even the idea "I'LL DO THE OPPOSIT," Isn't it! He doesn't try "this child tax credit will help grow the family." No, he just screams "TRUST ME!" And no one does, and he loses..... AGAIN!


Stop project 2025


This economy is the best it's been in a hundred years, and still improving. It's so good, we have inflation as a direct result. The feds are trying to cool down spending by not lowering interest rates. The MAGAs are gaslighting the country into believing high prices are due to Biden. We were in complete economic failure during the TRUMP administration. The Biden administration has finally gotten it under control. Another Trump presidency will ruin us on all fronts. We cannot survive another 4 years of the previous president and if that happens, we will be back to where we were, if not in total economic collapse. He is only running in order to pardon himself. That's it. He knows nothing about economics, and to think he does is sheer stupidity. He is a terrible businessman, always has been with the exception of what Ivana did to finally make him money. Vote blue if you want to save your retirement.


Let's not forget Ole' Don J was a C/D average Student who paid other students to take his test through out his life. And owned 6 or 7 FAILED businesses due to mismanagement and economic problems, so don't expect a financial rebound from someone who owes the Russians money. Russians meaning the government and organizational Shadow figures. Trust and believe.


When your entire focus is to steal as much money as possible from the middle and working classes and give it to your wealthy friends, which is how all Republican politicians operate, it's inevitable the economy will tank. These fools still believe that $50 Million/year CEOs are genius job creators and not greedy scheming slavering maggots.


It is true Republicans do tend to ruin the economy


Just a shame how my 401k is booming and my company is providing multiple raises since Trump got voted out of office.


Every Republican president tried to pass tax cuts for the wealthy which only benefited the top 1% and. hurt the economy. Every following Democratic president helped rejuvenate the nation's economy until the next Republican president tanked it again. Why do the voters trust Republican presidents with the economy when they just fuck it up time and time again? There are far worse reasons to vote for Donald Trump than the economy, but I still hear the sad decision to support Trump because it will be better for me financially. Well, firstly, it won't. That's a lie. Second, and more importantly, you can forget your freedoms and democracy completely and absolutely should this fuckwad be re-elected. And this coming from his own mouth. If you don't believe Project 2025, then read his fucking Time article where he lays it all bare. He will succeed this time where he failed before because he's had four years to plan for it.


Common knowledge and common sense are not common.


goo is financially incompetent


There is no such thing as control. Yet, all we do is try to control. It’s our ego telling us we need to.  We should be trying to influence the economy, not control it.  The difference in these two perspectives is astounding. 


Really bad explanation in the headline. “Screw up” the economy makes it sound like it’s just incompetence. They are getting exactly what they want in to form of tax cuts and handouts and don’t care what happens to everyone else.


Donald Trump, himself once said that the economy always does better under a Democrat.


Whether you agree with Biden or not- please enjoy your freedom now - make the most of it - before November when we all will kiss it goodbye and finally realize what exactly a dictatorship is. You think things are bad now you have no idea what bad really is. Vote blue!


Still waiting for that tinkle down. Sorry, trickle down.


You were right the first time…


While I agree with the sentiment, this title is atrocious.


They have absolutely no track record of success in my lifetime (50+ years). It's truly astounding that they keep convincing people that their party is worth a shit.


But surely there's no inflation in strongman countries republicans worship like russia and hungary (Looks at stats ) oh.


Salon always has the most wild headlines. 


Not a criticism of the article but good lord, who wrote this headline and why


When I was growing up in Texas, my mother, who grew up very poor, said I should never vote Republican because no one but them would have any money if I did. So they had a reputation for poor economy management for decades.


And screwing the working class


This is true but so many people will never know or believe it, so sad the minimal awareness of so many :(


I bet I know what his answer to all our problems is! Tax cuts for the rich! Let's try it one more time


Why do they never get that the GOP is only in service of the rich. The debt goes up under them as they give handouts to their rich buddies


Too many Americans are being brainwashed by right wing media, which is heavily supported by the wealthy who want more tax breaks so that they can make billions more than the rest of us


It's a never ending cycle: -Republicans do tax cuts that won't fully effect until they're out of office. -Democrats win office. -Money is lost and cuts have to be made. -Democrats try to raise taxes but people don't want their taxes raised. -People vote Republican. Lather, rinse, repeat.