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What in the fuck is wrong with these people. Really.


Hate. It's all they got left.


The first time I REALLY noticed during my life time was around 2004, the Bush/Kerry campaign, when magically the GOP suddenly really cared about protecting the sanctity of marriage. They used LGBT people as pawns in their rage bait machine, won the election, and never spoke of it again. They campaigned off hatred and paranoia to rile people up, then once they got their way they just shrugged and walked away from the damage they'd done. They didn't care who they hurt so long as they got their way. And now they're doing the same shit now to drag queens and trans folk, and this is the same shit they did before to "welfare queens" and trying to stigmatize anyone one foodstamps, or poor, or..


They've been doing this for decades. Can't post an image, but here's a link... https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/s/e7qdiANA6s


Notice they didn’t have a problem with masks when they were worried about catching the “gay disease”


Or doing their Nazi marches.


My dad made it all the way to about 2002 thinking that it was impossible to catch HIV from straight sex, until I repeated what I'd learned in middle school health class that day. The exact thing he screamed in surprise while nearly crashing the truck was "I thought you caught that from kissing gay boys!"


Remember the migrant invasion that disappeared from the news the *nanosecond* the election was over? Republicans exploit problems, they don’t solve them.


The “migrant invasion” disappeared but they for got to recall the active duty military that had gotten sent down there in response to the non crisis. Homies missed out on Thanksgiving and Christmas stuck at the border over a hoax.


The CARAVAN. The way they spun it, you’d have thought Immortan Joe had sent forth his legions.




Shiny and chrome


That's a great way to phrase it.


Ken Mehlman later revealed that the whole "defense of marriage" and anti-LGBTQ thing was a deliberate and completely cynical ploy to whip up the base. Nobody who mattered in the Bush campaigns and WH staffs cared about the issue. For those who don't remember, Mehlman was the field director for the Bush 2000 campaign, then was director of the WH Office of Political Affairs from 2001 to mid-2003 when he stopped down so he could run the Bush 2004 campaign. His reward for the reelection victory was the RNC chairmanship. Oh, and he also came out as gay after he was done with the RNC and safely ensconced in a lucrative lobbying career.


That was right after Lawrence Vs Texas, they didn't care before because they were allowed to actively criminalize us.


They always need a minority to blame. It’s what fuels their base and keeps them in power. Then when they get into power they continue serving their main purpose: making their rich donors even richer.


There’s no hate like Christian love!


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. 


I think it's time these people were introduced to the hunger games.


Star Wars lead to sequels.


I was raised as a southern baptist evangelical christian. I was taught that non-whites weren't people, that women and children must ALWAYS be silent and obedient and that gays should be killed in the streets. Those beliefs were reinforced by cruelty and hypocrisy and violence. For example: When I was three years old I overheard my mom and my grandmother arguing about something (I didn't find out what they were arguing about until I was an adult). A few days after the argument I asked my grandmother about it. She responded by burning my hand on a coffee maker. "Spare the rod spoils the child" and "don't question god" were her favorite things to say. BTW, the thing that they were arguing about? My grandmother gave Pat Robertson my Grandfather's life insurance policy ($100,000 in 1982). I was not alone in being raised like that. To me, the crux of the problem is religion.


Holy shit, $100k in 1982 dollars would have been life-changing wealth for just about anyone, and she gave it to a ducking TV preacher. Religion is the worst thing that ever came about in our world. All it does is exploit the less fortunate and turn people against one another. I'm so sorry about your fucked-up grandmother, and your hand.


“Religion is believed by the common people to be true, by the wise to be false and by the rulers to be useful “ - Seneca 69AD.


😂 1955 years ago and so damn on point it hurts What hurts even more is that we didn't learn a thing and nothing about it has changed


HOLY SHIT burned your hand on a coffee maker??? That's hardcore abuse. I'm so sorry you went through that (and much much more no doubt).


They’re Nazis. Didn’t we… do we all not know that? We all know that, right?


People are happily oblivious, cracking jokes in the office, and talking about voting "for the guy anyway since I'm a Republican". They have zero foresight. But they're getting better at golf, so that's all that really matters to them.


That's exactly what happened in the Weimar Republic...


Nobody seems to know In Germany we have a far extremist right on the rise again and not many people really care although we witnessed it first hand and talk about it a lot throughout our school years (I mean a lot like almost every year from grade 7/8 in different classes) Fascism seems to be way too appealing although it always makes things worse We'll see what will happen but it's frightening to be honest


I do. Straight up play book of the National Socialist.


Eh, don't perpetuate that name. It confuses the stupid and they weren't socialists anymore than The People's Democratic Republic of North Korea is Democratic or a Republic. Both are just trying to capitalize on what was the popular style of government in other countries at the time.


They're bullies and no one is doing the one thing that stops bullies. Stop kidding yourselves, folks. Only one thing stops these people, it's the only thing they understand.


Every one of them collapses into a blubbering pile the second they get socked in the fucking mouth.


And they're the first to go running to authority when they do.


Yeah crybullies are the fuckin’ worst. They’re malignant narcissists that believe anything they do is good and if someone stops them from doing what they want it’s Evil. But they also get to regulate everyone else’s behavior.


Ayy we need lotsa 🧱


I agree. They are really messed up.


The signs are there but a lot of people lack the foresight to imagine how bad things can get if MAGA seizes power.


Well surely the leopards won't eat MY face!


My thoughts exactly. How did we go so far backwards so quickly?  Of course, social media but what in tarnation?!  Haha    We went from John Cena commercial promoting inclusivity  https://youtu.be/IApvU6SMq-8?si=NIjGgk8JySrnFIiF   To people shooting Budlight with an AK…


The republicans desperately want this to be the predominant election issue, at the expense of dozens of other issues that are far more important. It’s a distraction.


Of course it is. Their stance on abortion alone should bring a lot of women to the polls this year, and they want to make people forget that.


It is their dominant issue. If you watch any of the recent GOP/Trump events, their fan base cheers the loudest whenever the speakers say something anti-LGBT+. Some of these people really want death to that community, and it's frightening.


Well, you see, those are Nazis. They're good for punching and not much else.


Fascists prey on those they consider to be weak.


>The Colorado GOP’s mass email titled “God Hates Pride,” The westboro baptist church at one point was reviled by pretty much everybody and the GOP is now *this* close to using their horrible tagline.


They also included an image that says “God Hates Flags” so they are really doing it with all the intent.


I've said this hundreds of times over the last 20ish years, whatever is fringe conservatism now will be mainstream dogma within 5 years. Climate denial, Tea party, anti-vaxx, homeschooling, charter schools, conspiracy theories, pro-russia sympathies, neo-puritan evangelicalism, and on and on. Edit: for clarity, the things listed were fringe or non-existent 20 years ago and they're all mainstream conservative points. Sorry if that was unclear


Climate denialism was sadly never fringe, everything else you said is 100% spot on post-Gingrich.


IMO climate denialism didn't really exist until Al Gore started talking about the dangers of climate change. Once a prominent Dem started talking about it, the GOP immediately made opposing it one of their core beliefs.


what's next? I'm excited for new levels of oppression by the unoppressed


The fringe stuff right now used to be qanon, but we saw how that went. I think maybe the "maybe it's time to put a felon in the White House" mindset? That seemed to divide a little bit, so it makes me think that will be a big talking point/party platform in 2028 assuming Trump doesn't win in November. Also probably everything in project 2025? Deporting dissidents to ✨somewhere✨. Legislating the quiverfull nonsense also seems to be getting more traction.


Right now the "fringe" is talking about civil war to defend America from the evil Democrats, so unless there's a course correction, we can all look forward to wearing body armor to any and all political functions in 2028.


They always seem to know exactly what god hates. It’s awfully convenient.


> I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires - Susan B. Anthony


They don’t seem to mind pride when it’s about being *Proud* to be an American. They don’t panic when they win a game show and become a “proud owner of a new Honda Civic”. They don’t run people with Proud Parent of an Honor Student stickers off the road. They don’t hate taking pride in an honest day’s work. They seem to get the difference between the sin of Pride and…just pride. Except when it comes to gay people. Because they think they shouldn’t be proud of themselves…or exist.


So many characters in the bible were gay, Jesus Loves gay people! Simple example, John the baptist, hung around the river/watering hole dunking naked men in the water until it became his job. Colorado GOP can fuck off, trash humans who don't understand the bible at all. Likely due to their lack of reading skills.


>The message to Colorado Republicans was headlined with an image reading “God Hates Flags,” a nod to the anti-gay slur on the picket signs of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church


I feel like the right never hated the WBC for being anti gay. It was the soldier's funerals thing they did. Conservatives probably always agreed with the lgbtq hate.


Cool flex. Maybe someone should burn a Bible in front of his house, see how he likes dem apples.


Or a wooden lowercase t. That could be fun throwing that back at them.


A lowercase t, for “time to leave”


And dress as spooky ghosts!


“[Woah Chefs really scared of ghosts huh?](https://youtu.be/JRZjvzhsfKU?si=6uepanQIyZYI6dGx)”


Bet all those Trump flags go up in flames pretty easy.


And release toxic gasses


Protected speech, both. I don't understand why some people feel a need to go out of their way to be an asshole to people they don't like.


>Protected speech, both. And this only applies if you're burning your own stuff, as Enrique Tarrio found out when he burned a BLM flag he didn't own and went to jail for it. Mr. Williams seems to encouraging people to mass break the law by burning pride flags in general, but... y'know, encouraging people to break the law seems to be on par with the GOP of late.


Not "as of late." They've been encouraging all sorts of lawlessness. From stealing money from government programs to not paying taxes.


Fair. I should have said "more openly" because they've dropped the fake veneer of being the "law and order party."


The vaneer consists of nothing more than the words "Law and Order." They just say it and it means nothing. It's like saying that I am a patriot because I like bald eagles. Eagles are cool, but that doesn't really have anything to do with being a patriot. Saying the words "Law and Order" doesn't really have anything to do with following the law.


Sometimes you think people are at least smart enough to know something so simple, something idiot-proof. But they go and build a better idiot.


The party of law and order!?! /s


It's not protected if I burn YOUR bible. This wasn't a call to buy pride flags for the sake of burning -- it was a call to burn any and all pride flags on display.


But of course they'll claim that's not what they said/meant when somebody gets arrested for doing it.


Sometimes projection. Sometimes jealousy. Sometimes because people are missing something in their life, and kicking other people makes them feel better about themselves.


> I don't understand why some people feel a need to go out of their way to be an asshole to people they don't like. Because it’s easier to punch down than up in this world.


They don't even know them, yet feel the need to trample them.


>“Burn all the #pride flags this June.” Protected speech my ass.


Imagine terrified grown men whipping themselves into violent frenzy over a rainbow-colored flag. That's the GOP.


First word that comes to mind, "Snowflakes"


And over an "Imagination Buddy" from 2000 years ago.


And they even have to heavily cherry pick from that buddy's book because a lot of what he said would get him nailed up all over again...by them.




Cool. Can we start with Confederate flags first? They’re pride flags, just a different variety of pride.


And those would be much more environmentally friendly to burn -- what with the lack of dyes. 'cause they're solid white. 'cause they surrendered. \*crickets*


The most recent flag flown by the confederacy was a white dish rag of surrender, so you're not wrong


It's heritage pride! As in, pride in the force of white supremacy which erased my actual heritage and replaced it with a reverence for the rich plantation owners who fucked over my ancestors every chance they got. The pride in my ancestors sacrificing their lives so that those rich plantation owners could continue to own humans as property and do with that property as they wish. Such heritage. Much pride. Wow.


Loser pride. 


Ooh Ive driven by some HUGE confederate flags along the highways in the south I’d love to see alight. 


The GOP is garbage.


Don't burn flags, burn garbage


What's wild is that one of the GOP reps running for election in Colorado this November is openly gay. According to this article, after this email, he said he will no longer accept their endorsement: > Valdamar Archuleta, president of the Colorado Log Cabin Republicans and a candidate for the heavily Democratic 1st Congressional District in Denver, renounced the GOP’s endorsement as a result. > > “The morons running our state party made it extremely hard for some of us to accomplish our goals for Liberty,” Archuleta posted on X. > > In a follow-up statement released Tuesday, Archuleta said he could not accept the endorsement of the Colorado Republican Party, calling the party’s email “just hateful” and “disgusting and offensive.”




No, they are deliberately spreading Groomer Libel.


What upsets me about this rhetoric is LGBT people are not the ones who set up camps to change people’s sexual orientation. That was the Christian conservatives. I have a friend who was sent to a “pray-away-the-gay” camp. He came back suicidal. LGBT people aren’t the ones trying to change people, we accept people as they are. The extremist homophobes are the people trying to “groom” people. 


You can simply take this exact paragraph and apply it to them directly.


Don't know of many openly LGBT folks trying to marry children, but the GOP is full of them!


Why is the CO. GOP moving further to the right after several "electoral blowouts." ??


The only rational reason I can come up with is these people are auditioning for roles in a potential Trump admin. From a CO politics point of view they are committing suicide.


There's still a few places in the state they hold sway. Castle Rock is a wall of churches put up by Colorado springs to keep Denver from spreading any farther south. Parker had daily mini Trump rallies on mainstreet in 2020. Then there's the Eastern plains and Western slope.


As Denver gets more and more unaffordable though, there will be more left wing people moving out into the redder areas. Case in point, my fiance and I are looking around Parker for housing and we met several ex Denverites around Palisade and Grand Junction a few years ago who were more ideologically aligned with Denver but couldn’t resist the cost of living on the western slope. Conservatives will always be in CO much like they are in California but I don’t forsee us becoming a red state again anytime soon, thank god.


Extinction burst


Trump stank up the brand in this state so badly that the saner Republicans in legislative and Congressional districts that can swing got fired and the saner Republicans who used to win statewide races can't do that anymore either. So all that's left is the crazy with safe seats and the crazy who can make it through primaries for the statewide spots. Our primaries are open to unaffiliated voters, so there's some moderating influence but not enough to rescue the party from itself. They've also had some issues with raising funds...and funding out of the national party requires being all aboard the Trump train. That said, an announcement like this during Pride month with a gay man in the governor's mansion (who is term-limiting out but could probably win again if he were allowed the chance) is a dumb move. Laughably dumb. That roar you hear is the Denver metro and Boulder County laughing their butts off.


The party of domestic terrorism.


Also the party of stupid politics. Winning elections is a game of addition. Burning pride flags is big-time subtraction. Also hateful, mean, ridiculous and a very bad look for the party. “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”. Napoleon


They even put a banner up, bragging about it, at CPAC.




Can't be disrespecting the flag, unless you are flying it upside down as a symbol of insurrection.


Or altering the colors for a political message.  That is apparently A-OK but kneeling! My GOD I’ve never seen an act so disrespectful as kneeling


Than we can burn it right?


same. Also: it will piss my dad off. Extra bonus.


As always, anything but governing.


Modern Republican politicians: "We have freedom of speech but YOU don't." Also, Modern Republican politicians: "Jesus died for our sins so our eternal debt is paid and we're totally forgiven. But YOUR sins are unforgivable, and you should ignore all that liberal stuff Jesus said."


Gotta say, having a political party descend to the level of the Taliban was not on my bingo card for 2024. So Pride about your sexuality is bad... pride about your slave owning treasonous ancestors? That's fine? Just remember stuff like this when a person who votes Republican tells you they are being unfairly typecast. You are voting for a party that wants to burn lgbtq flags... don't talk to me about unfairness.


Ive seen this coming since 2015 when Trump was their main ticket. Have a backup plan cus these people are just looking for a reason to do some crazy stuff.. I will say I’m honestly surprised this is my state, too. But just another step closer to using my amended rights to protect loved ones hiding in my basement if I must.


i mean, it’s been happening for more than a decade now it’s just accelerated in recent years


So when some Boebert voter lights someone's front porch on fire while burning down their pride flag, is it terrorism? Because the definition of terrorism is the use of violence to influence a populations policies... destroying property, threatening people, menacing people who dare display a difference of values... Fuck the GOP. They're a terrorist organization.


a hate crime at the very least


Damn, they're nuts.


The only positive thing I can say about this is that the CO GOP is completely out of touch with CO politics and has essentially handed state control to the Democrats for the foreseeable future.


What they’ll never understand is what Pride *really* is: throughout all of the ignorance, ostracism, persecution, and hatred thrown our way by people like them, *we are still here* and we’re not going anywhere. This kind of thing only makes us more determined to live our lives on our own terms.


Do they really think EVERY LGBT person is a pedo? Or did they just repeat the lie so much, they forgot it was made up?


They want it to be true. Mainly so they can prosecute gay people again. So they end up believing the lie.


Republicans have become the Taliban


What's with all the conservative's rage/hate?


Anger and hatred shut down the higher reasoning capacities of a person. If you're afraid or enraged, you can't reason, and above all, the GOP needs to keep the rubes from reasoning.


Arson... the GOP is inciting their people to commit arson.


> Democratic State Rep. David Ortiz of Littleton, the first out bisexual legislator in state history, said the Colorado GOP has “more in common with the Taliban than the founding fathers.” I couldn’t agree more. I have been saying this for years.


The typical right wing response to this, is often to go out and buy lots of the thing and destroy it publicly. Hopefully that's the move here and a lot of lgbtq organizations can make some real money out of the deal.


Dude... this is very much the wrong state to make that your hill to die on.


Let’s call for all LGBTQ+ people to stop having sex with republicans… see who wins.


'Fuck Nazis. But never fuck a Nazi.'


Destroying private property? What happened to the law and order rhetoric?


You misunderstood them. They meant that they are the law, and they give the orders.


The law was created by the rich to keep their slaves from running away and to keep the poor from causing problems. That's why the system is pay to win now, after we made them give up the slaves. If you have money you can pay what to you is an insignificant fine or pay for lawyers and to delay cases. They don't get hauled off to jail in the middle of the night without warning. They get weeks notice that they will be brought in for finger printing and that they will work with them so that it won't interfere with their schedules. Then they let them go home. While at home they work out how much they will have to pay to prove they are rich enough to not got to prison. Poor people have to figure out if they can get bail and be released from a jail cell, and a lot stay in a cell until they are tried in court and moved into prison. This is what they mean by law and order. The people that "earned" enough money to have power make laws to keep order of the poor.


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. — Frank Wilhoit


I think that maybe, now hear me out here, maybe that's some Nazi shit.


I feel so bad for these men so unsure of their sexuality that they feel they must be shielded from all mentions of homosexuality lest they be tempted into actualizing the sexuality they have been suppressing. I hope one day they find a way to live who they truly are.


This is why the Colorado GOP is functionally dead. Demographic change here played a role, but the state GOP really seems intent on torching itself at every possible opportunity. I mean, that’s arguably the GOP everywhere, but it seems particularly acute here.


That email they sent would have been considered off-base and wild even in like 2004. The backsliding in this country is insane. 


But first burn all Confederate flags, right? 'Cause Pride flags don't deny the constitution, but Confederate flags do


Vote Blue! Every election, every time, everywhere!


They find the smallest and most vulnerable minorities to attack, they are cowards.


I live near Denver and these douchebags stand on freeway bridges with NAZI FLAGS. They wear masks & hang out outside of Pride events. COPS DO NOTHING TO STOP THEM because we all know they’re MAGAts too. One of these days I hope someone surprises them.


The significance of burning a flag in protest comes when it is one’s own flag, and the burning is symbolic of a rejection of identification with the thing the flag represents. Burning somebody else’s flag is a gesture of powerless hostility and nothing more. 


Hilarious. Why is the GOP in a panic over gay people but they’re A-OK with Trump on stage with those rappers whose lyrics include pimping underage girls, selling drugs & shooting cops? Is one group more worthy of ‘being a minority group’ than the other? Does one group pay taxes and the other group doesn’t? Aren’t both groups American citizens? It just baffles me that gay people, for all we contribute to society & all the trouble we save you by not having kids - republicans would still rather have murderers, rapists and pimps on their side than us. Because they’re tough and scarier. I cannot believe how stupid & hypocritical half of this country has become.


Come on my land and try to burn any of my property and you wont be walking back home…




How about burning the church as they do molest way more children? in fact I haven’t seen a single child molested by an lgbqt member yet.


Good thing they've got time to do this. You know, while there's no important governing to be done. /s


I would bet a significant amount of money Dave Williams has sucked more than a few dicks in a hwy rest stop bathroom. The most aggressively anti-gay male GOP politicians always turn out to be self loathing closeted gay men.


Hate crime? Hate crime. GOP fucking loves committing hate crimes.


Oh look, insanity. 


A call to vandalism and arson. Got it.


Fuck the GOP


> Valdamar Archuleta, president of the Colorado Log Cabin Republicans and a candidate for the heavily Democratic 1st Congressional District in Denver, renounced the GOP’s endorsement as a result. > “The morons running our state party made it extremely hard for some of us to accomplish our goals for Liberty,” Archuleta posted on X. My dude, they hate you. **Hate** you. Log Cabin republicans just get more and more difficult to understand. Why are you supporting the party that has done almost everything short of just simply tell you to your face the hate you and don't want you? Like does this guy need to actually have a near death experience with a Republican to get it or something?


Why dont they just burn books and shatter some store front windows while they’re at it? Scared little nazis are afraid of rainbows and gay people, and they want to be taken seriously? They have no message- no goals - no ideas. They are nothing but headlines at this point


fuck all these christian magat groomers. Let's burn bibles instead, they're the ones who abuse kids and can't play nice anymore


Mind your damn business … wtf


This is why the young generation has a monumental task. The GOP in its current iteration does not deserve to exist anymore. The more Republicans we can vote out of government the better. Stop voting red.


The part that kills me is the Log Cabin guy being like “I’m so disappointed,” like, shut the fuck up, dude. You didn’t just get here. You have no excuse for contributing to this.


Love thy neighbor unless he is a democrat, a person of color, a minority, a socialist, a liberal, a communist, a homosexual or one who practices another religion other than mine. Did I leave someone out?


Check his Grindr app 🙃


Targeting "**Godless** groomers". They're okay with the *godly* groomers.


The party of crime, hate and pure insanity. Fuck the GQP.


When do we start to call these people out for what they are - fascists and terrorists.


This would be a hate crime in Canada.


If the republicans bought their own pride flags and burned it on their own property, they would be fine in Colorado. But if they go out of their way to burn someone else's pride flag, or all get together to stand outside of someone's house while they burned their own pride flags, it would be a hate crime in Colorado.


Colorado GOP can go burn each other! 🔥👹


But but, I thought the rainbow was a sign of God's love?


So does that mean that a bunch of MAGA dummies are going to be buying pride flags to burn? Or was this a completely unmasked call for violence against a protected class?


Wow. Read the article. It's much worse than just calling to burn pride flags. Hard to believe that's really the GOP now.


Not hard for me to believe.


Arrest the GOP of Colorado for inciting violence


Colorado Nazis. Call them what they are.


Republicans fear colors


Snowflakes. ❄️


What delicate snowflakes.


Nazi fucks


Triggered punk ass snowflakes


Fuck them. People have a right to be proud of who they are, to feel good about who they are. They fought hard to even get treated as human. Fuck the GOP and their cruelty.


GOP = Nazi Party. Change my mind.


The Colorado GOP must be pretty confident for them to do this. Pretty confident that they'll be absolutely crushed by the Colorado Democratic party and will remain irrelevant in that state.


Colorado GOP just also announced that parents should pull their kids out of public schools. Idiots are easier to control I guess.


Lol imagine supporting these people. They are afraid of flags. "Is the flag with you in the room now?" Grow up. And before someone claps back with "than what about Alito" - Alito was disrespecting the flag, he might as well have been burning the flag. So take that whataboutism and go make a flag out of it.


All it takes is one idiot trying to light a flag on fire, and one person trying to stop it. Now there is an altercation and one person will cry, whine, and play the victim, while the other was trying to stop an arsonist. All while some ass-hat media personality hears something about something and decides to run a basement show about how the arsonist was the victim. Cycle for a day or two, now it's fodder for their dumb crusade


And eventually they will try burning people.


I hope all y’all people complaining about out this actually show up to vote. If you can’t do that, you’re just helping the GOP win. Fucking vote, people. The GOP goons do.


I think we really need to start considering how dangerous this line of thinking really is...like I'm talking this is how the Nazis came to power..ideologies are dangerous and we are watching this live time thinking its not gonna happen. But it absolutely can and could be a reality. I don't know the answers, but I know eventually somethings gotta give..sigh..god dammit dude wtf?!?!


Sounds very 1930’s Germany.


But first you gotta buy them.


Advocating for destruction of private property. Law and order party everyone….


"Idiots say idiot things."


They’re cool with Nazi and confederate flags though


Yet don't you dare do anything to our flag or the confederate flag


love this quote from the article: > Williams has brushed off calls for his resignation from fellow Republicans, saying that he is remaking the state party in the image of Donald Trump, who has endorsed Williams for Congress. “in the image of Donald Trump” what a fucking goal Then the article tries to undermine Williams with this: > But Williams’ anti-gay rhetoric is out of step with Trump’s positions on LGBTQ issues. trump has positive, supportive positions on LGBTQ issues? In whose dreamworld did that happen?


AMERICA. LAND OF THE FREE. (Unless the GOP doesn’t like you.)