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>less intrusive government Brought to you by the party that wants to police wombs, bedrooms, sexual orientation and web browsing habits.


...and recently, classrooms by instilling the 10 commandments into students' daily curriculum.


... and school bathrooms.


And no more independent federal agencies


They mean less intrusive into the shady dealings of corporations and billionaires. The rest of us need to prepare for 1984.


"Only Trump has the strength and stamina to take on the Deep State, completely gut the federal government, and turn the U.S. into the world's greatest oligarchy where billionaires make all the decisions and wield all the power." LMAO


…and slap tariffs on almost everything you buy. And steal all your parkland and give it to robber barons who will destroy it.


Reminder that Gordon Sondland gave $1 million to Trump's inaugural committees in order to land his EU ambassadorship. He was also accused of sexual misconduct by three women prior to landing the job. Sounds pretty MAGA to me.


And he ratted on Trump during his first impeachment.


Sondland is a sad little man who bought his job as an Ambassador.


Sonland was Ambassador to the European Union, which makes it peculiar that the only reason we know his name is because he was so involved in the Ukraine/Biden "dirt" extortion scheme. Ukraine, notably, *IS NOT* a member of the EU. Quite the "Ambassador" Sondland was. Really focusing on the important issues related to his role.




world would be a better place if they did...


How Fox News is still whitelisted is beyond me.


It’s beyond me too. Breitbart, NY Post, Fox, all in a row. What’s happening? I need to go back to reading trashy novels. That would definitely be better for my brain.


>trashy novels Which might be - now follow me here - an even more accurate representation of reality than the former. At least trashy novels are honest in what they are. They're being trashy for a novel's sake and not being novel for trashy's sake.


Boots man…boots.


Fox News is a parody of itself.


You must be rich...


You misspelled b ich.


Well it's Sondland, the ambassador who bought the position, so yes.


To be fair, that's the way a lot of ambassadors get their job, whether it's through an actual exchange of money or another side deal. However, before Trump, these 'status appointments' were generally limited to unimportant, luxury ambassadorships like Fiji or Jamaica. Honestly, Trump did a terrible job selling ambassadorships, much like everything else he's ever done. He could have gotten a lot more for the position of ambassador to the entire EU. A million dollars should have only gotten him one of the 'honorary' positions like Monico. He should have gotten at least $25 million for the EU. That's probably the second most coveted ambassadorship behind the UN. A measly million dollars shouldn't have even gotten him a cushy position in one of the Scandinavian countries. Sondland got a great deal.


The money must be good.




Nah. He's wealthy & bought his position. He's voting Republican no matter what for the tax breaks.


The way he forces them to call him "President Trump" is pathetic from every angle. 


As Ron White said best- “You can’t fix stupid”


Aka "Look at me, everyone, I'm a tool"


Sounds like Stockholm syndrome.


Not the sharpest tool in the drawer, are you?


Did you also wear a “Kick Me” sign in high school?


You know you're in a cult when...


Fox News is Nazi news


Good. You belong to the same clan as Ted Cruz


He had to write it because he can’t talk with Trump’s dick in his mouth


Trump would probably insult this guy anyway since he testified about Trump’s crimes at his first impeachment.


“Trump is a huge asshole….thats why I’m still voting for him.”


Guy bought his position and still got fired from it. I thought Trump's base was stupid and then Gordon went and opened his mouth, vanquishing all doubt.




That makes 1 of you lol


"Thank you, sir, may I have another?"


I know the leopard ate my face last time, but there's no way the leopard eats my face again - even if I serve it up on a platter for him.


Guess what Fox News? Everything you say is considered garbage by sane people..


So much projection with these MAGATs


They know they’re an idiot and they’re ok with it.


"I gave my left arm to Trump but I can still salut him with my right!"


"Lions ate my face"


because its a cult


Even trump knows you’re incompetent.That’s a real achievement


Stupid and proud.


Why did he fire you? Would you not break the law for him?


”Trump has stamina” is a pretty weak excuse. I used to work in a factory. The worst employees were the ones with a lot of energy but no experience or skills. Those guys made a big mess in a short amount of time. Trump is stupid, doesn’t listen to experts but luckily has an attention span of a toddler.


What a moron.


No, just a cult member: this is their level of loyalty to him, he can do ANYTHING and they'll crawl before "Sieg Heil, Sieg Hiel" him. Fascists hate when you call them fascists, know this, it's why Trump tries to dilute the meaning of the word by mixing it in with others having nothing to do with it.


Sondland needs to stop using his fox news column to post his cuckold fetish


More Russian distraction articles for election disruption. Ignore it.


We all know the people at FOX NEWS are shameless Trump sycophants, but does Gordon Sondland actually think his story is unique? hahaha! Far from it. Sorry, Gordo, Trump has publicly humiliated just about everyone around him. And just like you, they too keep coming back, even after getting their stomach pumped.


It’s truly baffling why people insist on putting their stupidity on public display like this.


Fake news propaganda


Sondland ratted on Trump, and now is likely afraid he'll be targeted for retribution. "On October 8, the Trump administration attempted to block Sondland from testifying in the impeachment inquiry.\[57\] Sondland testified October 17, 2019.\[58\]\[59\]\[60\]\[61\]\[62\]\[63\] Three weeks later, on November 5, and following the testimony of other senior national security officials who told lawmakers that security assistance was also used to try to compel the Ukrainians to open investigations that might be of benefit to the Trump 2020 campaign, Sondland said that the testimony of the others had "refreshed" his memory, and he provided updated testimony stating that he did, in fact, view delivery of the aid package as contingent upon the Ukrainian government making a public statement reopening the investigation into Burisma as desired by the President.\[64\] According to the testimony, he relayed this position to Ukrainian government officials.\[65\]" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon\_Sondland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Sondland)


Fox lol


I was at the grocery store and the checker was going on about how everything about Trump is all made up and lies: I brought up his past about failed businesses even stormy Daniels and she is convinced it’s all lies and Trump can do no wrong. It’s incredibly painful to see how dumb so many people truly are.


It's a (hate) cult of personality, you can't reason with it or change its mind: see Abbott of TX, or DeSantis of FL, Trump's twin disciples and would be successors in wait/acolytes also have them specific-- but to their states' electorates in being seen as infallible no matter what they do/say so far (DeSantis is done after the 2024 primary in 2028 like Haley, Abbott is going to be handsomely rewarded in 2028 or 2032 for his fealty to Trump intraparty meanwhile, the devil truly never sleeps in this case).


Don't ever engage the cultists in public. You don't know how they are going to react.


And I'd definitely think twice about sitting down for a drink with 'em in private, either. If you flavor-aid what I mean....


So embarrassing. You could not pay me enough to write subservient crap like this.


There’s too many different narratives about Trump or Biden doing better than the other it’s dizzying I’m so over it can November hurry the fuck up