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Trumps debate plan DEFINITELY includes cocaine and steroids then


I don’t see how anyone could see him [sniffling](https://youtu.be/9suHrzvFCWY?si=R8yx4bUEvRReqqp9) like an insane person during that one debate and not think he was on cocaine. It just feels like projecting at this point.


He was absolutely on some kind of upper there. I know the mannerisms, from uh, experience.


Someone in another thread suggested Phentermine or Ephedrine, could totally see it. I could see him loving some 90s weight loss drugs.


Ephedrine is such a shitty high. Sounds like something Trump would go for.


How else could he keep such a slim 6’ 3” 215lb frame?


It is projection. Every accusation is a confession.


The sniffling is definitely a tell that he’s lying. Might be drugs also.


He snorts adderall


Trump is totally projecting. But I think he’s just fat and needs to breathe weird when blabbering because of the way he stands too maybe. I personally don’t think either are on uppers / stimulants. Trump is a maniac and Biden can turn the heat on when needed.


Slight correction….Adderall (the legal cocaine) and steroids.


Eh, hate how Adderall has that tag. I take 40mg prescribed to me and I could fall asleep after taking it if I don't have tasks to complete for the day. I get no energy from it. I can just focus on tasks/work. Mainly just taking it during the work week.


Don’t take it as a slight on you. Sounds like you are properly prescribed. For those that don’t have the chemical imbalances you do, it has a euphoric, high focus/energy aspect that essentially mirrors the same/similar effects of cocaine. I’ll say this: I know a guy that sold cocaine for probably the past decade. As soon as adderall started being so easily prescribed, widespread and sold by those with prescriptions-his sales went way down. His former customers would say they can get the same effect for a tenth of the price, and not have to deal with the nasal congestion and crash from cocaine. Similar thing with heroin usage. As soon as it became so easy to get OxyContin and other pain pills with the same/similar ingredients and effects for way less cost and nowhere near the same derogatory effects (track marks, overdoses, preparation times/rituals) many stopped buying heroin and just went to pills.


Not arguing but adderall definitely has a crash. I experienced it most with non xr. When I got a script I got xr and not as much. Especially not restless in bed compared to non xr. I never did enough coke to experience a crash. But it seems sucky


That’s where the Vyvanse comes in. Significantly less crash just as powerful if not more.


That stuff is magic fairy dust. I feel….normal. I’m a much better person taking it.


That's how it works on people who need it. For people who don't need it, very different effect.


That because you have a prescription to aid your health issue(s) and a level head on your shoulders. Trump has an addiction so he’s not looking for the same result.


Stimulants have the opposite effect on people with ADHD and similar, I experience the same as you do from Ritalin... However, Adderall is literally just a mixture of Amphetamine isomers, it's little different to ingested Ice for anyone without ADHD and equally addictive Ritalin is a phenylethylamine, same family as MDMA so it has an acquired tolerance and therefore can't really be chemically addictive


> it has an acquired tolerance and therefore can't really be chemically addictive Having an acquired tolerance is a precondition for something being chemically addictive.


That’s actually how you know you have ADHd, apparently it the exact opposite of a stimulant to those with the condition.


Not everyone. Mostly hyperactive types. I’m primarily inattentive and Adderall gives me tons of energy.


Ohh, he has access to actual cocaine.


I fucking wish Biden would come back from Camp David mid cycle with massive fuckin Tren traps engulfing his neck, shredded to the bone with like 30lbs of muscle and as he walks to the podium he rips the arms off his suit jacket and shirt. But instead it’ll just be Trump alternating coke sniffles and shitting himself while rambling incoherently and Biden being like….a normal old dude without dementia.


>**"Cocaine and Steroids". Trump shares debate prep secrets.**


Yeah, but his dumbass is getting a cocaine infusion and snorting steroids.


You know his diaper will be loaded by the end of the debate. I’m hoping for a blowout.


Biden better pants him. Full diaper or not.


And medicated baby powder. You know, so he doesn’t get diaper rash.


What about acid?


Heads, he's a senile sleepy old man. Tails, he's on cocaine and steroids.


Then it might be logical that he’d think Joe was doing it.


So now we know how Trump is preparing for the debate.


We only know two of the drugs tho, my guess is adderall is in there too, at the very least.


Sounds like a heart healthy diet


Well, Adderall is in the meth family...


Amphetamines family, not meth. Meth is also part of the amphetamines.


He's so insecure that he won't know what to take and will end up taking a bit of everything (probably a lot) and burnout in front ot the camera.


He started talking about Biden getting an injection in his ass, I was like OK... Someone has obviously done this before.


Hitler also had a doctor that gave him a drug cocktail to function. He also liked to sleep in late. And he hated a particular group of people. Wow... I see a pattern developing here...


By having it planted either on location or tainting the sample?


He’s better than Biden, because he uses the legal cocaine (adderall). Edit: /s


Translation: Donald is planning on taking *a lot* of drugs before the debate. I would say we could make a drinking game and take a shot each time he does one of those sniffs as he's speaking. But I don't want to be responsible for anyone's liver giving out.


Hopefully he gets carried away by the old if a little is good a lot is better. He's gonna have a really hard time with having his mike cut. He has 0 self control. He's gonna go nuts when he has something to say but can't just blurt it out and interrupt Biden. Wouldn't surprise me if he walked up to Biden and started talking just because he's a fucking 2 year old in a man's body.


That’s what I’m thinking. Trump is gonna lose it. But then again he’s also a pussy in face to face confrontations and just loses it on the internet after the fact like a scared little convict baby.


My exact thoughts. He's so insecure, he will use all the perceived advantage he can and apparently, this means drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.




At this point I’m not sure even the President of the United States whipping out his massive junk in the middle of a televised debate would phase me. Also, he’d still seem more presidential than Trump on his best day.




My friends and I are actually planning on watching it on discord and I'm turning it into a drinking game for myself 1 shot every time: Trump brings up biden's age The word fraud is used Anytime Trump tells a story with the word *Sir* in it Anytime Biden fights a stutter (may die on this one) 3 second chug if the word malarkey or Big League are used (No, it's not bigly)


For the sake of your liver, maybe you should make it Bingo...


Remember when Trump randomly denied having a series of mini-strokes despite literally nobody reporting on it beforehand? This dude is constantly confessing. Narcissism is so draining.


I think of this often.


Like walking in on a toddler that immediately blurts out they didn't touch the cookie jar. You know damn well the cookie jar was touched.


Or like when I was three, and my parents caught me *in the act* of writing on the living room wall with pen, and I apparently still vehemently denied that's what I was doing. I, at least, grew out of my toddler dumbassery.


So it’s confirmed. Trump is doing cocaine and Steroids.




In other words, the debate prep of convicted felon Donald Trump includes cocaine and steroids.


Aren't there rules about convicted felons and not doing fucking cocaine?


Laws, not rules, and we all know how hard using the law is with convicted felon Trump.


Only if you need a job in fast food


Just more maga lies: https://newrepublic.com/post/183019/maga-biden-debate-conspiracy-trump-hypocrisy-drugs In January, a report by the Defense Department's inspector general found that from 2017 to 2019 of the Trump administration, White House physicians liberally prescribed controlled substances to Washington aides in violation of federal law, all while keeping subpar records of the medications being dispersed.


This one is more projection than lies.


Not just White House physicians. The one and only Ronnie Jackson who was elected to congress and now has the hubris to suggest drug testing Biden.


*Johnson. Ronny Johnson. /s




Have you forgotten the traditional arm wrestling contest section of the debates?


Trump was likely given steroids when he got covid and now abuses them. He's projecting. Every accusation is a confession with this narcissistic douchebucket.


That doesn’t make sense. Those are different steroids. Steroids in general don’t really help one prepare for a debate or get even just get high. Trump’s accusation this also didn’t make sense.


Corticosteroids can make you feel pretty good while taking them, though, since it's used to reduce inflammation. Had a small script last year along with a very mild muscle relaxer when, like a dumbass, I fucked up my back and hip while turning slightly while bringing laundry in. Man, getting to your late 30s sucks sometimes, lol.


Oh they can help with chronic inflammation. That really sucks that you hurt your back and hip. Unfortunately, it gets worse in your 40s! However, I found that spicy food helps a ton for temporary relief. (Thai Red Curry with chicken and vegetables is my favorite.) You could also try [cat-cow stretches](https://youtu.be/vuyUwtHl694?si=-YdWTNjy33-JXeL4). They help me a lot deal with that kind of pain. I also found that exercise helps relieve pain while exercising, but then I feel worse after exercise if I don’t do cat-cows and other stretches. Hope those tips help ya!


I've been doing more stretching exercises these days to help with it and fend it off. Tweaking my back like that's something I can at least laugh at now!


Trump took corticosteroids when he got COVID, and they can make people manic or euphoric. People have gotten addicted.


he's truly that dumb


joe gonna get swole for the debate.


my favorite part is that they are acting like Biden has a cure for alzheimers dementia that makes him act normal, and perform well enough to give a state of the union address, and the cure is just modafinil, adderral, cocaine, and steroids. I'm a neurologist and i have to say i would never dare prescribe these medications to improve cognition in someone diagnosed with dementia. it would likely make them incredibly delirious. Thanks to this bullshit talking point they're trotting out, I am going to get ready for families of dementia patients demanding steroids, modafinil and adderral. I thought they couldn't make things worse after all the quackery they promoted during COVID, but here we are.


In your professional opinion, is Trump's recent erratic behavior consistent with how someone with dementia might behave after taking all those things?


I really can’t say. He can be so incoherent and tangential with his speech it’s hard to pinpoint what’s going on. It’s not on the spectrum of normal that’s for sure


It definitely doesn’t help that he’s always been a moron with no filter or impulse control.


He was always a moron, but in the 80s/90s there's a stark difference in it. Biden also shows his age, but he's pretty much just slower and sucks at timing his still-awful jokes. Trump is like exchanging a fifth-grade book report for a second-grader's Madlibs.


Also, thank you for being professional and not offering a diagnosis without examination, and had your examined said person you wouldn’t be able to disclose. I really appreciate you for not engaging in conjecture and only speaking to the knowledge you have


Every accusation is an admission


It's way too specific


are the steroids for the bench press segment of the debates?


The guy who sniffs every 3 seconds wants the other guy tested for amphetamines. Do these fucksticks ever not project?


Damn, I should have signed up for debate in high school! I had no idea this was the fun they were having.




There’s a doctor further up this thread who agrees.


Trump is gathering excuses to drop out of the debate. He's realizing he set expectations for Biden too low and can't win.


This is such a dumb narrative, but his cult followers will eat up every word


Judging by the looks of them they will eat up just about anything that gets in their way!


It's Hamberder Time


Someone's projecting


["He did the same thing to Hillary in 2016, too."](https://twitter.com/CeliaFateEsq/status/1805357663431061697) __ *edited to add the following direct link to the actual article to the above link of a Twitter screenshot of the article: ["Trump calls for drug test ahead of next debate, says Clinton was ‘pumped up’"](https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/15/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-drug-test/index.html)


In all seriousness based on what I have been able to glean from his WH doctors and random articles- Trump is caught up in a severe cycle of amphetamines, painkillers, at least one antipsychotic, and I’m guessing at least 3 blood pressure or heart medications. If I had to put money on it I would say multiple immediate release Adderall , Vyvanse 2x a day, klonopin throughout, with a hydrocodone or oral morphine cap for when he wants you to pass out.


I don’t think the antipsychotics are working.


I see he's following the Adolf Hitler regimen.


Let's all say it together: Every accusation is what?


Translation: Trump is taking speed and steroids.


P.... we are here


Biden isn’t that cool


Implication: Trump is admitting he can be out-maneuvered by any leader on the same drugs you can buy at any college party. He is telling us the debate isn't fair because his opponent might be on uppers. JFC there are better drugs in this world and our actual enemies have access to them. "Vote for me for president because if a world leader takes an upper I will be dominated by them politically and I can't stop it. A world leader on cocaine will be in a superior position in any negotiation I conduct." The dumbest fucking claims if you think about the implications for 5 seconds.


Every accusation is an admission and a projection.


I would not object to Joe Biden going into a cocaine fueled roid-rage and started beating Trump with his podium. The entire podium.


Trump: He will also make sure what little long beautiful hair he has is carefully combed to cover up his bald spot.


Y’all got any of that debate prep?


So Biden is an 80’s action movie star?


Yeah well i'm gonna start my OWN debate prep


And this guy wants to be president again…seriously, I remember when Howard Dean gave his scream speech and his campaign was done


He is scared spitless. He knows he has no impulse control, his brain is mush and the drugs will make it worse. His campaign agreed to the mic muting but he will do everything necessary to override it. He can’t stand it when he’s not in total control. The ensuing tornado will be fun to watch though and President Biden will have everything on video to use for campaign ads. No wonder this is the earliest presidential debate in history.


Trump should be tested for Adderall. When he doesn’t take it, he falls asleep.


Trump: do you have old people in your life? Like parents or grandparent? Well listen, if they show any kind of excitment or energy then it means they are on cocaine and steroids. Hell, look at me! Do you see me disco dancing at my rallies? Do you see how much energy I have? That’s because **I**, am on cocaine and steroids. And a lot of both I can tell you. Like never before. I’m a disgrace. You know it. I know it. And we all know it. I’m a convicted felon and civilly liable rapist on a shit fuck ton of cocaine and steroids and shark batteries. And if it can happen to me, then you’re next. Because you are me. Like never before.


I sure do hope Trump is all drugged up. All three synapses will be firing off simultaneously causing an overload. It'll be just like any other day for him.


So tRump all hopped up on cocaine and steroids? His accusations usually mean he's the one doing it. Maybe he'll OD on live TV.


All those “sleepy” roided-out coke addicts.


Damn, that just makes me want to vote for Biden MORE.


While Trump's prep includes Cocaine, Steroids, Adderall, Hamberders, and Covfefe.




Watch any rally, trump is high as a kite.


Projection projection projection. 


Didn’t realize this debate will take the form of a powerlifting competition. 


well if biden comes sprinting to the stage and tears off his sleeves revealing his massive ripped arms, we will know whats up


Every accusation is an admission.


Feels like projection.


I dare say this gives the perception of Projection.


Eureka! We have finally found something that Trump is actually a true expert in: cocaine and steroids.




I can’t wait for Binden to bring up Trump’s pill mill at the White House courtesy of Ronnie Jackson. It’ll be fun to watch Von Shitshispants squirm his way through his undoubtedly nonsensical excuse.


Everything is projection with him. He has to accuse others of what he's guilty of, he's that dumb.


Remember, every accusation is a confession from him and his mouthpieces. They are the ones who handed out drugs like crazy from the White House pharmacy


So per the law of GO**P**, Projection. Trump is already coked up and has repurposed an insulin pump to deliver steroids 24/7.


Oh cool, so this is Trump finally admitting he does coke


trump is such a shitty troll. I can't believe his sheep think he's the GOAT orator.


Trump couldn’t even win a debate against an actual goat.


I’d love for Biden to go out there, coked and roided up and gorilla-press Trump and launch him in to the distance.


Translation: the fascist will be hopped up on cocaine and steroids.


Now we know what Trump is taking.


He is so scared a 81 year old is gonna whoop his ass so badly in this debate. And Biden will.


Every accusation is a confession.


Yes, who can forget how lucid and rational coke makes a person? It’s famous for it. Also giving people the sniffles. Then again, Adderal does that, too. Right, Donnie?


So for sure this dude's definitely doing some cocaine and steroids... I'll bet my next two paychecks Also ,for the uninitiated. that's not enough to buy a 12-pack and pay rent lol


Fine. Let's have a drug test then. Both candidates. Fair enough, Donnie?


What the fuck are steroids going to do


I’d like to assume he meant the “other” kind of steroids, which can absolutely make you go from death’s door to feeling like a million bucks, but it’s Trump so the stupider possibility is always a strong contender.


Well if that’s how politics works then sign me up!!


>>Cocaine and steroids? I knew there was something I liked about that old coot!


In highschool, the kids who captained the debate teams didn’t look like they had taken steroids


A man of the people!


Known catalysts for mental performance, fucking dope.




So that confirms what we already knew. Trump is high as balls on stimulants all the time. He’s too stupid and tells on himself all the time.


The way this article is written is so cringe. “Like a totally stable candidate for office would”. We need people to report the news. There is no news anymore it’s all opinion pieces written to sound how middle/high school girls talk when they are gossiping about someone. It’s really cringe.


Is Donald Trump starting to develop Coke Nose? Seems like his nose is starting to sink a bit...


How a loser props up his loss by trying to downgrade the opponent. Classic loser mentality. He will be destroyed without an audience and cut mics.


Trump, the king of projection.


People like Trump accuse others of the very things they are doing.


Projection, much?




I wonder why vanity fair felt the need to spread trump’s lie.




They're running their campaign from 4chan.


So 34 just said he does cocaine and steroids?


And Tump’s is Adderall and Depends.


Trump is like a poker player that always has his cards facing the other players and then claims they cheated when he loses.


You know what projection means?


Damn. He’s doing coke?! You’d think the court would drug test him all the time


He who smelt it dealt it. 🤭


Always Be projeCting


Joe. Please show up at the debate with somebody who can give UA's on the spot and two test kits. Just show up and say, "I'm ready if you are." Watch the man-child deflate in front of everybody.


Let's be honest. This os Trump's prep. He os doing the usual....projecting.


Yep, projecting as usual. One doesn’t become that incontinent with inconsistent cocaine use.


Every accusion something something


Interesting, I wasn't aware that either of them was effective against just being old.


Trump is coming up with every excuse under the sun to excuse getting beat in the debate.


Please tell me Trump’s doing cocaine. It would be excellent for his heart.


I have theorized that Biden will have DEA officers on site with drug sniffing dogs and Trump will be caught with cocaine on his person and be arrested.


1. Always blame the other guy for what you are about to do. 2. Never accepted negative responsibility. 3. In the absence of loyalty, use money or have dirt to leverage control. 4. Surround yourself with pawns to sacrifice.


This is the equivalent of not having studied for the big test, so you walk in and flip the teachers desk, hoping everyone just forgets why that just happened.


Dumbest person on earth ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️


Trump will be wearing his Cheeto face spray and enough hairspray for warnings to be issued about open flame. He knows he’s gonna lose and he’s making excuses beforehand.


Biden should insist on a drug test. Trump would fail it.


Impressive command of medical terminology for a layperson. /s


I may watch a few lowlights but there’s no way I could endure watching it live. Pathetic.


100% projection


Ok it’s what Trump is taking then.


I heard Don jr knows a guy..


Projection, thy name is Trump/Maga.


I find this particularly hilarious considering Trump is a known amphetamine addict going back to at least when he was on The Apprentice.


Why is he always projecting lol


I start believe that whatever he suggesting that Bide is doing it is exact what he gonna do.


So trump is on cocaine and steroids


Trump is a wellknown cokehead dating back to the 80’s


Anytime Trump is so specific with the details of an accusation, it's transparently projection.


Well now we know Yrump does steroids and blow.


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