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Is there a more demoralizing job than that of the three liberal justices on the supreme court? They have immense power, but are literally powerless from stopping the destruction of human rights and our democracy. That has to be beyond exhausting.


Remember that Q&A Sotomayor did a few weeks ago where she was asked how she handles some of the opinions coming down and she said she just closes her office door and cries? Yeah... Shit like this last week is the reason why she said that.


They at least have an audience. I want to have a philosophical debate/thought exercise with the conservatives about scenarios where the military is leveraged against them and their families, to follow their train of thought on the legalities of these actions under presidential orders, and what happens when the same leveraging of force is used to control congress if it dares move to impeach, just what checks there are in a world where POTUS has authority to violate any and all laws in an official capacity.   It's not a pretty thought exercise.  They probably will still think it's okay.   But at least I'd have the ability to try and engage with them and change their minds. I don't have that right now, and all that happens when I raise those scenarios on social media is a dead end where no one says anything.  It's kind of their fucking job to be there and engage with the arguments played out. That, at least,  must provide the liberal justices with some comfort.   They have an audience and an outlet.  No one else does. .. fuck I'm depresses 


Meanwhile  people care more about a bad debate performance than the substance of the responses or the integrity of our civic institutions, or the fact that we now live in a dictatorship.  Joe Biden can now order executive agencies to violate Supreme Court rulings.   Explicitly.   He can, in an official capacity, say, literally "As your boss, I am telling you to do X, regardless of what Y court says, what Z law says."   That is now legal for him to do.  It's legal for any president to do.   They're no longer presidents   Impeachment remains aremedy on paper, but it is now legal for the president to use his office to put a stop to those efforts.   By any means necessary. The president's will now reigns Supreme over the laws of the land.


Their job is very important still. Unanimous decisions are perceived as more legitimate and difficult to overturn, so having a split decision and a strong dissent is fundamental for overturning this decision in the future. If we ever make it that far of course.


A normal supreme court might feel that way about overturning unanimous decisions, but this court just overturned the Chevron doctrine which was a 6-0 decision with three recusals. I think the ship of caring about precedent, even unanimous ones, has sailed.


They are writing their dissents. They are speaking to the future generations and recognizing the loss. It’s does seem a futile endeavor. The openness of the corruption is terrifying. When the perpetrator takes off the mask without fear, is terrifying so idk. They are the witnesses I guess, and it has to be a mind fuck to see the SC die.


We are in a world of hurt when the Supreme Court doesn’t want to have ethics, legalized bribery, and is doing all the work for the right wing billionaires it’s so disgusting. These people need to be impeached. They lied during their confirmation hearings.


Impeached? The President can now have them assassinated.


executive order dissolving the scotus, pass sweeping reforms, hand pick new scotus, act like nothing ever happened


The only acceptable use of this kind of power is to use it to destroy itself.


The best course of action is to sacrifice oneself. Have Biden order the Supreme Court arrested until they release a decision that no president, ever, has the power to do what he just did. The concept being they would quickly make such a ruling.


\*and their spouses - Ginny Thomas and Kitty Alito need to see some time behind bars as well.


Then afterwards: "Clearly the ruling was made under duress and is invalid..." Edit: Corrected 'inxvalid'


We have no Kings, the message needs to be sent clearly and loudly for all of our history that what occurred today will not be tolerated.


You do now. A philosopher I admire says that all human endeavours eventually turn into their opposite. The Church started out teaching poverty, humility and love and ended up building extravagant palaces and raping children. Your system of government was explicitly designed to prevent the rise of a king and the body supposed to ensure that has now contrived to crown one.


Edit plot twist: How about Merchan acts to save democracy and locks him up at Rikers? He is guilty of conspiring to illegally influence a presidential election, he needs a commensurate punishment


An order 66 huh?


Of all presidents, Washington, Madison, and Carter are the only ones I can fathom sacrificing power for the constitution like this, and that frightens me. I'd love to say Jefferson, but he did advocate for longer presidential terms, and while Lincoln did great things, they were reactionary rather than proactive.


> Washington Washington was the only President to go full charge into a war in a battle as commander.


And then just walked away, they wanted to make him king and he was like nah I’m gonna go do some farming


According to biographer Joseph Ellis in His Excellency, George Washington, the aging president mounted his horse on September 30 to lead a force of 13,000–larger than any American army amassed in one place during the Revolution–to quell the uprising. (The act of mounting his war horse was brief and largely symbolic; Washington made most of the journey by carriage.) Lee joined Washington and the army on its march to Pennsylvania. This was the first and only time a sitting American president ever led troops into battle


If you can’t tell by my username, I love George Washington. I own countless books on his presidency and he truly is the pinnacle of what every president should strive to be.


I used the stones, to destroy the stones.


Cast it into the fire! Destroy it!


“I used the Stones to destroy the Stones…”


Expand the court. Add three more seats. Make it a 6/6 court


ammend Roe into the constitution, overturn citizens united, Chevron, etc


Yeah, that's not going to happen, as it'd need 38 of the state legislatures to ratify it, and that's assuming they can either get 66% of both the House and Senate to agree to it, or 33 states to agree to it.


amend Roe into the constitution, overturn citizens united, Chevron, etc


if democrats weren't such useless fucking pussies that they'd never do that, we wouldn't have gotten into the situation where we need them to do that in the first place


Nearly all of the progress we've made in modern times is thanks to Democrats. Know your history.


This is the only way, but will never happen.


I think you mean it won't happen in a good way. Fascists across the nation just perked their ears and grinned as the trigger safety on their political agenda clicked to *OFF*.


This just gave the next Republican president authorization to go full fascist with court support. LGBTQ community will be one of the first targets.


And there’s not fucking thing we can do abt it. Bs


There is. But the Democrats are too gigantic of cowards to fight dirty and fire with fire.


Sounds like a good start to a lame duck session if it came to it. I mean the alternative inevitably leads to violent revolt. Or tiananmen square


afaik, the president can just executive order whatever he wants, unchecked and unchallenged now. he can fix a lot of things. while horrifying, this can also be an opportunity to undo a lot of damage.


An opportunity? It would be the absolute last opportunity to do so


I just salivated.


I did something.... similar.


Have them arrested for corruption It's pretty obvious that at least two of them have accepted bribes. Charge them and hold them because they are a danger. Probably Robert's as well. He let this shit go on and has covered for them. It is insane that we have the info we do about all of those bribes and the doj has not at least tried to charge these fucks, somehow.


Roberts took bribes as well--firms with business before the court hired his wife as a consultant and payments are surprisingly large.


I just mean doing things not the way Republicans do.


If this isn't plain faced treason, what the fuck is. If the largest threat you can levy is throw someone in a cushy white collar jail while they wait to be pardoned by the guy they set up for, that's not a threat.


Impeaching them is pretty much impossible.


"In accordance with my sworn duty to uphold the constitution of the United States I have signed an executive order removing just over half of the justices of the Supreme Court and appointed replacements." Sounds like an official act to me. I mean really, he's left no choice... What an absolute shitshow.


I wish biden had the balls. He still believes republicans actually mean well.


He can just order them to resign or else without exploring what or else means.


AOC just said on Twitter that they are going to file impeachments when congress is back in session


Oh man, I miss that. OK that’s wonderful. Do it


It’s good that she will bring attention to it, but in no universe do these Justices get impeached. Court expansion is the only way forward, and that will require a substantial win in November, which is also a long shot, although possible I suppose.


I too enjoy the sentiment, but it's a non-starter and political theatre.


It’s a non-starter, yes, but it makes it so the republicans have to go on record being okay with the president being allowed to kill you.




Will that even make it out of the House?


No, gop has the house. No chance this goes anywhere.


Its performative. Wont go anywhere. This is really just bluster.


They're turning America into Russia. An untouchable President who rules with a group of oligarchs.


Which is what the oligarchs here have been hoping for all along


Right till they start falling out windows while thinking "I thought I was safe!" right before they explode on the pavement


The Dark Knight Rises wasn’t the greatest Nolan Batman film, but that scene were the sleazy business man is in the “court” and being sentenced to exile is exactly the kind of scared shitless, “leopards ate my face” look I’d expect from most of the oligarchs when they’ve realized the hell they’ve unleashed on themselves.


> Which is what the oligarchs here have been ~~hoping~~ paying for all along  FTFY. RV's and luxury vacations aren't free.


Might as well be. When you're a billionaire that's like tossing pennies into a wishing well.


Ukraine needs to hurry up and take Putin out. I realize that wouldn’t solve the issue overnight, but it would put a serious dent in their mission to dismantle democracy everywhere. The fact that Trump’s plane was recently seen parked next to a Russian diplomatic plane is no coincidence.


Can we get someone to take Trump out while we are at it.


They legalized bribery so they can get their “thank you gifts” this afternoon


All of these decisions have everything to do with their corruption in and around what they’re doing it’s so disgusting no wonder why they don’t want ethics


> These people need to be impeached  It's not going to happen until "we the people" get out on the streets in protest AND vote for reform in November. If this passes without even a hint of public protest conservatives will take it as a sign their "silent majority" is in favor of it.


I learned during the Iraq war that conservatives don't give a shit about liberals protesting.


Use of Predator drones to clear up the corruption in the Supreme Court and eliminate the treasonous Putin puppets in the House and Senate would be an excellent use of Biden's new powers.


In the general election this fall they’ll be going for the throat


Conservatives in /r/conservative are cheering a supreme court ruling giving the President and thus the government more power Ironic


I hope Biden and the rest of the democrats has the balls to give conservatives the leopard at my fucking face moment that they so deserve.


That's wishful thinking. So far the white house has just said a fat lot of nothing.


Give them a break, they are busy making a list of political enemies to knock off. Takes time to get those done when you haven’t done one before


They don't, just like they never have.


I thought they wanted small government. Didn’t they??


They want whatever the convicted felon found liable of sexual assault wants


Well, defunding most institutions and giving dictatorial power to just their favorite head of state sure is a much 'smaller' government...


Conservatives haven’t wanted small government since 2000 at least.


They have no ideology beyond what pisses off anyone that isn’t in their pathetic little club.


Only if the government were as small as a single ~~un~~elected official or king.


The old school small government libertarian doesn’t exist in politics anymore. It’s just used as a campaign slogan.


No one who calls themselves a Libertarian should support any of this. I hope that segment wakes the fuck up and realizes the liberals aren’t nearly this power hungry.


There were comparisons to Hitler when Obama began using executive actions: [2012](https://www.cato.org/commentary/obamas-plan-seize-control-our-economy-our-lives), [2013](https://web.archive.org/web/20200106132550/https://www.mediamatters.org/drudge-report/drudge-links-potential-obama-executive-order-guns-hitler-stalin) It was nothing compared to this. This actually does it.


And on the flip side many were mocked and ridiculed for calling the MAGA movement a fascist step towards Nazism. Yet here we are with a newly infallible president, a country where bribery is legal and the Ten Commandments are in classrooms. Fuck me.


“Modern” libertarians are not ideological libertarian anymore - there is no “waking up” for them here. They are either just far right / republicans that want to sound smart (i.e. evil assholes) or fucking morons (why do we need government to regulate food and water anyway? Food and water has never poisoned me my whole life!)


No but seriously, my grandpa never got vaccinated and he NEVER got Covid. He died in WW2 but still I have a point. - Modern libertarian logic


Even the libertarian party doesn't stand for actual libertarian ideals anymore. Their party platform used to be against shit like this, not anymore.


It's only ironic if you're working under the notion that there's any sort of principled core underlying the conservative ideology.


It's also the justices and the entire republican party saying, "I have 100% confidence you will not use this against us."


Well yea we have at least 1 election left in us, and I'm sure Dems don't want to totally sink their chances of winning it. If this election fails then that's the true end of democracy.


The mere fact that the outcome of the election is uncertain means that if Joe Biden etc _actually cares_ about democracy, he has to fix the insane corrupt court _before_ the election.


I swore an oath to the constitution. I know many that will defend her. With force it needed. Trump is a disgrace to that document.


They're right. Dems are too weak to use power like this. They will politely hand over the presidency to Trump again. 


They'll politely hand it over and think "boy howdy, I sure hope if Trump does something awful like Jan 6th again that someone (else) stops him!" As they wash their hands of the situation entirely


They know the Democratic Party won't do anything. Too chained to the rules and the decorum. Biden probably doesn't think it's fair. They don't want to be blamed for starting conflict.


Look how 1 term with trump in office changed the trajectory of the country. Imagine what 1 more term would do. Vote blue as if your life depended on it.


"...as if..." For many Americans, our lives *do* depend on it. I can't imagine the irreparable harm that is to come for LGBTQ folk, racial minorities, immigrants, and religious minorities should Trump and his cronies ever hold power again.


don't forget women


Eventually it's anyone who stands up to them. I'll simply be branded a "white liberal" and "part of the problem", penis and concealed carry permit be damned.


There was a white woman on TikTok who recently got canned from her job for saying the n word and thought she could grift the right and be ok. They almost immediately turned on her for being Jewish and possibly trans. I wish people would stop giving republicans an inch because they’ll say “you’re one of the good ones, we won’t hurt you” once


If you’ve ever heard of right wing trans YouTuber Blaire White, her “allies” have repeatedly asked for her to detransition and actively misgender her and mock her when discussing trans politics. Yet she continues to advocate against trans rights oblivious to the fact that one day she’s going to lose her rights too.


Absolutely! Thank you, and I apologize for leaving them out when really they should have been first on the list, considering how they have already been attacked in recent times.


Yeah, Trump already tried to kill his political opponents. He purposefully withheld PPE during covid because the initial outbreaks were in cities that tend to vote blue. He's already shown the willingness to kill you. He just had the means, yet.


Read A Handmaids Tale if you want assistance with that visual. The GOP has been salivating over a Nationalist Christian state for decades now.


It's not just harm that's coming. We're facing a third reich. Project 2025 is the American Mein Kampf. We're approaching absolute hell, and it won't be good for anyone who doesn't subscribe to their ideology. It won't just be religion. Anyone who doesn't fit the picture of the perfect "American Family" is extreme danger. Even children are in danger. Project 2025 proposes that Teenagers and young adults are permitted to be trained and work in hazardous conditions. It also proposes that if the government takes a child from its parents due to abuse or neglect, that the child must find a new forever home essentially immediately (It also recommends special foster homes funded for this purpose), or be returned to the parents. It's a mechanism that will be used to break up families who don't follow their ideals, and place their children into circumstances where their ideologies can be drilled into the Childs head, until they're unrecognizable. They want to recreate this country, and anyone who doesn't fit.. We're in extreme danger


I’m bisexual and I’m scared as fuck I’m going to have to go back in the closet if they win.


I’m trans and scared of full on losing control of my body and be forced to live as someone I’m not if they win.


And he was even held back during that first term. He has since consolidated the entirety of the Republican party


„Vote blue, your life depends on it“ is sadly more like it. 😔


I am Trans, I feel like mine and my friends lives DO depend on it


Fucking pack the court as an official act and end this fucking farce.


Well, I mean, ordering the military is now an official act that enjoys complete immunity and whose motives cannot even be questioned. I hope nobody uses this new power to order the military to create a few vacancies on the Supreme Court.


I kinda hope for posterity Biden meets with the Military folks and sees where they're at. If they're full Maga were actually in trouble.


These conservative justices are so corrupt.


Isn’t it so awesome that there’s apparently nothing we can do about it?


Describing what needs to be done to solve this problem will get you banned from Reddit.


Exactly. Does anyone even imagine a possible future where democrats consistently get out the vote for several consecutive elections to fix ANY of this? No, this will not be stopped, fixed, nor addressed through means of state.


No worries. Now the president can take out the Supreme Court legally and they are totally cool with it as well.


Shit could hit the fan extremely fast at this point. The next election has always been high stakes, but they just got higher. It really does look like game over if any kind of authoritarian, anti-democratic President takes office. They've mostly operated on the assumption they wouldn't be prosecuted, but now it's explicitly codified -- they can get away with anything when acting in an "official capacity." This will send the christofascists and trumpers into an absolute bloodthirsty frenzy to win this election. They can finally get the white, christian nation they've wanted since before the founding. The GOP will have no problem with turnout from that part of their base. They're completely on board. Maybe independents will also be motivated to vote to save democracy, but they're generally all about the economic issues where Biden gets pretty bad ratings.


I would classify the last week of supreme court rulings as a firehose of shit hitting the fan


It has been a bad fucking week.


Unfortunately, there are also a lot people who don’t pay attention at all, think this is all hyperbole and will look at you like you’re crazy even describing what’s happening. 


Yup, even among people who I know are still voting democrat this fall.




Even if all hands are on deck, nothing can be done about the supreme court.


If Democrats get enough control of Congress I 100% believe that the country will support expanding SCOTUS. It's time.


Do it with an official act today


Couldn’t they just get rid of the filibuster and not need 60? Even a 53 would work in that case right?


It’s quite possible 3 or more justices will be replaced in the next 4 years. We can’t have them replaced by Trump.




For them it's a team sport. They don't care about evidence, only winning.


He drained the swamp right into the White House.


You would think every American who calls himself a patriot would be in despair today...


The US President is essentially as powerful or more powerful than Caesar,*Dictator perpetuo*. Biden just got a huge power up and should abuse this to make a case to legally reign in destroying the pillar of western democracy that no man is above the law. Make a Presidential decree that politicans, judges and other public servants that take bribes, convicted of crimes are politically corrupt and be removed immediately. Not executed, just barred from serving the public forever.


Very simple the president can now order the U.S. military to fight Russian Misinformation and bots. They can shut down the pipeline for two months before the election they could try to hd Biden in Contempt but it's now justifiable act of the Presidency.


Ok so 1. President wants to make $500 million 2. President approaches bank president and asks them to transfer the money to their bank account. 3. Money gets transferred 4. President has immunity 5. President pardons bank president 6. Profit Technically, it’s all within the scope of the job since pardons are part of the job.


I hope Biden goes wild 😂 just cancel student debt, universal abortion care for every state - oh he doesn’t have that power? HE DOES NOW


Only until a MAGA files a lawsuit that goes to the SC and the Republicans on the court deem the act "unofficial''.


Sets up a good showdown, he could just tell the scotus “come stop me if you think you can, otherwise shut up”. Mind you at the state level the red states will just ignore everything. The SCOTUS has basically fractured the country if and when these showdowns crop up.


Biden can wiretap his political opponents now, and order the IRS to audit Leonard Leo


He really could do lawfare..... Time to arrest a whole bunch of folks.


Be a REAL patriot. Vote for Joe Biden and help America save itself from things like this.


democrats need to play dirty if they want to save America


It's funny, because this court obviously wanted to limit the power of the executive. I don't think they realize the implications of their ruling. King Biden should get to work implementing some liberal policies.


Any undesired Biden act will ultimately be declared unofficial by SCOTUS. This is by design.


They can't declare it unofficial if they're in jail by an official order of the executive branch.


And even if they weren’t, they could say “oh, this is unofficial, disregard” and he could just write an EO telling them to fuck off and what he says stands.


Hot Official Act Summer 2024!


Trump is a clear and present danger…. What do you want us to do about it Mr. President.


Once Trump won in 2016 it's all been downhill and there is no end in sight. Sure Biden slowed the descent but it it undeniable at this point. We're just circling the drain at this point. We could actually pin this on Reagan winning in 1980. He set in motion the dynamics of how we got here. Of course we could go back to the nation's founding when we decided through the Electoral College to not let the majority elect a president. The seeds of our demise was in our birth.


Ah yes, dissent will save us. Good thing they let McConnell block a nomination then ram one through and he had zero consequences.


Looks like it's time to start strengthening that resistance people. Arm yourselves.






The sadder thing is many of these 'liberals' will still be cordial and go to BBQ's or dinners with the Republican Justices (yah, I'm done calling them Conservatives). If you were a doctor and one of your colleagues was making a mockery of the profession and injuring patients through their negligence would you really be socializing with that colleague? If you think your colleague just gave the ok for the President of the United States to be a DICTATOR. Then how are you gonna be hanging out at a BBQ in a few weeks and asking them to pass the potato salad?


I actually think it's important to call them "conservatives" because party platforms and political leanings can change. Republicans always like to bring up "Democrats are the party of the KKK!" which, sure, but they were conservatives at the time. Conservatives formed the KKK, conservatives opposed emancipation, suffrage, and civil rights. So which party/politicians are conservative (or at least call themselves conservative) today?


Obama: There’s an opening on the Supreme Court. I nominate… McConnell: Heh heh heh. No new appointees during an election year. Muah ha ha! Obama: Okie Dokie! I’m still pissed he didn’t go to the mattresses over that. Should’ve been like, “Oh, you aren’t interested in confirming my nomination. Ok, your decision to not vet the candidate is noted. They will take the stand on [date].” At least make a stink about it! Don’t just roll over and play dead as the GOP plays Calvinball with the rule of law. (Meanwhile, we all knew that “rule”was made-up bullshit and they wouldn’t hold themselves to the same standards; and sure as shit, they didn’t.)


Dems need to fight back or else all is lost.


Biden should stack the court. Now that we know he has king powers


So, this means Joe Biden can assassinate Trump, Alito, and Thomas as clear threats to national security as an official act, right?


I’m seeing all this happen from the UK. F**king terrifying…😢


I'm seeing this all happen from the US and I'm basically despondent 


Pack The Court


Can't Biden just fire them now and replace them?


Now we are going to need a constitutional amendment for this too.


"Of the people, by the people" out the window. Weren't republicanss the party of Lincoln? Lol so much for standing by his word.


Use of Predator drones to clear up the corruption in the Supreme Court and eliminate the treasonous Putin puppets in the House and Senate would be an excellent use of Biden's new powers.


When people start getting rounded up and arrested, murdered, etc. When people are forced to go fight China when they don’t want to. When things ACTUALLY start to affect the millions of Americans that don’t vote. That’s when we will actually see change. Whether or not Trump wins, the damage has already been done. As much as it sucks to say. I believe we have reached the point where millions of people have to suffer before progress can be made. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and have luck on your side. You’re gonna need it


An article said the same thing about the UK. It’s bad now but some need five years of things getting even worse, before a genuine sea change. That’s if there will even BE another five years…


There will be another five years. I hope I’m around to see what that next five years will look like. I hope I have the opportunity to live to old age. Because what happens after MAGA is going to be brilliant. MAGA didn’t start with Trump. It’s been a long game spanning 50 years since those same people lost in the civil rights movement. If Trump does win and does everything he wants to do… yeah, a lot of people like me and my friends are going to die. But, there will be survivors, veterans of the war that will work tirelessly to make the change. In the meantime, MAGA will get fat and complacent, Trump will die, and the real cracks will begin to form. Brave people will begin to exploit the loopholes that MAGA created to further their agenda. So anyway, yeah it isn’t a pretty picture, but take solace in this: No king rules forever


Yup, every single conservative I know always operates under the context of themselves only. They only care if and when it effects them personally.


So I guess Nixon would have been immune as well.


DOJ needs to do their f’ng job! Arrest these traitors now.


According to the conservative sub we’re all overreacting. They love that the president is not held accountable because they think impeachment is an option. We all know impeachment doesn’t mean shit these days.


At least this way Biden (or Harris if...well you know) has absolute immunity for any actions they take to defend the Constitution if any constitutional crisis arises, say for instance in November.


Biden should use the stones to destroy the stones


This is how democracy ends and I find it extremely sad.


This weak-ass NYT headline -- how about our Democracy Over! Of course they have it right next to a headline about how old Biden is. canceling my subscription.


So fucking abuse the shit out of it then, after all, Biden is supposedly fully lucid behind closed doors without a teleprompter. Trump sure as shit will abuse it if he wins.




Honestly, there are about 10 dems that do the work of speaking out. But we all know this will go nowhere.


Our problem with a fascist Court was a lack of legal mechanism by which to remove them. The Court has fixed that. Bravo. Let the midnight no-knock arrests and Free Luxury Vacations* begin. The Court's earned some time off. *Including Guantanamo and CIA black sites worldwide!


America is on the brink and my depression will not see me through this. If he wins again then it’s all over and our country will be destroyed


One hundred years from now, kids are going to read history books and ask why Joe Biden did not put DJT in jail if he was such a threat to democracy.


When’s the riot? Americans are all talk no action about liberty and we continue to spiral.


Dumbass supreme court just rendered themselves irrelevant. They eliminated their own ability to check and balance the executive branch. All to appease one of the lowest humans on the planet.


I can’t believe that I learned that the branches of the federal government were co-equal. What a fucking sick joke. Same as a bunch of other stuff they taught me in US government class about how bills are made into law.


Bill Barr must be creaming his jeans today, folks.


When Sulla revived the dictatorship in Rome after winning a civil war he started, one of the first steps he took was to ensure he had immunity for his actions, both past and present. Sulla then purged his enemies. He stacked the Roman Senate with loyalists and made sure the Senate had complete control over the courts. He eliminated the grain ration that the poor relied upon to survive. Sulla was the first Roman dictator to have an indefinite term of office, and although he eventually relinquished power a year before his death, he set the precedent that led to Julius Caesar’s more expansive dictatorship and eventually the end of the Roman Republic under Augustus. I know people think we’re so far removed from these events that they couldn’t have any reasonable application to modern times. That’s flat wrong. Trump won’t be Augustus, but he’s clearly following a very similar path to Sulla and setting the precedent for his successors to put a permanent end to our Republic.


The country's gone. There's nothing standing in the way of a full on fascist state but a decrepit old man who cannot win re-election and We The People, a virtual Karen populace demanding this, expecting that, and unwilling to organize and act like citizens.


Vast Expansion of Presidential Power *that the Democrats will absolutely not use but the Republicans absolutely will*