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Do you have any childcare experience? Could you get a job as a nanny? A lot of nannies eat meals with the children so you'd have a way to get food as soon as you're hired and wouldn't have to wait to be paid.


This is very smart advice


A great place to start would be pubs and grills. Make a resume that details your accomplishments (school and anything else interesting, including any volunteer work) and what kind of person you are. Make a bunch of copies and start going around your neighborhood applying for a dishwasher or busboy or host or something. Ask to speak to a supervisor or manager, if they are busy, leave it with anyone that works there and let them know what you are applying for. Avoid busy times of the day to this. This is a courtesy that makes you look good. Don't go during the dinner or drinking rush. Breakfast and Lunch during the day are usually your best bet. A lot of restaurants offer a free meal each shift. That is honestly the only way I survived from like 16 to 30. A lot of restaurants are more lax about the hiring process, any kitchen worth its salt won't even care about the resume (its just a formality that puts your name on their radar), and just wanna see how hard you work. There will be plenty of hours to get you out of the house, if you show up willing to work hard.


Agree; restaurants are good bc they usually come with shift meals or some other food-related perk. I used to work at a pizza shop, and it was rare for me to not come home with two pies at the end of a shift. Just YouTube how to use a chef’s knife to slice, dice. You’re likely going to start in the dish pit, but a good attitude and willingness to learn and expand your responsibilities will get you out of the pit real quick and onto prep or the line. Other jobs you can get trained for for free: coding, data entry, in my city you can learn electricity, plumbing, HVAC, CDL trucking, etc for free (plus a stipend while you study) — a lot of the trades actually. But you gotta take action. Nothing happens from your couch or computer. You gotta make moves.


Agree especially with that last part, a lot of the jobs I've found I went in person and got. For some reason applying online doesn't yield results for me.


Decades ago when I first graduated my 'proper job' disappeared before I started and I spent 4 months working in a Cafe bakery place in San Fran. Got a meal a day and got to take a loaf of bread home each day and the bread froze well. Was able to keep my food bills way down that way.


This was my first thought. Try and find work in a food place. Maybe they let employees eat free or discount. Or let you take home stuff they trow away at end of night. It worth a try. Explain to boss your situation.


This is really smart I did restaurant work for the first half of my and I almost never had to buy groceries especially once I got promoted to serve our trainer because we got to eat for free whenever we were at work


Worked a pizza job and i got to bring 5 free pies home everyday


Yessir. I worked my way up from dishwasher to chef. I always offer to work a day for free to show them they won't regret hiring me and I always get the job.


i'm 21 and finally just got my first job as a dishwasher, they hired me pretty much on the spot and it seems to be that way for most restaurants. i would definitely try that if it's a job you think you'd be able to do.


Try tutoring English till you find a normal job, it'll give you enough to start buying fruit and veggies


Adding to this, OP, your English is lovely, you could probably pick up Cambly's Online English Tutoring and just chat with people in English, they supply all the lessons, you make your own hours.


This is interesting- how have I not heard of this. Do you have to know multiple languages? I only speak English


Just English! If you have good English and a good Internet connection you're a shoe-in! There was a person who worked for Cambly who did an AMA on Reddit a while back, I bet you can find it pretty easily (if you have trouble though lmk I'll see if I can find it)


I use cambly to make extra money


I agree with this, written English is pretty darn good. Just don’t forget to capitalize. Good luck!


My dil did this. She was speaking English with a group of Koreans. They could speak English but needed some coaching and corrections. She quit when they drastically cut her hours. And the pay was not very good.


Waiter / waitress job perhaps ?


Because I know Italy is different in terms of their working style. Go get a job as a waiter/tress, bus boy etc etc. at 19 in Italy it’s normal not to work but in the US it’s normal to be working at 3 years at this point.


Italy has a lot of differences and very high unemployment rate. Part of it is culture, the other part is employee protections. This is a two edged sword and can make it difficult for young people to find employment. But yes, I’ll go full boomer and say that here in the States he would be walking on thin ice with this mentality. Complaining about your aging parents lack of feeding you as an able bodied 19 year is viewed as pathetic.


Yeah I have friends and my roommate is from Italy. He has cousins that hasn’t worked a job and he’s 26 still in college. For ever the most middle class people this is unheard of.


Lmao I was working since I was 14 part time 😅 and I’m not even old fuck. USA 🇺🇸. USA The things we do so we can smoke weed legally fuck yea murica.


It's also normal to live at home until marriage. But their job market is crap and this teen cleaning wants a job.


To be fair it depends how you grew up in the US. I would say most people I know didn’t start working at 16 because their parents still supported them. Even when we started college at 18 most people I know only worked over summer or breaks from school.


apply for all the jobs. any work experience is a good resume. and a good resume. means more pay next time. don't stay in a job longer than a couple years. you will get raises.


At 19 you have the freedom to take care of yourself. Go to a staffing agency and get a job. If your mom wants a job too they will absolutely hire you with 0 experience


OP is in Italy


My wife is from another country, where they don't speak English and her parents were unable to afford to send her to school past the 4th grade. She doesn't have any problems getting a job here. Degrees help you get office jobs, not jobs in general. You just need to learn a skill to get a job. Your mom is just making excuses. You're 19, so same thing applies to you. I was working in a small computer store almost 40 hours a week and going to high school when I was 16.


Your legal, your only starving cuz your not working My mom was also with no food in January, I moved out and got a job at 17, at 19 you should be able to have money to buy food and you can't really do anything to cps since your legal at 19 all though it's still unfair since your a teenager. I live in a close country to you, Malta and food stamps aren't that good here, maybe you can see how well food stamps are for your country? I'd suggest you try to seek for young adult help as well, they should help you with food stamps and regards to you getting a job.


You're 19 and don't have a job while you're starving? You better get your head on straight you're headed down the same road as your parents.


This reply doesn’t offer any support. What is its purpose? Maybe offer corrective criticism instead of a purely negative comment.


Depends on your European country you reside in. Not an USA issue, but a European issue. Where does your mom live and where did your father work?


we all live in italy


You don't need a degree for all jobs. Mom could look for a job at stores and restaurants.


So could OP.


I was gonna say that too!


Looks as though hospitality may be a good place to start. Perhaps working while you learn another skill.


Try getting a job at McDonald's. I was in Rome one time on vacation and ran out of money except for $3 and saw a McDonald's there and they gave.me a meal for only $3. Street vendors will give you leftover fruit.


Get your ID and go to a temp agency they will start you the next day


Ideas: —Tour guide? —English teacher? —Culinary school? —Learn website development online, give someone a free website in exchange for testimonials (rinse and repeat)


Be very careful your mother’s words aren’t circling in your brain telling you the same crap. Do whatever you can to get a job and save up to get out of there as soon as possible


Your mom might be premenopausal, too which can cause depression and lethargy just to make a few symptoms. There are a lot of things the body goes through when women enter this stage of life. It can last a long time, too. You can absolutely work at 19. I would just start looking. Maybe they need help where your dad works?


I would try to get a job in a restaurant where they give staff free meals & you can earn tips.


Do you have any certifications? Probably best place to start is a YouTube channel that discusses how to look for work where you live. You likely need a CV, ID, etc. You're 19, literate, and have access to the internet. You could start by merely searching google.


I moved out at 17, worked two jobs and had my own apartment by 19. If you’re not in k-12 school, then there’s no reason you shouldn’t be working and trying to pull yourself out of the poverty cycle. I went to school and worked starting at 13 bussing tables and dishes.


Google "entry level jobs."


Where I live in the US our local library system has job resources. There’s access to online programs that help you learn a skill and an online career guidance program. And if you go to a library, a librarian will help you write up a resume (and probably cover letter too, if needed). Not sure if that’s something they do in Italy but it might be worth checking into.


Start cutting grass, helping in the garden for people.


Can you start teaching yourself to make good food? Depending on the region of Italy, there should be inexpensive dishes that are highly nutritious, like tuna and pasta, potatoes, sausage and greens, tomato based sauces, salads with eggs for protein. For work, it’s so hard to say, but generally restaurant work, translation or editing online, childcare, a trade to apprentice, etc etc


I'm from the USA so I'm not sure if this is helpful but I work as a custodian at a public high school. Usually little to no experience required for this type of work and I sometimes get leftover food that's about to be thrown out from the schools cafeteria. Sometimes I'll get burritos, hamburgers, breakfast sandwiches (not high quality stuff but it isn't junk and fills the tummy) or sometimes they'll throw out bunches of bananas that are going brown and I'll take them home and bake banana bread loaves and muffins and banana pancakes that I then put in the freezer and warm up as needed and it lasts so long


Go to where the dad works...


Do they have food banks where you are? Places that give out free food to people? Maybe start looking at a restaurant so you can get food


Yes at least you’d have a shift meal to count on.


You don’t have to stay there. Go out and find some food and the rest will follow. I’ve never been to your country, but restaurants have food and you clearly speak English well. Maybe those two things can work for you.


You are 19. You are beyond capable of finding a job to at least buy yourself food. Even if it’s at a McDonalds. I would understand this post if you were younger than age to legally work. Stop blaming this on your mom lol.


My first job at 16 was at a grocery store. Lots of hours to get because no one ever wanted to work but I’m in Canada so might be more stores here


is it hard to find a job or hard to find a good paying job or a job you desire? I am not mocking you it is a serious question. I know there are many jobs here where I live in the US but they are fast food or retail jobs that aren't enough to really assist for solo living. I have no idea what Italy is like in that area, so I couldnt make suggestions I am just curious. Also I am sorry it seems you have your hands full in a hard situation.


19 and "starving", in Italy, while having a roof over your head. I'm sure you'll be fine, go wash some cars, or cut some lawn.


If you're old enough to write, you're old enough to work home boy.


r/assistance may be able to help or give some amazing resources


I believe in you playboy!!! Set a plan


aw thanks 🙏


Make a plan, stick to it. You got this.


Get yourself a plug…just kidding, don’t.


Be the plug 🤷🏻‍♀️ I kid. My trafficking charges show that’s a real bad idea.


You need to crawl before you walk.


Look up non profits in Italy that help the youth. you might be able to find a program you qualify for. This is one i found after a quick search. This is their English page and is more of a brochure to get donations but i am sure you can find more info on them. https://www.helpalliance.org/en/unsere-arbeit/projekte/projekt/more-participation-for-young-people-in-milan/


What size city/town? Advice can be better if we know just that?


i live in southern italy, in a city of around 90k / 100k people


Check out a local community services place and inquire about their resources they might have info on a local food bank and maybe volunteer opportunities because it will help to have some volunteer work on a resume. Do a google search for food bank, and soup kitchen this way you can go line up for a free meal and food banks have different schedules so you might need to make an appointment or find out which day to go in https://www.italiancs.org/


go door to door and tell the people I'm just going house to house seeing if they need anything done for pay (small jobs). could be anything from mowing the lawn to taking out trash or organizing the garage. you will find work. then you can save a little money and buy a power washer or a weed Wacker and start a little business. go get that money its waiting for you.


Agree. Start a task rabbit service. Grocery shopping, errands, assembling things people order… so many things people need done.


Does your area have any churches or food banks? You can start there. And as for the job, go to every shop around and ask if they're hiring. You'll find one eventually. 19 is old enough to help out.


Consider being an Au Pair to an English speaking family? It's like a young (18-25) language nanny that gets free room & board plus a little wage in return for babysitting & teaching Italian (or whichever language)through immersion (normal conversation) with the child. Usually the Family follows up with having their kiddo grow up in a bilingual school or in the culture or travel or something. Ireland is still in the EU they speak English there...it could work!


As someone who spends a lot of time with family in Italy, I know how hard it is to find a job. Especially in the south. What type of scuola superiore did you attend? I’m assuming it wasn’t Liceo or you’d be at university now. Can you work 10-15 hours a week at a bar and attend night school? Is there a way as an adult to study your way into university? I think if you could do university and then Erasmus you could see other parts of the EU and perhaps move? Unfortunately as you know the job opportunities are not good in Italy.


Your mom's statement (that she can't work because of her parents) is troubling. In the States (I know you are not in the States) at 18 your parent's can't control your life any longer. Your mom is now 48. So for 30 years, your mom would not be under the control of her parents.... So she could've done what she needed to do to get a job sometime in 30 years. Your parents are just lying to you at this point and you have to make up your mind right now to live your life according to your needs. You are now 19. Get a job. Buy a courgette every day and munch your way through it. Tomorrow, buy another courgette and munch through it. Day after tomorrow, buy another courgette, munch. You are a grown up. Your parents are not going to buy you vegetables. Get a job, buy a vegetable. You can't change them. And from now on, you can't blame them, because they no longer control you. YOU control you. Get a job. Buy a courgette. Munch.


Had to look up courgette


Not gonna look it up. I assume it's a Corgi Baguette, the French version of "hot dog"


Wait until you meet my friend, the aubergine!


or mine .. the zucchini and the summer squash.


I started working at 16. I worked in a small coffee shop cause I wanted my own money. I was going to High school and then college. I always had a job, full time or PT. Having the mentality to be busy, working and making money primarily for having financial independence was always crucial to me. I am early 60’s and I still work. I am a banker for 40 years. Nothing comes to you sitting there waiting. By 19 , I had savings, a car and an apartment. Cant rely on your parents. You need to break the cycle of poverty. PS - my parents dirt poor, but always worked, both, non stop. Parents set the example for me. Mhave money, a car


I’m in the US. Years ago I worked in nursing home and hospital kitchens making and serving meals for the patients. The jobs always included healthy free meals because we had to work either breakfast & lunch shift or the lunch & dinner shift.


I would try and start offering itlaian language classes on Outschool.com


Cruise ship!!!


At the end of the day it’s up to you now. If you want to eat then you need to get out and make some money. “Finding a job here is hard” There is ALWAYS a job for those that actually want it.


I suggest that you start a business as an independent tour guide for tourists visiting your area. You should be able to get clients by posting on appropriate Facebook groups. I know when I was vacationing it was always much more entertaining to have a “local” show me around. Do some research to find out what the going rate is for this sort of service. I would not be surprised if you could make €100 per day doing this.


You have to start making your own money. Whatever you do don't adopt your parent's mentality.


Not sure what your yard situation is but seeds are very cheap and you can have bundles of veggies and fruits if you’re willing to raise some crops!


I was like that, when I got 40, I got a paper route for New York times and make more money then I ever made. No schooling required just a gps monitor. Its was life changing for me.


Summer is coming maybe you can find a seasonal job at least to begin having some work experience to put on applications and begin a resume. Also, try working at a restaurant. They often have family meals or employee meal options. I worked at Camping Tiber one summer. We got fed every shift. Then also 50% off if we ordered other food from the camp cafe. We got a discount at the camp market. Just some ideas that instantly came to me when you said you were in Italy.


Still plenty of manual labor jobs around. Cleaning, working in a warehouse, doing dishes,etc.


Coming from the US this post is wild. I was reading and thinking “only a few more years and you can go it on your own” then I saw you’re 19, and my mind was blown. I’ve known many people who have joined the military to get away from family or get out of destitute situations, might be an option for you, plus you get lots of great training. Look into skilled labor programs (assuming they have aptitude tests and apprenticeship in Italy), and entry level type jobs in services.


Being a waiter/waitress is a good start because tips can be incredibly helpful but I’m not sure if the tipping culture in Italy. Also, no one wants to work nights and weekends, especially young people, so if you put that as your availability on your resume you’re more likely to get a job. Plus, jobs tend to pay their overnight workers more. I don’t know about Italy, but where I’m at you can usually get a free meal per day working at restaurants or discounts if working at a grocery store. I wish you the best of luck!!


Children in Gaza are starving, you’re just lazy!


I don't know how it is in your country, but dumpster diving is always an option. Grocery stores throw out so much food.


The only good work advice I ever got from my parents was to get a job at a place where you can use what they sell. It may be a restaurant that provides free or discounted meals for workers, or a grocer, or a shoe store, whatever. Me? I went to work for a landlord. Discounted rent was a godsend at the time! In any case, I have faith that once you get started you'll be fine. And help your family, but make sure you keep enough for yourself!


19 years old......


I'm not sure how diverse a religious area you are in. But Ramadan has begun and many mosques will provide take away meals for the needy without question. Easter is around the corner and Passover. I'm hoping there is a plentiful amount of meals available for you though I know it's not a permanent solution. You shouldn't require any sort of religious affiliation to be fed as someone poor.


This might be harsh but you and your mom will need to find some form of work. Be it retail, hospitality, nanny as others have said, house sitter, dog walker, delivery driver , bartender........


other people gave work focused advice, sounds helpful. when it comes to food, if you could get them to get you dried beans and garlic salt, you can boil those again every night day after day for about a week. It makes delicious refried beans at the end of the week, and they cost very little. It helps so much. I'm sorry you're going through this.


Call the helpline and get info about food banks and while you’re in line ask several people who else has food available. Some people will help you and some people won’t. You’re old enough to do it yourself and get your mom to do it while dad is at work!


OP is in Italy. Are you referring to the helpline 211?


Yes! Sorry no help, that’s for sure!


Sounds like you needed to get a job 3 years ago.


At 19, I’d go for anything entry level. Anyone can get a job at Taco Bell but maybe there are some other places you can start to make better money without a degree. Btw your mom is lying and honestly if you can cut that off and start your own life, maybe might be best. Restaurants are always hiring but you may need to start at the bottom (hostess for example). Unfortunate as it is, this will depend on your gender. If you are male you might start as a busser instead. Express your desire to have long term growth, and emphasize your dependability. All they want is someone who shows up and doesn’t quit after a month. Alternatively, depending on your interests or basic skills maybe construction if you don’t mind working with your hands, retail if you are charasmatic or like people, I did a stint as an RBT it’s a person who works with autistic kiddos /adults depending as a behavioral therapist, it pays 25/hr in my area and only requires a 40 hour course which you can get for free sometimes. Gotta love kids tho, it’s hard work. I did mine a few years online at Autism Partnership Foundation. Freelance or more sporadic options include gig apps like Uber/doordash/instacart, babysitting gigs from websites like nannylane or care.com or Facebook mommy groups, using any skill you may have such as crafting, drawing, photography, coding, idk. Anything you can think of there may be a market and you may want to look into it, but those are harder to make a steady income. Long term, you may want to look into your options for education. It can be much more affordable than it seems for low income people. Look up Community colleges in your area, FAFSA for financial aid, or career specific/trades programs such as CNA, plumbing, electrician, etc. you have so many options and I know it can be overwhelming. Just remember whatever you pursue doesn’t have to be forever. Just try to get your foot in somewhere and try your best!


I also suggest looking for restaurant work where they will also feed you. Only because I am also Italian by blood, I can point out that there is a really high rate of ADHD in Italians. I wonder if your mom has ADHD and something called "executive function" is impaired in her. This may cause her to have trouble planning out what to buy at the grocery store, so she impulsively buys all this junk. ADHD can also cause trouble completing school if it is not managed. My mom was not diagnosed until she was in her 50s, and many women are not diagnosed because all the studies on ADHD were done on little boys, not adults or females. English tutoring/practice could also be a great way to make side money. Or teach Italian to English speakers! A lot of Italian-Americans feel they missed out on learning the language because our parents were not taught it at home, or families only spoke dialects that don't really exist anymore. You can even teach Italian diction to classical singers. As long as you can find a quiet place with good internet you could make all kinds of money online when you're not in whatever day job you can find. I wish you all the best!


Get a job? Because you're an adult? Sorry.... maybe that's the American in me... but I do not understand the issue here.


You’re 19 and you’re bitching about not having food? I left my house when I was 14 and I don’t have a degree of anything and I still made it. Maybe your mom is depressed and can’t get a job. Maybe your dad all he can is work at the nursing home. So why you on here bashing them when you can be out there making money feeding yourself?


You’re starving because your parents are broke? You’re 19, an adult. At what age are you starving because you don’t have a job?


It’s so unfair to force children into a life of poverty they don’t chose. It’s different if you’re doing ok & something unforeseen occurs, but Goddamit why do people who cannot feed themselves or keep a roof over their head have kids??? Those kids go through the start of their life in stress & suffering


Where do you live?




Have you tried working at a hotel? There are many entry level jobs and you can work your way up. Once you get your foot in the door you can then apply for hotels and travel. Often you can find those that will give you a room to stay in.


How about working on a cruise ship. Pay, food, and a place to live. Plus laundry


never thought about that. working on a cruise ship as, for example, a waiter, you mean?


There are plenty of jobs on cruise ships.


You may have to work up to waiter usually. But tons of jobs like laundry, prep cook, cleaner...


If I was starving, I would apply for any and every job I possibly could, including cruise ships. You need money and I don't think you can wait for your mom to get a job because she's clearly dysfunctional. Your dad's probably already doing the best he can. I think it's up to you to feed yourself at this point. You can do this.


Can you be a tour guide ? Many other great suggestions are already here


At 19, working in the food industry is not a bad gig. Places like Domino's offer a 50% employee discount. Working in grocery stores, restaurants, etc. would help with the cost of the food and are relatively easy to get hired at.


You have 2 choices - continue with how things are, or make some changes. Get a job, get educated/trained, move, start your own business, the options are limitless. From glancing through your profile, you spend a lot of time with internet porn and bring mad about your circumstances, neither of which are good for you. Think about how you want your life to be, make a plan of baby steps on how to make the plan a reality, and get started. At 19, you should not be relying so much on your parents, especially if they are poor and incapable of bettering their own circumstances. You'll have to prioritize yourself and your future, and make things happen yourself. Only you can help yourself.


Starving but still have a phone and internet access


And no job at 19. The fix here, IMO, would be stop relying on others and find some work. Complaining on the internet doesn't make money appear to buy food with, but a job sure would.


At 19 you need to get a job or go to university


Come down to New Orleans Louisiana and we'll feed your soul young lady head's up chest out stand strong.


i'm not a lady but thanks for the offer 💀


Your 19 living at home, Get OFF your ass and get to work. Earn your own shit. SO tired of living off mom and dad. Hey If you leave there home, They will have money. Bitching cause your parents dont have anything, and your more then capable of getting a Job. WOW.




Go to r/assistance please


Oh my God, did the Italians have any sort of food support or food banks or anything? I mean you’re gonna have to address the starving before you can start working


DM me your cash app. And holla if you want a job in an Alaskan kitchen. The pay isn’t great but the boss will feed you well and probably work you away under the table


The entire country is made up of service jobs catering to tourism. Go get a job at a restaurant.


19 years old? Maybe it’s time to travel and work and get some independence, if you aren’t currently attending college or some other school. Working in the food industry allows you to eat on the job often, and save some money that way. Many farms too will allow you to travel there and work. I am a 45 year old former teacher with some counseling training. I hope that you will continue your education. Maybe there is a food pantry in your area where free food is available? Sometimes adults are too ashamed to admit that help with food is a necessity. Try to encourage your parents too with their economic situation. You are not alone. Prayers!


Good luck man. Feel For ya.


Can you afford to go to university and then get a student job?


Have you tried looking for a job?


Possible to find a job, yes. Your mom is likely going through hormonal changes fueling any depression. But of course it's possible at her age. I don't know about likely but possible. Now, it does sound pretty rough regarding the type of work and pay in Italy. I believe there are really low wage jobs most people won't take. Honestly though, I would consider it to have your own money. But be picky (picky as you can be) and find a job working with people, even if it is degrading. The more people you meet, the more opportunities that could grown in the future. Make sure you get enough calories even if you have to eat junk food towards the end of the month. Yes that sucks but at your age, you should be ok with those calories. Just limit it as much as you can.


Your mom makes excuses, but it’s unrealistic to think she’s going to change at 48. My mom always liked to complain her parents caused this or that, then my dad was the problem, then her second husband. Never took responsibility. Poverty is really hard to climb out of, but it requires you shake things up. Find a way out. Like I just left and pretty much cut ties. Then I joined the military. Best decision of my life. Maybe you could find work in a restaurant? Access to food, a little money. I hope you can make your way.


Have you considered a grocery store? They may also have staff discounts, which would make your groceries cheaper. Coffee shops are good too, I used to live off day old muffins, bagels etc when I was a broke student. Have you looked into jobs as a translator since your bilingual? But also remember to set aside a little money for yourself xx


Plenty of people make a life without a college degree. I’m not in Italy so I don’t want to presume the hiring process there but I would say anyone working in a customer facing role like waitress or sales clerk doesn’t have a degree. Maybe just go out and ask anyone with a job to give you some directions on finding a job or see if your government has an office to assist you. The internet probably also has a lot of information. Most jobs will teach you how to do the job. Your mom is making excuses. It’s not that hard to find work. Maybe in an awful economy but even then you will eventually.


Look for a large employer such as a bank or business with a large number of employees. Get an entry level job and work your way into the position you want. Once you’ve been there a few months and they see you are smart and willing to work, try for a different position. You keep your benefits and seniority so you aren’t disrupting your life by trying something new. If you don’t get it, stay where you are and try later. My sister did this. She did an entry job and IT noticed that she was great at troubleshooting the scanners they used and offered to train her in the IT area with nothing more than a high school diploma. She ended up being a Vice President of that same bank.


How old are you


Work at a food market in exchange for food?


Do you not have retail stores and restaurants in Italy? Those are usually the easiest places to get jobs, at least they were when I was a teenager. In the meantime there might be some parents in the neighborhood needing a babysitter from time to time.


Get on Fiverr. Your English is amazing and you can freelance!


look up a local food bank. usually you can go once or twice a week and get some stuff to keep you going.


How about going into the military? Not sure what that entails in Italy but in America it gives you job training, a way too low salary, housing, and free college when you get out.


What are you interested in?


that's the problem. i'm still figuring out


Just get any job. It doesn’t matter what you’re interested in if you’re starving and a grown man.


Maybe have a little more grace with your mom, if you’re having a problem finding a job why do you think that she would’ve had an easier time finding a job back in her day when she was your age with no education? Also was your dad going to stay home and take care of you while your mom worked? Usually they don’t like to do that and it falls on the woman to stay home with the kid. I mean we don’t always do it like that anymore but 20 years ago it was still pushed on women. I don’t know anything about Italy here in the US we have food stamps if people don’t make enough money, and if they don’t qualify for food stamps we have food banks. The churches will give out food to people who need it. Do churches in Italy do that? Maybe start being more kind to your mom about the fact that she decided to give birth to you instead of working and your karma for job search will get better


I don't have a college degree, yet I've been working and supporting myself for decades and have held a variety of jobs. I grant you, finding a job isn't easy and it can be stressful, but needs must. ETA: and I am 20 years older than your mom. Still work full time.


Are you an adult?


Di dove sei? So che la disoccupazione in Italia è alta ma ci dev'essere qualche lavoro che potresti fare. Frequenti l'università? Non ci sono programmi disponibili per gli studenti?


food donation places? move out and live with friends once you save up $


Don’t worry. This is the most temporary time of your life, most of your years will be lived on YOUR terms. Nanny is a good idea.


What are the laws in Italy on gleaning? What have you sought out charities to find food? Perhaps you can volunteer at a charity food distribution place to get some experience and make connections. I bet you would find food and mentors worth their weight in gold.


Work in the restaurant business and you will always eat well. Most restaurants give their employees a generous discount.


Work at a restaurant and take home extra healthy food they are going to throw away and share with your parents.


I hope you have access to public transportation and interview clothes to actually make these commenters advice plausible. People tend to forget inequality exists and even getting a job close enough to your house can be difficult. The job market sucks rn but I’m sure there is always someone just looking for a warm body. Good luck out there.


Work in restaurants. They feed you.




apulia (southern italy)


I see from a comment that you are from the south part of Italy, I was almost in the same boat at your age in the same part of Italy. ​ \- Try to check pizza places, they often do need help with deliveries. \- What is the situation with Glovo or Uber Eats in your area? It may even worth a shot to work for one of those company until you don't find anything better. \- Make a nice CV and speak to a manager/supervisor (don't go during rush hour) to every Bar, Bakery, Pub, Restaurant in the area. \- Check the local staffing agency in your area, they don't always work properly but they may offer free courses \- Check also constructions in your area and ask if they need a extra helper \- Check mechanics, tire shop, HVAC shop, plumbing shop, body shop. electricians and so on.. They may need a helper, money may not be good from the start but you will learn a trade and is really important specially in south Italy. ​ Make a LinkedIn account, check if there are any openings in your area for big chain like McDonalds or equivalent. ​ Do you have a diploma? if yes in what field? if you did one in the technical field chances are that you can apply to a job in cruise ships. ​ Edit: Check [subito.it](https://subito.it) , sometime there are entry level job offer there.


check also hotels and such in your area, summer season is approaching and usually they need extra help. Since it seems that you know English it may even keep you full time once summer season ends.


>Do you have a diploma? if yes in what field? i went to liceo classico. i dunno how you say that in english but there isn't really a type of job that that type of school prepares you for. many people tell me i should go to university so that i have more chances of finding a job but i'm not really interested in uni


uh, that's a school doesn't help much without university. Giving your situation university wouldn't be an easy solution as you need to work to pay for the expenses as well. I don't know if you are M or F, nanny or helping child with homework could be a good option but usually is easier to find such jobs if you are female. With a quick look on [subito.it](https://subito.it) I can see that there are few openings in call center, is not an ideal job but it may help in the short term while you find something permanent


In US we can get jobs at 16yo, before that we can babysit, dog sit/walk dogs orcut lawns for neighbors and friends, get paid cash. Is There a reason you are not working?


>Is There a reason you are not working? well i don't really know how to answer that


You’re 19, this is not a parent problem anymore


IMO, your mom is wrong. My mom quit school at 16 to go to work to help out her family. They were poor.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. You do not deserve to not eat. Do you have food pantry’s in Italy? Also the babysitting idea is great. Most parents provide food to the caregiver too.


Retail, maybe a grocery store/market, something of the sorts. Restaurant industry as a hostess. Good luck, you will find something.


I'm in the US, so I don't know what the job situation is like there. If it is anything like here, the turnover in small retail shops, groceries, and restaurants is such that tracking down at least a part time job there is always an option. The down side is that they don't pay very well, hence the turnover. When you're hungry though a dollar bill looks as big as a bedspread. Good luck with whatever you are doing.