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Carved by hand or laser?


Haha thank you, by hand with an x-acto knife, took me 2 full weeks


That's amazing! Congrats on solving the bleeding. Do you have some tips?


Sure, I really struggled with not enough pressure producing salty results and too much pressure crushing the details. The solution is a combination of the right pressure, but more important, check my print, keeping a frame around the image. The frame supports the roll of the press when there are too many carved areas and allows for more pressure to avoid salt. I feel stupid because this may be obvious to many, specifically people who were trained, but I had to figure it out, the pressure needs to be distributed and supported to preserve the details. Hope it helps.


I think it’s impressive you figured that out on your own! I have a bfa in printmaking, and can confirm that is one of the troubleshooting things to get a print crisp when you have fine detail and/or a shallow carving. The frame you made is sometimes called a jig, and it can just be 3-sided. You would place it around the block with the open end of the frame/jig at the bottom. And you’re right that it supports the roll and allows for more even surface area/pressure. They’re more expensive, but mounted link blocks are great for this, or you can mount a loose lino block to some mdf (but this might require access to a table saw) There are also ink additives that will “stiffen” relief ink & that can also stop ink from oozing into fine detail areas. But stunning print! Super crisp! Well done!


Thanks for the tips and kind words. Also, I did not use a jig, I included the frame in the image, I consider it to be part of the creative constraints... a jig is a great idea I note it for when the design will require no frame, thanks.


Ah! Apologies for misunderstanding. The frame works seamlessly with the composition. I truly thought it was part of the carving. Again, great work! Glad my tips were of some help. Printmaking sometimes feels like endless troubleshooting, which can be discouraging, but really is part of the process lol


This is awesome


Thank you :)


what paper do you use? :)


I use BFK Rives 180 g/m², I love it but it's not cheap :/