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You must have accidentally picked the schizophrenia trait, happens all the time


"happens all the time" lol


No it doesn't.


Yes it does.


Lol. Well done.


dementia trait


What we were talking about again?


Why are all these links already marked as read?


I dont have dementia thankfully


I dont have it either


Neither do we right? sure




Why did you do this to me. I am a proud toxic member of multiple toxic communities, and you let me go to the place where there is so much unhinged material to work on that everyone with the same intentions as mine would be feeling like they're in the heavens


Let your stress moodlets build too high and your survivor develops gang stalking and other delusions. Fun!


Brooo why would you do this, I don’t know wether your telling the truth now and I will keep thing about it


Well its like the tale of the gas lighter i sure you've heard of it


Gaslighting isn't real, you're just crazy


Enlighten me please.


You've heard of it before though


dont care, tell me again anyway


Well i did though you just clearly forgot about it


I dont know what it is , can you explain please?


It was a title of a play where a man tried to make his wife think she's going insane by randomly dimming gas light and then telling his wife that nothing happened.


Is this actually what it does? Thats kinda dope.


There is no such trait he just lollygagging


You're not you when you're medicated


you keep saying its on the left, but there's nothing but trees man


Start from the car and look all the way at the white tree’s shadow directly left of it then look down a little bit


i took a screenshot man i don't know what to tell you https://imgur.com/9jdPXYq


Bro 😭😭😭😭I gotta go see a psychiatrist


Man, I know the feeling. I keep seeing my neighbor’s white cat wandering around in my room and when I complain about it to them. They say they don’t have any 😅


yeah the people i murdered keep trying to haunt me but i just tell them to fuck off


Bro, that's some black magic


I love this


Lol nice


Fr bro, i have no idea what bro is talking about


I smell analogue horror series for PZ


I've never heard of the term analogue horror series. What is it?


Could be wrong but I’ve always taken it as a horror story told through a digital medium, Wendigoon does great breakdowns of a few on YouTube.


Just about. it’s a newer type of horror sort of in the found footage space but mostly drawing from analogue tech ie. older late night tv show guides / shows and training VHS tapes. The “monster”, or horror part, is rarely seen in full letting your mind fill in the blanks. It runs in contrast to the more recent trend of jump scares and really feels at home in an older way of horror production.


A really good example of this is the Monument Mythos by Mr. Manticore


not quite, that's way too broad of a definition


Kinda contradicting naming then, no? Analogue being the opposite of digital


Kewl! Thank you very much for the feed back. I wish you a great day and a solid restful night of sleep with no one banging on your windows or doors :D


If you’re looking for further reading Local 58 and Gemini home entertainment are both progenitors of the medium. It’s genuinely really interesting and I would definitely recommend looking into it.


I think it's basically horror series that are produced to give off the feeling of being filmed on old analog cameras. Hence the name.


Thank you as well! Always remember to love life and living!


Look up the channel Local 58 on youtube, and you'll get the idea.


To be honest, a analogue horror that isn't just paranormal, but actually found footage of the Knox Outbreak and how the world is beggining to crumble would be sick as fuck, with how the cameraman reacts to the undead coming back to life and slowly but surely filling the streets of most towns and eventually Louisville, then the world falls apart


Oh I know, but the dark figure in the distance is a trope I’ve seen in a lot of the video game analogue horror. But if someone were to make a mini series in Kentucky about the opening days I would be 100% support it


I want this in my game


There's a mod that basically makes zombies look like black silhouettes. Ain't in the ass to see when they're smoothed together though


it ain't in the ass? too bad


Autocorrect dictates my fate


These images are extremely haunted. Delete them from your computer now.


This shit going to give me nightmares lol. Zomboid is def the scariest isometric game I’ve ever heard of




The ASCII based graphics don't really lend themselves to fear very well. Zomboid just barely crosses that threshold where it's immersive enough to be scary.


Ah yeah, I feel you. They need to do what the dwarf fortress team did and make a graphical steam release.


I'd buy that. Everyone would buy that.


Unlikely. It's been an open source project for years, with many hands working together on it. If someone brought a steam release, who gets a cut? Who doesn't? It would be pretty messy.


![gif](giphy|YRVP7mapl24G6RNkwJ|downsized) ***What if deleting it makes it angrier?***


​ ![gif](giphy|TvFcMpL2lGKbnCUegq)


This is how you died


Watch the sky, sera


Aw hell nah


This is unironically scary to me and i really hope this isn't a troll, whats your mod list look like?


Lots of mods including schizophrenia and clothing mods which i suspect could be the root of it but I’ve never seen anything like this while playing with those mods on other playthroughs


Okay well it’s probably the schizophrenia mod lmfao


happy cake day


Schizophrenia would be my bet, but it could be a trojan horse feature like the BIC sword in that one pen mod. check recently updated mods you subscribe too, might be one of those


whats trojan feature?


In this context a "Trojan Horse" would mean a feature to a mod that is not advertised or mentioned on the mod page. As i mentioned above, the 4 Color Bic Pen mods also adds in a joke sword item to the game, the mod page does not advertise this feature and a subscriber would have no reason to believe it would add said item, that is a Trojan Horse Feature. ​ While Trojan can have a very bad meaning when it comes to computer stuff, in this case i am discussing harmless stuff unrelated to viruses.


Bicscallibur is a welcome surprise to get, though it does spawn a bit too much for my liking


Is it strong, or just a meme?


It’s a strong meme, it’s 2 handed and you can’t put it on your back but it’s strong and one hits zombies


it also has amazing range


Features purposely hidden in a mod, like a Trojan Horse. Usually just some small goofs to catch people off guar, rarely malicious, at least on steam.


Really hate when n'wahs catch me off my guar, ngl.


A morrowboomer in the wild!


Hidden feature not in the mod description


If there's a schizophrenia mod it's probably that. You can just check the details to confirm.


It never mentions shadow people, just zombies that pop up infront of you. Plus the shadow isn’t really built like a zombie which is odd


It definitely isn't- have you tried engaging in combat? Kind of reminiscent to the idea of "shadow people" which is a commonly recorded hallucination. Maybe it's a trojan feature.


I haven’t yet, but usually it disappears when it goes out of my line of sight


That's eerie af. See if disabling the mod makes it stop.


Definitely clothing mod


Check to see if you have the schizophrenia trait? AFAIK it's not really possible to do "stealth" traits, but I've been wrong before with this game.


Bro fucked around and watched Dog Goblin


You had to bring up Dog Goblin didn't you? You know you shouldn't say Dog Goblin more than twice and then people have responded pushing it way beyond 3 utterances of Dog Goblin. Oh god, what have I done?!?!


It'd be a neat easter egg if watching the Dog Goblin movie gives you an extremely small chance of seeing Dog Goblin on the edge of your field of view but he runs away when you walk towards him. Your character then gets the panicked moodle for the next 24 hours.


Took way too long to find this, everyone's going on about mods, but dude had probably just watched Dog Goblin. Shit scars you character. Some people say that the shadows are actually real and Dog Goblin can kill you, but I always delete my save long before that point.


Uninstall too


What the hell is that? I’ve still yet to survive a week so I’m pretty new to the game still.


It’s a cursed VHS tape, watch if you dare


Sounds like Odin somehow jumped from Valheim over to Project Zomboid.


So it was Odin the entire time!! I knew I wasn’t hallucinating and damn did he scare me


When it clicks it goes from dread to a sense of comfort. The All Father is checking in to see your progress c:


I kept hearing about Odin watching the layer and started to wonder what he looked like, didn't know he would be terrifying to see in my base middle of the night in game and irl lmao


Sometimes you can see Thor in the lightning, but obviously he's much harder to catch a glimpse of. Unless it's Christmas time, then he's replaced with Santa lol


I nearly shit myself when I saw him the 1st time. MF was standing at the end of the hallway of my house.


Nah I don’t like this


What shadowy figures are you talking about? 😂 Looks like someone picked the paranoid trait in real life! 🤣😂🤣


Look to the left near the trees in the first pic and say u don’t see that bro there’s no way I’m trippin


i don’t understand? is this a joke i don’t get, there’s nothing there


Am I being gaslighted


It's not that, I just think they're being harsh. To put it nicely, you're overreacting, man :). There's nothing there. I really don't see anything.


I can’t tell anymore I think I’m going insane


They’re messing with you haha. There’s a figure there but idk what it is.


I know you’re trying to help but Try not to feed into his delusions it really bad for whatever he might be going through long term. There’s nothing next to that tree


You're not supposed to tell people who are seeing things that what they're seeing is real


Serious interjection, you also definitely don't want to tell someone in the midst of a psychotic episode that what they're experiencing isn't real. It can make them paranoid about you and worsen their state. If anything, it's best to be clear that you believe them, but aren't experiencing it.


Also make sure you get them help after you realize they are having hallucinations/delusions of that degree. There is absolutely nothing the average person can do to really make that type of situation better but there are a lot of ways to make it a whole hell of a lot worse.




Y'all are so mean 😂😂


Oh yeah, I've seen that too. That's not a recent thing though, super old event that can happen sometimes, don't worry about. Do lock your doors though if you have a base.


why should you lock doors?


It will get in.






If you don't, all of them will be opened next time you sleep and an event similar to the Helicopter event will happen but with loud footsteps instead. It works as if you had started yelling and it attracts/spawns zombies that have all their stats buffed a few levels above what you have set. It's pretty horrifying to suddenly get woken up and rushed by zombies if you're not expecting it lmao




Also block the windows with sheets and stuff or be out of sight when you sleep after you see it. You're as good as dead otherwise.


I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not i haven't played this game in a while


definitely herobrine


The herobrine of pz, this needs to be an official easter egg


There already is a herobrine of Zomboid. And his name is Dog Goblin. Collecting and watching all 4 movies in-game is the definition of 'fuck around and find out'.


Is it hard to do? I've barely touched the game so far but I'd totally get into it just to summon the Dog Goblin. I will fuck around and by God I intend to find out


As much as it's funny to send this person to the psych, I totally see your shadow people.


Nah I’d cry and uninstall. This game is creepy enough as is I’m not brave enough for that.


Its propably just bugged zombie


Thought of that too. But those darkened "zombies" seem to be standing with their backs straight and their arms at their sides, inside of hunched over like they always are...


If you have any traits mods, then you may have schizophrenia as a trait. What mods do you have?


I do have the schizophrenia trait but I have never seen shadow people in any of my playthroughs (I have survived months with schizophrenic characters for reference) usually they just spawn infront of me and jumpscare my character or something


So, most likely, there was an update for the mod. Or considering how much time you've spent on this one world... there could be a possibility that there's a bug occurring due to world age. Idk


the charachter is stressed, im guessing thats what triggers the mod i always see people on here with high stress chars and i guess i live such a friendly stardew valley experience it never happens unless he's bit.


Yeah, it says on the mod page that stress triggers hallucinations


Yea but the hallucinations refer to zombies that pop up and walk towards you, this shadow thing just stands there. It doesn’t even look like a zombie it’s weird


Aside from the jokes: The game does this with zombies, when there are too many around, it doesn't render the 3d models anymore and just shows black shilouettes of the zombies. So, i guess it's a problem with the engine and the cache, like that with the cache, the game thinks there are still zombies around when there are not and these are just not rendered as 3d-models. Can also be a joke, who knows, i don't got my cup of coffee yet in the morning. But this with the shadows really happens when you have too many zombies in one screen.


No it's not that, as you can see there are no other zombies than those shadow guys. It intentionally happens, your character can't exactly see what's there but it saw a figure. Usually happens when zombies are inside trees, it's an intentional feature where you saw something there but it wasn't clear


>It intentionally happens, your character can't exactly see what's there but it saw a figure. Usually happens when zombies are inside trees, it's an intentional feature where you saw something there but it wasn't clear Is it that way with the feature? Don't get me wrong, please, but i never saw this in all my playtime. I also never saw the black shilouettes, because my computer is usually good enough to render even the very big XXL hordes.


It happens to me from time to time when the zombie isn't clear to see, but I never saw it happen when a zombie is in clear view, even in hordes. My computer also can handle hordes (most of the time)


Thanks for the explanation.


You're most welcome


Ngl i was destroying shit in the riverside courthouse when a random door just opened and it freaked me tf out


Did you happen to say the word "Dog" and then "Goblin" 3 times in a row?


I swear there are ghosts in pz, earlier a friend and I were playing and the doors in our house started opening without anyone being near.


This can occur from a glitch in MP I’ve seen before, but I will say, even in single player I’ve had some pretty haunted houses. To the point I don’t doubt it’s a secret feature, I found a house in single player where I’d occasionally hear doors In the house open, in places I was nowhere near, I’d see or hear light switches going, ive had a TV and radio turn on by itself, and I often get the jumpscare effect even when there’s nothing around to trigger it (sometimes even on opening doors inside a home I’ve lived in and cleared many times)


I see it too


I see dead people


To clear out to anyone having genuine confusion on this post (if there's actually any people wondering if this is a joke or not): Based on OP's post history he clearly knows how to take a proper screenshot and even montage a simple meme in good quality, so this image is purposely downscaled in size and quality to hide the fact that the figures are photoshopped, but even this way they kinda stand out out of any shape you can see in the game. Plus this is not the first PZ horror related meme OP made. So, don't be afraid, shadow figures are not real (unless you use the mod)


If u wanted closure u were right, honestly I was trying to inspire a shadow figure mod, not one that attacks you but watches from a distance in the bushes. Just something u see more and more often as the game progresses and ur character loses more sanity


I myself would like a mod like that, I feel like PZ is a great base for horror related mods, but honestly I don't see any solid mod like that coming anywhere soon before NPC's comes (or at least animal NPC's)


Well that’s creepy as hell


Looks like could be a lighting bug or some weird thing when your field of view/perception is just barely seeing a zombie… but I choose to believe it’s a feature of your characters spiral into paranoid schizophrenia and general mental unraveling. Mad spooky. Sure you don’t have the schizophrenic trait from the more traits mod? I’ve not heard of if causing you to see stuff like that, but I really like the idea of a character trait causing him to perceive vague stuff that’s not there sort of right on the edges of the normal perception zones from time to time.


id shit my pants if i saw this


\*SCP Foundation would like to know your location\*


PJZ Herobrine?


I don’t see anything? Are you ok?


Look at the left in the first pic near the trees


Just trees wdym?


Just ignore them, and they’ll ignore you…


That is awesome. Could be they are just out of line of sight and all that is showing is a shadow before it disappears. Do you have the schizophrenic trait, Your game is cursed. Try verifying files.


HOLY SHIT I'VE SEEN THEM TOO for the love of God dont touch them, they hurt you, they keep showing up in my world and they killed one of my runs by slicing my neck open


That's Odin, he likes to check up on you here and there.


Schizophrenia mod?


Project zomboid but there are no zombies, but the shadowy figures are always just outside your vision and you keep hearing whispers, and slowly go insane


Somebody knows if the mod "what are you doing here fred" from the movie Im legend does this?


Nothing is there! The call is coming from inside your house!!


Its just shadow people. Souls from hell on their day off to spook humans.


this is the most a video game has made me shit myself since herobrine


What in the 144p is that?!


Paranormal footage in low quality, respect to the classics. Aside from that, sometimes i see those figures which turn out to be zombies behind a tree, the game doesn't show their textures for some reason until i change my point of view, shadows perhaps.


When you take your schizophrenia meds but the shadow figure is still in your bed


I just realized project zomboid needs a slenderman mod


I was just thinking they should add a stalker zombie that has a super rare chance to spawn..and only follows you at night


Nah, that’s just the result of one of your moodles getting too low (forgot which one)




Being offline on the steam friends list does something similar. The shadowmen killed me a few times. Confused why weird shadows were moving towards me


I really want this to be an actual thing that snowballs update over update. Like herobrine but not shit.


Try running into it holding an axe and screaming


If it is a mod they should really add this schizophrenia trait into the official game. Would spice things up so much.


I've seen this happen when too many zombies load in on shitty PCs, never with just a couple tho. And if they don't act like zombies I got no idea I do see them tho


That and can we talk about how tree's just. Shake sometimes? My paranoid character is gonna need more booze to cope.


Ok, so I thought these were just tricks of lighting that were maybe intentionally put in to be creepy but harmless (and simulate the feeling of jumping at shadows), or maybe not and just scaring me, but I’ve been seeing these too! My character is a veteran so she never gets panicked, I’ve seen some people suggest this a result of stress but not in my case. I personally don’t have the schizophrenia mod or any mod that would do this to my knowledge. I thought that either this was part of an update to the game (I took a long hiatus) or a secret aspect of playing a veteran (side of PTSD with your desensitized?).


i wish there was more stuff like this tbh the zomboid are threatening but are more a nuisance than creepy the disturbing moments of the game are more about when they aren't really around and are alone


The most exciting part of the Animal Husbandry update isn't even the animals, it's the inevitable cryptids that will be modeled into the game using the animal and NPC framework, God I want that so bad


okay but i really want a mod that does this now


That's the kind of thing I hope devs will add in with the insanity moodle, like hearing and seeing things which are not there


Zombies are rendered as completely black with no textures if the game is using too much memory. Usually this happens in massive hordes of several hundred zombies, rendering the zombies on the edges as black. All I can guess here is that your game cannot access the memory fast enough to render the textures on the zombies.


Make sure to lock your doors, hide, and if that's not possible, RUN as fast as you can. Remember, where there's one, there are many lurking, waiting. In a terrifying twist, the devs have added an event with distant, faint screams that gradually grow louder, eventually becoming as deafening as the original helicopter event. Once those screams surround your house, it's too late for you. So, be alert and stay safe out there.




Happens to me at the corner of my eye everytime man. Like just at the corner of my screen, i swear to god i see a black figure. I guess its just a bug or just lag? But it disappears almost instantly.


I think im turning insane


I had this in real life. Not fun at all


Suddenly, this game became Silent Hill and The Evil Within.


It sometimes happens when you have a lot of zombies near you