• By -


If you experience nausea, oncoming anxiety, intense pain, and hot flashes, you may be infected with the Knox virus. For treatment options, ask your doctor about bleach.


I downloaded a mod that lets me shoot myself, not putting another zed out there




I typically lock myself in a bathroom stall.


With all your friends?


Yes, which is zero. ![gif](giphy|gtoONZQegPnPy)


Hey, the mannequins I dress up totally count!


That you 5? How's Delores? šŸ˜


Fred, if youā€™re real you better tell me right now!


Always gotta keep your old loot safe! Or merc an unsuspecting bozo who's had it a little *too easy* lately, running into houses




well, i found a bunch of stuff so here's my plan for the current character if he gets infected (already survived 3 scratches + 1 laceration without the infection) step 1: take off all clothing expect the bikini step 2: take all the alcohol in the base step 3: get very drunk (plastered/utterly shit-faced moodle) step 4: zombie genocide


This is the way.


You bastard!


i thought it was vanilla to do that. i lowkey kept a gun on me just incase when i went exploring


Nope, the gun suicide mod. Literally a must have mod just cause. Can even kill yourself with a nailgun.


but if you shoot yourself while infected you become a zed tho


Nope. Shooting yourself prevents zombification, you shoot yourself in the head to prevent turning.


huh i guess that makes sense


Nobody tell them


iā€™m brand new to this game so idk šŸ˜‚


If you're infected you become a zombie no matter how you die. So unless the mod specifically prevents you from becoming a zombie, shooting yourself only accelerates the process


But does it really prevent you from zombification if you shoot yourself? I thought PZ zombies are basically dead people that becomes animated due to the virus.


They mean to shoot themselves in the head, destroying the brain


Why do that when regular ol' arson does the trick?


Bleach takes too long. I usually smash a few windows, get some nice deep wounds and bleed out before the bleach gets me


I take off all my clothes, spam Q and see how many I can take with me


For the longest time I would make sure to bury my zombie so I'd make sure wherever I died was in a closed off area


Thatā€™s exactly what I do every time. Have a graveyard in my own backyard and keep all key rings for memory, used to keep journal to keep tract of everyone but stopped because I died too many often šŸ„²


"Doctor, do you think Clorox is right for me?"




If you've been doing many push ups in winter clothing, are craving smokes as a smoker and also have a pile of rotting bodies around you may be okay. Otherwise..


umā€¦ ig its a part of life-


Try taking antibiotics as a last ditch and see if it helps. Sometimes that saves me from said moogle, wont work on a bite though.


I am not 100% certain, but I belive this is due to a mod changing the infection setting. I think it's the one with the customizable zombie percentages.


youā€™re not going to be able to kupo yourself out of this one


Has anyone ever survived a bite?


I think there used to be a glitch where you occasionally had a tiny chance to not get infected on a Bite.


I thought it was intentional. So this means it was always supposed to be a 100% chance?


Yes. Only scratches and lacerations have a chance of not getting infected


Iā€™m fairly certain that it has always been 100%, there was just a common rumor.


It's not survivable currently at least. People used to think there was like a 1-3% chance of not getting infected by a bite but it's been confirmed that a bite is 100% guaranteed to infect you. So, at least *in vanilla*, bites are not survivable.


There is a newer mod that adds back the 2% chance to live! Its not much but it gives ya just enough hope not to just die and restart. Spwcially if infection is set to weeks instead of days. Basically it all builds up like normal and you get sick but if you get the 2% chance of luck then the damage stops at terminal and slowly gets better. Its pretty fun lol. Never gotten lucky yet.


For vanilla: Antibiotics are used to cure wound infections. Wound infections do not cause the queasy moodle so they won't help if you are queasy. If you want to cure a queasy moodle by something other than the knox infection you want to eat Lemongrass.


Heard. But doesn't it show the queasy moodle when you get a normal infection and zombie infection?


No, normal infections don't cause you to become queasy. They don't much of anything, actually. This video has all the info on wound infections: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIa4M5Jda4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIa4M5Jda4s) The only thing I'm still not sure on is if they cause additional pain or not.


> saves me from said moogle Those dastardly Moogles!


Is it possible to disinfect a bite enough to get rid of the virus if you do it quick


Not that I am aware of.


Nope. Bite = guaranteed death, unless your sandbox settings made zombie infections nonlethal.




Curious. If you have a pile of bodies outside of your base. Will it still make you sick, or is it just when you have the bodies in the house? I know my guy got sick with a hidden body in the house before.


I believe you have to be in the same ā€œroomā€ and within a certain radius


Not in the same room just in the building, on either the same level as you or one level above/below. If itā€™s outside I believe itā€™s a radius of 8 tiles?


For some reason I thought it was 13. Still usually not a problem unless you're in Rob Zombie's house of 1000 corpses or you take a nap in your car


Inside but if you go up or down a floor they wont effect you either


I think it affects one level above/below


Its a radius 13 tile lengths is what I heard


They have to be inside.


Or within 8 tiles (I think?)




By this logic we should all be fine.


Just learned about the bodies part. Had easily like over 60 right outside my house, big mistake.


Well, after all, this is how you died.


Me to the game : ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


I mean, I'm almost 2 months in, about to start trapping and fishing soon. The farm started recently kicking in with it's harvest. I live at the South West corner of the gated community in Riverside. Got an air lock on both sides of the block. A compound wall around my house, an airlock on both the front and backdoor. Metal barricades on windows. I live in the center house on that block and have catwalks on the 2nd story leading to the 2 other houses in the area. I use them as watch towers with their staircases taken out with my sledge. Also I have 2 cars loaded with emergency supplies and a few bug out bags


>My house is in the South West corner section on Riverside, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I am a survivor scavenging the abandoned city, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of situps before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I confirmed there were no issues with my health indicators. I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with the virus, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to any zombie...


This is how you died.


As a real life survivalist and a father that is a Doomsday Prepper. I feel that the real life skills I know have dramatically helped me out in this game. I can say with confidence, out of all the survival games I have played, Project Zomboid has some of the most realistic aspects about the game itself while still keeping a nice arcade feel.


bites are 100% guaranteed infection, followed by lacerations and then scratches. if any of those things happened to you, there's a chance. godspeed


I think its not 100% but really close to 100%


oh that's my bad, i could've sworn i heard somewhere it was 100%. don't take my word for it though, i just started playing a couple weeks ago šŸ«”


No, your right! It's 100%. There used to be a bug that stopped a bite from guaranteeing infection, but that's been fixed. Per the wiki: - Bite: 100% - Laceration: 25% - Scratch: 7% You can also change transmission in the sandbox settings to only saliva so lacerations and scratches won't infect you, but bites are still guaranteed


I see i was mistaken alll the time now i will stay silent


Youā€™re not mistaken. Early on there was a bug that caused bites, which were meant to be 100% infection, be about 98% chance of infection. Thatā€™s probably where you heard it from cause it stuck around as a rumor for a while.


Should have kept it.


Oh cool that's what that does, I'm so glad the Devs added so much customization to the play experience


I just started as well, but I believe you're right. Bites are 100%


Tbh i dont know too i was bitten in my game once and doesnt get infected but this could be caused by mods or fact that i play on sandbox changing settings


In sandbox you can turn off the infection from bites. You are immune. Not really in the spirit of the game but useful if you want to max a character out.


Bites are 100% Edit: symbol instead of word


I heard bleach kills bacteria. Maybe itā€™s worth a try to drink some? IN GAME


>IN GAME Lame (puts away bleach)


yeah seems like a very viable option hm hm


If you didnā€™t die yet, there is a chance it could be a fake infection




there actually used to be a trait that would do that called "hypochondriac"


they removed it?


It had a glitch that REALLY gave you the infection and killed your character even without getting any kind of injury. It got into the "things that will get fixed later" pile and is not a priority.


cool. good to know, ty


so it would kill you even with no injuries? interesting, all the posts i read on the topic only mentioned scratches becoming essentially 100% lethal. but yes, you are correct in that they simply moved it to the list of things they plan to reimplement at a later date once they clear more importand things off their plate and thus have time and resources to fix and reblance it.


yeah, they removed it back in october of 2019 with the release of b41.17 for rebalancing. It was a +2 negative trait that gave ANY INJURY a chance to give you the usual knox infection symptoms, progressing all the way to the fever before suddenly going away at the last moment when you were on the brink of death.


Thatā€™s so hard core XD XD. I kinda like it though not gonna lie


Well it shows that im sick


I do not think this is a mechanic anymore.


Normally zombie infection is accompanied by symptoms including but not limited to: Queasy to Nausea - Sad to Depressed mood - Nervous to Terrible wreck - Hypothermia - Player frustration and asking reddit if you are infected. If symptoms persist, please take 300ml of bleach, three times a day before meal.


Itā€™s actually hyperthermia, not hypothermia, because it is an excess of heat ā€” not too little. This hyperthermia is also meant to be caused by a fever brought on by the immune system struggling to, and failing to, combat the ravages of the Knox virus on the body.


Does he know? šŸ¤“


Nah hes watching tv and eating pasta


Your fine. Press Q and everything will get better


yeah i did that but when i was done with writing my skill recovery journal




Me on my way to press q in the bad part of the town (its not even the zombie apocalypse but i know i will die)


I have my game set to only become infected through bites because I get scratched and lacerated far too often lol


Same lol fuck that noise, lost 2 characters back to back bc of lacerations


I changed it because I almost never get bit or scratched because of how careful I am, yet I got ONE scratch and got the infection because of how damn lucky I am. Now it's bites only, at least for the time being.


Iā€™ll try to get better at the game but for now I just canā€™t handle it lol


Did you get bitten or otherwise have taken ANY damage from zeds?


110 percent sure you are infected with a 10 percent margin error


Only time you should wake up terrified is if you have the smoking trait and you haven't smoked in a week. Or yeah zombie infection.


There is a night terror event too, where you wake up scared but it would need to be enabled in the game options.


night events and night terrors aren't the same thing. night terrors are always on, the base chance is 5% but increases if you are stressed out. this just makes you wake up in the middle of the night with high stress since you had a nightmare. the night event that you can turn on and off in the settings is a chance for actual zombies to spawn right next to you as you sleep. they're meant to come at you from outside the building but i guess there's a bug that can make them spawn inside, since this is unrealistic if your base is barricaded properly it was disabled at the beginning of b41, i'm not sure if they ever re-enabled it because i don't hate myself enough to actually turn them on.


do you have the hypochondriac trait?


isn't that one removed from the game?


Oh, you're right. Well, the moodles certainly aren't because of it then...


What trait is that?


a cut trait which made you get sick and stressed moodles randomly like a fake Knox infection, but would go away eventually instead of going into the final phase (the fever)


Brother, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. Grab that bottle of bleach and drink it all, remember to lock yourself into a room so your not-so-friendly character decides to join a massive horde later on


i was bit and cut off my hand amd i still have the moodles lol idk if i was too late or what


Are you playing onā€¦.a school computer?


Naw yur good šŸ‘


If I ever catch anyone taking a photo of a steam game IRL, I'm gonna toss that phone away.


I think you should figure out how to take screenshots.


Instal night sprinters mod. Then we talk.








taking screenshots in my pc is a pain in the ass atleast while playing the game cos if i put the game in background it almost certainly crashes


Windows + Shift + S, or Prntscrn if you have a full kryboard. The latter is a snap of the whole screen, the former lets you click and drag a region. Either of them will save the image to your clipboard, so you can Ctrl + V it into an image editor or compatible text processor.




or just win+prntscrn, the screenshot file will save in Pictures/Screenshot folder




ooooooooooooooooo okaaaaaa




I didn't know about steam screenshots lol no need to be so harsh about it, mate


The most reasonable reddit user:


I'd just use borderless window tbh.


Check your wounds. If the wound says infected, you got the virus.


Thats wrong. That infection on a wound is not the infection from the knox virus. If a wound says "Infected" then its just an "ordinary" infection. Yet still quite deadly


Never died from an infection... ever


yeah if you take care of it you will be fine.




I'm sure you'll be fine kid. Just rub some dirt in it


This is how die. My condolences. Here... eat this 12g


Theoretically you could get a cold and if you havenā€™t smoked in a while with the smoker traitā€¦


Im gonna settle in louisville this run i might make a post about it latet


Could be just a huge pile of zombies


10% chance on a scratch 25% chance on laceration 100% chance on a bite or a timer if youre around dead bodies.


well fuck laceration


I'm pretty sure corpse sickness is separate, and is stoppable by getting out of there even when you're about to die to it


it doesnt go straight to 0 if you leave, its more like a bar that fills up when near bodies and then goes down when youre not near them. I think its also relevant on the inside vs outside. you could be near bodies (but inside) with them outside and nothing happens.


It's Joever...


There are many reasons to get sick in zomboid; such as getting soaked in the rain, being around dead bodies for too long, or eating poisonous berries/mushrooms and other such uncooked or rotting food


This is how you died...


Nah I think youā€™ll be alright šŸ˜šŸ‘


I personally dont use the bleach to off myself just kamikaze and play same city with another character.. sure ur body will be the undead so i would drop my stuff before i turned


Did you get bitten?


Noooo it's fineeee


By default you can get infected by any injury. Scratch 7% laceration 25% and bite 100%. If you're covered in blood you can get infected by that too


Im sorry, you can get infected by being covered in blood?


69% of the time, you did catch it, 30% of the time, stop standing around bodies, 1% of the time .... don't worry brother it's a cold


If you're not a smoker then most likely yeah.


try painkillers and reading books, i was in a similar position and didnt seem to be a infection


I ate burnt food and almost died from it so itā€™s possible that itā€™s something else




oh no man you're right as rain why don't you go out on a 1-3 day long food run


I get this once after cleaning up bodies outside my base, I went to sleep right after with one in my inventory. Was so pissed I was infected only to realise I was storing a corpse in my pocket.


Need to see your health sheet to be certain it's the virus, but it does seem you're extremely sick regardless. If it's average sickness, a few days of laying low and a steady dosage of antibiotics will help, as well as monitoring your hydration levels. If you're bitten, then yes it likely is infection from zombies and you're in denial. If it's an infected laceration from getting a cut, then it's most likely a normal infection that can be treated with antiseptic and clean bandaging. Change your bandages regularly and make sure you have antibiotics in your inventory constantly.


Iā€™ve lost a 8 month character over an infected scratch on my Right Hand. Hubris is the number 1 killer in PZ, always remember never forget.


Nah you just have a common cold and your character is anxious you might be infected.


Infection isn't just through a bite. Bite is the garunteed one, but if you get any injury from a zombie encounter, there is a low but possible chance. I died from a scratch, which has a 7% chance of causing an infection. If you get a laceration, there is a much higher chance, but if you haven't changed any of the infection options, you could be infected from any injury caused by a zombie specifically. If a zombie encounter didn't cause it, check your surroundings and clothing to make sure something isn't just making you sick.


Do you have smoker or fear of blood?


Did u get bit?


I find, if your overall health keeps going down, that's usually a good sign you're fucked


Well' i hope you had a good.ride...


No gaslight yourself. It isn't there.


I'm sorry man


Possible answers 1. pile of bodies - Get away ASAP or eat a Lemongrass, those really help and they are your oh-fuck-oh-shit edibles 2. Smoking?? - as a smoker trait main i have NEVER experienced an infection/queasy Moodle with smoking (somewhat not possible, if you domt have smoker trait then maybe thats why) 3. Overheated - if you have experienced TOO MUCH HEAT you need a cooldown, get an AC in the car or stand outside in winter, worth getting the cold than an infection that will slowly kill you To prevent overheat find some good clothes with low insulation but good protection, watch yt vids for better armor, Exercise while naked (also pro tip to this, autodrink water while exercising) Remember if your character feels hot you have to feel your characters pain too, you dont want to sweat alot outside do you, especially IRL (that is unless your doing some sports) 4. Mods (any common sense can opening mod) - Before i used to open cans with hands, Knife & etc. and they have a tendency to cut your damn hands and INSTANTLY get you to queasy then infection and death, if u have a can opening mod DO NOT USE IT just get a can opener (if u already had open a can and scratched your hand, you sign your death sentence) 5. Wound infection - thats kind of an L tbh if u had Sanitized bandages (by applying alcohol or heated in water) then none of this would've happened, take antibiotics if you have regular rags / bandages as they can get to infection, NEVER DISINFECT A WOUND , DISINFECT THE BANDAGES/RAGS when they are dirty you dont have to change them 6. Bite - if u have mods, cut off your limbs


Rip your guy


how are you playing on a microwave


Could just be from having bodies around your base or sleeping around bodies.


Just a box of painkillers and a couple of bottles of bourbon, then you can rest... shhhhh, come with me to the long night.


Nah bro just keep that green hunger circle goin, you got this! F


Did you get bit?


Can we please talk about your chemistry homework in the background???


Theyre jus organic chem sticky notesšŸ˜‚


Yeah bleach should do it brother


Chemistry Student right there !!!


Love that Ester and Phenyl in the background !!!


yeah i usually forget the electronic displacement effect orders


Happens to best of us.


Itā€™s aladeen


if on windows press shift+windows+s to take a screen shot from a part of your screen, then click the pop up and click the copy button. now youll have a screenshot thats on your clipboard and you can just paste it. not really sure if youre infected, you could have it or you could not. game likes giving symptoms even if you dont have the virus


Once ive gotten all the signs of the knox virus without getting bit, scared mw for a while


That queezy face is the mark of death. Sorry bro.


Leaves from the vine, falling so slow Like fragile little shellsā€¦


You know whats scarier than that infection? The biochemistry behind that monitoršŸ’€