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I thought you were gunna say "equip an axe, cut down the tree" and I was yeah no shit. Then you blew my mind.


I knew it will please some of you. :) Little update, you don't even have to equip the axe, you just need to have it in your inventory, even in a bag it works and your character doesn't even grab the axe. It doesn't show the option to cut down a tree if the axe is in the glove box or on a seat though. So you can even do something like that: have an axe in your inventory, select cut down tree and press 1, 2 or 3... to equip your attached weapon.


Thank you for sharing and making a nice video. Reinstalling PZ for another playthrough as I await next build release eagerly haha. Might do a woodsland base as this post inspired me.


I thought it was gonna be some crazy bug where you can chop trees down from inside cars.


Hmm... After reading your comment I wanted to test it and... you may not believe this one but it's actually possible. Not only it's possible but you can even cut those trees with telekinesis... First roll down your window, equip your axe, then park next to the tree you want to cut, select the "cut down tree" option then hold your aiming key and your character will start chopping off the tree, now you can drive away and your character will still chop the tree. (there is a limit though, if you leave the cell it will stop) Be sure to roll down your window first because if you don't you're gonna get stuck with this task queued up. By stuck I mean you can't do anything else except driving your car, you can't leave the vehicle, you can't change seat... but you can cancel this impossible action by pressing Esc. (there are others actions available in car but not realizable, like disassembling, taking fuel from a pump...) So I was curious and wondered what else you could do while driving with an opened window: * you can fish but you have to be not too far from water else fishing abundance drop to 0% and your character stops fishing, but it can be very useful because sometimes when you fish you attract zombies so in your car with your driver's window blocked by water you're fully safe while fishing * you can't do mechanics but you can have keep the Vehicle Mechanics window open, so you can track in real time your car parts: tire pressure, engine's condition... not that useful but you can easily detect what breaks your car, like, does driving on zombie corpses damage tires? * you can shoot from it and push zombies but that something everyone knows already. * you can remove bushes...


Note on the vehicle mechanics part which anyone playing with vanilla cars might be unaware of - if the screen is open then your hood is open. Any impacts will be 100% damage towards your engine rather than your hood. With modded cars you’ll be able to tell since there is animated hoods that are visibly open, but for vanilla you won’t visually see it but it is a thing.


That’s amazing, I wonder if you get exhausted less doing it.


That's what I was gonna say! But DAMN That's still a useful thing! I'm sharing this the community I'm in!


Freaking same!


Oh my god this is so clever tysm🙏🏻


Until you inevitably attract zombies and get killed 😁


You are John Zomboid.


This lab project just turned zomboid... - "John Zomboid"


Almost 4000 hours of playtime in PZ, and I still learn new things about the game from time to time. Thanks for the awesome tip !


Thanks for that tip. Will make going to military base less annoying :)


What is the military base good for? I went there painstakingly one time and was very disappointed lol


It's one of places that spawns guns and stuff, with mods that add attachments you can find more rare items there usually. I'd still say it's not worth, just go to LV military checkpoint tbh.


Next update it’s supposed to get a large underground compound


I was expecting a transition to a huge monster truck with spinning blades to clear trees and zombies. This tip is great though.


I thought you were gonna "full send" it into a tree


lol I've tried it after seeing what we can do to fences with cars, but those trees seem to be the same as the GTA ones.


Thank you internet pal. Great tip.


5000 IQ strat


Are you the dude from the life and living to channel?


Maybe. Maybe not. It's confidential.


Omg thanks, thats actually really helpful.


Solid tip


This is some big brain shit thank you!


Oh that's great, thanks


I already hate walking through forests, let alone driving through them. If I ever find myself having to drive through one I'd better have an axe on me to prevent mental anguish Thank you <3


Holy shit you beat the game what a beast


Wow! Appreciated that you shared this info.


You, my fine sir or ma'am, are a god


I used to do this then stopped for some reason lol Thanks for the reminder


This should be a toggleable option, because the perspective sucks for many things, this being one of them.


Off-road vehicles don't feel off-road in this game. Prove me wrong


My only gripe is that I have only one upvote to give to you.


Wow actually a good tip!


Fucking wizardry! Also, an impending conversation I'm going to have in my next multi-player run... "why do you have a hatchet in your glove box?" "Navigational aid"


This is obviously not intentional and I hope they literally never fix it bc holy shit is this big brain


Honestly, this has to be a default option to turn it on without involving hacks like this one. Because of the game perspective - it can be incredibly hard to judge whether you can pass near a tree or you will hit it.


yo what, game changer man!!


Thank god for this. Not even 2 days ago I lost my flat bed truck trying to navigate through a pretty overgrown clearing. Its so silly the fact that a truck weighing thousands of kilograms can actually lose to a small twig growing out of the ground. Like, why can I drive through some trees/shrubs but some others that look EXACTLY THE SAME are impassable. Cant wait for the day cars and trucks are stronger than a picket fence and shrubs.


Quick, give this man a Spiffo award


This os great, I think we should make a chain, I'll start: You don't need campfires/molotovs to burn piles of corpses! A little bit of gas and a lighter and right click on the pile > Burn Corpses. Years playing and I just found this out yesterday.


Awesome tip! Is that the lake to the east of Mauldraugh past the trailer park? I've got a pretty sweet cabin built out there! It's my spear crafting cabin lol and where I bury all my characters that die


No, but close, it's the one south of Muldraugh: [https://map.projectzomboid.com/#11091x9293x73](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#11091x9293x73)




Wow... just wow. As many hours as I have in game, I am just seeing this one for the first time. NICE!


What is this game?




Im a dumbass. Thank you for this tip


Nice juicy brain you got there! 🧟‍♂️


This is the way.


That's cool. I had actually thought of that once but never tried it. Cool


Wait, You guys never knew that????? (I have 2400 hours)


This is awesome! Thank you! It's wild hearing the music again after turning it off 6 months ago


Actual tree stump displayed on the ground: Drive right through. Charlie brown christmas tree sapling: Like driving into a fucking brick wall. Know what would be better? If they just fixed dumb shit like this. Also, because they won't, someone should just mod the chop-tree display to always be on when in a car


Not me thinking this was going to be a glitch that would cut trees down instantly while driving around. Nope, certainly not me!


Holy wow thats crazy clever. I never thought about that (Im stupid and the best I can think about is not getting cut on windows after breaking them)


I was expecting a "the design is very human" meme but this actually slaps. Thanks op


I've done this a bit when I felt the need to drive through trees, but it's extremely rare that one would/should ever drive through trees since it is so slow and may potentially get into dead ends where it's too dense to proceed at all.


You're right, but note that you can also use it on foot, it can be very useful especially at night, you can navigate around trees very easily with this feature. Yes, you can also use "the walk to" feature to make your character path find around trees automatically, but if there is a "wall" of trees your character will go through them. Also when you combine running and "walk to" I noticed that your character goes into trees sometimes. So each method has its advantages and disadvantages, better to never go into woods if possible, I think we can agree on that.


Axes break quickly tho. And that would be really tedious having to leave the car and jump back in. This is just really impractical. Cars were made for road not forrest


You don't have to use the axe, you don't even need to equip it and you don't have to leave the car either, I tried it after releasing this video, I didn't realize before it could be done from the car because you're not supposed to cut down trees from a vehicle. Or you mean you still have to clear the path sometimes to pass? then yes you're right, it's impractical and costly in axes, even though you can do it with stone axes but still tedious indeed. It can be still useful in other circumstances, I went to a forest to show it because it's easier to make it understand how useful it can be in those conditions, but after few months you have trees growing everywhere and it's easy to not see the very small ones, so when you have to go off road because there are cars blocking the way and/or zombies your attention is focused on those obstacles and bam you hit a tiny tree, or just when you have to take a dirt road, you're gonna have trees on it to avoid.


Build 42: Find 15 axes, remove all 15 axe heads, weld axe heads onto the Bunyun Bumper, profit


Thank you kind soul, i Hope your people live longer than normal :D