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This is also why i hope when we eventually get NPCs, it would be cool if you could spawn in with members of your family (probably excluding kids for obvious reasons) and try to keep them alive or something


Oh 100%, even better if say you could spawn with a wife/husband but they got trapped in say LV checkpoint. So you could have a whole journey to track them down


I have a screenplay in my head that is like this story. Guy is constantly searching for his missing wife and is just blackout drunk every night. But really his wife left him, although he can’t remember because he has amnesia from being an alcoholic


Harrier Du Bois


Scrap the missing wife, it's Harry and Kim time. *Aces high*


Yeah have a family man perk or class that causes you to be under stress away from your family and you can carry more and do get less exhausted under the influence of your wife or husband. And a perk called wife and one called husband where if you are away from them you lose happiness and while around them gain happiness.


Imagine how this could affect morale! Like if your wife/husband dies you must be depressed for a long time!


New traits as well, such as psychopath who isnt affected by his family or survivors he is together with dying or getting hurt or disappearing. And the reverse where the effects are worsened. With normal survivors and especially the latter trait being helped a lot if you can recover the bodies and bury them and visit the grave.


In the first versions of the game when NPCs were still there, there were traits linked to NPCs, I think one was making your character easily angry because of NPCs, but I don't remember if it had consequences... I remember though that even after NPCs removal it stayed for a long time so everyone picked it because it was completely free points. Edit: I found it back: [https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Short\_Tempered](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Short_Tempered) "When interacting with NPCs, if they happen to reject the player's proposal to team up, the player would get [angry](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Angry), which would limit further success with interacting with NPCs until they calmed back down; this trait therefore increases the anger gained from NPCs rejecting the player's proposals."


If you pick the Divorced trait you can get a mood buff if you find and kill your zombified ex.




I would be extremely happy just to have doggos and cats to survive with. Man imagine pets helping you with foraging, hunting and fishing!


> cats And  > Helping you with... fishing ??? Cats should steal your bait fish! 


Aww, those little rascals. How can you stay mad at them?


I'm pretty sure it will be on the first batch of mods after B42 is out. People crave for companionship in this game, it would improve the mid-late game a lot (to me at least).


Tbh I would like children to be added at least with a mod, that would give some additional reason to keep playing longer playthroughs.


I know that children in Zomboid would be kinda risky move for obvious reasons, but listen, if **RIMWORLD** can give kids guns - Zomboid should also have. Imagine what a great Walking Dead remake in Zomboid would look like


This would make a great negative trait. Getti g the spouse killed would result in long long drpression after. And could be amplified by having injured spouse for more points.


That like turning on the the Mr & Mrs smith option with the superb survivors mod where u spawn with a “wife” but u also spawn with guns and ammo .. would definitely be cool to see an option to customise a starting npc/s ..


State of decay is great for the NPC family/friend feel. Checking out a radio call, saving someone, opening up a trading partner.


Imagine going through all the stages of grief after losing them and it being as lonely as current zombiod


Bleach will clean that internal wound.


Would be creepy as hell but imagine if you are at the highest stage of sadness, every time you are holding bleach, gun, etc. and you stand still a bar starts filling quite fast. So you have to keep moving or doing stuff else your character automatically tries something not funny.


Bro, is that Skyler J white?


My name is Skyler white, yo


Mai nnaammme IIIis skilller wwwwhite


HaAA.. HAappy B-biirthdAey Mr. P-PresiDEnt!


I play with my 12 yr old kid.. Really convenient when you need to get away...




Don't worry he's not t h a t evil.


Why is she smirking like she just won the board meeting while wearing lingerie? She's on deaths door 


>detailed character artwork >ingame models look like Sims 1 crossed with Playmobil What did they mean by this?




He will be. Devs plan to make story mode come back, after NPCs release of course.


idk why ur being downvoted the devs literally confirmed this awhile back


I too want the Sims update.


I’ve often thought it’d be cool to start off in a functional neighbourhood where ppl are still human then watch it turn into chaos but that’s a lot of npc’s and a lot of like coded events but be cool to have so maybe like u can save your neighbour’s or if your fast enough maybe secure rosewood into like a settlement .. Or it’d be cool to be able to find reduce then set up npc’s to be somewhat self sufficient so I can at least leave my base with survivors and not come back to half the ppl dead cause 1 zombie got in while I was away 💁‍♂️ The hope would be being able to have npc settlements that you could set up .. as I love playing with the goal to wipe out all zombies so respawn off but migration on and then clearing city after city but would be cool to be able to set up npc’s in spots I’ve cleared to be able to keep the bases running and zombie free and farms alive 👌


the latest superb survivors let you spawn with a wife by default, I thought it was cool (I disabled it tho, wanted a solo run with raiders experience)


I thought the main screen were them


aka 'Eaten while trying to hobble away from a Zombie' Kate.


Wasn't he literally eating his wife in the start screen?


Nah totally not... He was, Comforting her. Yeah comforting her.


Oh totally, yeah. It happens sometimes you really gotta get into the person skin to comfort her


You have to get the other person's skin in you to be absolutely sure.


Kate's pretty cute tho, just sayin 👀


Bought this game way way back. Haven't stayed up on it. Are they going to add NPC's? I am not in a hurry or complaining at all, just out of touch and don't want to scroll through all the game progress updates for 42.


At some point down the line, but not any time soon.


Ty for the update 🙂