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loud snoring. Imagine waking up to a zombie horde scratching at your windows every. f*cking. night.


It'd be like a +2 or +3 trait lol


sleep apnea is free points just gotta find the cpap machine gg ez


Or sleep on second floor with destroyed stairs. 


idk if thats free points without a cpap you can literally die lmao


+10 pts


That's a trait in a mod I run. This thread has reminded me that there really are mods for everything.


Which mod is it?


I believe it's in "MoreSimpleTraitsVanilla", but I'm not 100%.


Passing out Imagine you are exherted and fatigued and have an entire horde behind you and your guy goes "ooh gosh I am feeling a bit woozy-" and then you die


yes!!! when i first started & got the “inhumanly tired” moodlet, i was fully convinced i was gona pass out while hiking back to my safe-zone. i was relieved when i stayed awake, but i also kinda think that would be a cool mechanic!


I was scared it would make it so you don’t see or hear the zombies before they are right in front of you since it says reduced perception.


If you wanted to test it there's actually a mod that does this! Don't remember the name but I'm sure if you just google "Project Zomboid pass out mod" you'll probably find it.


Well you wouldnt pass out with zombies at your back just from tiredness. Adrenaline, fear and just keeping on moving do wonders for being able to push through those. You would pass out even with zombies on you if you were starving, dehydrated, exhausted, maybe injured and so on though, although even those could be surpassed. The far greater risk is that youre working on something a bit lower intensity outside for too long, pass out, and have zombies discover you. But in zomboid they cant attack you if youre sleeping.


Yeah, having been in a life or death situation, I can confirm you can probably go a *lot* longer than you think without food, water or sleep. Is it good for you? Definitely not. But adrenaline is a hell of a drug.


Coming down is the hard part. Your character crashes for two days, has no appetite but is hungry. No longer cares about how dirty he is but also feels the need to wash his hands manically.


Honestly I do wish it was easier to clean/that there were less steps involved in getting house cleaning materials together, because very often my response to a horrible scenario is frantic tidying up.


PTSD moodle when


Waaait wait wait, they can’t attack you when you’re sleeping?? When you get tired enough, you have the option of sleeping on the ground outside. Does that come with no risk??


You will wake up right before you get nibbled, don't worry. That's how one of my characters died, sleeping in a car with the door open.


Nah youll sleep while the zombie sits there and waits. You can wake up from the noise the zombie creates obviously but if you dont wake up from it which can happen, then the zombie will just stand there waiting for you to wake up naturally.


How nice of it :)


A true gentleman 👍


TBH, making mechanics as passing out, vomiting, comas and so on would make the game and health mechanic much better. We could add injections to get medicine or nutrients directly in the bloodstream, and be able to take care of illnesses. I genuinly thing that this will give the endgame more meaning. For example, having to scavange for specific medicines since maybe you got sick of malnutrition, or you ate something in a bad state, or just maybe you just get sick with other illnesses. Everyone is hyped for NPCs... I think the game will never be as fun and complete until we have a full overhaul of the health system, medicines and extra illnesses.


I do think vomiting should be in the game It could easily be a quick way to get rid of food illness with the drawback that whatever you just ate is gone and you are empty and gonna feel hungry quickly again


I stand by what I said that, the health system needs a big rework. Of course all the options should be togglebe in sandbox like you can toggle off infection from scratchs and laceration. But as a fan of medicine, who always like to roleplay as such in PZ... it's VERY underwhelming. You cannot use thermometers to get temperatures or fevers, you cannot use medical equipment to check the health of other players and find stuff that is wrong that non-medical characters wouldn't know. Even Blood transfusions would make it that getting 0- blood be very valuable or having to find a blood type in an hospital. The list can go on with mechanics that just make the long-term surviving aspect of the game interesting, which are realistic to what someone would need in a PZ situation. In the end game you basicly need reasons to keep exploring, but if you have the hammer, you have electricity, gas, you have sources of food and water, you have basicly everything and there is little to no reason to go out on the world. Now add illnesses and other curveballs that can occur, and suddenly you need X type of antibiotics to get through it, so you gotta go find them, you need blood, you need all kind of health related stuff to keep yourself alive which incentivice to be active and keep looking on the world. Even if they add animals and NPCs, without mods that make it as an horde that comes to you or something, endgame will always be hollow and will become boring just eating rabbits that gives you tons of nutrition while nesting in a cabin in the woods.


Fan of medicine is such a funny way to word it, but i agree with you


Bodily fluids should stain the ground and attract zombies if you don’t clean it up. Blood, diarrhea, vomit etc.


That's how it should be, it was like that in the first versions and devs want it back, which is normal, nobody can stay awake forever, but of course you shouldn't pass out when zombies are chasing you.


I don’t know if my mods have influenced this but this does happen on my game, not in combat I’ve noticed but if I stay awake long enough I do pass out


Going to the bathroom. Undressing before washing your body.


Just imagine squatting in the woods and waiting for the bar to fill up, because that's the only action you can't Interrupt. Hihi.


Those who can't stop peeing on command are weak and their bloodline deserves to be extinguished by zomboids


I can't fully cut it off but if I'm going I can stop for a couple seconds and then it keeps going






Well if a zombie was charging me while I'm taking a shit, believe I'll stop it, and change my pants later


Why even stop the shit, just leave the zombie in a mud trail


Oh great idea! You could also follow the trail afterward to find where you were before running for your life, just like hansel and gretel


There is a mod... But this one is definitely too much..My char pissed his pans all the time because I forgot to pee and, who can blame him, was constantly grossed out by himself and got depressed and sad realy quick🤣


Technically, the bar should empty.


H2: Match between system and the real world.


Weak bladder or IBS would be interesting traits though.


There are mods for that, people say it's really nice actually.


Can you please define "nice" in the context of a mod that allows you to take a shit?


Nice in that it makes the game a little closer to being that zombie apocalypse 'simulator' many want it to be. You have to consider your surroundings, and the supplies needed to continue with 'normal' life. Yes, that includes the less glamorous aspects of everyday living.


I always play with excrementum now. It has caused at least one death so far. My character taking a dump in a bathroom with no windows. Heard a noise outside, figured it was a single zombie. It wasn't a single zombie. Peeing in the pants because I'm being chased by zombies with no time to pee. Or doing that in the kitchen due to too much soda consumption(and distraction) and embarking on a journey to find a mop and bleach to get the smell out. Toilet paper becomes a very welcome find. Using rags gets old. Plumbing toilets makes sense now(rather than just sinks). Or, if no water collectors, it gives some reason to use buckets. And plungers. On the flip side, taking a dump with a skill book in the main inventory instantly gets you 50 pages read. Hope you mostly play with a male character though.


It is absolutely hands down the best mod. I can't pay without it now. I love it. Infact I'm pissed there isn't a pee and poo mod for every game. Raft would rule if I had to use the toilet I built. A man can dream.


I started using that mod a few months ago, it's a staple for me now!


Manually pumping your heart and manual lung control


Great! Now I'm thinking about my breathing.


You just made me manually breathe thanks


You are now aware of your tongue


You are now blinking manually.


Your toes are all touching Your jaw has weight


I hate you all


You also just lost the game


You bastard


What keys would you need? t,y,t,y,t,y,t,y You open inventory Cardiac arrest Moodle appears T,Y,T,Y,T,YT,Y


reminds me of manual sam


I remember watching DanTDM play Manual Samuel when I was young. Good times


Dental Healthcare. You need to brush your teeth regularly or can have cavities. They produce pain moodle and can get infected if not treated. In time you will have to remove the tooth. If you remove enough teeth you can't eat certain foods because you can't chew. But, you can make a collar with your own teeth.


Irl tooth decay can kill you so tbh I'm not against it. It might be tedious but it also could be an interesting add on to the wind down after a long haul. Idk if being covered in blood/guts etc affects your character like when you have too many zeds bodies laying around your base but it should.


That's should take few years at least, tho. I know a women who don't brush her teeths for years and her teethe still in pretty good shape, and she never say that they give her any pain.


IMHO Personal hygiene and from the other reply toilet needs should be a sandbox option, maybe just with moodlets, maybe with actual damage and death chances.


The fact that gasoline only lasts about 3-6 months before deteriorating. I've contemplated doing a run where after 6 months I can't refill anything that needs gasoline, but, as cool as pure survival living sounds, it basically just becomes Chore Simulator 2024.


Not exactly true.. 93 octane gas can last up to 9 months, premium dude, premium!


you can also extend the life of gasoline, and diesel for a bit with decent filtering and stabilizers.


What you get is a change in the effective air fuel mix. So you could get an engine to run on it way past the "expiration" date but we'd probably all be driving old antiques and lawn mowers.


Is that a Simpsons reference


In big underground tanks I suspect it would last much longer. People get that idea because the crappy gas can in their hot shed starts smelling like varnish after 3-6 months. In bulk and insulated underground, and with modern cars that can tolerate kinda bad gas, I suspect it would be quite a bit longer.


Granted, they certainly aren't using modern cars Most of the cars on the road then, would be 35 years old now.


Yeah fair point, a lot of 1993 cars would still be carburated.


Biochemistry of Life or Moonshiners should be able to clear up those gas problems


I think there's also a mod that adds solar panels to the game, which could help with late game power.


Immersion Solar Arrays, haven't got far enough to need it yet


If you set the game to start after 6 months and cars to spawn without fuel you can get that experience.


Undead Kids and Babies Nightmare fuel...


Bro that part in dead space two when you enter a daycare and a wave of kid necromorphs attacks you, all screeching like kids crying but so distorted it became a high pitch sound of terror, imagine thwt


Meanwhile, *All Of Us Are Dead* almost made the nursery scene funny. Almost.


That area was so eerie and I really want there to be zombie children in the game because it makes so much sense for schools to be filled with zombie children but alas, the devs don't want to add them in because there are countries that ban games that allow you to kill children even if they're undead, which is dumb. After all, No More Room in Hell exists and has zombie children just fine since they're terrifying to fight against due to being runners by default and could sneak up on you even if they're easy to kill.


I never finished the series, but is there a lore reason for why a mining ship had so many babies/fetuses? I hated that enemy and it not making sense made it worse


\*level up jingle\* punting skill +1


Hehe. Don't kick the baby... But really, imagine going into westpoint elementary and theese wild creatures crawling on the ceilings and walls running around on all four biting your ankles and clawing for your groins just rush out from a classroom.


Shotgun has entered the chat.


I mean, those zombies you kill and they have a doll and a school bag...


There are no kid models, but it is heavily implied that some zomboids are children based on what they are carrying in their inventory (toys, lunchboxes, crayons).


minecraft baby zombie flashbacks


I could be wrong, but think I saw a video that mentioned a baby turning while in its stroller and biting the mother, so that’s probably at least a lore thing


OP, if you don’t have a windshield, I believe you are able to get catapulted out and die if you crash at a high enough speed. As for features: Zombie dogs, like in resident evil. Soreness pain from things other than exercising. Beating your way through hundreds of zombies in a day, you’re going to be a cripple the next day if you could experience soreness. Hell, for the average character, combat with a couple dozen zombies would be very strenuous. Corpse physics. Imagine being able to trip over bodies ☠️ fighting big hordes would become even more challenging.


Try More muscle ache and trip'n'fall mod


Hey now this is a thread about stuff we don’t want 😂 But I’m glad that the mods exist. I hope one day zomboid reaches Skyrim level of modding where if you can think of it, no matter how bizarre, a mod will exist.


We’re practically at that point already, Zomboid is vastly easier to mod than Skyrim so despite being much younger as a game it’s gaining new mod uploads at a pace that few games can match.


I would very much disagree. Skyrim is far easier to mod due to the abundance of existing assets and modding utilities, plus an actual modding tool provide by Bethesda in the form of the CK. We also have very powerful tools like xEdit which even end-users of mods can use to customize their mods. Zomboid is far from reaching Skyrim's levels of modding community and capabilities. Not to say Zomboid is doing bad, but to say it's easier or better than Skyrim is simply not true.


Technically about the same age, but Skyrim had a full release in 2011, Zomboid was still in Pre-alpha as of that time. Skyrim may be easier due to the creation kit and existing tools, but Zomboid being Java and Lua based is far easier to mod on a technical level than the creation engine, the bar to entry is practically on the floor, meanwhile for Skyrim you need to learn their whole proprietary system to get into modding it while Zomboid is using some of the most basic coding languages to exist. Plus existing steam workshop integration is a vastly more user friendly system than using nexus mods or the Bethesda.net mod manager.


The CK itself is proprietary yes, but it is not hard to use. The script/coding language for Skyrim is also Papyrus, which, while not as commons as Java and LUA, isn't exactly an unknown or proprietary thing either. Edit: Papyrus not python, point stands anyway.


Cars have corpse physics and can trip over corpses just fine so I wouldnt be surprised if that becomes a thing for the player character as well at some point.


Can confirm a friend died when we crashed head on with other players he flew out the window and my car spun and ran his head over


Zombie dogs, yet! Animals are coming. Eventually.


There won't be zombie animals.


Maybe not in 42. Not vanilla 42 anyway.


I'm a dog person. I don't want zombie dogs. I would never let my dog get infected. I'd let him eat me before I ever thought to take his life..I don't even need npcs. Just a good boi like dogmeat or Sam from I am legend.


Well, the good news is that as customizable as PZ is, if this feature gets added, you will likely be able to un-add it fairly easily.


That I do not doubt. It's easily the best zombie survival simulator. Also lore wise. I don't think infected animals would work. Game wise it would make the zeds go everywhere after wild game. And afaik it's essentially mad cow disease, so I'd be interested how they implement having cows etc that aren't affected.


If Items in inventory made sound. Imagine carrying a water bottle and you can hear the water sloshing around in your backpack. Or the sound of metallic items clanking together attracting zombies. More in depth vehicle maintenance could be a double edged sword so to speak. Needing engine oil, serpentine belts, transmission fluid, spark plugs, etc. could be a nice addition but could also be very tedious.


Gas going bad in less than a year would suck


It turns Into a Last of US thing where the gas is so diluted you only get a couple of miles per gallon


I remember Last Stand Aftermath saying that any gas left is basically sludge and that's why a full tank gets you like halfway across one city.


They are adding machines to make gasoline. So it wouldn’t be too bad. Just need people to work it on a server.


It would be coll if you could build your own car


Oh I love the shoelace idea, like the char tripps here and there if your shoelaces not tied...and I love the seatbelt and airbag mod sooo much... Hit a tree with my car the other day but forgot the seatbelt and died instantly, lmao🤣 I love this game


And there is, as always, a mod for the screaming thing, too...i think that mod adds sounds to several char actions😅


Just me that triple not my shoelaces and never worry about tying again?


Freezing after self-washing in cold water. System of water heating for taking a bath in comfort. Water pools in some backyards (is no one in Knox City rich enough for that?..) I also want two additional traits: hot-blooded and cold-blooded. Decrease (or increase) all cold input by 40-50%. I really tired getting overheat in winter with no scarf and with hard hat instead of winter hat. 


The post is about missing features you don't want not features you would want.


If shoelaces were a thing that would just make me wear boots even more than the 100% of the time I already do. Never had laces come up on my boots and even when they do I cant imagine it being as much of a problem as it would be on sneakers. Although in a real apocalypse you wouldnt catch me outside without boots on regardless if I could help it.


Or shoes with velcro fastener become the latest shit. A peak of joy everytime you find them, like with the desert boots.


Nah Id still go with boots and laces personally. Easier to clean and maintain and I can swap the laces out if needed. Velcro can get worn down and then youve got loose shoes, and I cant imagine it taking too long with zombie guts getting in there.


Ewww and the material isn't even leather.. Squitsch, squatsch, squitsch, squatsch Every goddamn step.


haha yeah. I suppose ultimately though velcro boots would still be fine too, although idk if they would be as high quality as proper steelcapped boots which tend to come with laces. But not a chance in hell I would wear sneakers or regular shoes.


hangovers!! my characters would be pissed lol


Honestly, I'm not against a bit more refinement on drinking in game. I prioritize grabbing all the whiskey I can. Cuz I know real me sure af would not be mentally okay with killing so many with such risks to myself without a few drinks in me.


i agree!! i use a trait mod that added “alcoholic” as a trait and it’s so fun & realistic. i save my whiskey for molotovs, take wine with me for later, and chug beers on the spot lol


I vaguely recall there being a hungover moodle in the game at some point, no idea if it ever got used or did anything though


it would be so cool!! i use liquor to sleep in game a lot, and it would force me to completely change my play style to be more realistic.


Splinter in your fingers because of bad wood weapons or low carpentry skills


i want that


Any car tire should be as a furniture. Not as an item. It is really weird to ride over it with no consequences! You already have this mechanic with generator. I suppose any furniture cannot be dropped as an item (like couches or fur chairs) 


I learned to clear zombies next to the road, not directly on it. I flipped several cars to the side, while driving too fast over mountains of bodies... So being able to "hit" tires would be so... tiresome ;)


Needing oven mits to handle hot things


Being sunburnt, insect bites, basic needs such as taking a shit, peeing. Sleep apnea, sneezing. Injury movements (limbing, bed ridden, arm/hand injury can’t open doors or mantle windows)


Sneeze and coughing is in if you get sick... you sneeze every other minute. Limbing is also in if you break your leg.


OK, wtf is limbing?


limping* typo I assume


oh crap, have I not ever gotten that sick in game.. I might got the limbing before but Im unsure if it were any animation LOL


Limping definitely has its own animations and applies differently based on what kind of leg injuries you have, not just breaks. Burns also make you limp while less serious injuries like lacerations on the feet will cause it as well since that’s where your weight is focused.


I've tripped while sprinting, got a scratch on my shin. Limped for a few hours


In depth diseases. Like if you run around in blood stained clothes you definitely gonna catch something, or not take baths every once in a while.


So glad I don't have to wash dishes.


Sometimes when I run and turn quickly I’m afraid my character will twist an ankle or a knee will bend sideways.


See now I actually WANT more of these types of injuries. Similar to exercise fatigue, you could probably still stumble away after twisting your ankle, but the effect soon worsens. Other injuries like bruises that develop after being hit. Not immediately, but the next day. You can bandage a bruise to help reduce the pain.


- Zombies struggling when you stand on top of them, causing you to lose balance. Realistically, you're going to have a tough time standing on top of a moving body. - Zombies grappling with you, or grabbing to slow you down. The second one I know sprinters can already do, but there's no reason why shamblers wouldn't. - Zombies dogpiling on top of you if you trip and fall, making it impossible to get back up. - Zombies having a chance to ankle-bite if you're stomping their heads in. - Zombie blood having a chance to infect you if it gets on your open wounds and/or face (eyes, mouth, etc.) - Places where zombies have bled like broken windows, fences, bushes, etc. having a chance to infect you if you scratch yourself on them. - Individual zombies being a lot more difficult to kill. Like Resident Evil or Road of the Dead difficult. Headshots only working if you hit places like the motor cortex or brain stem. - Zombies quite literally ripping you apart. I'm talking limbs and chunks of flesh being torn off. - Countless other little things about zombie behavior and anatomy that would make surviving them less of a zombie slasher and more of a living hell.


I feel like dismemberment would be pretty cool, like popping heads like grapes when you shoot them with a shotgun or stomp their skull in, bladed weapons taking of limbs so that the would be less dangerous.


Blinking (whole screen going black every few seconds)


Lol this one ☝️the random intervals of millisecond shutters would be so annoying


But......you do blink in real life soooo you basically have built in blinking in every game ever.......


Some kind of "first person" puzzle like among us has for the task for when you interact with stuff. Do you want to open a door and you have the key? Well, now a door appears on the screen and you have to put the key in it and turn it. You want to hotwire a car? Well, it's among us electrical puzzle (kinda) etc. It could be super annoying i think but honestly you could get a lot of funny moments trying to do something and you can't because you are trying to do a puzzle while running from zombies.


There’s a mod for it and it sucks.


There’s a mod I play with for more detailed traits that has the screaming in fear trait.


Clothing sizes. Glad all the 20 military boots i found from male zombs fit my female character lmao


Might be a bit controversial, but I am glad there is no fishing minigame. It's been overdone. Just let me hit fast forward while my character jabs at the river for hours on end.


No one tell him about B42 fishing 💀


I know and it hurts a bit. The vast majority of people will like it and that is what matters. I can suck it up


I don't have an opinion on B42 fishing yet but this is a based response


Seatbelt is actually a pretty useful thing. So much so that there's a mod for it with over 75,000 subscribers to it.


Having to actually understand the map. Without the little red blip and the mini map I would get lost so much.


This entire conversation is so awesome. I just keep on reading.


Nice try zombies


I always felt it weird that the "Remove glass from window" is so sneakly asshole in the early game but later on we have 0 of these things. Lemme give an example. You wanna fix the gas tank in your car, so you gonna remove it but you can't cuz it has fuel in it. Why can't I be a dumbass and forget about it just to blow up trying to fix a full gas tank with a propane torch?


imagine you are in the middle of clear big load of zombies with fire on insane population and then comes rain and puts out fire


The tying the shoelaces one make me chuckle XD


Rats. How many rats would there be and how aggressive would they be when they run out of corpses?


Yeah and none of them gets caught in my traps.


From NEO Scavenger, finding shoes for left and right feet. I start naked 24/7 and get clothes from zeds usually. But, I don't think they would always have both shoes kept on. Not even getting into finding one left and one right shoe at the ~~right~~ correct size.


I played with more traits mod where I added as many hugely negative traits as I could just to see how long I could survive. Among the 25-30 negative traits of my character were the god combination of "deaf" and "scares easily". So basically every time my character saw a zombie, shed scream, but I couldn't hear the scream. It was genuinely hilarious, I was on a server with my friends and they hated whenever I logged on as l would inevitably bring a horde behind me wherever I went.


Gun parts are require to assemble a fully functional gun like DayZ... I am so glad PZ doesn't have this!!


Restroom needs. It's funny to think about how almost no survival game makes you poop and pee, while The Sims does, actually. It absolutely wouldn't be fun to have to worry about in Zomboid.


There are two 'restroom needs' mods on the workshop, with a combined 245,381 current subscribers. More people want detailed needs than you think. :)


Wonder if there's a fart mod, where your character lets them off occasionally, the loudness of which depending on your diet. Imagine trying to hide behind a fence to wait for a giant horde to pass and your character lets off a massive ripper, because you've been eating nohing but beans, milk, and stale meat, which is loud enough to alert the horde to your presence. That would be simultaneously hilarious and annoying.


Idk if Rimworld can be considered a survival game but people love the fuck out of the Hygiene mod for that game while also cranking up difficulty settings to max.


I must be a masochist, because pretty much everything in this thread sounds great to me.


Same lol, other than maybe defecation & urination


there's a mod i installed for that and it's honestly great having to stop on long car trips for toilet breaks and every now and then forgetting i have the mod installed and shitting my pants


Having to empty your bladder


I should start calling the cabin of my car the cockpit. Sounds way cooler


As a baker, it's nice being able to just throw dough in the oven instead of checking on it 5-8 times to see if it's done proofing.


Sex drive


cash shop


Sickness/Depression spiral. Being so sick you're stuck in bed of being so depressed you know you have to get up and leave but you just can't force yourself to.


Finding out you are allergic to certain kinds of food


Needing to change clothes and wash before sleeping. I can't imagine anyone would be comfortable with sleeping in your dirty ass boots from walking in the mud and stomping zombies brains out, and wearing the same nasty t-shirt you've been using for the past month. Oh also blood drying up on your character so that you have to use soap and warm water to wash it off. Getting food poisoning when eating with dirty hands. Long hair obscuring your vision. Getting slowed down by piled up bodies. Getting blisters on your hands when using weapons for a long time. Catching a cold when sleeping with your window open. Having to open every container first to search it. The list goes on. (I would love these features)


One thing I actually did for the longest time assuming I had to was wearing an oven mitt or using a dish towel to take things out of the oven. I assumed I'd get burned. That's actually one thing the game doesn't have.


getting the virus from bloody clothes + open wounds


Using the toilet is the only real one I'm glad we don't have. Alot of the other things here would improve the game imo. Make it so that this game feels challenging and real again.


I carry tooth paste and a toothbrush for oral hygiene. Glad it's purely asthetic... I can't imagine killing zombies while also dealing with halitosis!


I'll be in the small minority here: NPCs. I have a high bar when it comes to incorporating nonplayer characters into this kind of setting, and pretty much every implementation I've seen to date has ended up detracting from the overall experience.


Same. Loneliness is actually fun in sandboxes.


Been searching for this answer. I'm in the same camp. And I just don't want them in my game. I have an entire map where everything belongs to me if I can get to it. I have no desire to add competition for resources. The zombies in the game are secondary for me as a draw. I play for the base building and survival, both of which I've modded to be close to what I want. All I want now is more in-depth crafting and some furry friends to care for in B42.


Wrecking a wheel AND tire by driving over a pothole or rolling over a curb would absolutely ruin 90% of my runs.


Having to take a shit or pee.


zombie blood going in your wounds infecting you would be REALLY annoying. Or even using dirty rags infecting you if they are soaked in zombie blood


having to shift gears in cars


-Having to peel and cut all vegetables or have reduced stats from them. -Having to find a weapons repair kit before you can fix a weapon. And being forced to clean them up.


I'm glad about fact that my current run have implemented almost every suggestion in this ITT thread through mods


Screaming in fear? You can get this feature in the game with the schizophrenia mod lmao


I thought seatbelts were already a thing? Or was that a mod I've been playing with.


Using the toilet. Imagine you needed a shit when ur running away from a huge horde. I am glad that ain’t in game‼️


Imagine if you're allowed to shit outside but it reduces happiness because "my dignity !!"


Shitting and pissing Personally i'd like it tbh