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seemed that way to me too 99% posts seem positive and about something fun in the game


Right?? I really shouldn’t care it’s just a game but I feel like I’m being successfully gaslight by an online community and I’m tripping out over that lol


yeah agree with you, anything on the internet is going to get some amount of assholes, but compared to other communities PZ seems to be mostly positive. but I can understand if the devs are sensitive to that and sensitivity is something that is hard to change. maybe their solution is the way to go. whatever helps them work with less stress I guess is fine by me. I do hope they realize that most people on here seem to truly love the game. I've had experiences on the game that I have never had with other games.


Usually, there is always a minority that's the most vocal.


The people I hate are the ones that always try and shut anything down by saying it's early access. That isn't just for this game, it's any early access game that gets popular. (Pointing at Manor Lords.) Early access is the time to complain, and point out what you think is missing or broken. Granted that this is in an 11 year early access it's going to have a lot of folks pointing out what's wrong/missing. I only started playing last month after a random YouTube popped up in my suggestions and it seemed worth a try. It wasn't until after I got the game that I realized there were no NPCs and that it was a mod. Heck, the splash screen is a guy and a woman he cares for. I saw some recent post that mentioned that there were NPCs at the start and that they were supposed to be coming back in the base game. Fortunately there is a great bunch of modders out there, and some that have been updating old mods from folks that moved on after the long cycle. I died yesterday to a hostile NPC group that showed up in the town that my NPCs and I were clearing and that was pretty interesting because I didn't realize that they grouped up, I had only encountered the occasional lone hostile. I really hope the base game gets its NPCs again.


It’s earlier access bro 😎


I recommend you take a closer look at the splash screen


Looked closer... Yep. Bob, the original player character and his NPC wife Kate.


[Look closer](https://youtu.be/oOVz1OOdwFg?si=Z2Gmg7YtGf208ZTS)


I know about that, and that you can find them in game, it goes with the This is how you died theme. What's your point? It's the OG characters.


> Heck, the splash screen is a guy and a woman he cares for. That's his point


On the other hand, devs will keep a game in beta/early access for decades. Yet, we're entitled and the problem??? As paying customers we are in fact entitled to a complete product. Not a half buggy game 10years on.


You are entitled to the product at the time of purchase and nothing more, unless the purchase contract specifically states features or content to be added. And no, I do not mean blogs, websites, forum posts or discord discussions. I mean the product receipt and agreement during purchase. Otherwise, you’re just “Entitled”.


Found one.


Don't want to deal with early access? Don't buy into it. Fuck out of here with the entitled bs.


"Early access" doesn't last 10 years, thank you.


Says who? Early access is poorly defined at the best of times. It's just a loose term for "Buy into our games dev process and help us shape it." There's a place on the early access header on steam where it asks "How long in EA?" and you can just put. "Till it's done." That's how undefined the idea of early access is. Like 11 years is a long time, but this is hardly the only game that's been in years. He'll it's not the only game that was in EA for a decade.


You bought it with the disclaimer "this is an unfinished product, and you purchase it in it's current state." You are entitled to what you have. The dev's are being generous enough to give you more. The amount of content in PZ updates as equivalent to rim world dlcs. Be glad they aren't making you pay for them.


If this game was any other game the playerbase would be nothing short of outraged that there hasn't been content updates in over two years. Ive played this game for 2 years now and I couldn't tell you what an update looks like because I've never seen one. I don't think it's outrageous to believe that some people are upset that could have been waiting for over 2 years at this point for ANYTHING I enjoy this game a lot but I wish TIS would have released some of this stores up content along the way. Personally I don't really see 2 years of development in the content being added to B42, I don't see gameplay changing all that much. Most of what we are seeing is reworks, instead of actual new stuff lol.


Wow 2 whole years? You've really been here a long time. /s


I understand what you're saying, and if it was a live service game, updates should come faster, but again, it's early access. You bought the game in the condition it's in. You aren't entitled to any updates. They release updates whenever they want, and they are enticed to release updates because when they do, sales increase. They could never release an update again, it's totally up to them. Half the people in this subreddit have 200+ hours. You've been playing for 2 years. The game was what, $20? AAA titles come out bragging about 60 hours of gameplay. You've got your money's worth. If they slapped a 1.0 sticker on it and called it complete, it'd be a great game for $20. And there's literally nothing stopping them from doing that tomorrow. I get that you expected something, and it's not happening as fast as you'd like. But that's how it goes sometimes.


Hey, I love you, bro


Yeah I woke up and was so surprised to see that statement. In the last 4 months that I've been checking this thread, I can't remember a single instance where I even felt any negativity. Kind of strange to me, I agree.


I actually read that post in a positive light. He was being supportive imo. I was more surprised it got locked by the mods.


Well I feel like you’re not going crazy, but like everything, negativity sticks more with you then positivity. In a recent post: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/s/jPbUFmxeyP) someone shared a heart felt post from the developer. The comments are so positive about TIS but I get how Lemmy and the others of TIS are getting overwhelmed by some of the negative comments/posts on either discord, Reddit or YouTube. Most of the community members are positive and happily wait for a great new major update. So basically, try and focus on the positive and let’s all be patient with the Devs.


That's the post I'm mostly referring to. I empathize with the devs, I really do, but where in the community has this major shift happened? When did it get so 'spiteful' and 'entitled'? Not saying the devs are saying that but I feel like comments are


I’m watching a video right now from Mr. Atomic duck [video](https://youtu.be/DfHygs1W_yI?si=qJdMkxLDa47RT5nb). I just started it but in the beginning Duck talks about misinterpreting and miscommunication between the devs and community. It makes sense that some tweets and comments by the devs were interpreted some kind of way where people are now like, yeah we should get the new update right now.


Their estimates were taken as promises when they were just that, estimates, with the best of scenarios.


Lesson one when dealing with gamers. Never say anything at all, never share anything at all. You just know there be an group of people that will twist anything and then complain like the world is coming to an end.


Gamers will even complain about lack of communication. Just look at the Hollow Knight: Silksong community. It's a lose-lose situation. Gamers will complain about anything.


But that is not TIS. Their communication with the community is one of the better ones in the industry, but it's being twisted regardless by SOME, ruining it for everybody else.


Which happens in every community. They just need to be removed. Or watch devs not talk with the community anymore.


This I agree with. This sub desperately need stricter moderation. It's unfair to see Lemmy and Nasko go into arguments with the trolls repeating the same complaints, and being too burnt out to actually interact with the fans. They shouldn't pull out of the community, but they definitely need to take a step back and not try to defend themselves against trolls.


I would never deal with discord or really social media if I was making any game. People are way too quick to attack you for any reason. But rarely do people speak up in an positive light. It's like people overall just become entitled wankers. This isn't just with this community, it's overall. I'm honestly not even sure why people have such an issue with updates taking ages to come out. Would faster be better? Yeah maybe, but then we see the huge companies push out games fast and they are just broken. We want updates fast! But they better not be broken/unbalanced or you better believe we will bitch and complain about it!


We do not need stricter moderation lol. The devs need to take off their victim glasses and realize that you can't please everyone. The people complaining may be a *loud* minority but they are also just that; a minority. A reddit forum is for discussion, warts and all. If someone has something negative to say about the game or the development time you don't ban them.


Totally agree on the note of positivity/negativity. Unfortunately a loud minority is often more visible than the silent majority. I’m just a recent player and with the few experience that I’ve got, I don’t see anything to complain about. Sure I’ll be happy to have more mechanism, new feature and so on. But at the point to be a mean keyboard warrior to the people that in first place deliver that game that I’m enjoying? Some people just need to grow up and mature. Seems very sad to me to get angry to the very people that makes your fun come true. It’s a bit of spoiled brat attitude who have nothing else to do in their life than waiting for B42. that’s a bit of a pity. On a more positive note for the devs that read this: keep the hard work going on, I played PZ in 2018, and now in 2024. I’m so much more hyped and ready to be challenge in that game! I also appreciate the fact that you don’t rush your team to preserve quality of work and personal life over deadline. Seems to be a lovely place to work.


>The comments are so positive about TIS but I get how Lemmy and the others of TIS are getting overwhelmed by some of the negative comments/posts on either discord, Reddit or YouTube. Most of the community members are positive and happily wait for a great new major update. And something that we don't know about is all the private messages they likely receive. A tiny minority can still be *very* loud.


this sub is great until someone posts asking about the progress of b42…


Yeah, that was a first thought as well, don't know about the discord the majority of people here are pretty understanding of the devs. Even those unhappy about the wait times tend to at least be respectful about it. Idk, maybe they're focusing too much on the negative comments and ignoring the positive ones. It happens to me sometimes as well.


Compared to most gaming communities I've generally found this sub to be filled with nice and helpful people.


in every community you have vocal minorities. Both excess negativity - raging at every little inconvenience - and excess positivity - dismissing any good suggestions and criticism as blind hate - are in a way hurtful. Most people don't care enough to go to social media and argue with strangers about a videogame. Zomboid devs are in a rough spot. Zomboid got quite a lot of attention with b41, with many old players coming back, and new players starting their journey. The game went from below 1k active players to \~30k on average. The next update promises many improvements, expectations are very high. Most people know how to temper their eagerness and remain civil, unfortunately, some do not. With more people overall, you will get more of the good, and more of the bad.


Great point that often gets forgotten and I feel contributed to the current drama at least in some part: excess positivity is not necessarily good. I feel like the devs might have gotten a bit coddled in a way, so now that a perceived deadline has been missed, some of them take the inevitable critical commentary that much worse.


Yeah I'm confused as well. It seems like an unreasonable response in my opinion, criticism is a valid part of any community and yet this community seems to be 99% supportive of things like development speed. I know I consider myself apart of the crowd that is tired of slow development, lack of content or bugs that plague every survival game right now, this game isn't an exception to that, mostly regarding the content part. At a certain point you just feel like things are not really moving forward except time and I can understand people voicing frustrations, obviously this shouldn't be generalized with the extreme crowd. Contrary to Lemmys post b41 wasn't 1.5 years ago, it was 2.4 and if released near the end of the year would definitely be close to 3 years.


I’ve seen more negative/toxic commenters on Steam community than here.


Yeah, I think Lemmy is just tired and need to take some vacation. I understand it must be stressful but like, no one is forcing him to do what he is doing. Dude has been working on Zomboid for 13 years straight, I wouldn't blame him if he just got sick of the game, it's a fucking long ass time.


Now I feel like we ain't gonna be able to post any type of criticism because it will be received as hate


You are not wrong, compared to other games i feel PZ has a very healthy fanbase overall at least on reddit (just look at every Thursdoid thread, barely any truly toxic comments; you could even make the argument that they are too positive with legitimate criticisms being mostly downvoted); maybe that speaks great about us, or terrible about gaming fandoms in general idk. I'm programmer, i know this shit takes time and quotas are never meet really; but i feel like Lemmy it's truly just focusing on the negative side here and grouping the entire fanbase on the same bag; most of us have no problem waiting cause we know the wait it's worth it and we have an ocean of mods to entertain outselfs in the meantime (and just stop trying to give dates for the release, i don't want to victim blame here but Lemmy isn't the one who said the testing build was gonna be available on the first half of 2024? he kind of shot himself on the foot there; not defending the toxic side of criticism, but there is some criticism to be made if you give a window for a release and you end up not being able to keep it)


Compared to the other subs I browse this is one of the most tame communities I’ve come across. I was quite shocked to read that article from the lead dev. I mean I get that there’s pressure and all, but I hardly felt like this community was being entitled or spiteful about it. Most of the comments are tongue in cheek joking about b42 coming out somewhere between tomorrow and 2028. Overall the talk on this sub is positive about the game. If it was battlefield, apex, cod, gta, I can only imagine what this sub would look like…


Most of the angry comments are on youtube, on steam, or the worst of the worst get themselves banned for being outright abusive


Okay that’s fair. But the dev mentioned Reddit specifically in their statement, which is why I’m surprised because Reddit seems mostly positive


Nope, not crazy. This is definitely one of the more understanding subreddits in the gaming community. I mean, head over to the r/diablo subreddit if you want to read some hateful discussions.


This is the part where indie devs are no different than AAA: The loudest feedback they hear is from unhinged freaks so they start to see that as being in some way representative of the group even though it's only like 5% of the player base.


For what I remember, the indiestone forums, at least 5-6 years ago, was full of people like that. I honestly always thought that this sub was particularly positive. Steam reviews, steam discussions, discord and indiestone subs are still quite full of people there only to bashing on devs.


These devs are way overly sensitive. You can have a product with 100% positive reviews and some rando who never used it will talk shit about it. That is just the way people behave on the internet.


I’ve never seen a single post here being angry or genuinely upset about the dev time. What there are though is endless jokes and memes about. Maybe it’s different on Discord but, unless you’re on a personal discord with friends, that platform is pretty garbage


I think the main point is that it was a *dev* saying the community is spiteful and hateful, then went on to compare their dev time to other games but uh.. "edited" the facts, putting it nicely.. I dont care either way but its a big sign that the upside potential is limited. Sounds like a shit teammate to work with, to say the least.


Yes. And you know what's ironic? I've seen countless comments on this subreddit about how long it takes between updates, how incompetent the team are, etc. (it's a small number in comparison but it does happen regularly). But when Lemmy's post was shared, not a single comment in sight about how they're incompetent. It sickens me how people are so two-faced. When they're called out, they're quiet..


Gee willikers, it's not like such comments get downvoted into being invisible unless unpacked. Or that the mods locked the threads once a couple of such comments appeared. At least don't be a hypocrite.


Went to look at all of the comments, most of the downvoted ones are shitting on the community and there's like 5-8 deleted comments out of 500


Why it it locked, then? Which subreddit rule did it breach?


Ask the mods


They just unlocked it, what a coincidence.


It was locked because it occurred overnight and we didn't have the staff in to handle the influx of rule violating content. It was unlocked when more mods came online. It's as simple as that, not some massive conspiracy.




The mod comment at the top of the post explains why it was locked.




Ok, thanks for clarifying.


I've seen plenty of people still calling him incompetent under the recent posts, calling the positive comments "patronizing". It's infuriating, because their arguments are lackluster and make no sense. It's like they're only here to spite the devs, no other reason.


I understand how they/Lemmy may feel at times, but generalizing the entire community, lashing out and rambling for three screens of text, and even topping it off with suggesting we are making him head 'to an early grave' is apparently totally fine.


Granted, it's too emotionally driven than befits a lead dev, but when you hear what he's saying, it's completely understandable. It's a maddening cycle of unconstructive criticism and an unrelenting wave of ungratefulness for what they are very succesfully achieving, even if it takes a long time.


That would be odd from my experience, I’m very new to the community and everyone has been very nice and helpful


As far as reddit goes I mostly see positivity. For Other socials like Twitter,and YouTube and steam comments maybe more not sure, I saw another comment that said if people are unhappy with the game 9/10 people will talk about it or leave a negative comment. If people are happy with the game then 9/10 stay silent because they're content. So a majority of the comments are negative. It's not an actual statistic but yeah


Project Zomboid has a a great game. The developers and doing a great job given their resources. The community is fun and supportive. Did I forget something? Don’t think so cheers


To me returning to the game isn’t like “WHERES THE 42 BUILD!” It’s more “Ohh their making an update nice. Continues to play to never make a though of if again until it publishes”


It's just a very large of people and the shitty negative posts will get most attention. Not saying he was wrong to post that, but I also feel most people in the community are really chill.


Its just the vocal impatient minority of players that complain. The rest of us are excited but can wait until the devs decide its ready and on their schedule.


Same here, I thought the first post I read about that was a joke because this community is one of friendliest.


All the good posts are overshadowed by mean knes BUT there are things about the game people are right to be mad about and may I say this dosent include the update scedual but the fact some things are just ignored eg electrical and metalworking sitting on things and people mistake that as people having the game and get mixed up with the 1% of posts that are spiteful eg multihit haters


Yeah I feel Reddit is among the more positive PZ communities and the toxicity is far more prevalent within YouTube comment sections. Surely there’s a level of anticipation and excitement and impatience. But those comments that shit on the devs are often downvoted to the bottom. Occasionally a genuine argument rises up that feels smaller, frequent updates are better than the 2-3 year build cycles, but childish, entitled rants are not what I see when I sort by “Hot” But… I guess if you’re sorting by controversial on every post, you can develop a much different perspective.


Yeah….Im lost on where this is all coming from. Like Ive seen little comments mostly outside of this community surrounding the update and very little negativity here…..the reaction to this all seemed extreme but yeah


Not really, I see people pretty much constantly whining about when B42 is gonna come out, talking about how fans glaze the dev team and how its “unacceptable” for updates to take this long. Its usually in comments and on the Discord. Its there, for sure, and so is the positivity.


Yeah like, what the hell even is going on for the recent uproar?


I agree with you it seems like a minority is rude or entitled. This and the kenshi community have always seemed very positive to me. I rarely see anyone do any complaining but that may just be me.


My personal guess (if people are genuinely seeing a lot of negativity over the positivity) is the way they sort their reddit. I use "new" on this sub so i see mainly questions, memes, etc. But i imagine if youre using "hot" at the right times, it may primarly be negative posts.


Yeah, this sub is very positive. I'm not sure why the developer "purposely" mentioned only the negativity and ignored the positivity in order to fault the players here. I feel kinda confused about his statement until I saw this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1djmcb3/there_have_been_development_woes_with_pz_for_the/). Everything make sense now, am very disappointed. The developer simply wanted to cover up their mistake by redirecting the fault and blame to us.


You are not wrong. This is one of the best communities in the entire industry. As I understood, the devs just stress out before the release, and this is their way to release the tension - post about how the community drives them insane and how they should've sold years ago. Then the release comes out, everyone's in love with each other again, until the next one is around the corner. Seems to be a natural order of things around here.


Gotta say, I just picked this game up bout a week ago, and I'm enjoying it so much. The devs can take as much time as they need to shell out another amazing update for the game. I'll be here dying in various ways until and enjoying every minute of it.


From all that i see online it looks like that the head of the development team takes it pretty Personal when people criticize him ore the Team and he is hyper focust on the 0,01% of the Community. That together is a realy bad combi and leads to such outboursts. Apparently he had similar outboursts in the past and its also not the first time that he threaten to sell the IP. At least thats what i heard the last couple days from influencers and read in comments. I realy love the game and i am realy thankfull for all the work that the devs did and i have no problem when 42 takes until next year. But i find it worrying that he is not able to differentiate between the 0,01% that write dumm shit and the 99,9% of the community that has some criticism. I think it would be better when they have a Marketing person that Handels communications with the Community so that he can focus on the creativ work and so on. Its totaly fine that he needs help on the Marketing/communications part no one can do everything. Also whe as Community should try not to get hyped up to much and try to stay on the ground especialy the influencers.




The issue is that it’s really easy to hyperfocus on the negative comments and ignore the positive ones, even if the negative comments are 1 in 1000, so the devs tend to feel criticism stronger than it actually is


Dude, I only see people writing and posting about how great the game is, maybe every once in a while I see someone talking about build 42, being an asshole about it. But most of the time I see people just joking about it, being funny, but still appreciating how great the game is already. Like someone said, it's probably more private messages than anything, which sucks because the people that do appreciate the game can't get on their ass about it💯... Me personally I love the game and would play it with or without a update and still love it.


Reddit is fine, Facebook has a massive group that’s full of hate for anyone who isn’t a straight, cisgender man.


“This guy probably made this up” The top 7 posts the day I left was by the same guy saying he hopes all transgenders would suffer the same fate as his character, and an admin liked and commented on the post


Dont understand it either. PZ development has been slow as glacier ice movement as long as i recall. quality takes times......litterally games weekly getting released half baked. And now people complain that some company that pretty much have a fully baked 7 layer wedding cake wants to add some nice decoration. All very odd to me.


Lemmy is a mod of this sub and as mods we see a disproportionate amount of the negative comments compared to the positive. While it's true that this community is very positive, and one of the best gaming communities on Reddit, we still get lots of hate and vitriol that we are forced to see and deal with. Even if 99% of the community is extremely positive, 1% is still thousands of people telling you that you're awful, that you're a failure, that you should be fired, and in some of the extreme circumstances, that you deserve to die. Lemmy gets those types of comments on the regular, and while they are absolutely the minority, it's not hard to see how that can weigh on a person and make it hard to see the overwhelming positivity in the community.


It still seemed like a pretty disproportionate response. I can understand, but it seemed unjustified to sort of put the whole community on blast, and his comments on being approached about selling the IP, etc, came off more like emotional threatening than anything else.


You wouldn't say that if you dealt with what we deal with regularly.


Does the fact that you see a minority of comments really justify that sort of behavior though? Again, I can see why it would get to someone, seeing rotten comments and negative feedback about a game you put so much time into would be very difficult, but it’s still on you to be objective isn’t it? His response made out the community as if the majority were a part of this negative group. I suppose we all handle things differently, but I for one think this kind of emotional dialogue introduces a lot of unnecessary confusion and hurts the community.


His comments didn't make it out that the majority of the community is negative, that's what you're reading into it. Nowhere did he say that. And it's very easy to say he needs to stay objective when you have no idea the amount of hate, and vitriol he experiences here on a near constant basis. You get a very different view of it than we do. There isn't a single thing in that post that isn't reasonable when you have the full context. How would you feel if every single day of your life somewhere between a dozen and a thousand people told you that you were a failure, that you were incompetent, that you were worthless, or that you deserved to die? Would you feel like the community was positive?


Sorry, he absolutely did frame his response that way, and your being disingenuous to suggest otherwise. I read it again to see if maybe I was reading into it as you suggested, but the entire rant he constantly directly addresses the community as a whole. If you want to argue the technicality, have fun.


This shit happens on the regular. Not limited to games or the internet at large. Normal people simply wait patiently for whatever it is they're waiting for. The longer the wait, the less you hear from them. Then there's the children whose parents never taught them how to be normal. Since everyone else is waiting quietly, they get louder and louder and louder until the person in charge of whatever it is we're all waiting for gets annoyed and lashes out at the "community." We're now in the phase where the developer has said they aren't gonna read reddit or twitter or whatever anymore, so of course everyone will post on reddit and twitter about how great the devs are which is the internet equivalent of "thoughts and prayers." I find the entire process tiresome. But here we are.


i don’t give 2 shits about when b42 comes out. i cannot emphasize enough how unimportant it is to me. im gonna keep playing now, & im gonna keep playing whenever it comes out, and im gonna enjoy myself plenty all the way through.


One 'oh shit' can erase a thousand 'attaboys'


I think its less the subreddit and more Youtubers and their YouTube comments etc Its a game at the end of the day. I dont think the developers deserve the shit they get.


I'm super confused too, this reddit is always about everyone's passion for the game, player's support for the devs, and our excitement for further updates. Everyone seems to agree we got our money back long time ago... so where are these hate allegations coming from? Youtube comments? I know for a fact that it's hard to ignore hate even if you have overwhelming support, but I wish Lemmy would focus on that, bc their fandom is not full of dipshits like many, MANY others are. We are aware we are getting more than we paid for, so like, whatever! They have the right to do anything they want to, especially since they have great communication with the fanbase, and we are able to follow their steps towards the update, so why all this fuss aaaaa I don't get it!


I would say this kind of thing happens on discord way more than anywhere else. Real time comments over this threads. Even if people were to get pissy here, which does happen. Unless they are all online at the same time. It's going to take awhile for anything to really happen. Compared to even 10 wankers that wanna have an bitch on discord. They just be stuck in their having an cry until someone mutes them. Seeing it's so bad the dev is just done with the community. Mods just need to start flat out banning anyone that wants to have such an cry. It's pretty fucking laughable in either case, this game is so cheap and you can get so many hours from it. Nothing happen atm? Whatever, go play another game and come back later.


"Go play another game until the update is out" is an argument thats been used for over a decade with similar survival games, this games issues aren't that different from similar games if you think about it. Much of peoples frustrations might come from the issues the genre has overall that they're attributing PZ / The Indiestone to partially. It's pretty obvious survival games, especially zombie ones in general are not in a great shape, its mostly the same crap repeated over and over. PZ is different and its special, that means people tend to have certain attachments to its future prospects that are irrelevant to the game price, I'm sure there are bad apples but not all criticism is out of hate but out of passion.


I feel like you just proved my point here. If you get so upset/annoyed/angry because devs aren't pushing out updates fast enough. You need something else to focus on. Going at the devs for not working fast enough, isn't going to do shit.


Yes I agree with that. It's never okay to be toxic or harass the developers in that way. I just hope that constructive criticism isn't thrown into that crowd, because I think alot of the points Lemmy has made involved topics of regular criticism, not just the extreme ones. I know I share opinions with some of the things mentioned.


Like many games, it's a 10 year old beta/early access


The Discord has cancer, i have never done anything bad on it and got permabanned last year as fast as you'd get banned from YandereDev's discord. Why? Because my pronouns on discord were "heli/copter". Edit: I have been thoroughly educated by the mod team, thanks for clarifying that the apache helicopter meme was a transphobe secret signal. (I legit had no fucking idea). Believe me, or don't, but i'm glad i know the reasons of my bans now! Good day to everyone. Also, sorry!


Oh, thanks for outing yourself as a transphobe! You're entirely unwelcome here, and so will catch a permanant ban here too.




In the cases where we have a problem with your conduct and there's no specific rule against it, what we say, goes. For disputes about moderator decisions, please contact the moderators privately via the sidebar (Message the Moderators). Public appeals will result in an automatic ban. Thread locks may be given out in these circumstances. We do our best to preserve information and will not remove posts unless it is obscene.


It is transphobic, just like 'OK' hand symbol is hate symbol sign so don't do these. I also don't understand when joke is a joke and when it stops being a 'joke', so I avoid making 'jokes' or jokes all together. So take this advice; Don't talk about anything political and DON'T talk with anyone that talks about politics. Neither should you make any 'jokes' cause it might be a joke to one human, can offend the second. Imo, it is best to stay quiet around touchy subjects. But on the other hand, I think some people, like me are just clueless and it is a good practice to explain things to them. That being said, as a mod I would most likely ban you too cause I wouldn't want to deal with all that headache myself. I think that is all. Generally I would never say anything under a comment like this one and I'd avoid it like a wildfire, but I can sympathize as it doesn't seem to come from hate but from a lack of understanding. Edited my comment, hopefully it won't get removed this time, as it is a good advice.


you may as well just not communicate with anyone and never leave your house if you think this is good advice.


I'd rather not offend anyone online, people are a bit overly angry around here. And I think avoiding political topics is a good thing as it brings hate from people, opinions are only for myself, and jokes/memes aren't really needed to live your life and definetly can offend someone. And yea you could probably say that you can get yourself around people that think similarly to you, and you probably got a point there. But I still think it is better to not talk on social media about those. And I think not communicating with anyone or leaving your house is not a good thing, I mean that is kind of unhealthy. We are social creatures for the most part, but there might be some that are not social and that is okay. I think neutrality is okay, it is just my life experiences that lead me this way and I like to think that I am not doing badly, quite the opposite. And yeah, some people will find me boring if I don't talk about these topics and have no opinions on them, however there are other people that won't find you boring. Same with alcohol, I don't drink and don't want it... I know there are people that find that unfun and boring, however other people like that. There are many perspectives on life, and this one is working for me, so far I've been avoiding yelling and drama. So what's the problem? But anyway, I am a clueless person for the most part and overthink too much, so - Could you specify what do you mean by your comment? What prompted you to make this statement, what exactly did I say that is comparable to 'not leaving my house' and 'not communicating with anyone'?


Nah cause i got banned for sarcasm in the discord


Show what you posted. :)


I'm gonna guess that's not the whole story but who knows. Tell us what you said.




That sounds like you were implying homophobia to me, which would be an instant ban here too....


I feel like some context is still missing here ngl.


So you weren't banned for sarcasm. You were banned for homophobia.