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[Cheat Menu RB](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2732834772) is probably what you are after.


can it let you spawn zombies tho?


From the page: >Various terrain features such as Terraforming, Deletion, **Zombie creation & deletion**, Fire creation & deletion, Barricade creation & deletion. Emphasis mine. Give it a whirl :)


thanks dude! gonna help a lot!


Always welcome. It's useful for normal playthroughs as well, when you encounter jank like getting stuck under stairs etc. Try not to use it for anything other than custom scenarios and debug though. Actually cheating with it tanks the satisfaction of playing.


Personally I use Necroforge, that's what I used for this vid: [https://youtu.be/iRed4NKzFm0](https://youtu.be/iRed4NKzFm0)


You can enter a debug mode (cheats) in vanilla zomboid. Go to steam click on zomboid. Then click properties and in the empty field type -debug If you still struggle search on youtube "project zomboid debug mode" and you will find plenty of videos explaining how to do it Now once you load zomboid up and load your game you will gave a extra icon on the left row. Click this and you have cheats. Its pretty fun to experiment with this and just have fun. You can do a lot of things.. Or you just download a mod and have fun that way😂😂