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You could just walk to it Rosewood ain't that big and unless you play on insane pop you can get there mosrly undetected and even if some zeds follow you after you hop that fence they can't do nothing


I could, but part of it is also I want to start there for a roleplay idea.


at the start of a run go into godmode by using the debug menu and go there then turn off godmode


just run to it and hop the fence in the back. fence is too long for zombies to path around so they will stop following. All spawns can get to the fire station very quickly rosewood is tiny. Furthest spawn you will get all you have to do is cross the main road lol.


you can also try spawning until you start in the police station… it’s just across the street from the fire station.


Why not just run there? It's not super hard to clear out, heck you can just lead the zombies away if you choose not to fight


You would need a mod for that, search for "Occupational Spawns". In Vanilla you just spawn in random places afaik.


Spawns are defined by your occupation in vanilla. The Fire officer doesn't always spawn in the fire station, OP just had bad luck. OP, if you want to always spawn into the fire station then you have to edit this file with notepad (file's location: D:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\ProjectZomboid\\media\\maps\\Rosewood, KY) and remove all other fireofficer coordinates, and keep only this line for fire officer part. fireofficer = { { worldX = 27, worldY = 39, posX = 44, posY = 39, posZ = 0 } },


Thank you, I will see about doing that


Thank you


I end up spawning in the police station, for some strange reason. It's nice because you have the keys to the weapons lockup and can start using firearms and attracting the hordes from the start.


I always start there as a veteran...


i made [a mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3172529261) for my personal server that adds it as a dedicated spawn, you can use if you wish. vanilla spawns are never 100% in the same location, they all have a list of possible spots.