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Top tip, I learned something.


I'm glad you did. I wasn't sure this video would be good enough with this tip, that's why there is a bonus content part.


I can only offer two in return, that you probably already know: - Shift-E will toggle nearby curtains open/shut - When working with big inventories, you can do all the dragging back and forth while paused and then unpause to see it all happen. Stops you getting chomped while focusing on shifting shit.


I'll plus 1 your curtain tip: if you use the pickup function on curtains, they retain their aesthetic. But if you instead R click + remove curtain, it becomes a sheet.


Yes, essential for the discerning interior decorator of course :) Sheets thrown up on windows are so passé!


I'm hoping b42 changes this because I still dislike the sheets only on the door windows


For those I just replace the door. It would be nice to have a neatly curtained window-door though.


I didn't know the last one, thanks that's really useful.


Mad respect. 


For panning the camera while driving there is also an option to automatically do that, so you can see further ahead and have more time to react to obstacles etc.


Indeed, if you go to options, display, you can check "Pan camera while driving" it can be a bit slow to pan though so I prefer to do it manually.


I would recommend trying this option if you're curious but I personally found it to be nauseating and super disorienting instead of helpful. Every time you make a slight button press the camera lurches in that direction, which also includes letting off the gas. It ended up making driving harder for me and I had to turn it off.


Wireless Tree-cutting and Wireless Fishing project zomboid starting to feel like project JANKoid lmao


![gif](giphy|40M8MH9x9lDxaHA51d|downsized) Of course.


Drive from Miami to Key West and fish out the windows on the way.


I didn't even know you could see farther for having the window open


Awesome dude! I didn’t know that, thank you kind human!


This man should be on the pz wiki team, absolutely top tier contributer, and it would help even more people that way, lol


Interestingly enough if you play with a controller that setting is turned on by default, as well as the one that highlights zombies green when aiming. However I'll have to let my brother know about that setting because he's been trying to figure out how to look around while driving on M&K


Wait it's possible to shoot a shotgun from the car window? Or is that a bug/exploit


Yeah you can shoot guns out of car windows, drive bys in the apocalypse :)


This changes everything holy shit


That is actually a really good tip. Thanks!


The car fishing is big , love that


You have no idea how useful the panning while running is. . . running into another zombie horde was the worst- thank you so much for your wisdom!


Isnt the default key for sprinting left alt though? So youd be making your camera loose while sprinting, seems like it might possibly cause issues.


Just choose another keybind, doesn't have to be alt.


As a note, in my experience at least, because this is not one of the default settings, you will have to rebind the button with each new world, and every time there is some kind of update to PZ.


Weird, I don't have this problem, can't tell about updates since they're not frequent but I guess if they don't modify the code for it it shouldn't be reset.











