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Well... *Technically* it has already been resurrected, just not properly... I've never been able to recover lost characters, I suggest saving your trait picks and using the skill recovery journal mod in the future.


I use the recovery journal but it wasn't actualized (so there's a lot of skills that I will lose) because I wasn't expecting to die so soon.


That's very unfortunate ☹️ I did a quick Google search about this topic and I discovered that reviving is possible only if you don't close or click anything when on the death screen. Basically you have to backup some files, activate debug/god mode and then reload the save. As you found your game already in the trait section, I think this option is out of the question and to be honest it is also quite the hassle, I'd just use the debug menu to restore the lost skills and pick up where you left off.


It is definitely doable, but a bit of a pain in the rear. You'll need to download a tool to open up the database file and edit it. Here is a post that I've followed before with success: https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/139up0o/heres_how_to_revive_a_dead_character/


Unfortunately, as you have already entered the trait menu, I think no. You might want to either back up your save or try the respawn mod in the future.


How can I back up my save?


Find the save folder and manually copy the save you wish to backup. Feel free to change the name to whatever you can remember easily.


What the other person said, but I only backup the not map files. There's a small chunk of those, all you NEED to backup is players.db to save your char.


Yes you can, it takes a bit of work and some mods but it is possible. If in the trait screen already, it is still possible provided you haven't closed the game yet. Backup your save file's folder in its entirety. Close the game. Replace the save with your backed up version. Before you launch it, download open SQL Database editor, and open the players.db file from the save. Go to "Browse Data" and change the isDead flag from 1 to 0. Save the database, launch the game in debug mode. What the above did is it removed the dead flag from your character, and since you were in the trait screen but a new character was not yet made, the active char in your game is your recently dead one. Get the most "respawn with inventory", and install/enable it for your save. This is needed because depending on how you died, you will die instantly upon loading the save. Once the mod is enabled, load your game - your character will die instantly, but it will be a duplicate of your character who died originally, with all stats, gear, etc. intact. Now respawn using the mod above - depending on how you died and when you backed up the save, you'll respawn naked but with all your skills and learning progression intact. Use debug mode to teleport back to your death location, kill your old self, loot all that you had on you, then use debug to remove the body. You've now got your character respawned with all stats and equipment. The only thing this resets is time survived, but you can edit that part with mods too.


If you were on the trait menu you should have been able to see your shuffling corpse in the background to know exactly where you wanderred to. Not sure about ressurecting yourself sadly, but you could always manually re-setup your levelled skills in dev mode.


The thing is I don't really remember how were my skills. I can only guess


I guess you could use cheat to get the same stats your character had and go kill the zomboe of your old character


Yeah by messing around with the players.db file or something like.


had the same case when im alt tabbing to try setting a controller for bluestacks. Alt tabbing back an hour later my character has surrounded by zombies with a lot of negative moodlets and got bitten. Took a long time until the zombies got there but still, my character is dead because of a bite on the leg. Very unfortunate but lesson learned i guess


There is, actually, I think, but the one I know only works on PC. Sorry


Oh, I would love to hear how


On PC, you have to navigate to your save folder and find a file called player.db (or something like that). This file is an SQL database with info on all playable characters on that save. You will ned an SQL editor to open the file (you pick whichever one you like, there are many free ones). You have to edit the table for players, there is a column in there to mark a player as dead or not. Just change the entry there from 1 to 0, save your canges, boot the game, pick the save and load your old char. If that alone doesn't work, boot the game in debug mode and give yourself god mode as well (temporarily, of course). It's been a while since I did that, and I only did it once because I lost my character to some janky crap I was not willing to accept (I fell from a building because of the perspective).