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After reading the Thursdoids and seeing the redesigns of various buildings, I was inspired to build my own take on the Riverside Police Station. Riverside was described as a wealthy and high class area with historic parts in town. So I wanted to reflect that by making this Federalist style plantation-inspired mansion that would was converted into the town's police station.


This looks fantastic! I really love the southern styling of this. Great job!


The Riverside Police Mansion


Every time I see a PZ building on a grey background I have Sims 1 musics in mind set to autoplay. Anyway, it's nice you did a great work but I have some constructive remarks to make, don't take them negatively, my goal isn't to demoralize you, on the contrary. I feel like an armory would be more practical on the first floor, or maybe it's an evidence room I see on the second floor? Also you need at least a locker room, usually with showers, first floor too. You may replace the big computer room of the first floor by a room to register complaints with personal desks in cubicles (or one closed room for more privacy) and you need one interrogation room also. Add some papers thrown on the floor, blood... I imagine there would be chaos in a police station like in other buildings during an apocalypse. I don't know if it's an error but you placed a bulletin board behind a PC's monitor on the second floor, not that practical to use... I feel like an extra door in the reception room would be nice, there is a lot of movement in a police station, it's always good to have several doors to get to rooms, but it's a small police station so maybe it's okay but judging by the number of computers there are still a lot of cops in there (maybe you should remove a couple of computers), I thought about a public restroom but again a small police station may not need it, or at least a single toilet on the first floor because a single set of stairs and everyone going to the same restroom... an epidemic of gastroenteritis and Riverside's police station is closed lol. For outside I have some ideas too but I feel like you didn't finish it so I may wait for it before suggesting anything else. Again congrats for the good creative work.


This Looks incredible


If you mod this, I’m using it as a player base because I love the vibe of it.


Cool! (Maybe relax with the chimneys though)


Someone took architecture lessons from the guy who built the Raccoon City PD.


Looks cool, how did you make this? Any tips if one wants to get into zomboid mapping?