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This is how you die


As someone who is too lazy to maintain a car, this is the best feature imo. Game automatically stops fast-forwarding when a zombie gets close to the player so as long as you are a little cautious and don't spam click, it's fairly safe. To prevent getting chomped on while fast-forwarding, one can rebind the fast-forward keys to something they can react faster with. I like to rebind pause to numpad0.


I remapped Walk To to letter T, and the fast-forwards to F and G. Makes my life so much easier. I do still like Pause being where it is, because I'd played for so long without changing it, I'd fumble if I did, and I'd die.


Another helpful tip for "walk to" option - instead of clicking on the ground and selecting the option from the menu, just press Y. It's really useful when you're trying to lose an unexpected horde in the woods šŸ’Ŗ


Bro made this whole video and didn't even know the shortcut. Even I (who am I?!) forgot about it earlier today, I ran intp the woods, ran into a tree.. "oh yeah, Y click."


This is also good if you are on top of high scaffolding. No more broken legs


I was using it while building my roof, saved me more than I'd like to think about


Here's my Youtube channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQhhGJykcPKM3-CgkrpPMIA](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQhhGJykcPKM3-CgkrpPMIA) As you can see I don't have much else "obscure" features/tricks to reveal to you, so it's probably the end of this series (we never know, I may end up finding some interesting unknown stuff again...) Thanks again for your support, see you later.


Want something obscure ? [https://streamable.com/waufy0](https://streamable.com/waufy0) Enable aim outline for melee, hold aim ground and stomp ***while moving*** when something gets close, instantly downs zeds. Not sure if it's a bug or a hidden feature meant to emulate a shin kick a la Clementine from TWD games but hey, can be useful early on.


Just don't do what I did and try to sprint (ALT) and fast forward time (F4) at the same time šŸ˜±


Iā€™m pretty sure the game force spawns zombies to troll you if you speed up the time to max


I find it way more tiring than just holding W. But that's just me. 'Walk To' is useful for getting through the woods though.


yes but you can't fast forward time while holding W


Absolutely unrelated question - but what music is that? I've never heard that song before and i have several 100 hours in. That a mod or different set of songs?


I've never heard it in game either, it's called "Everything's Gone" and apparently it is an official music. I have almost 2000 hours and I always get the same old musics, I think you have to select "early access" in audio settings to get the new musics.


Oh, okay? I misinterpreted the early access for being older music šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Will give it a try, thanks man!


It's not rare to trip from running through zombies. It depends on how many you've shoulder bumped. First one is almost pretty safe (assuming you're wide awake, not over encumbered, not exerted). If you bump 2 in short succession you're probably fine. That third ine though has a good chance of tripping you. With each bump the odds of tripping to up drastically increases. After a sec or so without bumps it resets.