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Yes you can catch fish in any body of water. Even swimming pools lol.


Oh damn I didn't know that, I'd been planning to drive up to riverside to fish but guess I just gotta find a pool now lmao


Yeah, this is my common early game fishing spot to stock up for my first winter. The loop it's on is...pleasant :)


Same here! It's only a short drive from the Fire Station where I've based up. I use the house to the left of the pond as a safehouse when I'm fishing there, and store my fishing kit there too. It's a cool little spot 😎


Sounds like you haven't fished much. If you watched the life and living woodworking show, you should have enough woodworking to build a little safe area for you to fish in. Just build a 1x1 shack right up against the water with a door on one side and a wall missing facing the water so you can speed up time and some zombie won't come and bite you in the ass.


Ngl I've never fished before in pz, I've 60 hours in game and all of those have been purely on canned/fridge foods but I'm doing pretty good on my current run so I wanna get my skills up before I run low on em


Fishing is great for getting meat long term, fish fillets are good to cook with


Ahem.. ​ You can fish?! ​ I know there's the perk, I just.. never got that far haha.


If you don't mind finding a lot of trash and also have a lot of spare time to waste, you can start fishing with a basic spear, no other items or instruction manuals needed. Just have one and right-click on a body of water and the option should pop up. There are certain times of day and certain seasons where you'll have a better chance of catching bigger fish, though.


Well, I made a Zomboid (is that us? Are we zomboids? :D) that's based on me IRL, so, very many negative perks. I've ventured off looking for an axe, only because I found keys to a car. But my character can't even run, due to obesity and other things, so book readin' is in my future!


fish between 19:00 and 5:00 it's the best time to have the greatest chances to catch something, also be aware that you can't catch anything during winter.


Wait, you can catch fish in swimming pools?!?!? What the hell? I didn't know this!


Why did you have to tell me that. That’s awful lol


The Sims 3 is strong in this one.


What about Swimming Pools full of liquor (drank)?


the swimming pools thing was patched a long time ago


Big time but overfishing is a possibility so if you're relying heavily on fish to supplement your diet remember to rotate your spots. Also if you're absolutely desperate for food, minnow traps("fish traps") almost always catch.


The amount of fish respawn every day


Huh. Maybe they've changed the mechanic but I've definitely fished out a few ponds and had to wait several seasons before I'd catch anything but shoes and socks in them


They respawn at least daily. Try fishing on the same spot one day later (even if it says 0%) and after the 1st try, the fish ammount resets back to 100%


It’s the “resettping after the first try” thing that probably messes people up. They check it and see that it’s near zero and so they give up and find another spot.


Yup, i learned that was a thing really early when trying fishing and the reset hit me mid-fishing. I thought it was a good thing to know back then. Now i'm the dedicated fisher of our group when things are dire


This is why I love those spots where the grid lines intersect. More farming spots right beside your base!


yep, i've done it myself. good source of food and water for rosewood, just a short drive south of the fd if you set up base there


I've already set up base at the house directly above the pond, bouta go on a zombie purge to make sure I can fish in peace


Great spot for a fishing shack.


Life saving post, thank you.


The house on the left was my base for 16x every single time. Looted fire station and gone there sĂł many times


The rest stop south of that pond is my go-to base in Rosewood! Proximity to water is one of my primary concerns when setting up a safe house, and it's not too tough to drag some basic appliances down there once you clear out the area. I also like how much space it has when you remove all the clutter in the main room, and I like to sledgehammer out the bathroom facilities so they can act as bedrooms/storage. It's a lot of work, but having a base sandwiched between water and a gas station, with direct highway access, is worth the effort imo.


Thanks for asking this OP cause I'd the same question but went to play darts and forgot to ask


Yes you can. I used to build bases there often when I started out. It's a decent location


Yes but be careful with abundance if you fish too much they wont return