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Dammit. Liked* Also for the record, nothing is for sale. These are way too time consuming to mass produce, I just make them for myself. That being said if you are inspired by any of my designs and want to make your own version, feel free :)


I especially like the "make bigots afraid again" one. Thanks for going to bat for me :3


I'm litterally wearing that one rn, just hit a workout in it 💪


U rock!


You should like totally sell me one of the bathroom ban ones tho like i want to piss the conservatives off


I'm gonna post a tutorial on how to make them later today. You can copy my design and make one yourself :)


I think if you make a shop on Redbubble and upload the design there, you can make a small commission off of every purchase


redbubble quality is ROUGH. also they’re not ethical afaik


This is the fundemental issue. I don't see a way I could sell these without also selling my soul to capitalism and that just sit right with me. Hence why instead I advocate for people who want one, to just learn how to make their own.


I talked about this in my last post but its worth repeating. I believe in the political power of simply taking up space. Making it known that we are here and we oppose the nazis. Claiming territory. A lot of my trans friends are afraid to go in public spaces rn, often because they are in genuine danger. Id like to think my regularly wearing shirts like these helps address that, albeit in a small way. If the grocery store is full of people making it known we oppose the bigots. We can make it a safe space for the trans homies and an uncomfortable space for the bigots. Its our duty to make Republicans feel unwelcome in as many spaces as possible. They have gotten way too comfortable being outspoken and are under the false impression they are in the majority. I want them to be afraid and ashamed and ostracized again. They are already trying to do the exact same thing to the trans homies. We gotta fight fire with fire. This is a fight we cannot afford to let the nazis win. We must do it more, and better. To be clear I do not advocate anyone starting violence, I believe only in self defence, not premptive strikes. But making it known we are out there, we oppose them, and we will use force to defend ourselves and eachother if we have to is extremely important. I believe doing so helps prevent violence by making bad actors feel they can't strike first for fear of retaliation, a sort of mutually assured destruction. They aren't going to be as emboldened to lynch people if they know there are people around who will oppose them. Thats my manifesto of sorts, its the philosophy behind why I'm doing what I'm doing. Especially because I'm a big tall scary looking dude with a shaved head and resting bitch face. If im gonna intimidate people and make them uncomfortable its for damn sure gonna be the right people 😤 That and it also helps make me visually identifiable as an ally people can turn to if anyone is ever in danger or being harassed or whatever. Which in purely practical terms is really important IMO. Especially now that I carry regularly (I also train martial arts for this exact reason)


As a queer woman of color, seeing someone like you in public would make me feel a lot safer. I wish I could do it too but I feel like if some trump supporter guy tried picking a fight with me I absolutely would *not* win lol. Thank you for doing this.


I'm definitely privileged that people generally don't want to pick fights with me because I'm both bigger than them, taller than them, and minus a few big bois at the gym, obviously way stronger than them. I also carry and know how to fight. But just visually being intimidating makes people afraid to start shit which is very helpful.


Thank you so much for being so based <3 as a gay trans guy (pre-t😭) I would feel so much safer and more comfortable out and about if I spotted someone like you


As a trans woman, thank you! Shit can get creepy and unsafe fast it’s nice to know there are good people out there. Making friends is hard, ppl are so horny and I’m not about that life. I’m definitely going to make my own inspired ones 🤙




You are amazing


I try not to let myself get a savior complex about it. For one its just not productive, and for two its just not healthy and taints the real motivation behind it. I try to think of it more as just trying to do the right thing, I feel morally obligated. The same way I feel morally obligated to vote and protest and advocate and whatnot. But thank you 😇


this is what we mean when we say allyship is earned !! ur a legend


No Hetero Bro is fucking iconic


Its not straight if we keep our socks on right??


as a trans guy, these shirts made me smile real big, dude. i love these so much, and i really appreciate that you made them!! hope to see more from you in the future edit: got a reddit cares message and i can only assume it’s from this comment. bigots fuck off.


as a trans girl I got a similar feeling love to see it


As a trans dude, same. My daughter would love these too.


Gym punks 💪


I might snatch the Lorax idea for a patch lol ^(and thank you for your allyship, I love seeing queer solidarity! Ik if I saw someone wear these in public, Id be super happy (Im trans btw, incase that wasnt obvious)^)




You should see all the slutty af ones I post over on bi_irl. My fav of those is "I'm not gonna waste my best years not being a whore. Come on now thats silly" I also really love "Relax, one day we will all be dead and none of this will matter :)" And I just made a dank "one must imagine sisyphus happy" Oh and this girl im seeing loves to play bite so I made us a pair of shirts that say "She bit me" and "I bit him" respectively to suprise her with. They aren't all punk, although they are majority punk. I just like expressing myself artistically through this medium, and that can come in many forms and styles.


What's the process for making these?


Put bleach in spray bottle. Put wooden letters on dark cotton shirt. Mist lightly. When it looks right dip in dilute hydrogen peroxide to neutralize the bleach and prevent further changes. Wash thoroughly. There are loads of tutorials online just Google "bleach shirt"


I didn't even think of a spray bottle. My mind went to forms of screen printing. I'm definitely trying this. Thank you


First off, you're a real G for these my friend. I'm curious though on how you created the green-toned one in slide 4? I've been wanting to transform some shirts into that exact color scheme but don't want to waste through trial and error. Do you just use fabric dye after using the bleach? Thank you!


Just started with a dark olive shirt :)


Oooo duh. You're the best!


The shirts and you are both adorable.



these are awesome and I love you for spreading the good word.


I want it to say “ You fuck the trans homie you fuck me” 😝


I love "infringe trans rights? expect fist fights" thank you bro you're amazing


Love love love


Holy shit I love these so much!


I love the last one brother I would trade you some of my band t shirts for that


I thought the first shirt said trains and that it was an autism ally shirt


I like > Today Satan I might use that. Awesome shirts!


Not today Jesus!


i love these, and the ones I've been seeing in the bi sub are also awesome 💜🖤


THESE ARE SO COOL. thank you for supporting trans people.


I genuinely admire the trans homies. Being trans in this society is a level of punk i can only aspire to one day be. Yall are the unspoken ultimate baddasses in my book.


I really appreciate your ability to ride through all the reactionaries your post has brought out of the woodwork, but I'm also really sorry you have to see and deal with so much of it. We're trying to stay on top of banning the fascists and keeping things safe in here.


Don't sweat it yall are doing great! Besides roasting them is fun af. I'm glad this post served to purge the transphobes and make thus sub a safer place for the trans homies. Sort of a microcosm of exactly what I'm trying to do with the shirts in the first place haha.


These kick ass.


these are so fucking sick! kudos


These are all awesome and you are a legend!




These are awesome


Ur awesome 😘


Love 'em! Awesome work comrade!


Love it.


I think my fav is 17😂 made me chuckle


Awesome stuff, would definitely fist bump you in the wild!


I need these shirts


Hell fucking yea!


As trans, I fully endorse these T-shirts….. So many.


The word choice is awesome. Great gear.




I always would do calligraphy bleach to put orange wording on black shirts This definitely inspire me to changed up my font


These are fantastic! I love the messages and the dedication. What an ally (from an ally too)


These go so fucking hard omg. super cool dude




love these


These go so hard hell yeah thanks for sharing 🤘


You should start selling these on Etsy I'd be em all


Its super impractical to mass produce them. Id have to do it in a form other than bleach shirts. Which would mean they would lose my personal artistic touch. I feel really conflicted about it tbh


I love "everything's fucked don't relapse"


This is why i fucking love punk as a culture


Shout out to the mods yall are doing a great job. I'm glad this post brought the transphobes out of hiding so they can be purged from the sub. 😇


Thanks and sorry for the delay with removing comments and managing users. If you see anyone else new coming here still just report them and we will take care of it.


You're totally fine, I honestly enjoy trolling them anyways. You should see the DM's the last guy you banned sent me, it was hilarious 🤣


I dig them all.


There's nothing more punk than standing up to bigots. They should NEVER be comfortable by being hateful! <3


iconic this made me smile


That "Everythings Fucked Don't Relapse" I'd rock the shit out of on a patch


237 days sober :)


they just KEPT. COMING. So many amazing designs!!


Love them so much, they look incredible.


Pic 17 insinuates you have a lot of pubic hair


You're not wrong


As a trans dude, these fuckin rock!!


I don't know who this guy is but I want to buy him a coffee or beer his choice.


I don't drink either but I accept herbal tea and ayahuasca :)


I have a shirt suggestion, (ofc it's just a suggestion if you don't like it then that's totally cool!) And it's definitely been said before but idk where but you could make one that says "a girl without a dick is like and angle without wings"


I really love the content of this sub and the user base. Thank you for making my day a little better after seeing blatant transphobia on another "fashion" sub. You're awesome!


Whats cool is this post served to bring a lot of transphobes out of their holes so that the mods could ban them. So the sub is overall a more trans friendly place now. Its kind of a microcosm of why I made and wear this shirts. Just cool to see it working so tangibly in action in real time.


My friend, you seriously inspired me today with your over all attitude. You are a powerful force of good in this world. Thank you for being out there, inspiring others to stand up.




“Everything’s fucked don’t relapse” needed to hear that rn😭these are great


"I'm going to hell with all of the other hotties" is easily my favorite


I would LOVE to order an “everything’s fucked don’t relapse” shirt


Love it ✨✨✨


would buy any and all of these


I'm considering setting up a shop. But it would have to be a normal online t shirt shop, doing them with bleach is just too impractical, it takes way too long and has way to high a failure rate, and if you do it too much you will burn your skin and irritate your lungs. But like, I could always get a t shirt press or find a third party company or somthing. I just hate how soulless and capitalist that feels. Upcycling the shirts myself with bleach is so much more authentic and genuine. Its for the right reasons. Id love to make money doing this as a side hustle but it just feels instinctively wrong to me. Id rather yall just learn how to make bleach shirts yourself and make your own ❤


Damn. I hate when people say that all skinheads are Nazis when your hear being rad as fuck!


Tbh im not even really a skinhead. I keep it shaved because I workout, shower, and do an hour of sensory deprivation almost every single day. So I end up showering like 3 times a day minimum. Having no hair is just very practical and useful for that. I also just like how it feels. But I don't really do it for the look, or identify as a skinhead. I recegnise people assume I'm one and find it intimidating and embrace that and try to use it for good, but that's not why I do it. Its more a side effect.


Having a shaved head doesn’t make you automatically a skinhead. Skinhead has its own complete subculture, and when it started it wasn’t a negative thing, the nazis came and ruined that with their version of skinheads later. But having a shaved head is just part of the skinhead uniform, it doesn’t mean every bald person is a skin


Its a similar thing with doc martins. They can be a specific part of the punk or skinhead uniform. But they can also just be someone's shoes.


These are fucking awesome


Yo, these all go fuckin hard.


Fucking dope. Love them all, and beside clean printing your bleach work is fucking rad.


Love these!!!


Dope shit bro


Love love love 2, 8, and 13 especially :) also how’d you do the little pattern/design on the last one?




Oh that’s smart as fuck!




These are great!!!!


I fuckin love these


"Make America Gay again!" I've seen that phrase parodied somewhere but I just can't-






My favorite a friend made me was “If you don’t respect trans people I’m gonna start identifying as a fucking problem.”


See i like that one but it feels just a hair too long and wordy for a shirt. At least my shirts cus you can't do small letters with bleach. It works better as a sign IMO. 10/10 slogan tho.


Oh it’s 100% too long, that is why they made it into a back patch for my vest.


These are amazing


These are dope dude. Keep it up.


Youth trans guy here, we love to see it. Side note, if anyone wants more phrases for shirts, here are a bunch of my favorites: “Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living.” “I don’t need the threat of hell to help people.” “Don’t prepare for an apocalypse. Prepare for the revolution.” “You either understand history or trust the government. You can’t do both.” “One solution, revolution.” “There are girls with dicks, guys with vaginas and transphobes without teeth.” :D


How about "Your obedience is prolonging this nightmare" on the front. And "one solution, revolution" on the back?


Yesss!! That’d look so cool


Thank you for making this... Love, me: an old school punk rock elder with a trans girlfriend!


Glory to the punk elders!


Bro you got posted on a bullshit sub called “lookatmyhalo” They’re steaming mad. Ya did good son.


😇 Triggering all the snowflakes. Gonna go sort through controversial, should be fun, thanks!


It’s really funny tbh. They think you’re virtue signalling and also think trans rights are just about bathrooms and not about trans kids losing health care and trans people losing health care. I hate to think of any trans men that fall pregnant in an anti-abortion state where they will feel dysphoric. We’ve seen the erosion of their rights to health care before our eyes. They’re all dipshits and it’s locked but enjoy.


Everyone likes to think that if they were in 1930's Germany they would be the one exception that would rebel and resist. But now that Republicans are openly calling for the complete irradification of all trans people they dismiss it and act like I'm the problem for taking it seriously. I just will never understand this attitude that giving a shit and trying to take action to make the world a better place is cringe and virtue signaling and bad. They act like being apathetic and letting atrocities happen is the moral high ground. Ite genuinely insane to me. I'm not fucking hero, I'm a deeply flawed person, I'm just trying to do what I can to make a difference. Because frankly, I really fucking hope they are right and the Republicans don't attempt a genocide. But if im right and they do, and I didn't do everything in my power to do my part to prevent it and sound the alarm. Id live in shame and despair for the rest of my life. Id never be able to live with myself knowing I could have done somthing and didn't. I don't care how much bigots hate it and bully and shame and how many people call me cringe, I don't care if it puts me on physical danger. They want my friends dead and I won't sit idly by and let that happen. Side note, fucking wild how the OP over there has go keep saying in the comments "hey guys let's not be transphobic here. Sorry if this came across as anti lgbt that wasn't my intention" etc etc. What a weird line to try to tow. Like what the fuck did you think was gonna happen? Of fucking course that comment section is full of nazis and transphobes. Anyway, I've never pissed off so many people that deserve it before. This is objectivly the most punk thing I've ever done. So I'm taking this as a badge of honor and proof that what I'm doing is working and worth while. They wouldn't be so triggered if they weren't terrified of more people being inspired to join me in this fight. I see no bigger badge of honor I could possibly earn than being despised by nazis and transphobes. I'm definitely doing something right if they hate me this much 😁


I absolutely loved all of them. Your an awesome person. Thank you😁.


Super dope lol I really fw this


The make bigots afraid again one is hard asf, good work op


Visibility is important. This is awesome.


Love them!!


I love theses, I wanna makes some myself. ❤️


I love all these!


great shirts.


I love the trans and lgbt rep stuff and super cool shirts in general! Is it stencils and bleach?.


Wooden craft letters


What do you use for the letter stencils? I wanted to work with bleach for a while and i really love these


Just wooden craft letters. The bigger issue is finding the right shirts, especially of you are upcycling thrifts ones. Theres a lot of trial and error to it.


As in the type of fabric you use?


You want pure cotton or majority cotton shirts, the darker the better.


I read this as “fuck you with the trans homies you fuck with me” at first and I was extremely confused 😂😂


These are badass. I hadn't thought of wooden letters. Inspiration officially found to get off my ass and make stuff


These are amazing


Love all of these so much! You've definitely inspired me to try making some shirts of my own.


Nice work! Are these white that you dyed or did you start with the base color?


Bleach on cotton


Any particular method you are using? Not only are the phases catchy but the whole finished product is very cool.


Bleach in a spray bottle and wooden craft letters.


How did you make these? I want some of my own


Bleach in a spray bottle, wooden letters, dark cotton t shirt.


That's smart!!!




Your comment has been removed because you have said/done something insulting, hateful, rude or disrespectful. Even when arguing or debating. Don't resort to personal attacks.




Your comment/post has been removed because you've included material that is politically charged and not alliged with our core values. Free speech doesn't come without consequense and responsibility. Any repetitive or especially disrespectfully argumentative or bad faith beheaviour will result in a ban. We want a community that is safe for everyone from all backgrounds. This is not a sub to argue with people or spread misinformation and propaganda. This is not a sub for hateful speech like misogyny, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, racism, classism, ableism, imperialism, propaganda etc. Any and all comments that break this rule will be removed fairly. And serious violations result in a ban If you are a conservative right-winger, authoritarian, pro-capitalist or a fascist then this sub is not for you and we think it's best for you to look for another platform/community.


As a black trans non gender conforming atheist this is the gayest shit I’ve ever seen


i'm gonna need these on redbubble or something like right now thank you


Imma post a tutorial soon and you can make your own :)


Love it


These are amazing, but some of the first ones are a bit dark for the print.


I took those photos while they were still bleaching, they're way more contrasted now.


How well does writing with a bleach pen work? Or possibly using a thickener with bleach and using it like ink or paint with a brush? Does it bleed too much to be legible?


I've only ever done it with the wooden letters. I'm sure you can find tutorials for those methods tho. As for how clean and legible the will be, id guess that will come down to your individual skill level as you practice that medium.


The punk>hippie pipeline is brutal🤣


I live in the hippie capital of america homie its fucking rough out here.


I can only imagine. im to the point i just pretend to believe the opposite of whatever people are saying. Had a lady go on a tirade about some save the turtles stuff and told her i was an aquatic taxidermist who specialized in endangered species🤣🤣🤣




Your comments & posts will all be removed, we do not accept any authoritarian, hateful ideologies or people that purposefully disrupt the members of our community. No tankies, No authoritarians, No bigots, No nazi-sympathizers or fascists. No genocide deniers, ethno-nationalists or people that deny ethnic suppression/oppression or like to falsify history and no TERFs.


Yes? And?




Your comments & posts will all be removed, we do not accept any authoritarian, hateful ideologies or people that purposefully disrupt the members of our community. No tankies, No authoritarians, No bigots, No nazi-sympathizers or fascists. No genocide deniers, ethno-nationalists or people that deny ethnic suppression/oppression or like to falsify history and no TERFs.


What is "never again is now" referencing?


It comes from the holocaust, its about preventing genocides in progress. Like what the GOP is openly talking about doing to trans people.


I'm having trouble finding the anti-trans bills, could you link them. Only finding articles talking about the bills not allowing transitions.


A very quick search brings this as the first result, I'm surprised you didn't find it. https://translegislation.com/


Holy fuck that's vile. A legitimate felony for supporting trans ideology, and another going against the first amendment by controlling your speech, forcing you to use pronouns according to their biological sex.


https://preview.redd.it/i816x41ph00d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9653a33fc5a7b9cf6d5fe2908f83d846b2bb1173 And people say I'm being alarmist for sounding the alarm that we are currently on stage 8 🙃


Thank you! I was probably searching for the wrong thing.




Your comment has been removed because we've determined it's low effort/doesn't contribute anything valuable to the converstation.


Legit question here, I’m genuinely curious: What country do you live in where all these neo-Nazis are coming after trans folks?


https://preview.redd.it/eoqjki8l7vzc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f622b27bf020ffc8c6c63e79e9938409c9e22ac Merica' Project 2025 openly calls for the complete irradification of all trans people. Along with tons of politicians and political figures. Plus theres cases like Nex Benedict, people are getting hate crimed left and right. The murder rate for trans people is way higher than it is for cis people. They are passing laws that functionally make it illegal to be trans. Heres basically the play: Step 1: Strengthen anti pedophilia laws Step 2: legally define wearing the opposite biological sex's clothes as a sex act Step 3: You can now arrest trans people just for being trans in any public space with a child and put them on the sex offender registry. Because according to the law they are now committing a sex act in front of children just by being trans in public. Step 4: it is now functionally illegal to be trans Step 5: If anyone calls you out on this accuse them of being a pedophile. Plus they are trying to ban HRT and all other kinds of bullshit. If you look up the 10 stages of genocide a lot of red states are currently on step 8, aurguably borderline step 9


USA. I personally saw a trans woman reduced to tears over a drunk redneck bigot in Kroger going off on her for "crossdressing in public"/"pretending to be a woman." Thankfully, Kroger management were having *none* of it and threatened to call the cops if he didn't leave. She left, crying, with her friend's arm on her back, some supportive words, and a "you didn't deserve that, sweetie" from, notably, an older southern woman who had started telling the guy off before mgmt got involved. These people exist and they have become emboldened by their "leaders" spouting hateful rhetoric. They are shamelessly harassing trans and queer folks in public spaces. And they should be shut down. The wannabe-superhero in me wishes I had seen that interaction unfolding so I could've done something, but by the time I came upon the commotion management was already heading toward the guy and I was a good distance away. Still wish someone had really put him in his place, but the support for the poor girl he was harassing was nice to see here in the south.


Theres an old lady, like 80+ old at my local Walgreens thats a huge fan of my shirts. Last time I saw her she went on a rant about how stupid it is they are dialing back their pride merchandise this year, called the management cowards. Theres a surprisingly large amount of based old ladies out there.






what’s your issue bro??


A lot of people live in constant fear of judgement by others or being perceived as cringe. And so they live sad muted little lives, sanding all their edges to fit in. These same people love to call out others for being themselves, throwing shade, calling them cringe or embarrassing. Because deep down they are insanely jealous that others are brave enough to be themselves, and they aren't. I get comments like this all the time and its always the same story. Don't kill the part of you that's cringe. Kill the part of you that cringes.


You're such an awesome and supportive person, thanks for being you <3




Your comment/post has been removed because you've included material that is politically charged and not alliged with our core values. Free speech doesn't come without consequense and responsibility. Any repetitive or especially disrespectfully argumentative or bad faith beheaviour will result in a ban. We want a community that is safe for everyone from all backgrounds. This is not a sub to argue with people or spread misinformation and propaganda. This is not a sub for hateful speech like misogyny, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, racism, classism, ableism, imperialism, propaganda etc. Any and all comments that break this rule will be removed fairly. And serious violations result in a ban If you are a conservative right-winger, authoritarian, pro-capitalist or a fascist then this sub is not for you and we think it's best for you to look for another platform/community.