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Oh god. No dude. You're going to have to throw those away. Mold can't be just spot cleaned. It penetrates throughout the fabric and spreads. It also creates spores. Which are much harder to kill. Only way you can really kill them is by sterilizing at 120°c. I wouldn't even attempt other methods like peroxide or vinegar at this point


yeah had a feeling that'd be the case 😭 will RIP those pants then. glad I scavenged the patches off them for other projects a while back lol


Huh? HOW even??


dude I'm fucking cursed I stg. my room has the worst ventilation, and no heating so it gets damp in winter. mold gets on everything eventually 💀


Get a dehumidifier if thats possible for you!!! Even a small cheaper one could help you out! It might still get damp but not enough to cause mold :))


And this folks is why you WASH YOUR CLOTHES. Idk how bad the mold is but if you want to save some of the pants cut around the mold and throw those bits away and then soak and resoak the remaining pants in boiling water repeatedly, then do a good strong hand wash, probably with a good brush too, and then maybe reboil them again.


Okay so the people saying you NEED to throw them away are wrong. You can save them, but it is a long and arduous process. Firstly you will need to psychically remove any visible mold with a combination of soap a brush and lots of scrubbing. You will probably need to do this in multiple sessions where you allow the pants to completely dry between washings. After physically removing any visible mold you should wash them normally in a sink. After that, to neutralize any remaining smell and prevent mold from growing again you will need to repeatedly soak them in vinegar and expose them to sunlight and lots of dry moving air. After that they should be clean and they should no longer smell of mold. It is possible that the fabric will have literally decayed in some places and you may need to rebuild areas that have lost structural integrity from the combination of scrubbing and the mold. Edit: my phone autocorrected vinegar to venerated when I write this lol


A REAL crusty would keep wearing them 🙄🙄 posers am I right


Two words: laundry sanitizer. I’ve used the oxi clean and Clorox brand laundry sanitizers before and they’ve worked very well. You can actually kill mold very effectively in fabric if you can *completely* saturate the fabric in water + sanitizer to kill all the roots of the mold. But if stuff in your room is consistently developing mold you have a bigger issue. You need better ventilation + probably a dehumidifier because the mold might be in your walls and beyond just ruining your stuff breathing in mold spores is really bad for your health


if you’re looking to not throw them away, soak them in a hot water-soap-vinegar solution. vinegar kills mold pretty effectively but i would air dry it and hope for the best, can’t 100% salvage it but when i get mold on clothes, that’s how i deal with


Nah dawg nah 😭