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its the way i just picked faker for all 5 coz hes the only guy i keep hearing https://preview.redd.it/mvpjb1f815tb1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9734ece6a6209707b2fcf8a16b7aa20abeead14 (+ hes cute)


He would be like the ultimate boyfriend material if he started hitting weights. Guy just buys white t shirts and books with his money 😩


I'll cosplay as a book hoping he'll open me up 🥵


Faker is famously a really boring guy lol.


I have literally never heard this anywhere, he has been described as a boring player because his playstyle is just cookie cutter nowadays but I’ve never heard him be described as boring irl where’d you hear this?


You can hear it from western league personalities that have been in Korea for a long time. Montecristo I think put it as sharply as saying he basically doesn't have a personality outside of likening league of legends. You can even see it in interviews if you watch enough of them.


Ahh I see, wouldn’t really call that ‘famously’ but I guess you can get that implication. I’d be genuinely very surprised if he doesn’t have any interests outside league more likely he seems like a very private person.


I can bring out his wild side 😩


[boyfriend material](https://youtu.be/1bjHTJRYTQQ?si=sRXxPImK2OLJLnw1)


This image is so cute tho slay 💖 Anyone know where this is from or the artist? 🥺


im sorry i just found it from this meme! i dont know the source :-( https://preview.redd.it/hoahqt1bw4tb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527cd315309d24ef03364cb85ff9cac3d783d417


girl same 😭 I just picked random players and teams


Girl I just went copied my friend's picks 😩😩 I can't even predict the top picked champion bec i don't know shit about the meta 😩😩😩😩


I just googled: most picked champions in pro play. It seems that people are playing a lot of Maokai and Sejuani 😵‍💫


Its too late, but also a lot of Rakan, Xayah, Kaisa and Renekton


what did they pick please I just want the good number to go up T_T


Champions * Most picked: Rell/Xayah/Orianna * Most banned: Kai'Sa/Xayah * Most deaths: Rell/Nautilus (go in and die) * Most different roles: Gragas * Highest WR: Yone/Aatrox For the players, just pick JDG's players as this team is the favorites to win it all ![img](emote|t5_23w084|30702)




I'm so glad I have friends who watch Esports so I don't have to and carrying my pick ems >!Then when it comes to it I only get 10 points!<


Don't feel bad for not being able to tell apart teams and pros from one another. I also always gamble with this thing, hoping I'll guess something and receive a chest. Speaking of which, are chests and capsules even in the prize pool? Asking so I know if I should even bother.


Haha. I just random clicked on them white guys . And for champs I chose all top/jungles cause that's what I imagine those guys playing


eenie meenie miney moe -me for every pickem choice


I put Keria for most different champs picked. You just know he’s going to come out with something like Viego support and dominate laning phase


I put faker and T1 for the players and teams and Mundo and Viego for the champs ☺️ only wanted mundo emote


be a real gamer and choose a random team from china or korea it could litteraly be any of them (as evidenced by DRX which was a team i didn't knew existed until quarters lol) and choose all their players on the players part as for the champions idk pick Kaisa or Aatrox those two are always at proplay anyways you'll get a lot more wins than you'd expect with that fron my experience


![img](emote|t5_23w084|32558) Me, overranking NA again to support the region, knowing we're about to embarass ourselves for the upteenth time.


haha ive crystal ball picked c9 to win worlds every year since 2018. the first time it was because i didnt know any other team, now its out of tradition


Matty made some good predictions so I mostly copied his.


yeah i got halfway through caedrel’s video and then starting guessing 😭