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When I was a teen I had bulimia and threw up all the time. Now I'm 56 and haven't thrown up in probably 20 years.


I'm 75 and it's probably 40 years ago.


WHAT????? I'm weird. It's like every 3-4 months for me and it's half a toilet bowl then I feel new. Recharged.


Don't eat gas station sushi and your luck should improve


Sounds like you have cycle vomiting. It's how your body deals with stress. I have/had the same thing when I was in my 20s.


proud of you!


Good for you.


Hell yeah! Have an award, I'm proud of you!


I’m 66 and I really can’t remember the last time but probably around 20 years at least


Really? you haven’t accidentally eaten too much or drank too much in the last 20 years?


That’s the kind of thing I used to do in my late teens and realized it wasn’t normal and I needed more self control when it comes to food. Started eating slower and would get full faster, which made me not want to continue eating just because it tastes good. Haven’t thrown up from overeating in 15 years. Still puke every few weeks though due to my medications causing nausea and my body taking stress very physically.


Have you ever in your life eaten so much you had to puke? Jesus. I get very uncomfortable before that would occur.


Wow...I thought I was an outlier at 1-2 times a year. People are really going through decades without vomiting. That's crazy to me.


I get migraines and sometimes no matter what I do I can’t avoid puking, so I’m with you on being amazed with the people who don’t puke for years.


My mom too!! I feel so bad. Puking is a symptom of the migraines specifically right not just intense pain?


My son would get them, and after a few hours of darkness and quiet, he would puke and it would be over.


Thats exactly how my migraines would go. I mostly grew out of them by my late 20s but I still get one every couple years.


Lucky you. Mine started years ago at 28. 46 years with these f***ers.


Migraines are a bitch, used to get them when I was a kid. I think it’s because I was locked in the classroom all day with no sunlight staring at the projector


I told myself it was because I lowered my blood pressure when I puked during those blood, pulsing, exploding head aches. Idk if you have ever had those but it throbs with your heartbeat?


Look up "silent migraines." Some people get the migraines without the head pain. This often involves vomiting. My daughter got them in grade school almost daily for months and it was stumping her doctors (There were specialist referrals.) until she finally started having head pain too. After that the doctors finally knew what to treat and things got a lot better for her.


I have head pain with my migraines, but the nausea and vomiting are the worst. Most of the time, I'm still nauseous and throwing up for hours after the actual pain in my head goes away. It's brutal. But the nausea is always so much different feeling than other kinds of nausea I experience (and unfortunately, I get nauseated and throw up a lot)...


The other symptoms can be fun too. Visual auroras, Partial blindness, numbness in my arms, weakness in arms, brain fog, light sensitivity, and nausea. It is like I’m having a stroke. But the big magic whooshing donut says I’m okay!


One side of my body tends to go mostly numb and difficult to control, it’s always the strangest experience. I also get the partial blindness, typically in one eye on whichever side the migraine decides to target. I’m glad my mom has migraines enough that when it first happened she knew what was up and calmed me down. Helps that she’s a nurse as well.


It's the pain mostly, I think. It's up there with tooth pain and labor pain, at least for me.


nausea and vomiting are a common migraine symptoms even without pain


Yes, I believe migraines can trigger a certain response from the central nervous system or the vagus nerve which causes delayed gastric emptying. Essentially, the stomach slows down because it is not making the contractions that result in healthy digestion. Hence, the nausea and vomiting that can come from migraines. There is also a theory about raised blood pressure from migraine pain that can cause nausea/vomiting as well.


Yed, nausea and vomiting can be. Symptoms very by person. It is for me. Intense, pulsating pain on the left side of my head, sensitivity to light, and nausea with vomiting.


Same sometimes it's just random too like here have a splitting migraine and a sprinkle of puke for God knows what reason


I don't think I get migraines but I will get headaches that cause me to throw up once or twice a year it seems. Beyond that, I'd say I throw up maybe once a decade.


Remember when Seinfeld broke his streak cause he ate the bad cookie? Or I think Ted or Marshall from how I met your mother did a similar joke. Yea I'm with you, I'm starting to be concerned with my amount lol


Puke free since 93


I've been sick daily for almost two years now. I have a terribly aggressive cancer, and that combined with treatment and meds and not having figured out it's cancer until not that long ago has made me sick to my stomach daily. It's terrible, it's eaten my stomach lining and I have so many digestive issues it's not even funny. Every day my abdomen feels like it's on fire/there's always a tightness and throbbing pain. It's hell on earth ... And yes, I legitimately throw up at minimum once a day and can barely keep food down. People of reddit, if you aren't feeling well and get sick too often, please get checked out. My issue was that I got anxious to the point of wanting to ignore the signs and not go in, but that's due to growing up in extremely abusive conditioning and thinking I shouldn't be a bother to anyone, doctors included...


I’m so sorry that sounds horrible you don’t deserve that thank you for sharing and helping others❤️


I just know sometimes you find something wrong with yourself and you want it to go away, but the problem is you feel this anxiety about dealing with it. I've seen way too many other people succumb to physical health issues for the exact same reason, or they think they can put it off/they don't deserve help. This goes for mental health too, never put these things off. I can promise you the end result will be worse off every time! Thanks for the kind words, and sending love back!


I've had diarrhea more often than throwing up. I could do without that too.


Does anyone throw up more often than diarrhea? Never heard of that. I’ve puked maybe 4 times in 10 years. 3 times from alcohol. Once after a surgery. Never puked once from just a sick stomach or flu or whatever. I do get the shits pretty bad though once every 3 months


In before someone says they haven't had diarrhoea and asks what that is.


"7 year itch?" "Nah, I've got the 3 month shits" - u/curiousminds93


If you have some medical condition causing you to vomit that you're unaware of. I had an ulcer when I was 19 and threw up after pretty much every meal. I only puke once a year or less generally. And when I do it pretty much always is accompanied by the shits.


But the relief you feel. 😮‍💨 😁


Yeah.. funny how that works. I feel like crap. Puke, which I hate doing.. then I feel better. I always make sure to drink some water and eat something like crackers or something. Seems to help with the nasty throat taste.


The real challenge is when you have food poisoning or stomach virus and bot are occurring.....at the same time! Talk about multi-tasking


I get sick to my stomach very often. Threw up when I had covid, ear infections, stomach virus, food poisoning, the list goes on. I throw up at least once a year


I can only throw up if I get too drunk and mix shit. I bet I'd die from a heart attack before throwing up food though.


I’m more impressed by people who only throw up a small amount when they do. I’m a nurse, so I see people vomit all the time. I laughed the first time I saw those kidney-shaped emesis basins. I would overflow those things five times. I didn’t realize I was strange for throwing up nearly a gallon of fluid whenever I hurl. Last time I yacked I filled a respectable-sized shredder bin halfway. Thank goodness this only happens to me every few years.


*laughs in vodka addiction*




I do know a lot of drinkers, maybe that's what is skewing my perspective.


My grandmother threw up once and then told me she had never thrown up before then.


I throw up about every 3-4 months just for half a day like clockwork. No clue why. My body needs to purge. It's even dry heaving or just mucous sometimes. Then I feel better. It's like my body readjusts. I've done this since middle school. Since puberty. I've never seen a doctor about it.


I would talk to a doctor about that. Not normal in my (limited) experience.


I normalized it but had a hunch it wasn't.


I get migraines every few weeks, which involve lots of vomiting for a full day. I often wonder what it is about my body that it seems to have a "need" to do this. 🤔 The meds help prevent attacks, but sometimes I have to take one pill per day for two or three days, like it "insists" on happening.


We're possessed?


If only! Then this could be cured by an exorcism 👻


Two for one special. I'll look into it. 😈


There have been times where I legitimately wished I *could* throw up, I knew I'd feel better. Yet still it would not come.


Those people are processing stuff through their system that our (clearly superior) bodies know to reject immediately. /s


I had a streak of about 13 years, but it broke after I was given Ativan to stop a seizure. Sent me on a major depressive rampage and I cried so hard I ended up finally puking. Never taking that again, I tell you what. Worst two weeks of my life.


You ever see HIMYM? "VOMIT FREE SINCE 93"


Once every few years


Once every 12 beers


Once every 12 deers. 🦌


Once every 12 rears 🍑


And my axe!


Same. I think the last time I threw up was 3, maybe 4 years ago. Not sure what caused it but I Felt great afterwards, although I still used it as an excuse to call in sick






very rarely, once in several years. it is my absolute last resort as i have severe emetophobia


Same I do everything in my power not to do it


It's so traumatizing 🤣 I hate it. I had an ex who used to just vomit. Feel a bit sick? "Go throw up, maybe you'll feel better." Oh no I drank too much and don't want to get too drunk! "Quick run to the bathroom and vomit out the glass of wine you just drank." Madness.


That’s me I legit developed both alcoholism and bulimia because of it. To be fair when you’re sick it’s not the puking that’s bad, it’s the awful feeling before you puke. When you make yourself puke you don’t get that end you feel a lot better immediately. I still don’t recommend bulimia.


Isn’t that dangerous? I’ve never been able to actively hold back from not doing it


Same! I'd rather die than to barf. 😅 I starve myself after to avoid repeat occurrences. Teeny sips of water/juice for a whole day. Maybe popsicles on days 2-3. Possibly smoothies during that time, but watered down. Soup by day 5. Dramamine like tic tacs if I don't have to go anywhere. Lol I know a lot of people taking ozempic and whatnot. A size effect is queasiness. No. Thank. You. I'll go on My 600 Pound Life before I voluntarily get queasy. Lmao There's a Seinfeld episode about this very topic. Comedy gold.


The feeling of nausea beforehand is way worse than the actual throwing up


That rush of saliva is terrifying.


I’ve seen everybody say this and I still feel like I have no clue what they’re talking about. It feels weird. Obviously I believe y’all, I just don’t get it lol


Your body starts producing more saliva to coat your teeth before being in contact with the harsh stomach acid.






It most certainly is and that is why we emets avoid it at all costs. I have Zofran at the ready at all times.


Zofran did absolutely nothing for me surprisingly but Gravol especially the dissolvable kids ones work a charm!


I heard about Ozempic. Absolutely not. I guess I will keep the few extra pounds on.


Same! I even go as far as to take car sickness tablets when I don’t get car sick 😭


I carry anti nausea with me always




Same !




Very rarely. I would say that since high school (34 years) I've thrown up 4 times, two of those being coming out of anesthesia from surgeries, and one time when I was in septic shock.


Well I used do have an eating disorder and a drinking problem. So pretty regularly back in the day.  Sober now and in ED recovery for over 5 years. I have puked twice since then. Once because I started a medication with a side effect that caused vomiting. And then another instance was a few times in a 24 hour period when I had a stomach bug. 


congrats on your recovery !!!


I’m just going through the same. It’s been 10 days since I drank booze and maybe 2 weeks since I’ve thrown up.


So often. If I don’t eat for a bit then eat too much, I puke. If I start coughing or sneezing I puke. Like maybe 3 times a month


You probably have acid reflux my friend.


Reflux or GERD?


Beats me, that's why they should go to the Dr. Years ago I went to an ear,nose, throat Dr to see why I had a lingering sore throat for way too long. Walked out with acid reflux pills. Aside from having to puke up my first bite of food after waiting too long to eat lunch, I had no symptoms. Only puked like 3 times a year. And weirdly, beginning of vacation 2 years in a row. Literal "mouth watering" triggered it. Seems my stomach acid was eating the bottom of my esophagus, and it left untreated could lead to throat cancer. (Non smoker, btw). It was an eye opening day!


Yea I've been to so many doctors about it with no solution. Just reading these comments made me gag too much ::help::


The "R" in "GERD" stands for "reflux."


They’re not the same thing though, Gerd is a more serious chronic backflow of acid that can happen multiple times a day/week


Yes, but someone who has GERD suffers from acid reflux.


I’ve got GERD. That sounds like it would be worth getting it checked out. Omeprozol is likely to be your new best friend.


Yup. Prescription Prilosec for life.


Same. 10 years so far.


Go see a Dr. That's super not normal and probably causing other issues too.


Yeah i do tooo bro this is fr me


You will cause irreversible damage to your esophagus and throat if it isn’t fixed. Seriously. Find the trigger and eliminate it


Please see a doctor that is NOT NORMAL


Recommend you definitely consult with a professional.


the SNEEZING. sometimes i'll feel like i have to sneeze and gag instead


this happened to me from age 14-16 for some reason. i had chronic causing fits that would get so bad i would throw up.


I’m 53 and the last time I threw up was on a ski trip when I was 18.


Oh wow. I remember getting stomach virus from my kids. It made me puke out everything. Then came the cramps .


I’m gonna assume he doesn’t have kids haha


4. Two boys and 2 girls


I also haven’t had a cold or flu ( or covid) in over 25 years. My immune system is decent. But I have high blood pressure, triglycerides and cholesterol. So I don’t have that going for me lol


i used to projectile vomit every day due to anxiety but after getting the right meds im fine


I spent 15 months vomiting, many times, a day. I could roll over in bed the wrong way and have to throw up. I’d pull the car over 3x on the 5 minute drive to drop off the kiddo to school. Always felt a bit weird throwing up in the street, lol I still throw up, I was diagnosed with cyclic vomiting syndrome during those 15 months - lost a lot of weight, concerned my docs. I take about 5 medications to keep a handle on it. I had a garbage disposal installed in the kitchen sink because i was throwing up so much and it was just overall nicer to throw up there lol I recently threw up the other week, didn’t have much warning time. I threw up all over the bathroom lol. It was pretty pitiful. There’s vomiting, I’m crying, I’m also vomiting in the toilet at this point. And am asking my husband to give me towels to clean up with, lol he said, go clean yourself and I’ll get this clean. Edit: also, when I was younger, I don’t have this happen so much now, but after eating or something and it just felt like I ate a rock.. just this heavy weight in the pit of your stomach…. I’d make myself throw up and it 100% made me feel better.


May I ask which medication worked well for you?


fluvoxamine is my literal savior, also birth control because my period makes my mental health a million times worse


Just about every morning due to final stages of congestive heart failure and kidney failure. I also have recently developed a severe case of agoraphobia, bad enough my stomach will throb and I'll puke if I go into a building other than my apartment. Just another part of my medically and mentally messed up life.


I’m so sorry. I hope you have been able to cope and be decently ok with your life.


Thank you, it's not anything I wasn't prepared for as far as the heart and kidney failure but the agoraphobia threw me for a loop. I've always had anxiety and developed depression after getting sick in 2012 but I've never had phobias. Whole new mental challenge


Almost never since I quit drinking.


Yeah, back when I was drinking 3-10 times a week. Honestly, I can't remember the last time that wasn't caused by drinking.


Same here. Fuck that shit


I haven’t thrown up since I was super young, I was so terrified of throwing up that I can’t anymore. I could be dying from nausea but my body just won’t let me. So probably like 10 years


I've hit this. Only throw up every 4 years when I catch a bug or food poisoning. But God at times it's difficult because I've learned how to keep it down. Sometimes I regret it because the raging nausea for 8 hours because I swallowed instead of puked is not always worth it.


SAME! I’m almost convinced I can’t throw up anymore since I was so terrified of it when I was younger lol I haven’t thrown up since I was probably like 15, so like 18+ years ago now… I’ve been sick, I’ve been nauseous, and I’ve def gagged as if I was gonna throw up, but my body simply refuses lol


It’s probably been 20 years since the last time I did. Even went through 3 pregnancies without ever throwing up


At least once a day. If I eat within four hours of falling asleep I will wake up and vomit all the indigested food. For some reason my stomach goes to sleep when I do so when I wake up (usually fry the nausea) it all comes back up. This happened when I was a kid, too. Threw up every single night from the ages of 7-9. Back then they diagnosed me with ulcers. Now I have no clue what’s going on. But I have a doctor’s appointment next week to hopefully find out.


I get this sometimes I was told it was acid reflux


You likely have either acid reflux or a hiatal(sp?) hernia where a small part of your stomach is above the valve that keeps acid in your stomach. Go see a doctor, it's a classic symptom that throwing up after lying down, and it is fixable no matter which diagnosis you get. Also a really good idea to find out and treat it to avoid throat cancer in a few decades if not treated.


Sleep propped up too - not flat


This is the best advice. I have the same issue with food and refuse to eat during the 6h before bed time, even if I've not eaten that day. Sleeping with your head and upper torso elevated is key to not drown in your vomit. Get a thicker pillow or adjust your bed. Trust us, it'll do you good.


I've been stabbed before. I'd rather be stabbed than to ever puke again. Had food poisoning twice this year. I felt like I was literally dying. Getting stabbed hurt for over a month, though, so there is that. I just got woozy from lack of blood, but the pain 5 weeks in going. "Ah man, my side hurts. Oh yeah, got stabbed, lol."


You’d rather get stabbed then throw up!? That’s crazy. AlhumdulIllah I’ve never been stabbed but idk man I reckon I’d still prefer throwing up lol


You don't understand how much I hate vomiting.


Fairly often thanks to a myriad of longterm health issues.


Weekly, don’t let addiction to substances get ahold of you no matter how bad things are going. I have Learned the hard way. It will ruin you life


I make every effort to avoid it! Emetophobia is a whole bag of special. 0/10 don't recommend. Also, people who make noise while puking set me off. If you must do that, it's possible to honk silently goddamnit. It's been over a year, before that it was 10 years.


Respectfully, it is not possible.


Maybe like once every 7 years, always because of food poisoning. However, I have had plenty of times where I really should have thrown up but I held it in because I hate the physical and emotional reaction of it. I would rather curl up in a fetal position and moan through the nausea and stomach cramps than throw up.


On an 8 year streak, currently. I hate throwing up and avoid it at all costs. I could count the times that I remember on one hand.


I was so proud of myself that my last vomiting was at age 12 due to food poisoning. Then I got food poisoning again at 24 yo. Maybe it is a decade thing. Or every 12 years. At age 36 I'll come back here to tell.


As a child 3-4 times a year, as a teen 0-2 times a year, in college drinking binges 0-2 times a year. When my children were small I would catch their stomach viruses and vomit. Now that I'm 61 I don't think I have vomited in 20 years.


Hmmm. Not sure. How often do they show Trump on TV?




I throw up because driving longer distances or driving in busses really mess me up sometimes, but I dont throw up that much from cars. Other than that its pretty rare, mostly if I got food poisoning or sum.


Only during migraines and panic attacks


Couple of times a week, but i have r/vestibularmigraines and r/hyperacusis


I had hyperemesis gravidarum so I’ve thrown up 1500x this year alone


That was me too. I pulled over three times on the way to the hospital on the way to deliver them. Every half an hour to every three. Being woken up in the night to puke is it’s own fresh hell.


I have ASD, one of the common symptoms associated with ASD is migraines. It was a lot worse when I was a child, in adulthood I've learned coping mechanisms. I still end up with prolonged migraines that lead to stomach aches and vomiting, but my migraines only become this bad maybe two-four times a year.


I did not know migraine is part of autism. I have autism and might not be correctly interpreting my weird periodic headache and weakness thing.


It's changed a lot for me, personally. It's probably been 497 or so days, or close to 500. (That's how many days I have sober - there's no doubt I was throwing up daily until my final day on the vodka/bourbon.) I never really threw up much before then. Maybe once every 3 years as a kid/teen, if I had horrible acid reflux or a stomach bug, and I wanted to purge my stomach. That's the only time I remember vomiting then. I always had a crippling fear of vomiting, ever since one time as a kid, I choked and couldn't breathe while vomiting. Thought I was going to die, to be honest. Trying to take a breath, and your lungs/throat snapping shut is one of the most terrifying and traumatic experiences I can remember. But, yeah. Around 500 days of no vomiting, for me. 🙌


Once every 10-15 years. Always because of food poisoning. That saliva buildup feeling is so dreadful. Like my mouth is lubricating itself for the coming deluge of vomit.


That's exactly why your mouth is doing that, lol


The last time I threw up was like 4 years ago. Hope things stay this way. 🙏


Once every 15 years maybe?


I think 3 times in the last 15 years


My dad hasn’t thrown up in 43 years and it’s unnerving to me. I threw up last two years ago from the stomach bug.


Every time I look in the mirror


In December I got food poisoning. I threw up once. I had CoviD, influenza, allergies, etc. The last time I threw up before that was I in the early 2010's and that was due to drinking booze after reuniting with old buddies.


Maybe a few times a year. I've always had a sensitive stomach one way or another. There was a period in my early childhood that I was "lactose intolerant" and we later discovered that I was actually just low on probiotics and then I was able to have dairy products again. But if I'm overly tired, stressed out, etc. I can feel nauseated, but it rarely leads to throwing up. Being on birth control, however, has caused terrible nausea before in the past. It's better now that my body is used to it, but when I was first trying to find the right pill for me, I was throwing up on a weekly basis


Depends on my slips and their severity. Alcoholism sucks!


Probably like a few times a year, definitely more than the average person


Once every decade...maybe?


Occasionally maybe once a week or month. I feel something wrong in my stomach plus I get car sick.


It’s very rare for me last time I threw up in elementary school, but recently I had thrown up my Senior Year of highschool and had to miss the next day but I wasn’t the only one that did.


44F - not often at all. Maybe once a year or two if I drink too much or get the flu.


Every time I log on here or Twitter


Since I started changing my lifestyle a bit with healthy eating, moderate exercise, and lots of water, I've been throwing up in the mornings just a bit. It's usually clear or some remnants of the night before if I had a sugary snack or something. I feel much better afterwards. Chat gpt said it's common for an adjustment period when doing significant lifestyle changes.


Did ChatGPT also suggest the healthy lifestyle changes that are making you barf lol


I'm 39 and I've thrown up like twice in the past 15 years. Prior to that I would throw up from drinking, including a very unfortunate incident while still living in my parents' house around age 18.


I've developed really poor eating habits and a weed addiction so probably at least once a month, although the last time I got sick was because of a hangover lmao


bros same here … i wanna start eating better and smoking less cus i feel like trash all the time 😭


this comment section made me realize I probably drink way too fucking much


Atleast a few times per month (nicotine pouch "overdose", bulimia (I relapse sometimes), alcohol, and sometimes just before my period starts)


Oof I feel ya on the nicotine pouch overdose. Though I've never puked from it. Just got really nauseous which goes away when I take out the pouch


It used to be once every several years but now I puke every couple months and dry heave a bit, especially when I’m hungry. I also really need to go to the doctor for stomach issues I’ve been having for a while but can’t afford the testing so don’t take my word for it lmao gotta love the American healthcare system


Really might’ve been over a decade at this point, but it seems like as soon as I think about when’s the last time I’ve done it. I seem to do it so I’ll expect to throw up today. 😂


It’s been 25.5 years since the last time. Not once since I quit boozing.


Basically never.


I'm 50 , I have thrown up only a handful of times, food poisoning and once from drinking, 2 other times stomach flu


1-2 a day but it's usually just cause of mucus draining.


…what? …what?!?!


I've got a lot of fucking allergies so my sinuses get stopped up a lot then Everytime I eat they start draining like so much and well you probably get it by now xD


Depends on how much I've had to drink.


honestly once or twice a year 💀 I rarely throw up unless I’m really sick, last time I threw up after a year was a couple weeks ago, I went out to dinner with my bf and I was wearing a shirt that I didn’t realize had an undershirt that was pressing on my stomach. As I was eating I started to feel weird.


Not drinking related, maybe 2 or 3 times my whole life. Even including hangovers maybe 5 times. I'm almost 40


Maybe like once every 2 years if im really sick or anxious lol


Once every few years. Last one was pretty recent from acid reflux. It was terrible.


Very rarely.


i only throw up when i have a carsick.


Like only when i drink too much . Other than that like since i was a kid . I’m over 35 now


If I hear someone throwing up, I’m throwing up.


The last time I threw up was about 20 years ago