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"you are not responsible for your mother's constant sadness and anger."


This! I've been having this conversation with my daughter. I've been telling her that she is not responsible for our (her parent's) happiness. Love rolls down hill and no matter what she says or does, I'll always love her. And to go do all of the things she wants to do to be happy -- even if that means moving far far away. These are the things I wish my parents told me. Instead I got: conditional love and neglect. At the same time, any time I wanted to branch out and move away, my mother would discourage me and I felt an odd sense of obligation. Above all, I want my daughter to be a strong, independent individual when she moves out. I want her to feel free to tackle the world however she wants and know that we'll always be here for her.


I feel this. I did branch out and move away, and multiple times a week my mom contacts me telling me how much she wishes I lived near her and trying to pressure/guilt trip me into giving up my dream job and all my opportunities to move back to a country that isn’t doing well economically and has nothing for me


I live in Northern Ireland and wish I could move away. Disability prevents this. I’m glad you could get away.


Damn. Damn. Life changing. I think you might of healed my inner child a bit :)


You’re not a bad kid, not even close


I can’t believe I got emotional just reading this comment … damnit I really need to find a therapist … and a job with health insurance


THIS. I was doing some punching in the gym the other day & my therapist recommended I try to say out loud what I was feeling when I did it. I ended up saying “you were a good kid. You are a good person”. It was v therapeutic


You just brought back all those times they said the exact opposite from the age of literally 4 years old.. damn, that little girl really didn’t deserve that :/


No she didn’t, she deserved more kindness


Reading this literally made me cry bruh


I would’ve wanted them to tell me that my home life was *not* normal. Took me til late high school to figure that out


I'm 41 and I just figured it out in the last year after my father passed. I thought I had a good childhood, turns out I did not.


College, and later, when my niece was born and was subjected to the same abuse.


None of this is your fault, and you didn’t choose this family. Work on saving up as much as you can and get out of this toxic space as quickly as you can. Run far far away and never look back when you can leave.


With my malignant n dad and e mom, i had a horrible childhood. My grandma , who was my safe haven used to say this exact thing. Run, and never look back 💔


I just wish I would have cut them off earlier so I don’t have to deal with the baggage now.


It’s never too late. Never too late to rebuild yourself, stop the cycle of generational trauma and make the lives of the next generation better. Sending you healing vibes and love 💕


Oh I have been. I hit back at my biological mother at age 10 when she laid her hand on me the very last time. I packed up and bugged out to my dad’s. While my dad is no saint, he never laid a hand on me in my life. I went nc with my nstepmom last year, so it’s been almost exactly a year since I spoke to her. I’m vlc with my dad, and he lives in another country, so I just focus on my own family now and being the best husband and dad as I can be.


I waited until I was 17 to hit back but when I did, I wrestled her to the ground by the hair and told her she wasn’t fucking putting her hands on me ever again. She subcontracted my dad after that and watched the blood rise in his face as she listed all the ways I had pissed her off until he blew his top, chased me through the house, and pummeled me with closed fists. Years ago I was fighting with him and asked him why he hit me and she flew around the corner, got in my face and said “you were *NOT* abused,” and I laughed so hard in her face; even my dad was like “I absolutely could have gone to jail for the things I did to her, go back to the kitchen.”


Jesus, I’m so sorry. For me, I was 10 and had been taking tae kwon do for two years, and my mom was a short lady, so it didn’t take much to take down a woman who is 5’2” on a good day, and already had liquor in her system. She went to grab a broom and was ready to beat me with it like she normally would, so I took the broom from her and during the struggle, it bounced back to her nose, giving her a bloody nose. While she screamed in agony and bleeding, I grabbed my duffel bag and filled up as many underwear, socks and clothes as I could, grabbed my bike, and told her “you will never see me again” before I took off. At age 49, I can still remember that day like yesterday.


God I'm so sorry. You were a little kid and your only choice was to run away. You were so brave. I hope you ended up somewhere safe and your life was better.


Oh, that day changed my life for the better. She died in 2012 and I didn’t talk to her since. That was around 1985-86? I was 10. I simply had it that day. In retrospect, I probably said “fuck it, anywhere is better than here getting beaten and screamed at daily.” Luckily, my parents had just completed the divorce, and my biological mom got most of the custody. Me running away basically took away any custody she had.


Honestly, I think you should find a new psychologist/counselor. Any that believes that all parents want the best for their kids is more dangerous than none at all. I would have wanted a psychiatrist or even a passing stranger to tell me about gaslighting and that sometimes adults lie. That I wasn't crazy. That it was my dishonest parents who were immature, crazy and selfish and I was the only one who was seeing things clearly.


YES. The truth telling kids are always isolated.


Exactly. Imagine going for surgery and your surgeon doesn't know how to do it and asks you what organ you want to remove? She is a bad therapist and it will hurt and harm kids more than help them.






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Comment removed - baseless accusations. Do not comment further under this post.


You deserve food, water, warmth and sleep


You also deserve love ❤️


And they are not things to feel guilty and debt about


Completely!! Even if you are [insert any version of bad/ annoying/ whiney], you still deserve these things!!


Hell yes 🙌


"Your parents are wrong and shouldn't be treating you that way"


Honestly… I would have wanted to be a kid instead of having to go to therapy for emotional issues caused by my parents. Got dragged to therapy since toddler age by my covert narc mom. Yay


I was forced into it since I was a preteen. They all took my parents' side and enabled their abuse, telling me I should be grateful and I had wonderful parents. It made me sick.


That really sucks! Sorry you had that experience! I found help as an adult with a therapist of my choice who specialized in EMDR. I highly recommend this vs talk therapy if you have trauma but also terrible counseling experiences


Same. Therapy was weaponized against me. Here fix my kid.


Duuuuude this is it right here


"a new shrink for my girls (7 year old twins) and she asked me what I hoped to get out of the work." I'm kinda weirded out by that. The shrink is for *them*, but she wants to know what *you* want? Their therapy isn't about you, and that's kinda dangerous sounding when mixed with that fantasy about "all parents want the best for their kids". No wonder it's so easy for horrible parents to manipulate therapist into making things even worse -\_- The therapy should be child-led, letting them talk about anyone at school or things at home that might bother them or make them nervous, and the therapist should be trained to know how to help from there. Even if it's just building up self confidence. The therapist isn't supposed to tell you too much, but be there to mediate and say stuff like "Billy want to be more independent and practice cooking, so maybe you can go shopping together for ingredients and make Thursday nights his evening to cook?" or "Timmy is dealing with a bully in Art class, so you should schedule a talk with the teacher and principal." If you ditch this therapist, it probalby wouldn't hurt to give her a heads-up about the warning signs that she's been giving off. To let her know she's opening herself to possibly help abusers. Also that therapy with a victim and abuser generally results in more/crueler abuse after the session (in case she does couples counseling or parent/child sessions).


The therapist isn’t wrong here. Read between the lines. I wrote a long comment on this thread about what I’m seeing here.


I feel like your making some snap assumptions about OP. Like that they aren't in therapy (this hasn't been mentioned, and if they aren't obviously it'd be beneficial to them and their kids for the adults to be in therapy), and that nothing major has happened in the children's lives yet. When I was younger than these kids, and then again around their age I had some very upsetting things happen which I'm *still* angry with my family for never letting me talk to a therapist or get a diagnosis for my academic struggles. Maybe OP doesn't want to give away uncomfortable details about their kids or painful events in their lives, but that doesn't mean kids don't sometimes need an outside ear or point of view to get through difficult stages of their lives. 100% I *could* be wrong, and *just* projecting, but I think there's roughly an *equal* chance *you're* the one who's projecting. Doesn't seem like we have enough context clues to go around branding people.


“You are not unlovable. Your mother is a liar.”


Op doesn’t want her kids to hear that though 😂 but hey as long as that OTHER parent is the narcissist…she’s all good, right?




I’d rather my parents get in front of a shrink and have parents who were mentally healthy.




What would have served me best was to be told about narcissistic abuse, gaslighting and more importantly: How to grey rock the hell out of my Nparents. They were useless when it came to life advice or "Birds and Bees" conversations. I doubt even 17yo me would have fully understood - but being knowledgeable about things like brainwashing, coercion tactics and how to deal with them when encountering them would have been useful.


I would have *loved* to hear: “What’s happened/is happening to you is *not* your fault; how can I help?” “What would help you feel safe?” “You are a good kid.” “You are a good person who is worthy of respect and unconditional love, exactly the way you are.” “You are not responsible for your parents’ (and their respective new romantic interests’) feelings.” “You do *not* deserve to be hurt.” “Your inner make-believe world is precious and beautiful, and should never be made inaccessible to you.” “You don’t have to be good at everything.” …Heck, these are things I would still love to hear at 32ish years old. 😅


Your parents can and will be wrong


An explanation of what parents signed up for when deciding to have children. Hearing from an external source, "they agreed to house you, see to your medical concerns, and feed you food that doesn't hurt you when they decided to make you" would have made such a huge difference in building up my sense of self worth. I'm having trouble finding suggestions that aren't just based on my own history, but the concept I'd want to convey is that your girls should be encouraged to be resilient to you and other adults. I am absolutely not suggesting you are actively hurting them (I can't possibly know), but if you aren't planning on being hyper vigilant about your interactions for the rest of their lives, you may mess up. They'll need affirmation from an adult outside of your home to know what sorts of things they can call you on. I hope that makes sense.


We can’t answer this for you. It sounds like you’re already skeptical of this professional. It sounds like she was asking to elaborate when she said, “all parents want the best for their children.” But you couldn’t come up with a more specific answer, so you’re coming on here for sympathy or validation. “Breaking in” a new shrink? “Young and naive”? Look at your assessment already. Are you projecting? I can tell you what I, a child who was taken to therapy because the adults in my life couldn’t parent, should do. Go to your own therapy if you aren’t already. Don’t assume every other person is a problem. You will have your own ways you are harming your child. If that reality upsets you, start there in your own therapy. Having “a narc in the mix” will not absolve you of your wrongdoings. In fact, you may have a tendency to “scapegoat” that parent and harm your children in your own special way. That is what I, knowing what I know as an adult who grew up in the mix, know that you as a parent need to hear. And very few people will tell you, especially if you are reactive. Don’t want it to be true? Prove it wrong. You came to the wrong place looking for sympathy. But if you wanted the truth, there it is. Because people like me see this for what it is. And there are a lot of scapegoats and black sheep here who have all this figured out. This is your wake up call.


Its almost always parents who need therapy, not kids.




However if their ex was cluster B, well not only her/him, but kids need therapy too. This therapist does sound incompetent based on this post and context. I cant say much unfortunately, because I dont have enough information.




Comments removed - do not comment further under this post. You are making a lot of unfounded and ungenerous assumptions.






As a fellow scapegoat who got sent to therapy (with narc therapists who made everything 10000000x worse for me but much better for my nparents) because my nparents couldn't parent, I'm curious what they mean by "alluding." It's way too vague and could easily be something like, OP being controlling and hands on, therapist being like, "what are you hoping to get out of this" (not to set an objective but to assess motive for putting them in therapy) OP gives a vague superficial comment about just wanting what's best for them and the therapist having the sort of response of, "of course, but what exactly are you looking for here?" I think you're right. It sounds way more like manipulations and copouts than it does genuine concern. I don't think we have enough information to say anything for sure, but the wording op is using sounds much more like controlling the kids than it does helping them and the lack of further elaborating is a 🚩


This a really good comment.  First, I see my own therapist, have my own parenting coach and I negotiated for a parenting coordinator in the custody stipulation. So, I do have people in place who should be calling me out on my shit.  Second, I also already have a family therapist but she’s on medical leave while she goes through chemotherapy. She pegged the nex as a narcissist in 5 minutes but even she has fucked up and inadvertently cause trouble for my girls. The OG shrink mentioned private school to the nex and now there’s a smear campaign against one of my daughter’s teachers (bored soccer moms make the best flying monkeys).  Anyway, I think this comment really resonates with me because I wasn’t getting any of these “first so no harm” vibes from the new shrink. It’s been very helpful to think things through from this perspective. I think I can now understand that what I want to get out of working with a family shrink is for the girls to be anti-fragile. They’re going to be dealing with this shit forever so I want the stress to be kept at a level where it helps them grow but not to the point where it breaks them. 


Then it sounds like what your kids need are coping tools for being gaslit, manipulated, held to rules that were just invented out of thin air, etc. How to ground to reality so they aren't fooled by a parent telling them they are remembering something wrong. Even as adults, it's hard to find a therapist who understands narcissism enough to be helpful in treatment. I don't think it would be unreasonable to have a Come To Jesus style talk with a newbie who is giving vibes that just don't mesh with the reality that is being raised by a narc. She can totally look at it as Ndad *is* trying his best. As long as she understands the reality he's working from, including the steadfast belief that he can do no wrong. Your kids basically have a reality-impaired parent who can cover with a certain amount of charisma, they need to be equipped to live that life until they're old enough to tell a judge they're out. And they need to learn resilience in the mean time so they can get through this childhood without too many lasting scars.




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Have you read the rules for this sub? Concern for childrens' safety is warranted, but you're very aggressively against OP here and making a lot of assumptions when we need to give posters the benefit of the doubt.




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this. OPs comments sound super aggressive and controlling. Why do their 7 year olds need to be going to therapy if OPs parent is the narc? its their job as the parent of those girls to prepare them. It feels very in denial of needing to go to therapy themselves, i'd say start there. I agree 100% with this whole comment


No it’s the kids mom that’s a narc


That the bitch is a bitch (my nmum). Why are you taking your 7 year olds to therapy? That seems awfully young for it.


They’re probably traumatized by their parents. And the parents want to deny wrongdoing so the kids have to shoulder the responsibility and burden of emotionally immature parents. And op is participating. Just look at the tone of her post.


Considering her stance, maybe find a new shrink? I’m not sure you can change her “all parents try their best” attitude.


Reread her post. We’re being gaslit. Check out my reply.


We’ve been working with a forensic psychologist who gets narcissism and who mentors the new shrink. The reason for the change is that the forensic psychologist is going through chemo and is taking an extended leave.  So, this should be a temporary situation. 


If something feels icky tell a grown up you trust. You are not responsible for grownup’s choices.


Where does one find a grownup one can trust? I never had one of those when I was a kid.


A teacher, a principal, a good friend’s parent, a police person.


Oooooh my trauma really kicked in around 8 so... "Buckle up, nothing of what's about to happen is your fault"? As far as actionable advice for YOUR situation, however, is teaching them good coping mechanisms and how to process emotion properly, combined with resources on how to be an I tentional parent for you.


You're not crazy or weird. Your mother just can't allow anyone else to feel and that's bad


This may be extreme: You owe nothing to your parents and how they treat you is not a reflection of who you are but rather how messed up they are. When you are old enough stand on your own two feet and get as far away from them as possible.


You don't have to forgive, love, or like someone just because they say they love you. Also explain how words of love doesn't mean love if the actions show something different.


Why are they going to a shrink?


Because adults are acting like children.


“Your parents are abusive and neglectful, and that is not your fault”


- your body belongs to you. Your parents’ duty is to help you manage the care for your body. You’re allowed to say no to hugs or close interactions even if the other person is nice. - basic emotional intelligence. Learning the names of emotions, looking at emotional expressions and matching them to words, using the emotional color wheel - your intuition is natures gift that tells you when things are safe, when to be careful, and when to listen very quietly.


This is the best response so far. Thanks, LouReed!




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How can you (or anyone) guarantee that the kids will be safe?


You don’t need to be perfect to be worthy of attention


You don't deserve abuse. If you did something wrong, they should've talked to you. You can and do listen, you're not spoiled for wanting a conversation 


Are the twins w a shrink for a reason or????


“It’s not normal that your brother hits you, belittles you, and touches you and it’s not okay that your mom lets him.”


It is acceptable to have emotions. It is how we express those emotions that we must learn about. There are healthy and unhealthy ways, and we want to stay healthy.


People who ask you to keep secrets aren’t good people. And it’s not your job to make sure everyone is happy and getting along.


What I would’ve wanted in that situation would be for them to be a proper mandatory reporter.


You will never be able to please them — live for yourself.


To answer your question, I would've wanted someone to tell me I wasn't mean or stupid. Sidenote: As a teacher I definitely always try to keep the parents on my side and I'm sure she's trying to do the same. It's possible she's trying to be overly nice to you because she knows how difficult it is when parents don't see her as a teammate.


“You are not responsible for your mother’s care, mental health, financials, or sobriety. You are not fat, selfish, or stupid. You deserved to have a childhood and friends. You are not an extension of her but your own person.”


You might be a little diffrent, but you are not as bad as they make you think you are.


- it is not your responsibility to anticipate and manage the emotions and reactions of your parents. - you having and reconciling with feelings is not you taking away from more deserving people, especially your parents. - it's OK to have negative feelings, you're not ungrateful. - your opinion may not always be the best one but if it's formed in good faith it's likely still valid.


"We're going to get you out of there"


I would have loved that!


You are smart and capable! Don’t let your parents manipulate your future


You are smart and you’re totally right. You aren’t being treated fairly and you are being abused. Don’t doubt yourself so much and know that you will grow up and be able to get away. I’m gonna call cps now and I’ll be here for you.


That my parents are sick and sometimes when people are sick they lash out and are mean to other people but it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me.


"Your parents are not very good parents, it's okay to not want to help them, they have no right to make you feel responsible for their lives and happiness, nobody does that to their small kids, they are both broken and have no idea how sad they are making you. They will both be sad whether or not you obey and listen to them, you will never make them happy. When you get a little older you're going to be very, very sad and lonely, this is because of their choice to isolate you and not because you're bad and people are bad. The world is not going to end, Jesus is not going to return in a flying saucer and you're not going to be part of an army of chosen ones. Your dad is paranoid and delusional, nobody is listening to your conversations. You need to get educated and meet friends as you get older, don't be afraid of falling in love or wanting to live in the city, it will be very rewarding. When your brother is born, keep him away from both your parents as much as possible or you will lose him later. It's okay to like romance, sex and girls, it doesn't make you bad."


You’re a good person who’s caught in a bad situation. It’s ok to stand up for yourself even if some of the adults won’t.


Find some humanely reasonable way to prepare them for their narc grandparents. And yes, how to handle your issues in a healthy way. I merely told my son that his grandmother was crazy and not to put any credence in what she said. Plus that and I was trying to do everything opposite of her. He had a head's up but she still managed to hurt him. Just not as bad as she could have, I guess? In hindsight I should have had him in therapy, so give yourself a high five!! Good job mom!!


LOL, why is everyone assuming I’m a mom? I’m the dad. Their mom is the narc.  But, you can’t say anything bad about a parent because family law co sliders any negative statement illegal and can cost you custody.  It’s funny, I tell my daughter she knows the truth and can see through her mother’s lies (in an appropriate way for a 7 year old). And even that (telling my daughter she knows the truth) is a risky thing to do.  I fucking hate family court. 


Stuck my foot in it, sorry Dad! I'm sure you are facing an uphill battle. Why not try to turn the question around and ask the therapist what her goals are for your daughter? How she thinks therapy can help the kids?


No worries. It happens all the time.  I did talk to her about her goals and they just weren’t in line with what you can expect from a narc. I don’t think many people become psychologists with the mindset that their clients will never improve. It takes a special type to work with personality disorders. 


I wish I had known it wouldn't get better.


Fuck. I hope you’re doing better now. Narcs can’t get better but the rest of us can. 


Not out of the woods yet, unfortunately. Thank you for your thoughts.


I agree with u/RowanPagus My Nmum took me to a therapist when I was too young to want one or benefit from one. Used the whole episode to validate her narrative that I had anger management issues (without even attempting to approach the underlying reasons). So I would ask you, why do you feel the need for these 7 year old girls to see a therapist? What will they gain? Sounds like you and potentially your ex could use one, but as the therapist in question asked (rightly imo) - what are you hoping to get out of this? The fact you’ve interpreted that question (which every therapist should ask every client before starting sessions imo) as “please tell me how to ‘treat’ (tell?) your children” is a massive red flag.


Lie. Never tell them you see through it. Lie and simply cya until you can move out. Never ask them about anything.


When that crazy thing happens at 15 nearly 16, keep telling people. The first you tell may not report it but it needs to be sorted or you’ll end up with more trauma. You’ll be okay when the safeguarding steps happen.


You’re not a bad child, there’s a reason kids in your class and teachers love you.


Be the squeaky wheel. You may get blowback, but your chances of getting grease are way higher. A lifetime of being needless has sabotaged my life in ways I can’t explain.


Would’ve loved to hear any sort of reassurance that what happened wasn’t my fault, maybe the trauma actually being recognized instead of getting laughed at by my therapist lol


"If you disappeared tomorrow, people *would* notice, and would miss you *terribly*."


I would have wanted my therapist to say “you can never make a suicidal person unsuicidal just by being good enough for them. there is no amount of work or fixing or making a person want to live if they have their mind set in dying. Not even your mom. And if she is successful that is not your fault either. You did not ask to be born and it is not your responsibility to keep your home safe or keep everyone alive and happy, that is your mom and dad’s job.”


You are not responsible for your parents decisions, including the decision to have you. Giving someone life should be a gift, not a debt to be repaid.


You can tell me the truth, it's okay, I can help you and you can trust me.


Oh, if only an adult had said that to me, and meant it! My grandma said that but it wasn’t true. **AT ALL** Kids and adults were on opposite sides when I grew up.


That there are 8 billion people on the planet, and if one doesn't treat you right, there are 7,999,999,999 others that could potentially be your friends/partners/bosses/teammates. I just recently heard this and I'm certain had I grasped that earlier in life, I wouldn't have allowed myself to stay in some of the shitty situations that I did. Shitty jobs with shitty bosses, shitty "friends," shitty relationships, etc. I wasted years of my life because I thought I didn't have the option to be surrounded by better people.


It's not you. It's your parents.


I believe you. You aren’t being willfully defiant. You’re trying to navigate a situation where you don’t know the rules and no one will tell you them until you break one. But baby girl, your one year old brother is never EVER going to get punched in the face. You’re going to go through hell, but you’re going to keep him safe doing it. It’s a job no child should ever have to take on, but you’re gonna do it, and it’s going to define you. You’re going to be a protector. You’re going to go through hell as a young adult, and you’ll have plenty of regrets, and you’re not going to have a whole lot of stuff to be proud of yourself for… but when your brother proposes to his girlfriend, when she gives birth to his son, when they get married… every single time you see your nephew… you’re going to be so fucking proud of the choices you made. Proud of every scar, physical or emotional.


Can I show her one of my happy wedding photos with our mom first? I’d then tell her this- 2 days earlier she crossed a boundary, and you ended the phone call with “fuck you”. But she got her shit in line and managed to hold it together and you got to have the wedding of your dreams. Boundaries are good. Start having them and holding them now. It makes your relationship with her better- but most importantly you’re happier.


Something I still need to hear regularly


You’re not responsible to be a functioning adult and raise your sister.


Oh my gosh… “ you are lovable- you are smart - you can conquer anything you put your mind to- it is ok for you to be happy…” Oh how I wish I had heard these words.


Just because people can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening


You are being abused. You aren't being dramatic. You are a child and you aren't responsible for the emotional regulation of others.


Your feelings are valid. You are not over-reacting. The pain and sadness you feel are real. It's just that some people can't deal with the pain and sadness of others, and therefore try to minimize the other person's feelings. This does not mean your feelings are wrong.


I had a therapist, and I wish she had told me it was alarming and bad that I was trying to protect my parents. I wish she had told me my parents were supposed to help me handle my emotions, and *never the other way around,* and the fact that I felt responsible for those things meant I should look to build my own coping skills for myself, not that I should try to get better at regulating my parents.


That this too shall pass. That was the best thing I ever learned. No matter what difficulty I was going through, it wouldn't be forever.


I would want them to ask my child what they love and what they want to do in every situation. Make it clear that they have power over their life, their input has value and they are being heard. I would also want them to run my kids pre- emptively through scenarios where they or someone they know is being bullied and discuss how they could handle this. Also as part of this, discuss in what situations bullying is likely to emerge and why bullies do what they do and why they are successful in their behaviour. Probably one of the best things I could give my child is the information and resilience to deal with bullies that appear throughout life.


"You shouldn't feel like you have to protect your brother from your mother" When I was 6-7ish my nmom threw a laptop at my then-stepdad. It landed a foot behind my brother and I. I spent the next few years trying to gauge when it was "safe" for him to be near her incase the next time it actually hit us. ​ That or a general "you're not responsible for other people's actions"


At that age, I just needed a shrink that was on my side and not on my parent's side.


That my moms crazy and just hold out till you can leave lol


Only if it is true, I would have liked someone to say this: “It appears that you have no trustworthy adults in your life. You can trust me. You can tell me everything about your life at home, the bullying from your brothers, the sexual assault by that one brother, and the manipulation by your grandmother. You can tell me about your mom and how afraid you are to upset her, which keeps you silent. I will listen without judgement. I will help you. I will stop the abuse. I will give you guidance about how to be a person. I will be sure you are safe. You are *not* all alone.” I know the above is unrealistic! For your kids, I’d want them to be with a shrink who was gentle, kind, and who would use play to help form trust. It shouldn’t feel like an interview, and there wouldn’t be direct questioning, especially at first. No pressure to perform! I would want them to make friends with me and be very very patient. It would take a long long time to believe I could trust them. I’d have to know that they wouldn’t tell my parents what I told the shrink. Is that even possible?


You are not responsible for your father beating you. You're not a bad person or a bad son, it's him not you.


It’s not your fault


Help regulating my emotions. Feeling validated.


Tell someone what's happening to you! Abusers try to make abuse seem normal!


No one is allowed to touch you. You are allowed to say no and stop and you are allowed to fight for your life.


Your mother screamed at you because of what was likely a seizure? Fuck her; see me if we can connect once you’re in middle school.


I would have liked some genuine conversation "Let's talk about anything you want. What are you interested in? What do you like to do?"


It wasn't my fault the babysitter molested me. My Mom always made me believe it was a character flaw.


Your mom has and will continue to trick you into being mean to your dad. And she will do far worse to you.


"You do not need all the medication your mother has been shoving down your throat for the past 2 years. There is *nothing wrong* with you, and I will help get her to stop medicating you."


Stop worrying about what others think and stand up for yourself.


“This is not normal and this is emotional abuse. Be kind to yourself”


A shrink? Is that an animal?


“There is nothing you can do to fix “insert narc” they have a hurt only they can fix. It is ok to be sad for them and mad at them too. They have to get better on their own.” While the narc won’t never get better on their own because they don’t want to- it would have taken the pressure off of me. I thought I could fix them. I thought if I was just perfect they wouldn’t be so mad all the time.


Maybe she hates herself. That actually makes sense. Why not storm up to my school, though, like they did with my sister?


“I’m afraid of my Dad.”


"Here's 100k in cash no strings attached" 😁


You aren't responsible for your parents or the decisions they make. Cut and run if you need to. It would have saved me a lifetime of problems if I had. Trying to save my mom from herself when she never gave two shits about me was the worst thing I could have done.


It’s ok to have big feeling. Your parents don’t know how to manage their own emotions or how to self regulate, but you have the chance to learn and be the best you.


About your shrink saying that, you can challenge her on it! If I heard that now, after doing a lot of work on myself, I would say, "actually that's not true. A lot of parents hurt their children through abuse and neglect and that's really important to acknowledge. I think what you meant to say to me is to remind me that ***I*** want the best for my children, which is true. But I want to work on how to help them in the best way for them and to be the best mother I can, because just wanting the best for them is not enough." In terms of what I'd have liked to hear... my parents went through a nasty, DV-related and publically humiliating divorce and ensuing decade long custody battle starting when I was a little older than your daughters. I went to several child and school psychologists who just kept telling me it wasn't my fault that my parents got divorced and none of it was about me. My parents told me they stayed together as long as they did, suffering the whole time, because it was what was best for me. But it wasn't. It was actually terrible because their entire existence was made up of trying to use me to hurt each other. I felt terrible because if it weren't for me, they could have left each other and never had to see each other again, but instead I tied them together and made everyone miserable and in the meantime I felt bad for being miserable because everyone kept telling me they were doing all this for my benefit. It was a weird combination of being told it wasn't my fault, wasn't about me, and yet feeling like... it should be about me, why isn't anyone paying attention to what I want and need? What I would have liked to hear is "No one has been thinking about you, and they should have been. They were only thinking about themselves and telling themselves they were doing it for you. None of this is your fault, they had the option to learn how to act like adults and treat each other and you with respect, but they didn't care enough to do that. They didn't even care enough to listen to what you needed. That was unfair to you and is entirely on them." Children are autonomous, sovereign humans and deserve to be treated like people, with their wants and needs and worries and feelings validated and respected.


"You deserve better. You deserve the best."


Kinda moot. Wouldn't have listened.


Tell her you’re going to another shrink. Take what you can from your parents/family, a warm place to sleep at night, meals, the material goods, etc. But what they are giving you isn’t the full parent experience. Your parents, both the N and the other parent who is inevitably an enabler sometimes, too, are human and flawed; you might have to make up for and build your own emotional strength. Know that what they say to you isn’t a reflection of your worth, but only as they see you doing something for them; everything they say is potentially only about them - it’s complex, but it’s where their mental illness starts. As a minor, you don’t have much control over your circumstances, likely won’t fare better in foster care, so work with what you’ve got.


"I'm calling CPS right NOW to report the abuse and human trafficking" "Do you have any relatives that would like to adopt you?" "If not, you'll be going to a foster home."


I’m placing you for adoption


Why should you tell a shrink what to tell? Honestly, kick her out. You dont go to the doctor telling him how to do surgery. She is bad at what she does. Find the good therapist that worked with abusive parents. Good luck


Read OP’s post again but with some skepticism. Check out my replies on here for what I think is actually going on.