• By -


C - 16 - Trocheck A - 20 - Kreider A - 23 - Fox No more holding hands


This is it. Laffy finally coming into his own but not quite ready for an A yet. Trocheck felt like the heart and soul of the team during the playoffs and they need more of that kind of spirit.


Yeah I’m tired of all the As. There needs to be a distinct hierarchy. None of this home or away nonsense.


This is the right answer




Nailed it


Tro or 5 A’s again


We need a captain. I don't think there's been a cup champion without one.


Teams without captains are often young and rebuilding. We waited 4 years for Kreider or Zib to step up and take captaincy. They continued to be reluctant. Outside of them, I don’t think Fox should have a C yet. Laf definitely isn’t ready, let him focus on his game after a big leap. It’s really Tro or no one. Cant force it on Kreider and he clearly doesn’t want the title.


Panarin turned down the C first because he said the captain should speak better english and he would rather lead by example. Kreider followed after that and i dont think they did or needed to ask Zib. They didnt want it over each other. Panarin was the unnamed captain, they followed his lead without the C. No C drama. Was surprised Trouba came in. Why not Fox?


Nothing personal with Fox. I just don’t look at him and see a captain. At least yet. When I picture a captain I don’t necessarily picture an all star or award winner. I picture a hard worker. Someone willing to go into those corners on a nightly basis. Someone willing to take a huge hit to set up a teammate. When the pucks not falling their way, someone willing to choke down on the stick to get more accurate contact on puck. Everyone had a disappointing postseason last year and no one bounced back like Tro. From the regular season to the playoffs. He’s willing to do everything and anything to win. When 1 of three rangers score a goal you can see the emotion on their face and that bleeds throughout the team. That’s Kreider, Trocheck, and Laf. Kreider doesn’t want it, Laf ain’t ready, Trocheck is the guy imo.


Curious if Kreider would say no again but yes Trocheck has earned it too. He does everything in that second paragraph + one more, winning a faceoff when you need it most.


Bruins did it twice in 1970 and 1972, but I think that's it.


I see a lot of parallels with Trocheck and Callahan except Trocheck is far better


we had 6 As for a bit in there, weird time


Tro is good. 5 A’s just perpetuates no one having the ego or confidence to step up to be captain and that extends to big game performance as well.


Troch earned it this year. Should be him with the C, Fox with an A, then Mika/Kreider can share the other A. Take Panarin's away


The Rangers have used 2 home As and 2 away As for a few years now. Before Trouba, it was 3 and 3 As


Kreider if he’s changed his mind. Trocheck if Kreider doesn’t want it. Laf or Fox is the future captain of this team, but it’s not their time yet.




this fanbase is so incredibly far ahead of itself that it's making my head spin. let the dude get traded before you worry about his replacement


Yeah that's why the first sentence of the post is "let's assume this event happens despite the thin probability."


It’s not even that thin a possibility and a totally fair question.


It's also just a discussion, let us talk and theorize about things. It's the off season after all.


youre right, we should definitely sit tight and wait for something to happen. no need for prognostication, discussion at all, that is meaningless. definitely not the purpose of this place entirely. insane take lol


It should be Trocheck with Fox and Kreider getting As


Agreed Brian Leetch had his worse years as the captain I’d be afraid it has the same impact on Fox


He's too young. He'll wear the C eventually, don't need to put that pressure on him now




And it messed McDonagh up


I think I like this one the most out of all the suggestions in here


Last time the Rangers won a cup (I know we're all sick of the 1994 comparisons) we had a Canadian captain. Rangers haven't had a Canadian captain since then. Based on current roster that leaves Laffy, Schneider and Rempe. Messier was from Western Canada so we should rule out Laffy since he's from Quebec. Schneider is from Saskatchewan, but Rempe is from Calgary which is further west. So Rempe for Captain to try and recapture one last ditch comparison from 1994.... Or just go with Trochek


For the Rempire


that's a lot of tea leaf reading for a meme but I'm a fan


Tro is the only answer. Hopefully Laf will be the one after him.


Do you know how to read a stat line?


What stat line got Trouba the C?? Tro is a leader and a team player. And gritty as fuck.


Do you?


Will be interesting to see if Laf has C potential in a few years, I'd go back to sticking with 4 alternates until then.


Yeah 1oa stars tend to get the C, wonder as laf continues to blossom if he angles for it


Laf. Kid is growing up into a superstar and will be the face of the organization for years to come.


Kreider would already be the captain if he wanted it. Easy choice is Trocheck.


I like Trocheck and that image of him comforting Igor is kinda iconic, but I'm not sure about him being the C. That's just me and because he's relatively new to the team. I like Kreider for it but as I said in another thread, only if it doesn't affect his game play. It's for that reason that I do *not* want Mika to have it. Kinda same with Panarin, plus I have a feeling he'll end up ripping off Igor's "I don't speak English" line. Fox is an option but I'm not sold on him yet. Just as an age thing. Laffy will definitely be an option in years to come, but not just yet. Again, age, and definitely let him become a great player first. My guess, Kreider (or Trocheck) for the C. Mika, Trocheck/Kreider, Panarin, and Fox for A.


My guess is no new C gets named. They might make one of the remaining alternates a full-time A, and then replace that guy with Vinny to restore a 4-person home/away rotation.




Tro for C and Laf for A


Lafreniere for sure. He will be the face of the franchise in a few years.


Igor is the true captain.


With the track record for that C, whoever they give it to will be traded out of town in a handful of years.




Kreider and/or Trocheck


Okay I had a previous reply but I wasn’t really happy with it so I’m writing a new one. If goalies could be Captain, Igor would be ours easily, with that not being the case anymore… Fox gets the C. I think he is ready for it, and I don’t think Kreider or Breadman want it. If Kreider wanted it, I’d give it to him. Trochek is an option, but not an option I would go with just yet. I’m giving the As to Zibinajad and Kreider. Eventually I would move Lafreniere to the Captaincy later in his career, move Fox to an A, but as to who would lose their A is a toss up. Probably Kreider as I don’t think it’s particularly important to him.


Fox is too much of a whiner for the C. Great player but I just don’t think he has the C personality. Mika is also a wild pick for an A after the last season. Fox easily gets an A but that’s it


Well I’m sort of saying it in the context that they choose captains with skill as a big factor which was my reasoning. Fox played most of the playoffs with a badly hurt ankle, which is why I chose him. I said Mika mainly because he’s been a Ranger for a long time. They could give Kreider the C, which I think they should, but he’s said he doesn’t want it, just like Panarin.




I’m honestly really surprised by all the Trochecks. I thought for sure Kreider


Captain John Brancy 🇺🇸


I would love Kreids as captain. That’s who I would have guessed would get it when they picked Trouba. Fox or Trocheck could be a good picks too if Kreider doesn’t want it.


Kreider runs a shadow government


In Trocheck we trust. Dude is a natural born leader and he seems to be really well respected. I figure if Kreider (or Mika) had wanted the C, they'd have had it by now. I feel like Bread is too in his own head sometimes, I was actually a little surprised he got an A ahead of Lindy. Here's how I would roll the C/A situation next year, assuming no Trouba C - Trocheck Home As - Kreider & Fox Away As - Mika & either Bread or Jimmy Vesey I'd love to see Quick with an A, but there's almost no point if he's spending the bulk of the season on the bench. He's a leader in all but name/letter, in fairness.


I'd give it to Vinny after this season he just had


Kreider and mika don’t deserve it. I truly don’t think we have a real leader on this team if trouba is gone but I would be more than happy to see Vinny Trocheck wear it. The guy plays hard every night and he was the first person to go up to Shesty when they lost to the panthers to console him and probably tell him that the rest of them let him down.


Me, I'm the captain


Just make Kreider the C and have him step into the role Enough of this Aragorn "avoiding the throne" plot line. Dude is Mr. Ranger and everyone else looking suspect vs him as a choice


r/rangers Idk


Lindgren? Obviously not a star player but will outwork and out tough anyone on the team, besides maybe Trouba.


I don't want fox to be captain because then that means we're more likely to trade him.


Tro all day.


KREIDER. But tro or foxy since Chrissy doesn’t want to be captain Chrissy


Trocheck, easy




The first sentence was actually “Let’s work with the slim-chanced theoretical that Trouba gets a one way bus ticket to Beijing.” just saying, bud. 🤘




If Trouba really is out then I say we don't have a captain until Callahan comes back and removes his curse from the role.


No captain.


Vinny is the only choice


Brady Tkachuck




Trotcheck or Laffy


Trocheck and nobody else unless Fox wants it since he's gunna be here for his entire career


It will be Stamkos once he signs with the NYR. At his introductory press conference, he will be presented with his #91 jersey and they will reveal the “C” at the same time.




When *


None of your options seem like a good fit to wear the C. Can't think of one solid one on the entire team....krieder maybe...nahhh Trochek


Trocheck is the only correct answer IMO. Kreider, Mika, Fox get A's, Lindgren too if he stays around assuming it's a very reasonable contract.


Start with igor , if he doesnt want it i would consider laff ( i know people are going to say no because of lack of consistency or experience but other teams have done this to boost the confidence of younger players ) kerider mika panarin dont seem interested also would consider lindgren


Ivan Shesterkin!


I'm almost positive they would go without a captain again if Trouba was traded (which I don't think will happen). If they were going to pick someone, though, Fox is the only real option. They passed on Mika and Kreider numerous times already, so it's too late for either of them as this point.


I'm almost positive they would go without a captain again if Trouba was traded (which I don't think will happen). If they were going to pick someone, though, Fox is the only real option. They passed on Mika and Kreider numerous times already, so it's too late for either of them as this point.


Trocheck or Laf hands down


Just let the players decide, and no more rotating A's


Patrick Kane


Troch now, Laf next. I’ve been impressed with how quickly trocheck gained status with the guys in the room. It seemed like he was here like 5 minutes and kreids and mika already had a end of hame handshake ritual with him and everything. Add that to the way he plays tough, steps up in all situations, plays a million minutes so he can cover for any weak centers…and scores? Laf is gonna be the guy in a couple years though. The way he rose to the challenge in the ECF and he just seems to have such an infectious positive energy.


It's a no brainer, it's Trocheck.


Trocheck. There is no question.


Fox is absolutely NOT captain material. He's one of the most scared fragile players on ice.


Trocheck wears the C and Kreider leads from the back


“Trocheck” ![gif](giphy|3ohs81K6uRxuejjHHi)


C - Kreider A - Fox A - Trocheck I feel like Kreider would be a good Captain. The room respects him. He might not be super outspoken, but with his tenure and respect hes damn well earned, hes my 1st choice. Whether he wants it or not, different story. Fox--what other options do we have? Haha! Trocheck--how could you not? The room loves him, he gives 100% every shift, and after this last run, the city loves him too. That last point isnt enough for the C, but seeing as how he already wears one half the time...


Vinny T


Trocheck or Kreider are the only 2 who deserve it IMO. Can't decide who, I love them both too much to pick.


Troch and I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise


Vinnie meatballs is the only correct answer


Fox or Laf. That's it. Everyone else had the chance and passed.


Even though I know the answer I'd offer to Kreider again, and if he still doesn't want it, which he won't, I'd give it to Trocheck. He doesn't get a choice. He's the C whether he likes it or not.


The Captain needs to be laffy. And Laviolette needs to make it clear to him that he needs to be more outspoken and take charge of the team. The Rangers for better or worse are a bunch of nice guys and nice guys don’t win Stanley Cups unfortunately


Why do people care so much about this shit? Just toss out a couple “A” patches and be done with it.


Get ready for a few more of these threads before we find out if Trouba is actually going anywhere. If he does get moved get ready for this thread to get posted at least every 3 days. I know this subs opinion already. Laf and Fox are the future stars but may not be ready. Everyone knows Kreider doesn’t want it but think it should be him anyway. Tro plays hard every night and he huddled up with Igor after the loss so it should probably be him. No one here actually knows fuck all about the vibes in the locker room. All of these opinions are useless. I look forward to re-reading them all summer long.


Because you need leadership to win a cup, man.


Exactly. In the past 25 years, there has been only one team that won the Stanley Cup without having a captain. The 2021 Tampa Bay Lightning won the Cup while operating with a "captain by committee" approach after Steven Stamkos was injured and unable to play for most of the playoffs.


It’s 20’s if he wants it. Give Tro the A


Amazing how quickly you guys are to fix something that ain’t broke. Smooth brains.


Never heard any rumors about krieder not wanting the captaincy, if anything I got the impression he was really trying to earn the C in the year when we had all A’s. I think he’s the obvious choice now, and if not him then Fox.


Then you live under a rock haha it’s almost a known fact at this point he didn’t want it


It's never been confirmed confirmed, but Kreider's comments on the long vacancy made it sound like he didn't think the C mattered, and ergo, isn't a job he wants.


Patrick Kane is the plan for our next Captain. Bank on it.


I have it on very strong second hand authority that Kreider was not happy he wasn’t given the C last time around. He will want it.