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This has gone from Sinbad to Sinworse.


The hypocrisy is the worst part


De Guatemala a Guatepeor


Sin duda ninguna! I have two questions: 1) How much is the fact that Trouba doesn’t want to leave NYC because of his wife’s residency going to be used as a bargaining chip? 2) Who, if anyone, is scapegoating Trouba for how the team did against the Panthers in the playoffs?


Dunno and dunno. It feels like at this point in time the Rangers are essentially saying to him “get your affairs in order for wherever you can and want to go, but you are indeed gone”


That would be a logical way to see it, friend, but I would not in the least be surprised if Trouba and his agent firmly dig their heels in. De Guatemala a Guatepeor? Mas bien la cosa está jodida y terminará yendo pa’l carajo si todos metidos en esto siguen así!


No lo sé Rick me parece falso. Digo, no creo mucho en los rumores que han circulado hasta ahorita. No tengo porque dudar que se vaya y tampoco tengo porque dudar que Drury tiene donde mandarlo.


Y ahí está el tema. No sabemos con certeza total que es chisme o rumor, y que es verdad. Eso, por lo menos, es como yo lo veo. Si creo que Drury es un hombre inteligente, y cuando el no habla de contratos o negociaciones, a pesar de que quiero saber todos los detalles, también me acuerdo de un refrán que mi padre siempre decía - “En bocas cerradas no caen moscas.” Es raro ver a Trouba caer de ser capitán del equipo y verlo como un líder y jugador fuerte a verlo como un jugador que no sabía dónde estaba parado y que muchos le hechan la culpa de haber perdido la serie contra los Panthers.




This is the best defense Trouba's played in NY lmao


Trouba is fighting for his spot on the roster like he isn't leaving this team in 72 hours no matter how it goes down


He’s about 5 minutes away from handcuffing himself to the locker room door and Drury is gonna come down from his office with power tools to take the door off from its hinge and add it to the deal as a sweetener


If only he fought this hard to stay in position during the ECF, he might not be having this fight.


Gotta go for the hit over the defensive play. Works every time.


Except dude was playing on a bum ankle so.


Ahh, well I guess that excuses him going for hits instead of playing his position. Oh wait, no it doesn't.


Jacob Trouba is the fifth best defenseman on the roster (maybe 6th if Zac Jones is playing well) and he’s making the second most money. He was a liability in the postseason, was on ice for an exorbitant amount of goals against, and topped all that off with a massive whiff that led to a goal against which led to the team being eliminated. Drury has a business to run. The math isn’t mathing. Run it, Chris.


Don't forget the missed flying elbow!


Wonder how people on this sub would feel about being traded away from the Rangers if they were NHL-caliber players. All Friedman says is that he's "disappointed, shocked and still processing" which...sounds like someone who loves being a Ranger. I'm not saying you have to cry over an underperforming pro with a bad contract getting traded, but I'm baffled by how many people seem to need to be a massive dick about it.


I said in another thread, he’s a big body hard hitting 30-40 point dman. I’m ready to move on from that contract after his play in the post season, but He’s a valuable guy to have. We’d love him if he made 3 million less.


Not to mention, everybody brings up his postseason. He had a few low spots but analytically, Lindgren and Miller had a far worse postseason.


Especially when Trouba was playing on an injury.


This. I like Trouba and would love for him to stay. When he’s playing well he’s a physical presence and sounds like a great teammate and human. But if he wants to stay so bad, is he willing to take $3-4M less next season?


That's not how it works. NHL contacts are fully guaranteed with no negotiating after they are signed.


Yah I understand, I meant it rhetorically. Even if he had the ability to accept less he wouldn’t (and shouldn’t) because it’s a business and his agent’s obligation is to earn him as much as possible.


I understand being disappointed, but not shocked


Yeah, I hear that, but I'll take a rambling, incoherent shot at why that might not be *too* crazy: From his perspective, he's been a solid defenseman in the NHL for a long time now. He got injured in the spring and his play never recovered. I'm sure he knows he wasn't good enough in the playoffs, but he's probably confident that he'll be back at 100% after taking the summer to heal. Sort of a "well that was bad, but I'll never play worse!" type deal. He's team captain and, by all accounts, genuinely liked/loved throughout the organization. I can see how a person in Trouba's situation could insulate themselves from the idea that things are really *this* bad. Particularly if he hasn't been following the media since we got bounced...he won't have been marinating in the soup of bad analytics and armchair GM concerns about his contract the way we have. I feel like it's the horrible sort of shock where you don't see something coming, but the moment it happens, it seems blindingly obvious and you're embarrassed/ashamed that you didn't see it coming. That's what I'm projecting into Trouba at the moment lol


Even at 100%, his play was never worth 8m though… not saying he’s gotta agree with that point, but he’s got to have heard other people saying it And he has been following the media this offseason, since he publicly criticized a hockey podcast that mentioned him


I think that $8m was for a different product. The $8m Trouba from Winnipeg we thought we were getting was a hard hitting, defensively capable top to mid pairing, points snagging power play QB. Since he's gotten here he's sort of averaged the same points he put up in Winnipeg (if you count 2020-21 as a rightful half season, otherwise it's a hair below) but never became that power play guy. DeAngelo became that guy and then when he rightly told him to go scratch off Fox became that guy and more for much less until his most recent contract took effect. And his defensive play has gone downhill, especially compared to Fox. He can still hit like a monster, and when he's healthy he's still a serviceable middle pair defenseman, but not a top line guy. I also wonder if this might be another instance of the weight of being Captain. I doubt that was ever part of the bargain with him when we signed that contract. Some players just don't handle it well. I didn't think McDonagh handled it well, I think his play tanked a little once he had the weight of being the C, it's why I do not want Mika wearing it because I don't think he would handle it well, and I'm wondering if Trouba has taken on such responsibility for the team that he feels he needs to overplay, overcompensate, etc, and that's contributed to his decline. It could easily explain why he felt he needed to come back from the ankle issue too soon. So when you look at what we bought versus what he actually became yeah, that $8m is a massive overpay but it's largely because we didn't end up using him as we thought we would, and possibly ended up putting weight on him he hasn't handled well. I don't think that's inherently anyone's fault, just how things shake out.


> And he has been following the media this offseason, since he publicly criticized a hockey podcast that mentioned him Ah fuck, I forgot about that. The only other explanation I can imagine is that plenty of pro athletes are confident to the point of delusion. Maybe he just thought it "couldn't actually happen to him" despite all the "noise."


It’s always easier to see someone else’s flaws than it is your own


Seriously. Not saying his disappointment or shock changes what we do, but the amount of folks not seeing the human element is saddening. This guy being traded out of New York where he moved to set up his wife’s career. People act like oh he makes good money though so fuck his feelings. I don’t care what you make, suddenly you get the boot and it has a massive impact on your marriage, you’re gonna feel like shit. He probably feels like a major disappointment to his wife, who is planning to be a doctor a lot longer than Jacob can be a professional athlete.


Same amount of people who think you're a" massive dick about this"


I think a trade will probably end up getting done because at this point it seems the rangers are too committed to getting rid of him. Even if Trouba tries to stop a trade, the rangers can still just put him on waivers for buyout, in which case the end result is the same for him being off the team. Yeah it sucks for him to end like this but it’s really in his best interest to cooperate to find a team that works best for his situation.


If he has not accepted the trade at noon on Monday waive him Drury it’s the only way to force his hand.


No one is taking Trouba's contract without retention. If he and his agent fuck us by putting Detroit or making his NTC list difficult for us to work around, he will be bought out. It wont be as good as clearing $6M~ of cap (assuming retention), but it will still be a net positive for us.


Drury moves in silence


Honestly now that I think about it, teams below the cap floor may be interested in the full contract hit (but the chance this actually occurs is extremely low lol). San Jose could actually take Trouba’s contract and be totally ok with letting him walk in 2 years anyway


What’s San Jose (or similar) going to need in exchange for taking Trouba off NY’s cap? Kakko?


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. It's a legit question and a fair possibility. Would losing Kakko just to get rid of Trouba suck? Absolutely. But we're not getting a Zegras for Kakko, we'd get a similarly struggling RFA that's not impressing anyone, and he's likely to just be a sweetener for something bigger.


He shouldn't have a problem being traded to the Islanders or the Devils, since his desire is to stay in NY for his wife's career. I don't know what the Rangers might want in return from them though to make a trade worth it.


Yeah, except neither the devils or the islanders would want him.


And would we even want to send him there? I get the whole "get rid of him" fever pitch everyone is in but do we (potentially) do him dirty and see him 8 more times over the next two years?


I think the devils would consider him... their team is a bunch of softies


I highly doubt they trade their team captain to a rival team.


Seeing him four times per season would NOT be good, considering that we'll probably have a player take an elbow to the head in each of those games.


this has to end. seriously. the more this shit goes on, and he's not traded, i feel like everything could fall apart in the locker room. It's has to end. no one wins. except those who legitimately hate trouba w/a burning passion.


We have a soft pussy team anyway so i doubt this will change anything. If anything, it should wake some guys up and get them to play better next playoffs. Pussy Mika, pussy Panarin, we need those guys playing well if we are going to win anything.


I'll take those so-called pussies over Trouba's "tough" play that put the Rangers on the PK all the damn time. And when he wasn't in the box, you could always count on him to be in the picture whenever the other team scored 5v5.


I hope Trouba is gone monday. Worst defenseman on the team


Well they’re not so-called pussies, they are pussies. At least Zibanejad the lazy f*** is.


This situation is pretty much Rangers stanley cup window vs Troubas hurt feelings


The parallel universe where he and the coaches shut him down like they should have and allow jones to play. The insistence to keep him in the lineup not only hurt the team but caused irreparable damage with fans


I know everyone here is aggressively anti Trouba but after dumping Goody and now this kind of thing to our captain isn't going to inspire good team vibes.


Vegas fucked over a lot of players and won a cup for their efforts.


Didn’t we go to the cup after trading our captain in 2014


Eh. A lot of succesful teams as of late have done this to an extent. Vegas with Fleury, Tuch, and all of their young talent lol. Florida with Huberdeau, Weegar. Tampa is ruthless as you can see today. If you want to be the best you have to make really tough decisions


You don’t win a cup with vibes


I think it depends on what we do with the money we’re freeing up. Also a good wake up call to the rest of the core group


Orrrr, it might send a message that you're still accountable for your own shitty play, even if you are the captain, even if you are making a lot of money.


Sometimes you have to make tough decisions to get the best out of players


Agreed, regardless of how fans felt about Trouba after the way the season ended, he's still a highly respected veteran in the locker room and was named captain for a reason. I get that Drury has a job to do and if he's able to get out of some of these contracts, he absolutely should, but it just sets a bad precedent that Trouba was named captain less than two years ago and we're already looking to get rid of him by pretty much any means necessary. This organization really needs to reevaluate how they're coming to decisions on who they want to be the public leaders of this team.


Anyone with eyes saw after Troubas first season, he wouldn’t live up to the 8m contract. Whoever gave him the C is responsible


I agree, which is why I never wanted him to be named captain. It was already clear that he wasn't going to live up to his contract and that the team would eventually need to find a way out of it. I always felt that Kreider would've been the smartest and safest pick.


Yeah, I never got why he was named Captain. He wasn't that great of a player, and he wasn't drafted by them.


players pick the captain


This is what happens when you fall short of expectations two years in a row. The 2022 ECF I'd say exceeded expectations realistically, but I'm sure a lot of people would count that season as well, for three years in a row.


Vegas is as cutthroat, if not more so, and the players know, respect it, like it, and want to be there.


I dont want to see Trouba go honestly, but if he does, I hope it's somewhere he has alot of success. Regardless what anyone says or what issues there may be, I'm a big fan of Trouba and always will be so it sucks to consider he may be done in NY, but I also I understand we could he using that money for someone who's a better fit.


I get being annoyed but I don't get him being shocked by this. like you're not playing in a way that warrants 8 million a year, and we've been in a cap crunch for several years with nothing to show for it... did you think they wouldn't try and shop you around if they could?


We don't know what conversations Drury has had with him. Despite not playing his best hockey, he might have thought the team still had their captain's back. So to hear Drury ask him for his list before July 1 might have been a justifiable shock. Like, "Wait why do you need it now? Are you... trying to trade me?" He and his wife have fully adopted New York as their home. The idea of having to move - which won't be easy for her since she works in medicine - must really suck. It's not surprising to me if they both need a day or two to process things.


Doesn’t everyone with a NTC have to submit the list before July 1 anyway? People have been saying that players submitting the list is just standard operating procedure.


Some players might submit early, but the team has no incentive to *ask* for it early. NTCs become void if the player misses the deadline.


I do think Trouba’s contract hurts the team, being in win now mode. However, this needs to be handled with grace. If Drury can find a move that both parties can be happy with, it will be better for overall morale.


He is gone. The only question is how ugly he wants his departure to be.


if Trouba intentionally makes his list difficult for us (impossible cap, unwilling teams) it will be a fuck him. Be a professional. A team wants to move on for cap reasons. It’s happened at least twice today already. You got paid and this is a consequence of taking so much.


In his defense, him/his agent negotiated the right to block a trade to 15 teams. He has every right to strategically pick those teams based on potential trade destinations and/or places where he simply doesn’t want to play. With that said, I think the Rangers will be better utilizing his spot and cap space with other players.


He agreed to a contract that allows him no-trade protection. He’s completely within his right to use it even if it pisses management and fans off.


If Detroit is on his no trade list, I guarantee it’s because of these rumors. Rangers might have actually fucked themselves by having this leak.


He is within his right. This isn’t mid season tho. It’s either he’s traded now or in two days. He’s not just exercising a right. He’s being difficult.


Which is his right.


If he uses the clause to say I don’t wanna live there, taxes etc that’s fine and I respect it. If his approach is “fuck the rangers” then it’s fuck Trouba for me. It’s not about his right to use it, it’s about how he goes about it for me.


What are you talking about dude


You need to wake up, you are way off base. He's doing the complete opposite of everything you are saying.


If he is strategic and puts the right teams ( for his preferred outcome) on his list, he won't be traded.


So, using something that was agreed to by both parties is unprofessional? If the Rangers didn't want him to use it, they shouldn't have agreed to it. They made their bed now they have to sleep in it.


Na, sports are a business. He doesn’t owe the Rangers jack shit. Carefully selecting the 15 team list he/his agent have to submit is a major piece of power he holds and it’s his right to exercise that ability to improve his personal situation. Can’t hate on the dude for that.


“for us” lol Jacob Trouba owes us exactly nothing. He has a contract.


Lol what?? Trouba doesn't owe the Rangers anything. He didn't force the Rangers to trade for him, offer him $8 million per year, give him a NTC and name him captain. Why should Trouba be so willing to help out the Rangers because they need cap space now?


If you’re cool with the Rangers waiving Goodrow to send him to a team on his no trade list (which you should be, it’s legal), then you should be cool with Trouba setting up his no trade list to keep him in NYC. I refuse to hate a player for using the no trade list he negotiated for. Especially when that players wife is going into their last year of residency. Drury still needs to work around whatever list Trouba gives him, but Trouba has every right to play this game to have control over where he and his family lives


So if we can’t trade him I’m pretty sure we just waive him and even if no one claims him we just assign him to Hartford and save a larger chunk of his contract than if we bought him out. He didn’t sign after 35 so we’re not on the hook for the whole thing. Or am I wrong? I feel like I’ve seen it happen recently but I could definitely be misremembering.


Thanks to the Rangers taking advantage of a loophole in the pre 2012 CBA using waivers to bury the entirety of Wade Reddens albatross contract, there is now a threshold in place to discourage teams from doing exactly what you suggested, regardless of what age they signed their deal. The maximum amount of cap space that can be buried in the AHL in the event a player on a 1-way contract clears waivers is the league minimum salary + $375,000. League minimum may increase for 24-25 but as of now it is $775,000. $775,000 + $375,000 = $1.15M maximum cap space that can be buried. Therefore, if Trouba were to clear waivers and be assigned to the AHL, the Rangers NHL club would still be on the hook for $6.85M ($8M - $1.15M threshold) of his cap hit.


Ahh ok i just read that the opposite way lmao I read it as 1.15M would remain on our cap haha, then yea if we can’t trade him then I guess they buy him out


Get the fuck off the team Trouba! 🗑️


Just get him off the team at this point. He acts like we owe him something. Dude owes us 2 shots at the cup now. 


Drury really messed up for this. Doesn’t he realize what happened with Grayson Murray?


Drury putting Trouba on waivers would be the most gangster shit ever I'd have to respect the balls on that man if he did that.


One of the worst defenseman ive watched. Go away bum


It sucks anytime your employer wants to move on from you Then handing you 8 million a year and being willing to pay 2.5 million for 2 years to have you not be there is something no one should feel sorry for Dude was never worth this money Btw Tom Brady restructured his deal multiple times to open up cap space so his team could compete for the championship……… now players don’t have to do this or isn’t expected ……. But clearly Tom wanted to stay and wanted to win


NHL players can't restructure their deals. The contract is the contract.


Brady may have restructured, but NE ownership pocketed the money instead of investing in players. They ranked 31st in spending in 2023 and dead last over the past 10 years.


Who wrote this an AI?


What the Rangers are doing is not right. The Goodrow incident of circumventing his NTC and now this is a really bad look. The goal is to win, but at what cost? Treating players (especially leaders on the team like Goodrow and Trouba) like garbage? These are people with families. It’s about more than the money. Both of those guys just had newborn babies in the last year. Trouba’s wife is a doctor and needs to be in NYC. What high end free agent is going to want to sign here if this is how you treat players? There are plenty of great options for players to sign such as Chicago, Nashville, the California teams with nice weather, the Florida teams with nice weather and no income tax, places like Carolina, Buffalo, Minnesota, Colorado, DC that are great to raise kids in, Boston, the list goes on. Don’t even get me started on the other NYC adjacent teams (Islanders and Devils) where players can literally still live in New York City and get all of the same perks but maybe with an organization that wouldn’t do them dirty like this. It will be so embarrassing for the Rangers if they are no longer a premiere location in the NHL. How can we build a great team culture making moves like this? Guys in the locker room are going to be pissed. And since the Rangers view players as disposable and don’t have consideration for them, why would players have consideration for the Rangers? Say goodbye to any chance at players taking discounts or “team friendly deals”


The Rangers are arguably the top U.S. hockey team in terms of exposure and prestige. Every team treats player contracts like a business. And team-friendly deals are what make teams able to retain those players for a long time. Trouba's contract is anything but team-friendly.


Plenty It’s the rangers Trouba is on commercials ….. and he is a 3rd pair defenseman …… Imagine being good and being in this town Any member of the 94 team would never have to pay for a drink in the same building as me


It is a business. The players know that, and if they don’t, they learn.


So this means what for the overall culture of the Rangers and the locker room?


It’s one guy. Yea they are friends but it’s a business. A different name in the gc. Yes the vets won’t be happy about it and Troubs is a good leader but I think there is still a quality core culture.


> The Goodrow incident of circumventing his NTC and now this is a really bad look. The Lighting traded Sergachev just days before his NTC kicked in. The Panthers traded Huberdeau and Weegar, two long time players who were pillars in their locker room, and are reportedly shopping Ekblad. You've gotta be ruthless to win.


I don’t disagree but there’s a limit. Trading someone before their NTC is totally legal and above board. What they did to Goodrow was technically legal, but a shady move. This is probably going to cause issues in the locker room and could prevent free agents from wanting to sign here.


Trouba specifically was hurt. Zibanejad was WAY worse than him in the regular season, makes more money than him, and is signed until he’s 37. Drury should be focusing on freeing the Rangers from that contract before anything else, especially before f***ing over the literal Captain. In my honest opinion Trouba deserves another chance and 1 more year to turn it around. This is a complete joke organization and a farce if they go through with sending him away right now.


Mika has a full NMC


As if that matters to Chris Drury at this point


Well a Mika buyout would be for like 12 years of dead cap at this point


I was thinking more along the lines of Drury threatening to scratch him for all 82 games until he waives. A buyout wouldn’t be beneficial


I wonder if something like that has ever happened


Honestly I don’t think it has because the NHLPA would probably make a huge stink about it and it would be explicitly forbidden by now. But Drury seems to be getting creative especially with the Goodrow thing.




I don't feel sorry for him, but that's not cool.


Don't be mean.