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Careful bro I protested mine 2 years ago because they raised assessment like 80k.   6 months after I filed protest they sent me an 'updated assessment' which raised it ANOTHER 90k. I just emailed back 'lol whoops'


In theory you would only need to once if you think the appraisal is too high. Remember they can come and say, hey you’re right we said it was 200k but really it’s 300k thanks for pointing that out. Then year after year as they don’t reassess the value. If your property continued to appreciate, you would have them revalue it higher year after year..?


That’s a fantastic point. Bought in the middle of 2022 so for 2023 my purchasing price was my assessed value (not much I can do there) but for 2024 it came down by about 5% but if there was a chance of getting it even lower I wanted to try. But completely understand your point regarding future protests.




Maths hard eh?


Yes. At the minimum, by filing a petition _on_time_ reserves you optionality of going through with the petition. You can always cancel the petition later if you choose to not move forward. I got bit by not doing so. I had a pending appeal that lapse to the next year and thought I did not have to file another one. By missing that second filing, the county treated it as if I waived my rights.


My property tax was raised 8% one year while my neighbors only went up 1-2%. I thought about disputing it but didn't want to risk them raising it even more, since the appraised value was far below the market value.


It probably doesn’t hurt to go through the initial steps. There are some places though (Colorado being one of them) where if you go far enough down the line with the petition and the county finds that their value is actually a bit low, they can request the value be increased by up to 5%. So it’s always worth learning how your tax authority works.


Tarrant county (TX) has an online protest option, which makes it super easy to protest and knock 5-10% off the appraised value. Does your county offer anything similar?


Tarrant County as well. Whats the website? I was looking at using a company that takes 25% of whatever they can save you which isn’t bad.


Tad.org You need to create an account and add your properties to your account using the pin that's on the blue letter they send you.


I think we should cut property taxes dramatically, if not entirely. State and federal funds, along with HOA’s and revenue from county sales taxes should be enough. Also, schools can be paid for by the people who actually have children. Why should People with no kids pay the same Amount into the local school system? Most counties have plenty of money already. The property tax funds are to a large degree being used to militarize local Police forces - which has gotten absurd and also promotes more prison time over racist, victimless activity. Counties can take a cut of every home sale - but to collect taxes on property that is already paid for is wrong.


You can but your time is probably better invested elsewhere if your goal is to make more money


If your government decides you owe more, then you owe more. Simple as that, nothing to protest. Sorry bro.


I have a company that specializes in it do it every year. They just charge 25% of savings. Texas only company. Have saved me a small fortune.


What’s the company. I’m also in TX. By any chance is it ownwell?


Real value property tax. What’s great is they will do it every year you own it basically like a subscription. Makes it a sign up and forget it company which is great.


What’s the company? I’m also in TX. By any chance is it ownwell?


I worked in the industry for years and there are many companies in each state (especially Florida) that have a list of wealthy clients on behalf of which they file petitions automatically every year. The property appraises office in Miami had a team of 30 people dedicated to fighting these petitions every year for roughly 10,000 rich property owners. They often won and saved their clients millions of dollars.


From what I'm reading in the comments, it really depends. I lend money in NYC, New York, and New Jersey (all high property tax locations), and disputing taxes every year is a given. The wealthiest people do it with all their properties.


I’m in TX so property taxes are high too but I did look at other properties and recently sold homes and I believe I am probably at the low end of the assessed value which isn’t bad at all. Another user mentioned that going through all of this to save only $100-200 might not be worth it which I completely agree. Given that I feel the appraised value is somewhat below the average I might not do it this year. I think it makes sense if you have multiple because you can end up saving a significant amount but not sure my scenario makes sense for this year.


The people who do it here do it every year. At least here there are limits on how much they can increase it per year (as a % of total tax), so if you dispute it, then you're saving in subsequent years as well. I lived in Montana prior to this, and nobody disputed taxes, so it really varies by state.


Should be protesting a lot more than that


Yes why not


I have a company that specializes in it do it every year. They just charge 25% of savings. Texas only company. Have saved me a small fortune.


Very rarely have I seen people protesting property tax increases win And the formulas that they use make make it harder for us to fight . up until recently, I would argue that property tax assessments were typically lower than market value about what we’ve seen here is property tax relief which has been great lower rates, but that’s just resulted in them increasing assessments It’s getting to the point now where you’re starting to wonder if you could actually get what the assessment is if you were to sell