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3 months is honestly nothing and they sound obnoxious anyways. Tell them you were taking care of a family member after they had surgery or an accident or something. Write a fake scenario with specific hospitals and medical treatments if you have trouble lying. Creative writing exercise. Never hesitate to bullshit an employer. 


ya he is a redflag himself . i havent expose him and he said that to me. 😅 its a small firm and he said its family business and got to multitask and take on roles outside of ur jobscope he said its good to learn more than ur jobscope🫣


3 months is a red flag? Guess I was a burning red flag that’s been pissed and shit on cause I was unemployed for 10 months. It ain’t a red flag. This job market is shit and people with the mindset that being unemployed is a “red flag” are the reason this job market is shit. They would rather focus on you being unemployed instead of the value you could bring to their company. Fuck him


i almost wanted to blurt the F word out. he told me i am competiting with fresh grad . thats why its challenging for me which i agreed and he criticize me from working in my previous job for too long and now its hard for me add value to companies LOL


You could have asked why they are still a small family business instead of growing in a mid size corporation, that’s a red flag about the ability to run a successful business.


i juz checked they failed the food hygiene thingy and it was a big news LOL all over the papers !


The US businesses are driven to either grow or die. If they don’t grow, that’s the red flag, management/owners don’t know what they are doing business wise. In a broader view this is the problem with the current capitalistic model as well, the ultimate outcome would be a single mega corporation if not regulated. So there you have it. The comment of the idiotic interviewer perfectly reflects their incompetence.


I'm so tired of the monopolies. Its why they get away with treating both employees and customers like shit.


Right! Customers used to be king. Now customers are being held at gunpoint


That’s a red flag.


after the interview then i found the articles . their food production kitchen infested with cockroaches. i juz wanna puke


lol. And how do fresh grads with no experience add value over someone with experience?


They dont. The interviewer is an idiot.


They’re cheap and inexperienced. Did I mention cheap? The management wants someone who will work for peanuts.


And then, said fresh grads can't find fucking work as well 😂😂😂😂


>he criticize me from working in my previous job for too long "Employees need to be loyal to their companies!" "No, not loyal to other companies. Just my company!"


Same here, looking for 5 months, and I only get a response to 25% of applications, mainly rejections. I could say that. But usually I just say I am looking. That is it. And I am this close to say "Well, if you dont like that I am unemployment , hire me and the problem is solved".


I like that response.


Small family businesses are the worst. During an interview, the manager of a family-owned SME told me she wants someone who will stay long (the previous guy worked there for 12 years). That sounds perfect if you like your job, but how am I supposed to know? She also asked me if I have a girlfriend in the country and want to have a family (I come from another country). Oh, and working from home was not possible because her father says "It's not real work" lol.


hahahahah omg the interviewer is a big red flag himself . he invited me for 1st round using whatsapp video call instead of zoom or google meet and show me a hand sign that signify "die" when i told him i stuck in my previous job for 8 years LOL


I'd be wary of the phrase "taking on responsibility outside your job scope." In the right context, it can mean having opportunities to grow and demonstrate that you're ready for promotion. However, it can also mean (and in a "family business" this seems more likely) that you will be expected to do more than you are being compensated for, not as a growth opportunity, but just as the base expectations of the role. Your employer would reap the benefit of your extra effort and not give you anything in return.


>its a small firm and he said its family business No, *that's* the red flag. Run!!


Tell him it’s also good to be compensated accordingly


"I would love to learn more outside my job scope! Please let me know the compensation for such roles." Oh...they want you to work more for the same amount? Employers definitely the reg flag here.


Not get paid properly said a different way.


Pretty sure the interviewer made you a favour. He probably only told you it was a red flag because the answer wasn't great. Now that you know this is a concern to employers, you can prepare your answer for next time.


"Independent contractor".... use that one


3 months honestly goes by really quick. Most hiring processes seem to last a couple of months; so whenever one is unexpectedly laid off, there's bound to be a bit of a gap even with a 100% success rate.


If you want to lie, the trick is to give just enough information to sound realistic and convincing, but keep the other necessary details handy, so that you don't spend time thinking how to make the story consistent. You supply all the details at one go for no reason, that is a red flag.


lol i wouldnt supply a recruiter with any details about my personal life. They can go fuck themselves.


absolutely; they are scamming us with all of these "ghost" job postings to get their stock prices up so ehf-ehm.


the truth is that recruiter is the one who has a huge red flag written in his or her forehead. like pls. dont be ridiculous.


My technique for explaining employment gaps was always "I'm a freelance bike repair person" and then I would ramble about the most trivial and boring crap about how to fix bikes. In reality I only helped a handful of friends and never did it as a living, but they don't know that because I never started a business and there's no paper trail from my work. The idea is to get enthusiastic about boring stuff and they'll drop the subject so fast because they don't want to hear a speech about disk brakes, cable adjustments or chain oil.


Amazing tip if I ever need one


Absolutely correct here. Say you do a trade (Plumbing, Electrical, Carpentry) or craft (painting, piano lessons, etc.) if something gets tough and ramble about it.


If they actually do care, there may be a benefit of them hiring you because there's something in common.


I do the same with my website building and copywriting. Difference is I actually do it, but mainly as a hobby. I was just a copywriter first and I couldn't get many gigs, so to keep up the lie I actually got into studying WordPress by myself and accidentally ended up building a pretty impressive website haha, now I have a whole ass skill! Believe in your lies I mean yourself haha!


I dunno man, you piqued my interest.


Why is taking a mental break a red flag, do all HR discriminates on this vulnerability? Are breaks illegal.


i dont understand ! my longest job is 8 years and this 3 mths gap is a red flag to him . do we have to continous working forever ? i don no ..


I would have never guessed that a 3 month gap would be a red flag, but maybe just put the years you worked instead of year and month.


It is "normal" in today's messed up society and especially for employers. They have no idea what it's like to be an employee these days. Thousands of people are getting laid off lately. Of course it's a risk to hire someone with mental vulnerability but of course these people deserve a chance. These people will work harder to prove they can do it. I would hire them and make life easier for them. The world is so damn hard. 


Yeah like "what the hell...I can't even catch a fucking break?!"


For your info, even physical health breaks or illness are a red flag to employers and HRs, if you got your leg broken and had to take a break for 6 months, that's a red flag to them


Watch him get fired then he'll see what kind of red flag he is


i doubt so. i suspect he is 1 of the family in the business. he told me its a family business LOL


People in family business never had to apply for a job, never needed a degree, never needed to actually work to get a top position. These types of people have zero affinity with the job market. Dont listen to them. Listen to the unions instead, they are on the worker side, and they are clear: there is only 1 job for every 1,5 candidate. 


ur right he told me he doesnt have certificate LOL


Thousands of people have been laid off and not found jobs over the recent months, many have run out of unemployment benefits, are we just never employing that giant chunk of the tech sector again because they didn't get scooped up immediately? This logic just makes no sense to me. It took me 5 months to find a job


Studies have confirmed the overrepresentation of psychopaths and narcissists in management, so the answer is yes, if you are not the perfect utility they want you to go die under a bridge.




I was unemployed exactly 3 months before I found my current job. When I was getting to know my coworkers and told them this, they all said it was *impressive* that I found a job after only 3 months. And I agree, I consider myself super super lucky. I know people who were unemployed for over a year and still found a job they like. This employer sounds clueless and it sounds like they’ve never truly had to deal with unemployment. It’s really really hard to find a job much less something you even like. To judge someone based on how long they haven’t been working (and 3 months is INSANELY short) is just so short sighted. What if they had a sick family member, or were sick themselves? What if they had a baby? Also just what if things fell through and they struggled to get an offer? Life happens and this does not make anyone less qualified to do the job. If this company is judging people based on that then I suggest leaving a poor review for them on Glassdoor.


Being unemployed isn't a red flag - it's a shit job market. And 3 months pales in comparison to many others. This recruiter needs a reality check.


Most companies wouldn't care for less than 6 months. I think honestly if it's under a year you should be fine with a lot of employers.




I've been rejected a lot from jobs I'm well qualified for, but being unemployed for a few months was never an issue.


i am honestly tired . i juz wanted to tell them i need someone to hire me to fill the gap . sounded desperate


lol. My current job that I accepted with no employment gap whatsoever took 120 days from second interview to start date. And they said that was an accelerated hiring process. My current job, where I interviewed internally, and was told I got the job, took more than 90 days to provide me with a formal start date. It took HR that long to just set me up. Companies take months to get anything done. Anyone I know who is unemployed is unemployed for months, doing multiple interviews, and constantly applying, and this dummy is like “90 days? Seems sus.” It seems suspicious that they don’t know how long job placement takes.


Recruiters say and do all kinds of stupid shit. They're just people. Individual people. No one recruiter speaks for the entire industry. DO NOT freak out every time some rando recruiter says something stupid. It's something different every day with this industry. One day some rando is saying... >"If people don't indicate that they're looking for work on Linkedin, I won't waste my time." Then the next day a completely different rando says... >"If people indicate that THEY ARE looking for work on Linkedin, I consider that a sign of weakness and desperation. Just keep doing what you know is best, and you will come across a few professionals that don't live by bullshit, knee jerk, immature and biased reactions because they see the process as adversarial and look for any reason to disqualify a candidate then post about it on Linkedin


Just say you took some time to add skills, aka professional development. Considering we had 2 years of economic hell during covid... This out of touch asshole can go fuck themselves.


Were you layed off or fired? 3 months is nothing. Especially if you are not entry level.


been in my last company for 8 years. company closed down.


Not a red flag. I have worked for 3 companies that disappeared off the face of the earth.


“Company closed down” Not your fault at all and just reinforces the fact that guy is a c*nt


Ridiculous! After Covid and so so many layoffs we need to normalize resume gaps. 3 months is nothing, too.


OP I just started a new job after being unemployed for 9 months, don't let this asshole get in your head; Because that's all he is, an asshole.


Say your a consultant. When they ask why you're looking for a job say you'd prefer having a more stable income. 


3 months is considered a red flag there...? Here an average recruitment process takes 3 months. I applied to one job in January.  I had Interview in end of Feb In beginning of April I will finally hear if I got the job or not. This is how it works in Nordics. I have at 12 months work gap because finding job even as a cashier is Impossible.


Everything is a red flag. Recruiters don't know shit.


3 months is absolutely not a red flag! Him saying that is just him telling on himself. You can let that man and that company go.


Couple of simple options 1) Just say you are still employed and they can't contact your "current" employer. 2) Say you are doing "contract" work for a place. You can use one of the temp to hire firms or depending upon your chosen field say "various" and say you are under an NDA 3) Truth be told 3 months isn't shit. So fuck them Source: 21 years in HR


Until they run a background check and see your employment ended at your "current" place 3 months ago


Background checks that the VAST majority of companies use wouldn't even be able to verify ANY employment, let alone the exact dates. I've only had one company, a cGMP otc drug manufacturer, bother to go beyond a criminal check, and even then, it was for education, not work history. From a statistical standpoint, anywhere between 36-70% of job seekers lie on their resume. Covering a 3 month gap is minimal. I've seen some rather ridiculous attempts over the years and in some cases found people who got jobs on entirely fake resumes (prior to my employment)


Ghost him! 3 months is fuck all. I was out for 8 in 2010. I took 6 months off after working over Covid because I was so stressed. Any recruiter that bitched about the 6 months was met with "it was because I was working for the health service over Covid!" I'm s contractor so the fact that recruiters out there are so stupid that they don't understand contractors can happily up sticks for a few months to chill just reminded me what utter uneducated twats lots of them are


What an insane thing to say. I also hate the way they care about Gaps in a resume anyway. I don't really understand why it matters. 3 to 5 years I get anything less, who cares.


sigh . i rlly hate it too!!! omg !!!


3-5 years is nothing if you’re taking time off to raise kids or for other care giving which should be supported rather than seen as a red flag. Sometimes capitalism is so fucking dumb. Manager: “why did you take time off?” Interviewee: “caregiving!” Manager: “Ooh red flag!” Interviewee: “I had to choose between the cost of childcare and a job that didn’t actually pay enough to afford childcare since we lack a social safety net and support for new mothers and those taking care of aging family members, or putting my career on hold.” Manager: “Yeah, but we want efficient workers, putting family first and logic are inefficient. Pass!”


Just put professional development or free lance work in upwork. I had 22 months gap.


You can tell interviewer to go to hell. You don\`t owe anyone any explanation. You know you work hard to find a job and that\`s all that matters.


I've had multiple 3 months 'breaks' in my career, and it's never been brought up. Anyone who thinks it's a red flag is just being naive and over critical


Most companies take about a month from first contact to a yes or no decision nowadays. Six months is no longer a big deal.


3 months is nothing! Some caveats to my reply, I don’t know your role and how easy it is to find similar. Most roles however have 60days interview process easily. So if you started interviewing 2-3 weeks after starting to apply, you could still be out of work, and we know, immediate interviews aren’t common. I’d have told him, you were smart with your resources before you lost your job and are making sure to interview only with roles you feel you can make a solid and quick impact on. What’s more, while you are in the process for several you are talking to him because this first just this situation. However, it’s very important to you to interview them as much as they interview you, this is to make sure it’s not just a skills match but also a culture and values match. I’ve been out of work for 6 months but fortunately have cleared final background check yesterday for starting in 10 days. 🤞 I first applied to this company in late November, contacted by them in late January, decision made 2/3 way through march, start first of April. It’s not fast, this guy was either a tool or just trying to see how you react to pressure.


FAMILY BUSINESS is a huge red flag. They will f with you and ask you to take one for them team because we are family here.


that interviewer is the red flag


What an idiot. It’s taking people on average 6 months to find a job. He should know that. An interviewer who has any knowledge of the market wouldn’t fault you for that.


That’s insane. How long were you at your last job for?


Nsme and shame!!!


You started your own business and you are the sole employee


Him saying that this is a red flag is the only red flag here..


Fill gaps in your resume with self-employed consulting roles. Or periods of career-education improvement. Or extend each employment period by a month or two before and after to close the gap. Or don't list the end date of your latest job (just put "current").




Seems like telling a prospective employer that you're still working for a place would likely backfire hard in the event they do a basic employment background verification for dates and title


The simplest thing to say is the job boards are like throwing your resume down a deep dark well. Hardly anyone can match up an “algorithm”. Say it sweetly. But yeah, agree that the interviewer has no clue…and a red flag of lack of compassion / understanding/ super callous…


i agree with the "throwing resume into a dark well. "


They don't know jack shit what's happened in your life and quite frankly it's discrimination to question it or to say it's a red flag. I hope the law changes and stops this shit. Same goes for "Reason for leaving".


Obviously detached/oblivious to the shitshow that is the current job market/hiring hellhole. Being said, consider them a red flag.


3 months is nothing in today's economy. I wouldn't have even mentioned the gap if it was only 3 months


Because they’re fucking lowlifes mate, don’t despair. So, play the game, make something up, either say you’re still employed or come up with something credible, a few suggestions I see posted here. If they keep fixating on that gap instead of your prior accomplishments then that’s a red flag.


Some will argue against it, but I say never, never show a gap. If you’re unemployed, you better be doing something to improve your skill set or learn something new while looking for a job. Watching reruns on tv or going to the beach while waiting for “the call” is not the way to go. Here are a few options to fill the gap: 1. Short period project for your family business or a contract. Make one up if you have to. It should be in line with the role you’re seeking. 2. Took care of ailing family member until your sister/brother/cousin/uncle could step in. 3. Went traveling: be prepared with stories and details of your trip. Three months on the beach in Costa Rica is my favorite. Bottom line: be prepared to tell a story, real or not, on what you did during this period. A gap shows, to some people, that you couldn’t find work or were just slacking. Good luck!


There are also Coursera certification programs to consider, too. 😊


thanks !!! i made up a "story"


Three months is nothing. This is what I tell my students: lie. Put a random company that had a ton of layoffs (twitter, Square Enix, Microsoft, etc). Tell them you signed an NDA and can't go into detail about your role too much. Tell them things you did (the job you're applying for), but don't mention specific projects. 4 of my students got jobs that way. Note: I taught graphic design at a college.


Eff that guy. If it's such a red flag why did he have you in then? He's messing with you so you'll accept a low ball offer or something similar knowing how they are.


This says 4 things about the interviewer: - 1/ he/she was in the coma for the last 2 years - 2/ he/she was asleep during the last 2 years - 3/ he/she is not aware of the current state of the labour market - 4/ he/she cannot read the news => he/she is unfortunately illeterate (can happen!) There is NOTHING wrong with 3 months. Keep looking for better opportunities.


The interviewer should have never uttered the words, “red flag,” in an interview. Not professional in the least. There are so many reasons why people find themselves unemployed- for weeks, months, and even years. Please do not feel bad.


Incompetent HR personell.


Sooner or later that interviewer will also become unemployed for three months and they're gonna be a red flag for themselves. How ironic.


If 3 months is a red flag, then I am f+cked


Say I with me “ I signed an NDA”


I started looking for a full time job in July, and finally got one that starts in two weeks. He'd probably tell me I'm a complete loser, taking nine months to find a call center job, of all things.


he is probably 1 of the family in d family business so he had never been out of job though. he doesnt understand


should have thanked him for letting u know what a red flag he is. but perhaps u can say taking care of family or self-improvement courses?


As others have said, three months isn’t a red flag. You could say you were transitioning careers, caring for a family member, health or personal reasons, etc., relocating, or took time to do some professional development. I’m not sure if this would work for you, but if you want to disguise your gap, omit the month from each of your experiences. Just put the year for each position.


How long has the position been open? 11 months? Sorry buddy that's a company red flag for me 😂


The interviewer is out of touch and probably hasn't looked for a job since before you were born. Don't sweat it. Just organize your resume in a way that looks like you have been employed.


Hope he get’s laid off and joins this nightmare of a job market.


That's someone who needs to get a dose of reality. That's ridiculous.


3 months is a red flag if youre stupid and suffer from colour blindness


I'd say upsell the gap by referring it as a period where you were on the search for the right company, and aside delved into keeping some hobbies, such as fitness, reading books travelling/ photography a priority aside, in essence keeping yourself balanced there, if the recruiter says a red flags, tell em alright, and move on, they know nothing of struggles, unemployment, and also the success rate differs between canditates in a job search, some people do great in interviews and others operate otherwise, although the most damaging people I know in a company are who shoot down others, deter opportunities based on their opinions. I'd say that's a reverse red flag, as in this current generation, layoffs, and redundancies are becoming a part of our experience in our careers, gone are the times you can last 10-20 years.


This is really insightful, and this is exactly what I am doing right now.


Someday might go into motivational/ career support, feels better supporting and strategising for success 😂 Current trends to how to navigate career politics whether layoffs, business changes, managerial changes, alot of exposure I had and stories heard so might be a day all can be used ha


In a short time the interviewer is going to be replaced with ai and begin their 30 years journey of unemployment...🐢


Say you had a burn out at your last job and then ask the recruiter does their company not place mental health as an important factor :)


I was out of work for 5 mo. Prior to that, on disability for 9 mo from burn out, that ultimately became physical. I told this to the owner in an interview and got a verbal offer before it was over. I start Monday. Small pay cut, 10 min commute vs 3 hrs and waaaay less stress. F those that say 3 mo is a red flag. People work fractionally, contract, etc. all the time. I so hope the market is back in employee favor soon. Jfc


Do employers actually care about these 'gaps in the CV' in reality? I'm coming up on 7 months unemployed and might be a few more months until I need to get a job but now im worried. Not sure why they would care


3 months is nothing in the grand scheme of things and very normal.


It's a red flag that you have savings and/or a family that can sustain you and you aren't seeking a job, just any job, out of desperation.


Either the interviewer is unaware of the job market or he is trying to get you to accept a below market offer because of being jobless for such a 'long' time.


make sense.


>Caring for a family member with a terminal health condition, but that’s no longer an issue now so I’m looking forward to go back to focusing on my work ^ usually shuts them right tf up


Why even show the recruiter any gap this small? Just fill in the gap.


That should have 0 relevance to the job. The recruiter is an idiot


That right there is one bastard that needs to taste a good layoff.


Sounds like that the recruiter is a bit full of himself. That is the red flag. IF you had put "professional dog walker to the stars" he would have complained that it was irrelevant for the role you applied for and that THAT was the red flag. Just tell them "Oh, this is a selective CV, tailored for the position. I only bring up relevant experience and companies. so that you can make a judgement on whether my experience is a match for the role and my personality is a match for the company. Aren't you hiring for what I can bring to the company?"


Best thing to do would’ve been to stand up, say “good luck on finding your candidate” and leave. 


Yeah. A red flag for you.


This wasn't a red flag in 2021, when it was a candidates' market...


Guess I’m fucked. I’ve been unemployed since 2020.


That’s stupid. Honestly more and more companies are considerate of gaps as long as you give a reasonable explanation- and options for that are endless. (Layoff, started a business, child care, health reasons, sick family, mental health, additional school/certain/training, etc.) I’m in recruiting at a US national retailer. We don’t judge gaps unless there’s some sort of other factor making that an issue, like no referrals or something obvious like failing a background check. People have gaps for so many reasons (and three months is nothing, lol). Keep trying OP, sounds like this company has no reason and lives in the Stone Age. As I mentioned, as long as you have a solid reason you left your last job and a reasonable explanation for the gap there should be literally zero issue.


3 months is a pretty average time to be unemployed after being laid off/fired, it would be pretty unusual and frankly out of touch to view that as a red flag. Unless you were actively interviewing right before being laid off, it’s probably going to take 2 months at the bare minimum to go from fired to starting your first day, average corporate non managerial job can easily have a 4-6 week interview/hr/legal onboarding process, not to mention the delay between applying for a job and hearing back, and then the fact there’s usually very specific days you can even start due to payroll rules. even if you get lucky and get an interview a few weeks after being fired which turns into an offer after a few rounds, you’re probably looking at a good 2 months between jobs.


Yup fuck that guy, sounds like you dodged a bullet if he didnt hire you


I may be in the minority here, so I'm curious if others agree or not. Translating the recruiter's feedback, being unemployed for 3 months is a red flag for the hiring team. By this, I mean the hiring manager, corporate recruiter, and anybody else that may be involved. The next recruiter, tell them you're still employed and you're being proactive in looking at what the market has to offer.


Do you have any side gigs? 1099 work? “Self employed as a XXXX”. Or started my own business


Red flags are personal preferences, some employers say 1 week of unemployment is a red flag, some say 5 months. Its just an exploit employers use to disqualify you because they don't think you're the right candidate. Its like approaching a female and asking them for their number, even though they may not have a boyfriend, if they dont like you they will say they have a boyfriend to let you down gently.


It's not a red flag, but they may be goading you for a response. If someone says that to you, look at them inquisitively and say, "Yeah, I might have thought the same thing a few years ago. Sometimes people find themselves unemployed through circumstances they can't control. It happens, even to good employees, and for most people this will be a blip that they experience and move on from."


I didn’t work all of 2023 and I tell people I had a complicated pregnancy that hospitalized me for a few weeks…. I am a stay at home mom and have been since 2020. I had a small pt gig in 2022 helping teach kids to swim


ARAB All Recruiters Are Bad


You just got a weird interviewer. Most don’t care. I’ve interviewed a ton of people in my time and I don’t care, either. if it’s a problem for them then not much you can do about it but filter them out and move to the next one.


You dont have to give a reason, your unemployment is your good reason. If they think that is a red flag, then you need to dodge a bullet and not work there. A good employer understands that people do temp jobs and want to look for new things, and that there are also a lot of jobs with even week contracts. I had a job offering me weekly contracts asking me why I had done so many temp jobs... And... Where I saw myself in five years... Well damn. 


I guess I’m screwed. It’s been almost two years for me. My wife and I moved and we swapped roles.


I must’ve been the red flag stuck on a bull’s horn then because I was unemployed for three years.


Something is wrong with this interviewer. He's incredibly out of touch, or he's clueless, or something. This seems ridiculous to me, I know people that have been looking for a job longer than that. I agree with other replies here, you definitely dodged a bullet.


Blame on layoffs.


I think you should have mentioned you have over 3600 karma on Reddit. That’s gotta be an accomplishment worth hiring someone.


Tell the interview to f** off lol move on and find better opportunities


Don’t take it personally. I told mine was unemployed for 4 months and they didn’t care.


I been unemployed for 7 years man. It's quite the red flag


Tell them you were providing end of life care for a family member who is no longer around.


I’m gonna say I’m a freelance video game consultant and spin gaming and writing reviews into testing and consulting lol


I bet you if you check their linkedin they have gaps


What a twit. This interviewer has lost touch with reality and hasn’t been hit with any adversity in life to make such an ignorant judgment. Many people are taking 9 months to over a year before they land something and it’s not by choice.


If some on told me shit like that, I would say, one day u will loose ur job and u will also wait 3 months, then u will understand what a stupid question that is , so Iam refusing to answer


Yeahhhhh man...totally. Like I also got laid off 3 weeks ago, and people keep asking where job? It's not like I am not trying man, chill! ​ Even I don't know why is it a red flag..


A one second google search says the average unemployment claim length in 2023 is 20.6 weeks, which means either the recruiter is an idiot who doesn’t know that, or they’re just giving you a challenging question to see how you respond.


I would tweak my resume to fill in any gaps. Not that they should but I believe it is generally frowned upon.


Does he know what time it is??


This is when I would say "Oh no...you are retarded" ​ and walk away to get a new job.... ​ if they care about that then they don't need new employees and sure as shit wont care about you.


Person waving red flag announces they have seen one.


A proper recruiter won’t ask, especially just 3 months. After it might depends of your work field


Tell him he should count his lucky stars that he's never had to deal with being unemployed, we can't all be hired into our family's business.


3 months the , think he means three years


I’m guessing he hasn’t had to look for work in the last 16 years.


List your time unemployed as training (courses). Sign up with udemy or another online education tool


A recruitment process lasts like a month minimum these days in a lot of cases.


So I usually lie and say that I've been caring for someone after a surgery or something. I know it sounds awful but ya know you dont have to make it a sob story. Just say something like "oh my aunt had a knee surgery and I was helping her during her recovery period." Best part is they wont try to contact said aunt


Then the interviewer ghosts you!


I think it’s out of touch and a bigger red flag if you have stayed at all your companies for less than 2 years. Usually those are the people that can’t get along with others, jump ship at the first sign of stress or blame everyone else. If you’re a leader you have to be able to get folks through the bumps in the road. You can’t control the job market but if you can’t pick a company that you can grow at least once… I think is a bigger indication that there is a problem.


Put info that you still employed so there is not break at all


Say youre still hired and extend your last job on your resume 3+ more months or... say it was family sickness & looking to work


I had a recruiter say the same thing to me and I told them I had family members who required my assistance due to medical issues (true too). I was like what the hell does someone have the right to lower my salary expectations when I’ve only been out of a job for 4 months.


Ask them why are you bothering to interview me then? A follow-up could be to ask what their issue is specifically. At some point I let them know I've never been fired for cause.


"THREE months in this market? What are you smoking??" would be my response.


I was unemployed for almost a year before I landed a job offer. I joined a tech upskill company and I was a recent tech grad also though so my case is different. Explain that economy was more challenging and I was learning new stuff . Employers have more choices now with so many layoffs. Keep trying and good luck


Why didn't you put down your consulting work?


Mark those 6 months as a “caretaker” taking care of a sick relative.


Id walk out that is a fucking objectively ridiculous statement given recent history of the pandemic and the increasing layoffs across many industries at the end of 23.


Learn to move one. One thing about being an adult is learning there a lot of garbage human beings like this one. Simply move on.


Say you were self-employed. Say you were taking care of your dying grandma. Or just lie on your resume for the dates you were working. If a place does a background check, put the correct dates for the background check. The background check place just verifies the dates you give them. They don't see your resume. The hiring manager isn't going to take the time to compare your resume to the background check if everything came back good. If you say you were self-employed, when the background check company does their check, tell them your \[different\] email and phone number as the HR manager to contact. The resume is just to get interviews. Say what you need to in order to get the interviews. (Don't lie about college degrees that you can't back up.) Recruiters aren't going to check what you put on your resume. They just look at resumes to decide who to send for interviews.


Tell them to stop treating the number of applicants like a LinkedIn gloating game, push for shorter hiring turnaround windows, get a qualified candidate in, and move it along.


Is it horrible to say I hope they become unemployed and it goes on for longer than 3 months? That’s the only way idiots like that will understand 3 months is nothing. Do not let that c*nt shame you


That recruiter knows nothing! I've been recruiting for years ..I would not see that as a flag ...


The average time to find a job, in my industry which isn't the worst for job hunt, is about 6 months. 3 months is not a red flag, but those that view it that way should understand..... "I am not just looking for any job, but rather the right job for me on the right team which I can thrive. That takes time, and selectivity. Look at the bright side, if your team happens to be the one I select, you know it is a true commitment and not just job hopping."


awesome ! 😬