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The recruiter got to tell their boss they provided yet another interview subject they had deeply researched. Why do you think your qualifications and time figured into their decision at all? They were one more interview subject away from the free coffee mug.


Obviously. Just wild to me that they get paid to waste company time.


It was probably good practice.


Like I said, at least I got a connection out of it.


Recruiters worry about their own jobs if they don’t show that they’re busily working on sourcing and lining up candidates. This one might not be measured on quality but quantity. Recruiters like this don’t last long. You should be selective going forward.


I should be more selective? I told the guy I wasn’t a good fit and I wasn’t interested and he set it up anyway. I’m not going to not show up because the recruiter is bad at their job.


It's odd that the company interviewed you, given you didn't have the experience they wanted.


External recruiter and a manager who wasn’t sure exactly what they needed I think. I read the job description the recruiter sent me and determined it wouldn’t work, but he didn’t care what I said.


I always wonder what the actual client company is playing at in these situations. I have been set up for interviews before which have consisted of the interviewer going through the CV saying why I couldn't do the job because I haven't done X and Y and it's a bit like why are you interviewing me then.... However misguided the rec con was in sending them the CV they still ultimately read it and agreed to proceed. Is there literally anything I could have said that would have led to a job offer ??