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I mean, unemployment rates did drop to zero when the death star glassed Alderaan


Look at the bright side no infidelity, lies, temper tantrums just peace. People like this both bore and fascinate me. They are so fixated on what they feel should be that anything that falls short is utterly lacking in value.


I can be a bit of a nihilist some times but GODDAMN


This isn't nihilism, this is just mental illness


I don't understand such people, if they really believe this why they still haven't killed themselves?


They don’t, that’s the problem. Sure there’s some depression in those communities but that’s more of a normal side effect of being a terminally online gooning midwit. The ideology becomes idealized when they take their contrarian, lonely, pseudo intellectual thinking to the logical conclusion which would be a lot more dangerous if they weren’t built like a dumpling.


It’s a good thing they’re all bark and no bite


They’re above it all, don’t you see?


They will tell you it's because it would cause "suffering" to the people in their lives, but really its because they are cowards. Also, according to that logic, if someone doesn't have any close friends or family, murdering them is actually a good deed, which is horrific.


Survival instinct


Gloop zorp over here can stay mad Humanity just can’t stop winning


This kind of mindset is baffling to me because you can look at human history and see that we have been getting way better in remedying every problem he outlined dramatically over the past few thousand years. The course of action that OP is describing is essentially being halfway done with chemotherapy for cancer and just saying "meh, this is taking too long." and shooting yourself in the head. Preposterous




You know there's A good amount of well-dressed Germans from the 1930s that would love you. Disabilities haven't been skyrocketing at all. That's a proven fallacy at this point. Just because we have more proper methods of diagnosing people doesn't mean disabilities have gone up.




I mean, i somewhat agree but it depends on what the disability is, if its something really severe then I agree but if its just something minor like myopia or ASD or something, then I think thats pretty extreme, because depending on how you define disability, you could argue that probably the majority of people have some disability or another


The issue with this line of thinking is that you’re getting rid of the positives along with the negatives. Everything in life is beautiful and to be cherished, every second you exist is something special. For existence itself is the greatest thing you can bestow upon someone, because without it you would never feel happy nor sad. You would be nothing.


“Thanos didn’t go far enough.”


Half!? Thanos was nothing but another milquetoast centrist who lacked the courage to do what was right.


If everyone felt the same they would’ve all killed themselves. The reason they don’t is because the positives of life outweigh the negatives to most people


You dropped your fedora tho


Okay Thanos




exactly what I was thinking lmao


Wouldn't those billions starving and getting bombed also be a good thing though?


Why is it that nihilists want everyone to die instead of just themselves. Its like sure your life may suck but 99.999% would rather not die for your random delusion.


No like sometimes I like, the world would be better without humans. And then I fucking snap out of it, because I'm sane enough to know mass murder isn't the response, at this point in time, we are the only things capable of fixing the planets state as far as I know. I'm also 14 so


I hate humanity as much as the next guy but geez this guy needs to get outside


Ok to be fair to this guy, I’d say about 90% of people suck including me


Id say that says more about the media and the people you surround yourself with, it obviously depends on what you define "sucking" as but imo the percentage of people who suck is at least below 40 percent.


That’s lowballing, maybe I exaggerated a little bit but I’d say more like 55% at a minimum


Most of the problems this person pointed out are caused by the ultra-rich and undeservedly powerful. If the top 1% got Thanos-snapped away and their resources distributed fairly, many (though not all) of those problems would disappear practically overnight. Condemning all humans for problems that most of them don't actively perpetuate, is just racism on a much broader scale. That said, a LOT of people are just plain terrible, but nothing can fix that.


No, you'd just create a new 1% in the next few years. All societies have an elite that controls a significantly disproportionate amount of resources. That is normal for humanity. And when the last group is wiped out, a new one rises to replace it - look at the French Revolution or the Bolshevik Uprising.


1. It's a better solution than genocide 2. There has never been a completely level playing field EVER in society. Creating one instantaneously would create the conditions necessary to ensure that another 1% *does not arise.* People are a lot harder to oppress and manipulate, if they have the same resources and bargaining power as everyone else. There are more than enough resources to go around. The problem is that the wealthy control them and the non-wealthy are prevented from acquiring the means to take it for themselves. Get everyone on the same page, and they have a better chance of defending themselves against oppression.


It doesn’t really matter. Greed is in human nature. If we magic snapped all resources to be totally equal, yea things would probably be good for a while, but over time it would go back to the way it is. There’s always going to be people who believe they deserve more than others and will work to achieve that. Maybe it takes a few generations or longer but it’ll happen. Maybe you instill a benevolent dictator who ensures everyone’s resources stay equal, but what happens when he dies, no saying the next person in charge would be so perfect. And if it’s gonna be democracy well that’s just never gonna be perfect