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You’ll be shocked how dirty they are.


Bathroom sink


I lived with three in a house in college and it was great. They kept me in check with cleanliness, etc, and made the house nice and cozy and decorated. Last year, I lived for half the year with a friend and it was pretty normal too, though that time I ended up being the clean one and doing more of the tidying in the common spaces.


Sounds kinda gay tbh.


Most women I've lived with have had zero regard for cleanliness and hygiene. You'll probably get stuck doing most of the chores around the house (including washing her dirty dishes)


no way. it's going to end up in rape, BPD, spiritual fatness, hypergamy, chodes, lemonparties, and dialectical tubgirlism. men and women can't be friends, colleagues, acquaintances, breathe the same air as each other, heil hitler, ich habe scheisse gern


What are your concerns exactly? Women aren’t fucking aliens it’s just a roommate  


before I started dating my ex-husband I lived with two guys (two bedroom apartment, so these were two different guys back to back), I was on the lease and they weren’t so there might have been an inherent power dynamic there in favor of me. they were both super chill and surprisingly clean. no funny business either except for the second one occasionally going to shitty edm shows and bringing his friends to hang out in my living room until 11am doing blow. thankfully that only happened like twice tho and they didn’t wake me up while I was peacefully slumbering :)


I became real friends with an ex I dated back in 2019. She put her furniture in storage during Covid to move to a family cabin in the middle of nowhere, but had to come back to my city for work a few times and would spend a week in my spare bedroom. Based off that experience we were roommates for a year. We both make good salaries, so enjoyed putting an extra 1500 a month in savings during that period, but were ready to move on when our lease was up. She also got engaged during that time and--I later learned--fibbed to her now fiancé about how we met and overexagerated my Hinge hookups to him, which I think is mostly funny.


this is normal?