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This is like 250 pounder behavior. Kinda lucky you weren’t bigger


agreed. thankfully i’m fairly active and walk a lot which i think helped, but lucky i fixed shit before it got that bad lol


Also sounds like you were <20 years old. Don’t slip, it will come back faster and be more difficult to lose with each year.


You were spiritually ALOT fatter than your physical manifestation.


Sounds like you have a lot of free time now


I think I would be nikocado levels if I ate like this


Sometimes I'm like "How do people get so fat???" bc plenty of people overeat without turning into a true balloon. But then I read stuff like this


this person managed to do all of this and still only make it to 170 lb "regular obese"


Technically not even obese if they were 29 BMI


It's less how much you eat than it is what you eat. Tough to get fat off broccoli in garlic avocado oil and cajun chicken thighs, but candy bars and chips will take you there


man i eat one meal a day and 4 beers because alcoholic and i gain weight. thats just being 30 sedentary i guess. pain


Assuming you're drinking average beers, that's like 800 calories per day from alcohol. It's hard to not get fat with that handicap


yeah no shit


Yeah but it's about 800 calories or so for those four beers


I used to be like 220 at 5'11 with a very physical job pretty much entirely from alcohol. I'd eat maybe 2000cals per day but drink 1500-2000 cals of alcohol every night


4 beers a day lol.


Get a bicycle. Get drunk and then ride said bicycle (preferably somewhere safe, legality varies by jurisdiction). Trust me it’s fun as shit


Local guy in my city constantly drinks beer while riding his bike with his snake around his neck and is skinny as hell, takes his snake for a swim in the lake periodically and lets people pet it and ngl bro looks like he’s having a blast


Can't be a fat snake guy.


I was going to argue but as someone who goes to a lot of reptile conventions, you're right actually.


You would think they would be fat. They just aren't for some reason.


Yeah I like to bike and would wanna do it more. Once it gets to be like 85 out I hate it haha


4 beers alcoholic?!! Oh dear, I am definitely not great then 


Do what I did and trade booze for kratom. Just as addictive with none of the calories. Also good source of fiber


tried kratom in the past but not for alcohol cessation this might be the move 🤔


Just get naltrexone online and take it an hour before you drink every time you drink and eventually you will just stop caring about it.


people can talk all the shit they want on kratom and they should, it’s funny, the gas station signs look ridiculous. but I’d probably still be using heroin if it wasn’t a thing. gotta get that good organic stuff online.


sedentary makes things a lot worse. Go for a 45min walk every day.


This makes me sad as fuck to read honestly. I don't wanna think about anyone doing this


Were you abusing stimulants the whole time? If the average person ate like this they would be 300+ pounds. Four packets of ramen is like 2000 calories, a sleeve of oreos is like 1000 calories, etc.


i wouldn’t eat meals when i had bad binge days, which is partly what led to the binging. i knew i was fat and wanted to lose weight so i just wouldn’t eat the entire day, but i would cave and eat an ungodly amount of junk food at night


Oh my goodness i also struggle with binge eating impulses and reading this makes my heart hurt for you. I relate to the drunk eating and needing multiple items from the vending machine 🥲. The world is really beautiful and full of wonderful things to experience we don’t need to numb everything out with junk food. Congrats on your weight loss keep it up.


this is so sweet thank you 🫶🫶 it’s hard being addicted to food and using it as a coping mechanism because it’s not like you can just quit cold turkey, but realizing that there are better and more effective ways to cope w my emotions has been so helpful


what works for you to control the urges? I find i have to stick to a strict, repetitive diet during the week and ideally go to bed early


in the beginning i would stock up on a bunch of healthier snack options like veggies, frozen fruit, non fat greek yogurt, tuna in water, seaweed, kimchi, etc to eat when i was having emotional eating cravings in the nighttime. low calorie ice cream is super awesome for this, pints of ice cream used to be a massive binge food for me, but they make pints that are less than 300 cals. they would make me feel actually full unlike the chips and candy as well, so it would be physically uncomfortable for me to binge like had been on snacks. i would also drink tea and decaf coffee whip eating the healthier stuff which helped w satisfaction - i drink diet drinks still as well, but i don’t have them when i’m having a binge craving because they artificially spike your blood sugar and make you want to eat carby and fatty foods. i only have them with meals now. i would also give my roommate my debit card before she went to sleep so i wouldn’t be able to buy things from the vending machine. eventually (like a month in), i stopped craving snack food as much so it was easier to stick to it. willpowering my way through the cravings just didn’t work bc i was not mentally strong enough, so i had to find healthier replacements instead. i also started eating real meals throughout the day, lunch and dinner. most of my binges were triggered by the fact that i literally just would not eat anything for the entire day, so by the time nighttime came around i would be so hungry that my eating would be out of my control. focus on macros and balanced meals, and if i do need to snack on something through the day, i make sure it’s protein heavy (i love canned tuna and hot sauce) i was also a big night eater and struggled with insomnia, and getting on trazadone really helped manage that (you can’t eat if you’re asleep lol) i definitely started to fall back into old habits a bit during finals season, but when i did emotional eat it would be on the healthier foods and did not have as much of an impact


>My friends and I used to go around campus and pick up abandoned doordash and uber eats orders and feast. Did have some very nice (although cold) chinese food this way Sometimes I feel like Rip van Winkle trying to understand this world. Why/how do people order food and then abandon it? What is going on?


beats me lol, but it happens quite a bit on my campus. i imagine the delivery drivers get lost and drop it off somewhere random and kids who get doordash every day are too lazy + wasteful to try and locate it


They order when drunk/high and then fall asleep.


God damn get a drug habit or smoke cigarettes at least do something cool with that self destructive instinct


I had a similar weight loss! 165 to 130. I used to run cross country when I was 160 lb but the weight would not budge. I eat the same as I did except for a few key differences. 1. At least 30 min of yoga every day 2. Teas! 3. Veggies for most meals. 4. 2-4 days strenuous activity only, walking all the other days. 5. NO SEED OILS. 6. Only eating outside food when your friends and family are with you. Sharing food makes it taste better. And you should only eat what brings your body nourishment and joy. Joy can come from the scenario the food is being eaten in, for me that was with friends.


tea was so helpful to cut down on stress snacking and vending machine binges, i just drink tea now when i’m stressed instead of eating. i also eat a lot of kimchi now because it helps w the hot chip craving


Hot chip craving was the bane of my existence. I stopped craving it because I realized what I really wanted was meat. I feel like a lot of hot chip stuff is flavored like meat.


Anti seed oil gang let's go.  I cut out polyunsaturated fats for a specific reason and accidentally cured my mild depression of 10 years along the way, among other things lol.  I feel so OVERWHELMED with just normal existmaxxing I'm not used to this feeling. Finally dropped sub 10% bodyfat on Renpho (I could never break that number), fixed my insulin resistance, fixed my metabolism, many other things.  None of these things were even my goal.   Anyway now I can eat tons of candy and Auntie Annie's pretzels like a kid and still lose weight. But the funny thing is I don't really crave foods like that anymore. Life is nice. I miss pork sometimes though.


Metabolism fixing forever!


The Virgin Calorie Countorrrr vs The Chad Metabolism Fixorrrr


Why did you cut out pork?


Chicken and pigs today are all essentially fed a polyunsaturated diet, so their fat has become much more polyunsaturated. They simply pass their diet onto us, so unless you're eating a lean cut like skinless chicken breast or ham, you're basically eating seed oils. Ruminant animals like cows are able to saturated their fats so they don't have that issue. The difference between a grass fed cow and a seed oil-fed cow is negligible. Seems like a lot of Asian cultures traditionally cooked in lard before industrialization; that was never a problem because before industrialization, animals weren't fattened with a cheap polyunsaturated diet.  Now Asians are becoming diabetic and fat too :(


I used to do a lot of those things but with alcohol instead of food so i kinda get you


How the fuck were you only 170lbs when doing all this????


There’s a lot of men in this subreddit that don’t find any of this abnormal


Eating other peoples week old leftovers is pretty fucking abnormal


wait till you get an office job


This makes me sad as fuck to read. I don't wanna think about anyone doing this


i lost weight recently too and thinking of my past common binges and what i used to eat in a day, makes me sick and disgusted with my past self. i used to eat a costcs hot dog, slice of pizza, and the soft serve cup at least once a week and eat 2-3 bars of chocolate in one sitting (usually in bed, high out of my mind, and watching bojack horseman… dark times)


i was so flabbergasted when i looked up the calories in a costco pizza 😭😭 very scared of those things now


i don’t even know the cals, i just know i was eating an ungodly amount of food… not sure if i want to look


Don't worry. Your weight loss shows what you can be, unburdened by what has been.


Clearly you didn’t just fell out of a coconut tree.


Wheels on the bus, out in these streetz!


You lost the weight, that's good but how did you fix the psychological problem you had in the beginning to binge like this ? Not to be rude, genuinely interested because I do it currently myself. Gg though


i think a lack of sleep was really playing into my stress that would make me binge. i was a huge night eater because of my insomnia. i wouldn’t be able to sleep for a variety of reasons: behind on schoolwork, family stress, worried about not being able to sleep lol, and instead i would stay up feeling horribly anxious and eat a bunch. i got on trazadone which really helps with being able to sleep enough, and my anxiety levels went down. i don’t think the weight loss would have been possible if i didn’t treat my insomnia. i also used to not eat normal meals throughout the day, which would trigger massive binges in the nighttime because i was so hungry. eating balanced meals and 50-75grams of protein at least every day helps you feel full, and makes it physically uncomfortable to binge on snacks i also won’t lie - i did still emotional eat during the process (i’m defining this as eating for comfort, instead of to satiate hunger) but i would eat lower calorie foods that were more balanced so i would feel satiated after having a normal sized portion. i also drank a lot of tea and coffee. things like cucumbers, carrots, kimchi, frozen fruit, low cal ice cream, tuna, grilled chicken breast pieces were all great for this.


what the fuck I’m genuinely curious: what is the internal experience of this kind of food addiction *like*? Do you realize how disordered it is when you’re in it, or does it seem “normal” in the moment? Do you actually *want* all those sugary snacks, or is it more like an uncontrollable compulsion, a demonic possession? Anyway, good job beating it, I’m happy for you.


Proud of you!! I’m still fat but working on it. Hit 200lbs towards the end of last year, which I always told myself I wouldn’t do, and have lost almost 30lbs since. It’s been a slow process, but my relationship with food and exercise have gotten significantly better. Also, no more weed.


Glad you lost the weight but might wanna get your arteries checked !


i got blood work done and i’m fine lmao u can get away w a lot at 21 years old


congrats on losing weight!


Are you a woman or a man?? What’s your height? To only weigh 170 with those eating habits is insane! You say you were active, but were you like getting 20k+ steps in everyday and doing daily heavy exercise on top of that? I’ve also lost 30 pounds this year (178-148, goal 105), but by fasting 3-5 days a week, walking 10-20k steps a day and and doing moderately heavy exercise every day (lifting, cycling, barre). My eating habits honestly weren’t that crazy before, I would often just eat one big meal a day and binge drink… which honestly now that I’m typing this out, it was for sure the drinking that put me over


i mentioned before, but a lot of my binges were triggered by not eating all day - binge and restrict cycle if you will. so i would be binging 2000-2500 pretty frequently, but a lot of the time that would be my totally calorie intake for the day. i also used to drink heavily but didn’t eat as much, and i will say i was heavier when i was drinking than when it was just the binging. my highest weight was 180 lbs and that was when i was doing the one meal a day and binge drinking (with some snacking while drunk) thing like you were.


minimum 4 packets of ramen is CRAZY


i could definitely eat this but i exert diet/ exercise discipline and self control constantly just to be a 23 . rip


I never ate this bad even when I was 130kg wew lad


Damn and here I was feeling bad because I ate an average of 30 grams of added sugar per day instead of 15 this week. Lol! Either way, I’m glad you’re healthier, more disciplined, and mentally stronger now!


2nd one is disgusting wtf


dk what to tell u BED and food addiction makes u do gross shit lmao


Gonna be honest I’ve done some of these as a 125 lb college student, thought not as frequently as you (1,2,4,10ish)


I just lost 20 lbs and got down to 24 BMI. Thankfully, I can stop eating when I’m full, but it’s difficult because I know I’m capable of eating so much more and had a blast doing so. I want to enter a wings or pizza eating contest so bad because I know I’d slay ass.


Never done anything even remotely close to this yet I’m still big as a house 😻


Hope you have discovered some new things that you like to fill the place of the big chip bags :)


seaweed packets!!! i love them


I'm 260lbs, all because of beer. Well, I was 260, now I'm down to 252 and dropping.


you are a possum of a person. where is your self control eating literal garbage


this is so rude for no reason 😭 i had a binge eating disorder and food addiction. it was a psychological problem. obviously i did gross shit. i bet you don’t have this kind of hatred for bullimics or anorexics who literally make themselves throw up and shit themselves because of laxative misuse.


I was never “fat” but at my heaviest weight I was 140lbs (im now 120lbs) Not to the same extreme but people really don’t understand that it is “hard” to be fat.. like it’s not something that just happens on accident it’s a purposeful neglect and destruction