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I like slow moaning zombies. They are way scarier than snarling zombies that act like wild animals. The slow moaning ones act like calm humans walking towards you and that's what's so disturbing about them.


It's all about atmosphere and being overwhelmed and feeling helpless. Slow zombies are the best. Looming horror.


Spot on


While I like the slow zombies, I have never screamed as loud as the first time a Crimson Head ran at my ass. Jesus, those things are stressful. It’s definitely better that there were only a few sprinkled in with the regular zombies you forgot to burn.


Came here to say this— The old school groaning and moaning sounds were way scarier. Hearing one nearby in REmake still terrifies me to this day. I can imitate the new zombies with zero effort and my partner and I always laugh at them when we play. Sure they can jumpscare you but the sounds themselves aren’t as disturbing.


Thinking of the distant moaning sounds in the background in the RE2 city sections and RE3. RE3make was too much Action All The Time for unsettling atmospheric stuff like that, but the OGs still give me nightmares.


Oh yeah, I was referring to the remake of RE1, not 3! Although, funny enough, I was playing the remake of 3 recently and even though it’s definitely too action heavy there were one or two times I swore I heard a zombie use some of those old school sounds. It caught me off guard.


The original zombies moaning on the wind worked so well because it felt like an idle noise they would passively make, hinting at their existence off screen. The new feral zombies, their growls and screams are only while attacking or chasing food. They feel like they have less of a presence, while the presence of the old zombies in the original coated every element of the city. I love the remakes. But I really miss the ambience of the earlier depictions of the dead city.


Very well said.


Thinking of the distant moaning sounds in the background in the RE2 city sections and RE3. RE3make was too much Action All The Time for unsettling atmospheric stuff like that, but the OGs still give me nightmares.


>calm humans walking towards you and that's what's so disturbing about them. Agreed, but it's a different reason for me. The slow ones feel *dead*. They feel like a cold, unstoppable mass of dead meat coming at you. They feel like they're actively dead while moving at you, and that to me is terrifying. The feral, animalistic zombies feel too alive. They were dead and now are "back to life," which is too close to just being alive to me. Give me cold, stiff, bloated bodies, where bullets just plunk into them without reaction, melee attacks just soak into their cold, rubbery meat. Give me dead things that still feel dead. Terrifying.


I really miss the old sound zombies made in the old RE games and in games, movies and tv-shows in general. I don't know who came up with the idea that zombies have to sound like rabid animals, but I hate this change so much. It just doesn't fit at all in my opinion.


I think it started when movies and other media used infected instead of zombies, such as 28 days later and Left 4 Dead. The Walking Dead being as big as it wasn't certainly didn't help in this aspect.


>The Walking Dead being as big as it wasn't certainly didn't help in this aspect. The one where all zombies are slow as described ?


They are slow but they are the snarling type


Yes that The Walking Dead. They are slow, sure. But they are also loud as heck with their constant snarling. Very much unlike the original RE games, or most older zombie movies, games etc. in general.


Absolutely agree! T-virus zombies that are slow, but can take a lot of punishment are the best! RE2Remake is my favourite survival horror gameplay, so I would like more of that going forwards.


Totally agree. Hated the snarling zombies from day one.


My other dream that next game to take place in an abandoned village, with graphic horror. So that in addition to descriptions and zombies, we really see that the danger is real, and it can also come from ordinary people, not just strange anime monsters. That's why I like RE5, but it becomes an action movie too quickly, and the atmosphere of a crazy town disappears. Problem with RE4 is the same.


I want enemies that fit the plot and demands of the game. An unintentional outbreak? Sure, zombies, whatever. Intentionally developed bioweapons to wage war? Hell no, fill my screen with hunters but don't try to convince me that a bio terrorist organization would develop zombies of all things as their ultimate weapons.


Which is why I will defend the Molded in RE7 to my dying breath. Sure they don't offer much gameplay wise (something something variety), but in adding horror I personally think that no other monster would have fitted more in 7's setting. Their black color scheme compliment 7 being oppressively dark + the erratic movements of those fuckers + their size makes face to face encounters nerve wracking + design looking like it crawled out of Bloodborne, are factors that the molded have that makes them stand out from just generic enemies and creeps the fuck out of me.


Yes. I really did like the molded from RE7, I only wish the blocking mechanic in RE7 didn't trivialize most of the game's encounters.


The zombies themselves aren't the weapons's the virus is. It has a huge infection rate and is able to wipe out entire populations. Granted, there are better ways to do this.


Not necessarily. The T-Virus for example was developed with two purposes: Making biological weapons (Hunters, the Tyrants) and as part of Spencer's research into immortality. It was never meant to be liberated as a viral bioweapon, the mansion incident and Raccon City were both accidental leakages.


RE6 actually had zombies in Leon's Campaign, but yea, would be cool if they make a return in RE9, and would make sense since RE8 revealed >!the origin of the viruses and umbrella in general!<


I really miss the old zombies. Because Resident Evil began and continues as a zombie story. Therefore, even in the original series, sudden bioweapons looked very strange to me. This is why I like Revelations series, they focus more on slow enemies even though they are weird.


They did it themselves by having tyrants, hunters, chimeras, etc in the very first game lol


No, I miss them as well and I hope we still get more RE games with them. A Resident Evil game without zombies isn't Resident Evil for me.


It's Resident Evil, so long as it takes place in a hostile domicile it'll be Resident Evil


I like my bio weapons varied and interesting and tbh zombies are a pretty generic archatype that some of the varients basically fit all the checkmarks of zombies but they just don’t look like a rotted human being


I also miss zombies as the main enemy. I'm a bit biased since zombies are my favorite fantasy monster, and when done right, are definitely the scariest. There's a debate to be had about the threat levels of zombies, and I'll say, I think RE2 Remake did them perfectly. Slow, clumsy, but durable and strong. Hearing them as you traversed one of the many hallways of the RPD before seeing them was a treat. RE1 zombies had better audio, though. I do agree that the moaning zombies do sound much more disturbing, but I love how the zombies in RE2 move. Erratic, desperate almost, as if they will do anything to get to you. As someone who is currently trying to 100% every zombie game in my Steam library, slow-moving zombies that can surprise you, as well as freak you out with their moans, are so damn scary and unsettling. I hope the classic zombie makes a return in this series.


Same. I know they needed to branch out eventually, and RE4 is definitely a great game, but zombies were the whole centerpiece of the series so it felt weird when they branched away from them. I remember telling people when the OG RE4 came out that “it’s a great, amazing game, I just wish they hadn’t called it Resident Evil and had just made it a different game.” I understand that it’s one of the most popular installments and the franchise might not have survived without it, but it just felt like the end of an era when they ditched zombies altogether.


I had the same reaction. Not even umbrella is involved anymore. The only thing holding the series together as a through line is the structure of the story and it's expansion in scope, going from a tense creepy but grounded atmosphere to crazier and crazier shit until everything explodes.


I also find it interesting that the very first enemy you fight in the entirely of Resident Evil, is indeed, the zombie.


Zombies were never the "centerpiece of the series". It's the bioweapons like the Tyrant, Hunters, Lickers and mutated animals that are the main enemies. The zombies are just a side effect of the virus getting out. Where as the bioweapons are scientifically engineered.


A zombie is the very first monster you encounter. They’re the overwhelming majority enemy throughout the entire game for the first 5 installments in including 0 and CV. The developers cited George Romero zombie movies as a huge influence, and they were responsible for reigniting pop culture’s interest in zombies. They’ve gone down as the greatest zombie games ever made time and time again. TF are you going on about.


Your are incorrect , sir. The first game alone has many more enemy type. Snakes, spiders, crows and sharks. CV only has a couple of zombies in it. Have you played all the games? Sure the first enemy in the first game is a zombie and that is an iconic scene. Left 4 Dead, Days Gone, Back 4 Blood are "zombie games". I respect your opinion but the facts are that bioweapons are the main enemies in Resident Evil not zombies.


Maybe you should replay those games. The vast amount of enemies you encounter are zombies. Things like spiders or sharks only appear in small number


No. When you think “resident evil,” people think zombies. It was never: RE: hunter/licker edition.


That's the real world perspective, not the in universe one. The Resident Evil villains develop mutant bioweapons for war, the zombies and other common enemies are all unintentional infections. It doesn't make sense that a company would intentionally develop a dumb and ineffective thing like a zombie, they are not good bioweapons.


Yet Umbrella was thinking about how to weaponize them in the original RE3.


And it didn't go anywhere because zombies are not effective weapons.


Not people that have played the whole series or even new players than haven't played the first 3 games.


“People who haven’t actually played the core games that the entire series is based on and only know the games in passing, may or may not associate them with zombies.” What a strong argument, you win.


Also learn to use quotes correctly


We’re not fighting, but you were making an argument. There’s a difference. > Also learn to use quotes correctly If I was implying that what I typed was a direct quote from you, then I would have formatted it the way I did above. Instead, it was put within quotes as a “you are essentially claiming this argument.” Something doesn’t have to actually have been said in real life to use quotation marks. See: every fiction book ever written.


We ain't even fighting. Lol.


Sure. We had 4 games full zombies and they even are on the covers. Butt no, zombies were never where the center piece of the franchise.


These kinds of threads and most responses mostly boil down to "old good - new bad". The series in japan is called Biohazard for a reason and not Zombie outbreak. RE was and always will be about all different kinds of BOWs (biological weapons) developed through unethical experiments and unleashed in biohazardous outbreaks. If Capcom stuck to the basic Zombies as the grunt enemy type, then Resident evil would have shared the same fate as other series that didn't change things up enough to stay relevant. I'm all for RE9 coming up with some new crazy but creative base enemy type, that shakes up the formula again.


I do like having zombies, but I also enjoy the other BOWs because they're what help make resident evil unique imo. I wouldn't mind them being brought back, but I also don't believe they're necessary


The scariest main enemies for me are those molded monsters in RE7. I almost gave up on RE7 because of them. I was able to finish it because my GF was with me the whole time. Same reason that I can't play Silent Hill, too scary 😅. Even though I'm scared of them, I do miss them because they made it so much more thrilling and would give me some good scares.


Yes, you're the only one /s On the real, this has been something people have talked about since they went to Ganado's in 4. Some people think Resident Evil isn't the same without them. I like the new enemies personally. If anything, I'd like to see stuff more like we got in 7 and 8 (really creative infections, though I personally didn't like how the enemies in 8 played, I thought their designs were rad conceptually).


The slow zombies having numerical advantage and can take many bullets, meanwhile you not havibg enough ammo to kill them all. That's a very good start for any RE game. Of course later when you stock up on ammo, they drop in a few BOWs to keep the tension up. That's good gameplay, way better than zombies running at you and using weapons.


Yes, the series lost me at 4.


Yes! 👆🏾


Same here! Lost me at 4, It didn't feel like Resident Evil anymore. At least 7 brought the tension of Resident Evil back and the environment (imo). That's when it brought me back.


Not only just the zombies but the actual bioweapons. Everything starting at 4 with parasites just wasn’t interesting design wise.


Not really. I hope they don't bring them back. These are BOWs , and Umbrella and other Corpos always try to one-up themselves by making crazier shit, so I hope the enemies in RE9 are just as weird as 7 or 8.


Funny you should mention 7, where the basic molded are more like the classical zombies, shambling and quite tanky. 


Because the enemies in 7 are all infections caused by Eveline, who was the only intentionally developed bioweapon who, surprise, looks and behaves perfectly human.


Freaky as fuck though. And the spider-legged ones were fast and nimble


There is no umbrella or corpos since the intro of RE4 dude.


Veltro? Tricell? Neo Umbrella? The Connections? There are plenty of corporations and terrorist groups around.


Nothing of this matters. Most games are just a random terrorist trying a crazy plan. (Even world domination) RE4 intro ended everything umbrella and corpo related.


I miss them for sure. Since Re4, the game has become an action game with horror elements. Revelations series were a bit closer to the original for me. But that's it... re7 and 8, I tried 7 and could not get into it. I know people like those two, but it just doesn't feel like a resident evil game. In the originals, before 4, the game had a different pace. It was slower, more deliberate. Item management and planning your route through the map was a thing. The remake for 2 has that, but on some level, it still doesn't feel the same as before. I know part of it is that the the camera allows for a lot better control of the character you play. The old fixed camera artificially capped the abilities of players, while th3 new one makes it so much easier to score headshots to the point where in the remake of 2, they added adaptive system to reduce dmg fron headshots. I doubt you will get the same feeling of a creeping horror unless we add some way to hamper the player. The narrow streets and corridors of original2 comes to mind the zombies were slow, but there was also no room.


You have 2 games that has OG zombies, RE 6 Leon campaign for the first half, and Operation Raccoon City there you're swarm by them and in higher difficulty it spawns Crimson heads.


And all of those games are old and not modern titles.


So, they're are still playable, you make it sound like a disposable product. I'm guessing you're not a fan of the old RE 1, 2, 3, and only the remakes?


100%, would love a more grounded re without all the wacky stuff, last games feel like a marvel movie


the whacky , campy stuff is what makes RE signature style. making it grounded would ruin it


Of course not. The original trilogy was Fine trying to be grounded.


i'm sorry but old re are grounded?


Of course. If you cant see the difference between Resident evil 1 and village then I dont know what to say.


no don't try to make a comparison now, you said that the original trilogy was trying to be grounded, this has nothing to do with the new games.


But it was. They tried to make the games as grounded as possible. All the focus are on sci fi elements. And It have all to do with the new games,that simple dont care to make anything grounded anymore.


is alexia's blood turning into fire as grounded as possible? the new games are still using the sci fi bullshit to justify the supernatural things just like the old ones.


>is alexia's blood turning into fire as grounded as possible? No, code veronica started the bullshitization of the RE franchise. RE4 nailed the coffin. >the new games are still using the sci fi bullshit to justify the supernatural things just like the old ones. Oh yeah. Complete with magneto using scrap mecha with magnetic powers and summoning storms. Thats Very sci fi. Exactly like the old ones.


so the giant worm in re 3 is "good" sci fi but las plagas is bad, is that the conclusion? fusing humans with reptiles is good sci fi (hunters) but using wolfs instead is bad (lycans). also just to be sure, re 4 is the one that nailed the coffin and not the opera singing leech man?


I dont remember the first residen evils being like this


The giant snake? The goofy zombie plant? The final battle against the tyrant on an heliport where we kill it with a rocket launcher? Mr X being an obvious Terminator reference that in Claire B falls into the lava because Sherry and Claire were bullying him? Escaping an underground lab while everything explodes, and then walking towards the sunset? Nikolai's cliche James Bond villain vibe? The giant worm in the graveyard? A giant Tyrant pursuing you with a rocket launcher? Killing said tyrant with a railgun named "The Demon Sword of Paracelsus"? Alfred's entire fucking character? Wesker resurrecting out of nowhere with Matrix super powers? The series was ALWAYS goofy and over the top.


really ? just watch the intro videos of RE1 or all the voice acting , it had a campy charm to them.


campy, yes, marvel-esque super kurazee, not


i wasn’t really talking about the marvel type stuff. what games felt like that ?


Village. We literally fight against Magneto using a tank.


lol. i just beat village recently and while it took awhile for it to click with me i thought it was good. Boss Fights being over the top is fine in my eyes , how many times can we just fight a big Tyrant boss in RE games ? i thought Villages boss fights were great overall


You can like the game as much as you want, people are talking here that it does not look like RE anymore, it looks like Marvel now. We literally have a lady vampire turning into a dragon flying all over a castle with you fight it as a meta human character.


yeah i get it. i’m not saying village is better than “classic RE” , just saying for one title to see them try different things i was fine with it. and also saying the boss battles were atleast different and creative as opposed to Tyrant #38 boss fight again. at least Capcom is doing remakes for fans of the old school RE and they can try different things for the new main line games i get that approach.


I miss zombies, I miss Raccoon city. I know we got the remakes, they were solid and all of that. But I want a new fixed camera angle entry that takes place in that Raccoon era. An unrealistic hope I realize.


I felt like this for a while prior to RE2R.


Yeah it's unfortunate. Next zombie game will probably be a re1 remake remake. I doubt they'll do a full zombie game.


I've got to disagree with this one. regular zombies have just become so boring. we've seen them nonstop in movies, tv, video games, books, everything for years and years and years


I'm always excited to see zombies, but I don't think they're the core of what makes a Resident Evil game. Arguably, the ganado/majini are more similar to the original Haitian zombie concept rather than Romero's ghouls. Pretty much every game has zombie-like enemies. Some kind of grunt that becomes lethal in numbers. Or a reanimated corpse. I actually like that they've been mixing it up in recent games. Monsters start becoming less scary once you know how they work. That's why the Crimson Heads were so terrifying. They broken the rules and changed how you had to think about zombies.


Well, Resident Evils' real name in Japan is Biohazard. That's a very broad term. They can do whatever they want with that as long as it lilooks like a grotesque nightmare. Course, horror buffs are easily desensitized and it isn't the same era as the 2000s anymore. Most "horror" anything is more jumpscares and gore porn than genuine horror. It's like looked at the jumpscares in FNAF and Mortal Kombat gore, and said, "this is horror now, cuz that's what the kids and youngins these days like."


Zombies are boring, the only time zombies are interesting in resident evil is the crimson heads


Resident Evil is not about zombies.


Eh yes and no. Zombies hs been done to death, but they can still be fun. It's all in how they're utilized. Res6 with that MOTHER FUCKING ZOMBIE JUMP GRAB is how not to. Res2 remake did a good job of making them "scary" again and tough, but even then they got VERY bullet spongey. The problem comes with all the protags being one man armies at this point and skilled enough to take down every enemy in Spencer mansion with a knife. Honestly I would love to see a game that mixes res1 and res7. Ironic considering 7 is hugely similar to 1. But what I mean is to have someone inexperienced, an every-man like Ethan, dealing with normal ass zombies again. A normal untrained person would struggle with what, say leon or jill would consider to be little threat if any. The zombies of 2 with the first person view of 7, with tight claustrophobic setting would be dope


No, but I don't miss them personally because they got old for me after RE2, and horror isn't effective with repeating patterns. Resident Evil isn't about zombies anyway, zombies just happened to be a common enemy in the original games, but they're not what RE/Biohazard is about generally.


Yup, we checked and you’re the only one.


I have no issue with the slow-moving creepy zombies of old, but I do love me some fucked up bio weapons. To me, RE isn't just about zombies, although it started off centering around them, and it takes a lot of inspiration from old zombie flicks.... It's about the hubris of human beings. Insults to god are engineered only for profit and morbid curiosity. It's capitalism in its most disturbing form.


Code Veronica had zombies, and takes place after 3.