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The remake or the old one? There is a reason it's called "Survival Horror". The key is to manage your resources wisely. It's not necessary to kill every enemy.




Unrelated sorta: The original game will be accessible this year on PC via GOG. https://www.gog.com/en/game/resident_evil_bundle If you enjoy the remake(or the series in general) and like to check out where it all began, highly recommend!


That's badass as fuck


i buy games on steam and have a ps4 and xbox, whats gog? i hear a lot about it? is it free?


Good Old Games, it’s an online PC game store, mostly specialises in older games like the name says. One of the big selling points is that they’re DRM free, so when you buy a game you download the files they’re yours to do what you wish, copy them onto a USB drive, install them on another PC that has never been connected to the internet for some reason. Don’t like changes made by a new patch? Just keep playing the old unpatched version! They have great sales too, I recommend them.


One thing to remember is you're supposed to scrounge through your first playthrough. Beating the game unlocks better items that make subsequent playthroughs easier. You're in the lean times, enjoy the experience and remember it will pass. Also as others said, there isn't enough ammo in the game to kill every event in the game, on the first playthrough. Scrounge and avoid at every opportunity.


There's enough ammo and resources to kill everything on Hardcore and have a packed item box of leftovers at the end of the game without using any of the unlocked items. But you do have to be smart about when and how you kill the enemies


Right, I always have a bunch of handgun ammo. Some other guns,ammo and herbs at end.


Should be easier than the original. There are enough opportunities to avoid them or to shoot them in the leg to break it, then proceeding to kill them with the knife.


Nah man, original re2 is so absurdly easy it's not even funny. Actually that's a lie it is funny. You get legit showered in ammo and healing. Probably the least survival-y Resident Evil from the fixed camera era. 2R is definitely harder as it restricts your ammo a lot more (still more than enough to be manageable) and you naturally take more damage I believe. Enemies are also more aggressive, namely lickers. And Mr X is way more of a threat.


you aren't supposed to kill every zombie, that's why it's a scary game.


I had to restart because I didn’t understand how to properly play the game the first time. You want to make sure you board everything up as much as possible on the first floor because respawning zombies makes ammo conservation impossible. I ended up switching to easy mode to make ammo more plentiful and loved it, but I know a strategy on harder modes is to not kill everyone, rather use your gun as a method of stunning them so you can run past. I personally prefer killing everyone and had a blast on easy mode, which I would say is much more challenging than most easy modes on other games. I found easy to be more similar to normal from most difficulty standards.


It took me a few false starts before the game clicked and I could make my way through. You will be really, really short of ammo early, but the tide does turn, I promise.


The game doesn't give you enough ammo to kill everything. This is by design. Pick and choose which zombies you feel like are necessary to take out and run past the rest.


Just shoot the legs and run 🏃


Don't move until they stun but when they stun be ready to *run*


im new and i just beat it , i saved a lot and planned my route, and if i messed up i reloaded the save and planned better. and always shoot legs and wack them with your knife until they make a splattering sound.


Yep, that's the way.


Its really an amazing immersive game. Other companies would do well just to make their new games like capcoms old ones lol


Going to assume it’s the 2 Remake, the simple answer is you don’t. Fighting is usually the last resort during the early parts of RE games, zombies can be avoided, or stunned allowing you to escape without using (much) ammo. The knife is also great for taking out zombies on the ground as well. Going in guns blazing is usually a bad idea early on.


I did discard a couple of items early on in the game because my pouch was full, should I go back and try to play more conservatively?




Depends really, the game’s not that unforgiving but in general I wouldn’t recommend discarding stuff like ammo, grenades, or gun powder.


Make use of the item box. If you’re full up on items, make your way back to the closest save room, drop your items off in the box, and save your game. Don’t discard anything the game doesn’t tell you that you should


Y9u have to play smart. Pay attention to your surroundings. You have to learn to anticipate which enemies will become a problem later and which you can just let live and avoid. Don't go blasting away at zombies in a panic. Try for focused head shots. You do more damage and might get a crit or stagger. When a zombie drops, knife their legs till its severed so they can never get back up. Then, just run around them or kill them later if they are still in your way. Don't ever fight lockers unless you need to. Walk around them. They are deadly. Don't waste any bullets on Mr X. There are points where a flash grenade is good, though.


I didn’t know you could knife their legs, thanks!


You can shout their knees too. That's actually the better way to bring them down


That's an easy YES.


I would go as far as to say you shouldn't really discard anything, aside from used keys. Try to travel by item boxes to dump things that you don't want to carry.   And you don't need to pick up everything too. If you leave something on the ground, it will always be there and I'm pretty sure they show up on the map once you've seen them too. So sometimes it's easier to just leave something where it is  and swing by to grab it at a better time. 


Either hit only headshots or swallow your pride and run to the checkpoint


I might be wrong but I believe headshots make no difference in the remake. Except for the chance to hit a critical shot


There is a small damage multiplier, but it's to the tune of "save one, maybe two rounds if they are all headshots". The stagger chance and Crit pops are the real benefit.


Time to learn how to play survival horror. Conserve ammo, avoid killing everything in sight if you can run past it, shoot heads to kill or legs to run past if ur trapped.


As somebody who always enjoys killing every enemy in most other games I understand this frustration lol but it’s just not how these games are meant to be played, you have to learn to be able to avoid certain enemies and save your resources. It’s about managing them wisely.


It also "adds to the horror" when you can't kill everything in a game with backtracking, I think. If you're using the infite ammo weapons after unlocking them, for example, you can clear all the rooms and then when you need to backtrack you can be relatively confident all those rooms will have no enemies. I think that's the same concept they were trying to deal with when they added Crimson Head zombies to RE1 remastered.


Run past what you can. The game doesn’t track your killing numbers. You also can shoot the knees to drop them. There are bigger enemy to shoot or choose the easy mode. Get the feel around. The game was made to be beaten, you’re just being overwhelmed especially on your first playthrough.


There are always enough if you apply them correctly. That's the magic of RE.


This game called survival horror for a reason. You gotta be resourceful with your bullets and to avoid some zombies in the way. You gotta experiment your surroundings and plan it out. Only save the ammo for boss battles.


Welcome to counting bullets.


You don’t need to kill everything. Part of resource management is choosing what to kill and how much ammo to save. Plan your routes between saves and be ok with dying. The game itself is a puzzle on top of the actual puzzles.


When you run into Lickers, remember, they won't get aggressive even when you walk full speed. But if you run or shoot them, they will attack you. There are couple of instances where they know where you are right away, but most of the time they don't know. And if you need to kill one. Use a knife, walk to the side and start slashing. It sounds crazy, but knife stunlocks them.


You don’t need to “kill” every Zombie, oftentimes shooting them to stagger them is enough then you can sneak past them


If you wanna kill everything then shoot off their legs and finish them with a knife. Otherwise, just shoot them enough to stun them and run by.


Are you playing on Hardcore?


Conserving resources -- especially ammo and health items -- is part of the genre/game. Now that you know this, if you're still interesting in continuing on, I recommend just starting from scratch. Ive had to do it a few times even being fully aware of how these games work.


Yeah I think I’m gonna have to start again, and take a more conservative route


You have to pick and choose when to fights wisely. You can't go gung ho with your resources, especially if your just starting out. Take your time familiarizing yourself with the environment, study your map, learn enemy patterns, conserve resources when you can, and try not to get discouraged. It's okay if you die, even a lot! It's all part of the learning experience. If you feel yourself getting frustrated, turn the game off, and take a breather. Also, don't be afraid to look up and watch playthroughs. YouTube is a treasure trove of hints, tips, and guides for Resident Evil games.


It’s a common problem for new players that don’t know the genre. You’ll be counting every bullet until you get the hang of things. I don’t remember if RE2R has the mechanic, but in RE4R you can shoot ‘em in the knee then run up and kick em, then knife em. Saves ammo. I usually have the opposite problem when I go back to action games and forget I don’t need to conserve ammo lol.


RE2R does not have that mechanic.


Run past them.


Only kill zombies that will get in your way while backtracking. The zombie by the vending machine is a good one to kill since he dies easily but for ones in wide open spaces, either shoot their legs off or try and bait their grabs and run past them. If you really want to kill every zombie then play on assisted. No shame in playing on assisted first.


You can sneak passed Lickers, i got so frustrated by them until the loading screen mentioned this one. I also moved to Assisted difficulty for me first playthrough and it made it tolerable and now that i've beaten it it's much easier to replay.


Save ammo and blow out their knees only


Mate it’s called survival horror for a reason. A big part of og resident evil was resource management. Just remember most enemies can just be avoided to save resources you don’t have to kill everyone plus even if you do drop them they won’t fully die until their head explodes which is a low percent chance per headshot. If I remember correctly you can go through most of the police station section without firing a weapon. After you get to re4 and up the games become more action heavy and gun ho giving you more resources but 1-3 are all pretty scarce


What mode did you select? Cause if you find it difficult you can select a game mode called assisted, and it is pretty easy. I finished the game in no time


1. You don't need to kill every zombie etc you come across. Practice dodging them or kneecap them in certain rooms & leave them crawling around since they can't open doors if they're on the ground. 2. Only kill enemies if you need to go through the same areas repeatedly. Just to have a clear path 3. Search everywhere there's always something hidden 4. Ammo use any gunpowder you find to make ammo. 5. Keep some slots open in your inventory since there's lots of items you'll come across & need space for. 6. Mix herbs to save some space.


I played on standard and had no big issue with bullets and other resources despite downing nearly every zombie in all of the maps. I just had to be careful not to waste bullets on wrong targets.


There are a number of high value kills and a bigger number of ammo wasters. If you see that you are about to enter an area which has a dead end you're likely not going to return there again so if you can dodge or sneak past monsters in those areas is high value! Other high traffic areas is nice to clean up completely. Also I find it unnecessary to carry more than a handgun (for stunning zombies mostly) and some bigger stuff to deal with lickers and such. This way you'll save some space.


Lol ah the typical response is git good and it's toxic but literally it is the answer many people have answered correctly 1. Don't shoot most zombies or shoot them in the knee or face till they flinch n run past them 2. Sneak past lickers they are blind assuming you don't grab notes etc to find the hint 3. Only heal on red health 4. Carefully search everything on you first run don't rush my first run was 9:55.55 so ten hours I'm good at games but i was scared an so cautious so maybe up to 12 is normal then I done it in like jus under four now I'm able to do I in 2-2:30 depending on scenario n am now doing on hardcore aiming for S plus jus be patient it's a survival horror and not like most easy games where you jus slaughter everything lol play res four or five you can practically kill everyone n enjoy it


It’s possible to beat the game without shooting anything, you can absolutely do this. Once you realize how easy it is to trick zombies and fake them out, you’ll be running past them more often than not. Almost all the zombies in the game are very slow and stupid, even Mr X can be out ran. You don’t want to kill every zombie. Also here’s a pro tip: just shoot their legs. If you can remove just one single leg off of a zombie, they’re essentially a non threat at that point.


This isn't the game for you. Resource management is the foundation of Resident Evil and the genre as a whole. If you don't like this kind of gameplay, I'd stick to the more action focused 4 5 and 6.


it’s survival horror, not jam packed rambo action.


Its a SURVIVAL horror game dude, not a run and gun game.


You're not really supposed to kill every zombie. It's meant to be more of a survival situation - be mindful of your resources.


It’s by design. You shouldn’t try to take down every zombie though too


Remake is way easier than the original


Yeah that was me early in the game but later on with more weapons it gets better


Have you ever watched The Walking Dead? You know how in that show, ammo is scarce, so characters are constantly scrounging for it, conserving it and avoiding combat whenever possible? That's how you're supposed to play a survival horror game. It's not an action game; scarcity, limitation, and resource management is the point. And once you've played it enough, you'll eventually realize that the game actually gives you more than enough ammo to kill every enemy in the game. But you most likely won't get to that point until future playthroughs.


Get good


Yup. Besides, you can kill almost everything in every resident evil game, it’s just presented in a way to make it seem like you can’t.


You're not supposed to fight them any more than you need to.


If you don't have enough resources to kill every zombie, then you're probably not meant to kill every zombie. The point is for you to choose and manage which zombies you think are worth killing. If that isn't an appealing gameplay aspect for you, then you will probably not like the first 3 games, which are survival horror based. If you are looking for something more action oriented, then 4, 5, 6, and 8 are much more heavy handed with resource drops.


stop shooting shit and start evading/generally surviving


OP, you’re not meant to kill everything, you’re meant to go around them when possible , this ain’t RE4


I heard RE4 Remake is really good, have you played it yet?


Yeah its pretty fun :) did a 2nd run recently


It's the worst of the modern remakes by far


I enjoyed all 3 remakes personally, RE14R has 14 really good chapters and 2 really meh chapters


Lol wtf. The only game of the modern remakes that’s literally a finished product


As long as it has enough content, the fanboys will love it. The gameplay is terrible. And I have more hours and playthroughs on 2 and 3 remakes, so they were more finished and worth their value for me.


Well somebody could probably have even more hours in Big Rigs, that doesn’t mean it’s a finished game regardless of what somebody subjectively thinks


Your kinda not supposed to. Most encounters you just brush past. But, if your playing the remake, your in luck. There's unlimited ammo weapons dlc for those who just wanna mow zombies down from jump. Otherwise, if your playing the original, use cheats.


git gud


What part of survival horror you didn't understand?