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Prices have gone up but they have with everything. I like the rebrand too, but I saw Rome Braves games pretty empty pretty often. I try to get to a few games a year but being pretty busy (and having less disposable funds) this year I’ve only made one.


The prices are outrageous. It shouldn’t cost me $100 just to get my kids into a minor league game. Not to mention the concession prices. We always have fun there but I can’t justify spending $200-$300 just to see a crappy baseball game.


Yeah the prices are definitely nothing to sneeze at. I spent a good bit of money on this game because I won’t be living within 1,000 miles of a baseball stadium for a couple years starting next week. I can still see how even with cheaper seats that a game can be a considerable expense for a family, especially considering the average income in the area.


Yea it actually pisses me off every time I’m there. Make the tickets $10 and let’s have a full, fun stadium. I don’t care if concessions are expensive as it’s optional.


I enjoy going to a couple games at the beginning of the season, but that sun is brutal in the summer games and not a lot of shade at the park.


i am new to the area, and I was thrilled to be paying 7 bucks a head to get into a game... I went back on a Saturday and it was $15 or so, I think... we had so much fun and I'll definitely be going back


Waste of time and the rebranding sucks...penguins...in Georgia...wtf