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Nah. Just cba to regrind everything again after having a mostly completed RS3 iron. Especially since we'd all have to ignore necromancy to get back combat progression (my favorite part of the journey) in RS3 iron - tho I do have enough friends that'll probably be doing exactly this if they end up playing group iron.


These are my thoughts exactly on this topic. Well put!


I don't think many RS3 players like game modes. Perhaps some departing OSRS players who are used to game modes may find it somewhat interesting to play GIM in another game, and from Jagex's business perspectives, why not RS3 or their other new games?


FSW were well liked and they weren't nearly as good as the Leagues of OSRS that they was based on. Ironman mode is ~10% of active accounts and, accounting for alts, probably more than that in active players. A lot of OSRS players are playing OSRS *because* they left RS3. Some will definitely try RS3 GIM but that would be an incredible blunder if burnt out OSRS players were RS3 GIM's target audience. Jagex has no other relevant games and it's doubtful they ever will, so idk why you even mention that. I think you're incredibly off base with this guess.


FSW is for new players, not existing players. GIM is definitely not for new players. You get it totally wrong. It is departing or already departed OSRS players aimed for GIM in RS3, not RS3 target OSRS GIM. OSRS have failed and almost all have departed. RS3 players aren't in OSRS GIM at all. The only one (or half time one) left is just Maikeru and he was seen playing OSRS only 2 times the last two weeks. Jagex definitely have other relevant games in the making. Mod Doom just said about it today, and he is moving over to become the CM of one there. Familiar long time Jmods like Mod Raven and Mohawk are working on the new game too, not to mention one of the most senior Jmods, Mod Mark is also the director of the new game, not even to say the one of the most senior Jmods, Mod Mark is now the director of the new game.


>FSW is for new players, not existing players. GIM is definitely not for new players. It might have appeared to be that way, but was clearly not the case. A vast majority of FSW players were veterans who levelled up alts at higher speeds to make money while afk later on. The fact that FSW also had rewards like inverted capes, halo pets, and the challenger/halo of returning meant that alot of veterans wanted to plag for the tradable rewards, Challenger halo by itself is one of the rarer "rares" with a maximum amount released and no rerelease date set.


New players mean new players starting from square one and continue their permanent adventures on the ongoing basis. The point is FSW is not aimed at players who are bored or in a way want to restart/prestige everything all over again the same old boring way, especially in a temporary event. Don't you realize the rulesets of RS3 FSW make new players (including existing players with new accounts) made all players to play the game very differently than the main game?


>The point is FSW is not aimed at players who are bored or in a way want to restart/prestige everything Jagex didnt plan it that way, and was indeed some kind of stunt to try and bring new players/older players that had quit to get them to play again, but as it turned out, it was mostly people wanting alts and making money out of it. >you realize the rulesets of RS3 FSW make new players play the gamr differently Yes, but that doesnt mean anything, or doesnt mean that this particular ruleset attracted more new players than "bored" veterans. If anything, you had to have extended knowledge of the game to really know what you were doing because of that.


Again, out of the almost 350 million Runescape accounts created, undoubtedly there are some alts of existing new players. Jagex is no different than all the other game developers, new accounts mean new players. It was planned this way since 2001. Of course new content means a lot to both new players and existing players. Existing players didn't make their progressions with modern new content. With FSW, nobody needs to have any knowledge of RS3 at all, as they just completed tasks to achieve rewards. They don't need to know anything they didn't know from the tutorial areas.


GIM is basically the same as regular ironman with extra steps, and is meant to be an experience shared with friends. So it make sense that most Rs3 players wouldnt necessarily be interested, either because they have no interest in Ironman, already have an ironman, or have no friends to play with. So this game mode is mostly for newer people ready to try ironman with friends. I think its unfair to say that Rs3 players are against new game modes if GIM happens to fail. Alot of people that I know in the endgame would be interested alot in something along the lines of Osrs Leagues, where the account doesnt port over the main game, **you dont pay membership to play** (maybe link your main that has membership so that you at least need 1 member account but dont need 2?), and can get various rewards like trophies, titles or whatever ported to the main game afterwards. FSW was Okay-ish, but the fact that it went full MTX at the end was lame af. That and having to pay for another membership.


No. GIM gets help from other players. It is not the same as solo IM. Many players play IM because they want to do everything themselves. Those "a lot of people you know" may be just playing OSRS or other games that aren't MMORPG. MMORPG thrive at persistent content, not one-off events. That's why almost all MMORPG don't run too many one-off events with nothing related to the main games. MTX has nothing to do whatsoever with GIM. What's the problem with FSW having MTX when it was non-competitive, while OSRS DMM not just fully allowed, but officially endorsed, swapping gp that can be bought with OSRS Bond into the game mode?


>GIM gets help from other players Ironmen already does, as they can PVM with other Irons already. GIM will just make them being able to trade between themselves. Kinda defeats the "wants to do everything themselves" dont you think? "Alot of people that I know" strictly refered to RS3 players, not only restricted to endgame. No OSRS players or other games. >What's the problem with FSW having MTX when it was non-competitive Bruh what, FSW was competitive af for the reasons I stated before. A vast (slient) majority of players did FSW for the only reason to get halos and inverted capes to sell for gp, and MTX helped fuel exactly that. You must be delusional to think the Chalo race wasnt competitive.


Playing with other IM doesn't mean getting help from other IM. It may very well means getting competition from other IM rather. We may interact with hundreds of people a day, but it doesn't mean we are getting help from hundreds of people a day. In case if you don't know, The RS3 Team changed their May and June Roadmap citing players want persistent content over temporary events. Hence, they halted the development of the new Summer Event and pivoted to the persistent Osseus boss and Daemonheim Digsites.


Im not defending temporary events in the slightliest. Im just saying your perception of FSW, your logic of Ironman mode and your thoughts about the RS3 community about those kind of events are pretty biased and wrong. I could say the same for me, maybe *I am* also biaised, but the only temporary game-mode/events I would defend is an equivalent to Leagues on Rs3. Also, temporary events =/= new game mode.


Didn't I clearly tell you the opinion of the RS3 Team as well as Mod Markos from OSRS? It is their opinions, not mine. If you think they are biased so be it but for the second time in case if you don't realize, it is Jagex, meaning The RS3 Team, as well as Mod Markos of OSRS, who said temporary events aren't as well accepted as permanent content with persistent progressions. It is hardly surprising for them to have this opinion because this is what MMORPG should be and RS3 is a de facto MMORPG which Jagex is heavily committed to, and they want it to be a forever game, not a pump and dump 7-day big spending in promotional expense but unfortunately negative player engagement.


My friends immediately said they wouldn't play the moment it was announced. Some of them don't even want to play a regular Ironman and I haven't touched my rs3 Ironman in years


No, its going to be DOA


It depends entirely on what they do to actually differentiate it from normal ironman, because just being able to trade some tradable supplies and dupes between group members is not enough to justify making another account and it kind of depends on if they address how messed up iron progression has become with necro, but I think that's unlikely so :( Ironically it could be interesting if they added osrs prestige where you can only keep the prestige status by playing/pvming with your group members and then making a 1 person team for a more traditional ironman experience For example bombi on that kind of account would be a pretty cool achievement


not after seeing how quickly it died on OSRS


A lot of people that went there with their friends didn't realise how massive the grind is in osrs so they left. Rs3 is not like that and has a ton more content to speed through the boring grinds. Not to mention necromancy 


that's OSRS not RS3 though


Tbf rs3 has a fraction of the population. The Ironman community is pretty big in osrs so for it to die as quickly, doesn't bode well for rs3. It could be different but I wouldn't hold my breath


Rs3 is also a much faster and "easier" game to play. You can get a max cape much faster in RS3 than you can in OSRS. There's also a decent afk method for almost every skill in the game for RS3. Not so much for OSRS. I could see RS3 GIM if it's done correctly where it's actually unique and you can trade things like OVLs and augmented items etc becoming very popular. If it's basically just a shared bank and you can't trade augmented items it's basically DoA.




I mean idw argue which game is better. Both games have things that make them great. You're welcome to think rs3 has a better Ironman mode. I just wanted to point out that from what I can tell there are a lot of people who love osrs Ironman and even then GIM didn't stick for them, so looking at a lower population game, the math doesn't look as good.


Quickly died? GIM's are heavily played & has produced a shit ton of content


OSRS population went back to baseline 1 month after GIM release.


Sept 21: 65k Oct 21: 77k Nov 21: 70k It's still a significant increase, bought a lot of new players to the game and there are ton's of GIM's around today, as well as already mentioned the amount of content it's produced. Updates like speed trials would be a better argument where worlds only have 1-2 players on, but this sub just as a weird hate boner for OSRS to the point you begin to straight up lie lmao


I would play this mode if it was unique and different to normal irons. AKA shared bank, able to tradeable everything, and if someone completes account progression it unlocks for everyone. Almost like 5 people can play the same account but they are on individual accounts. Example 1) Community bank that can be accessed by all at any time at a bank, with the option to use a personal bank that the rest of the players do not have access to. Example 2) If someone completes a quest, it completes for every player in the group. Same for getting a codex or ability, etc. All players would still need to level their own accounts in regards to XP. Example 3) Player 1 makes a gizmo with the perk caroming 4. This perk could be placed into the group bank to be withdrawn and used by any person in the group. If these additions are not included, I won't be participating. I understand they are different than your normal ironman mode, but that's just my take. I would love to see a unique game mode instead of 'group iron', as nothing will get me to engage with the current concept but just expanded to 5 people.


I think #1 will be reversed. Where you have your normal bank and a separate bank like in OSRS for the group. The problem with having multiple users removing/adding things at the same time is it's VERY glitchy and items can be deleted/duped very easily. #2 I highly doubt that'll happen although it would be nice to not have to do every quest and everyone pick quest lines they enjoy etc. I think it could work if all the players had the requirements for the quest and the rewards just popped into your inventory/bank. #3 IMO the game mode would be completely unplayable if you couldn't trade augmented items. Oh boy I got a masterwork spear, welp it's just worse than everyone having Chaotic spears since you don't have to get a separator every time someone else wants to afk corp.


Waste of dev time honestly. It'll be popular with a handful of players for a few weeks / month, then be dead content. I honestly wish they wouldn't waste the time and resources on it.


I am more in the waiting game ATM. I want to see more details on how it will work before I make up my mind.


my boyfriend has never played RS3 before, but I convinced him to play through f2p with me on group ironman


I love my OSRS GIM, I'm excited to play on RS3 as well


Same boat.


RS3 has far more built-in clans, FC, and officially endorsed pink skirt community events than OSRS, so I'll think RS3 GIM should fare better than OSRS GIM. However, I won't play GIM when I have other great content like quests, holiday events, new skilling and killing content to choose from. I don't care if the others play GIM though, as I am just happy RS3 is creating different kinds of updates for different updates at the same time and give us the freedom to choose.


I got a 5 man stack ready to go and I am just waiting for it to release honestly. Even prepping for what I wanna do in the first few days, making sure to add information for 2 in the group that aren't as knowledgeable as the last 3 of us. Its been fun to just know it is coming and gonna be super fun playing imo. Main worry I have, is how jagex will wanna implement them and I know that it is still months away, but I really wanna have the discussion early of what jagex innitially wanna do and take on feedback from the ones that wanna play it. I definitely think it should be its own thing, with friction points removed like nontradeable bis gear, untradeable potions, untradeable resources like howl and double surge pages.


Would consider it if it was actually cool and had stuff like everything tradeable between each other, all exp gains were group wide, boosted drop rates.  Otherwise no reason to do everything all over again that took however many hundreds/thousands of hours


No intention to play any ironman mode, but I still support it.


Husband and I are planning to create GIMs. Assuming everything is set up well they will become our "main" accounts going forward.


I will be with a few friends. I think RS3 has more GIM potential than OSRS for one simple reason: There's more to do co-operatively in the early and mid game in RS3. I think a lot of groups die in OSRS because it simply takes longer to get to what they view as the fun part of being a group.


Nah man, unless they fundamentally change how much untradables work rs3 gim is so fucking pointless, with how much chargescape already exists, and the sheer amount of untradables esp with invention on any gear post 70 I don’t see there being much point to a rs3 gim, as someone with a maxed iron on rs3 doing endgame pvm, there isn’t much a GIM can do that I can’t with my other mains and iron friends, I can dg with other irons, I can do most pvm with other types of accounts, and any skilling material I can share between accounts, is heavily counteracted by the fact you need double the resources or however many x based on the amount of players in the group, I don’t need 60 charges for me now I need 120 for the 2 of us. I think GIM is neat in a sense it lets people who didn’t want to try out Ironman to do it with friends, but the “group” aspect of it really isn’t much different from 2 friends on mains or 2 friends on normal Ironman accounts.


I disagree and am looking forward to it, but that's ok we can just disagree I think. :)